Re: [meteorite-list] "Some Meteorite Realities" and Other Interesting Meteorite Web Pages

2013-01-15 Thread hall
H.H. Nininger traveled around Europe to museums to look at meteorite
collections. He found a some "meteorwrongs" that had been put aside, that
were actually meteorites. So the "experts" were wrongperts! It still
Cheers, Fred Hall
> Unless you live in Novato.
> Sunday, January 13, 2013, 5:17:46 AM, you wrote:
>> Hi,
>> from the practice I'd like to add a most important point to the
>> Meteorite Reality Checklist:
>> 60   If an expert tells you, that your rock is no meteorite, then:
>>  Believe him!
>> :-)
>> Martin
>> Some Meteorite Realities
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Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Flu shot before Tucson?

2013-01-20 Thread hall
And if you look at the Martian meteorites with your lens, you may see some
fossil virus structure. The classic fossil virus protein structure is
easily visible in the Martian meteorites after Happy Hour or a few hours
in Blaine's room, with or without the LED lighted lens.
Cheers, Fred H

> Purchases of potentially "flu-contaminated" meteorites coming from
> Tucson are suspended until further notice...(LOL)
> Zelimir
> --
> Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
> Université de Haute Alsace
> 3, Rue A. Werner,
> F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
> Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
> Greg Hupé  a écrit :
>> I went ahead and got my flu shot this morning after being reminded
>> about the thousands of people from dozens of countries converging
>> onto Tucson and the mix of other diseases that can get you!
>> OK, let the dead flu germs go to work... :)
>> Best Regards,
>> Greg
>> Greg Hupé
>> The Hupé Collection
>> (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
>> (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
>> NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
>> IMCA 3163
>> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
>> -Original Message- From: Yinan Wang
>> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 5:13 PM
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] OT: Flu shot before Tucson?
>> Hey list,
>> Question in general, and more specifically for list members coming to
>> Tucson: if you haven't gotten one already, is it worth it to get a flu
>> shot before coming to Tucson?
>> -Yinan
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Re: [meteorite-list] New Az meteorite hunting technique vs not getting Flu shot

2013-01-21 Thread hall
I feel your pain, Mendy, but not his! To answer your question, no, the
gods were not appeased. Had they been appeased he would have been
transported to the asteroid belt, where the meteorite Gods are located, or
possibly to Mars, where the meteorite Gods of War are located. However,
the morphine or other pain reducer he was given for his broken bones may
have sent him to the minor meteorite God, the Lunar God (as in lunatic).
Fred Hall
> This kind of incomplete reporting really ticks me off. The reporter did
> not ask the jumper the most important question. We're the gods appeased?
> Inquiring minds want to know!
> Mendy Ouzillou
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 5:31 PM, wrote:
> Hi List,
> Check out this new Arizona meteorite hunting technique. I don't know which
> is worse this new hunting technique or not getting the Flu shot.
> Sonny
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Re: [meteorite-list] OT: Shot before Tucson?

2013-01-21 Thread hall
Yeah, but the drinks that ET makes in his room will kill a virus from 20
feet away! In fact, the last time I had two of ET's drinks I was virus
free for three years. One of the guys spilled ET's drink on a mesosiderite
and the metal
melted, leaving a holy silicate. These drinks really do appease the Gods!
Fred H.
> I don't know what all the worry about flu   is... If I recall, the alcohol
> level in most rooms is substantial enough to be considered a "clean
> room"!! I'm sure if you need, you can get a "shot" in Blane's room!!!
> Dennis
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 6:35 PM, "Michael Blood"  wrote:
>> This topic seams to go on forever.however, the most common
>> Means of infection would be touching something someone who
>> Is ill or is about to show symptoms has touchedsuch as an elevator
>> Button.
>>We touch our faces some incredable amount of times per day -
>> In the dozens and flue germs, I am told, are usually spread BEFORE
>> The person has symptoms.
>>I always touch the elevator button with my left elbow...or the
>> right
>> One if the left is unavailable. I HATE shaking hands, but it is rude not
>> To, so use tons of antiseptic hand cleaner.
>>Back to meteorites?
>> PS: If you haven't gotten your flue shot you are both ignorant and
>> irresponsible to others (Excepting those with allergies or other
>> Medical reasons preventing it, of course)
>> On 1/21/13 8:12 AM, "Adam Hupe"  wrote:
>>> I got to thinking (sometimes a dangerous thing) about what somebody
>>> said here
>>> on the list about the flu being spread by flatulence.  My neighbor
>>> swears that
>>> he caught the flu this way while he was momentarily trapped in a hotel
>>> elevator with a sick and morbidly obese woman for 30 to 45 seconds.
>>> From what
>>> I was lead to believe, she damaged the air with a noxious biscuit and
>>> he
>>> showed symptoms a day or two later.  He is still very angry about it
>>> since he
>>> last a couple of weeks worth of income.  I read up on the subject and
>>> think he
>>> is accusing the wrong culprit.
>>> This is what the CDC has to say:
>>> Person to Person
>>> People with flu can spread it to others up
>>> to about 6 feet away. Most experts think that flu viruses are spread
>>> mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk.
>>> These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby
>>> or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might also
>>> get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and
>>> then touching their own mouth or nose.
>>> (To avoid this, people
>>> should stay away from sick people and stay home if sick. It also is
>>> important to wash hands often with soap and water. If soap and water
>>> are not
>>> available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. Linens, eating utensils,
>>> and dishes belonging to those who are sick should not be shared without
>>> washing thoroughly first. Eating utensils can be washed either in a
>>> dishwasher or by hand with water and soap and do not need to be cleaned
>>> separately. Further, frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned and
>>> disinfected at home, work and school, especially if someone is ill.)
>>> Enough from me who is almost fully recovered and has more energy now
>>> than in
>>> the last three weeks,
>>> Adam
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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA 7034

2013-01-24 Thread hall
Hi Paul,
   I like the "SNCB". It sounds like a radio station's call letters...Stay
tuned for all of your Martian meteorite news from SNCB.
Regards, Fred H.

> How shall we organize the new class of Martian?
> Until now it has been SNC
> How about B or B squared for BASALTIC BRECCIA ?
> What say you all?
> -Paul Gessler
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Re: [meteorite-list] Fwd: OT: Flu shot before Tucson?

2013-01-27 Thread hall
This virus went through the Denver/Boulder Colorado area a month ago. I
know two people that got it, one a 22 year old lady that went to the
Boulder hospital, and she recovered just fine. The other was my 80 year
old Mom, that got it five days after having a hip replaced, while in a
recovery facility, the day before Christmas. Three or four patients got it
and a few of the staff. My Mom said it was the WORST stomach flu that she
has experienced. No one was allowed into the facility during Christmas
because of the illness going around. My family visited my Mom four days
after Christmas, and we missed seeing the sign that stated "gloves, mask
and gown must be worn inside this room" We all kissed Mom, and none of us
got the bug. If an 80 year old lady that just had a hip replaced can
recover, then most people will recover just fine. I have not heard of
anyone else getting this stomach flu in this area in the last three weeks.
   I will be in Tucson, as I have for the last 26 years (only missing one
year) and I have never caught the flu at the Tucson Show. Lucky me.
There is always some kind of cold or flu going around, it is just that
time of year. No reason to hide out.
Good Luck, See Ya There, Fred Hall
PS: I remember way back, when Bob Haag wore a simulated space suit while
selling meteorites at the Denver Show. Maybe we should all wear one at the
party and auction...just for laughs!

> Great, now there is a stomach virus spreading like wild-fire throughout
> the U.S. and a flu shot will not help.  They are calling it a "super bug"
> since it can live on surfaces for weeks and as little as 18 microbes
> instead of 1,000 can spread it .  It effects the gastrointestinal system
> so somebody spreading it through a foul fart now seems plausible.  I guess
> laughing at my neighbor trapped in an elevator in which some woman damaged
> the air isn't so funny after all.
> I am almost afraid to leave my house after hearing this glowing report:
> Adam
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Re: [meteorite-list] OT: USPS price increase: international = crazy increase!

2013-01-28 Thread hall
All this crying over a postal increase is a First World Problem, as
opposed to a Third World Problem, where finding food and water EVERYDAY is
the REAL, and DESPERATE problem. So, lets all cry a tear, get out your
fresh white Kleenex, baby.
   The postal rates have been cheap, like the gasoline for my new Jeep
Grand Cherokee. I feel so hoo, poor me.
Fred Hall

> Call a spade a spade, we are talking about hyperinflation due to the
> government spending money they do not have.
> That is what happens when politicians are not required to understand even
> basic economics and depend on other idiots (more politicians) to provide
> advice. The only timely vote you will see is when they are voting for
> raises for themselves while the rest of the world is in financial ruin
> except China.
> Unfortunately, the price of meteorites has not kept up with hyperinflation
> like gold and silver.  perhaps if somebody finds a meteorite that is
> 99.999% gold and is not considered a collectable commodity, then prices
> realized may improve.
> Buyers are getting a bargain these days unless they are among the first to
> buy a new fall.
> Adam
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Re: [meteorite-list] Confirmed September 2012 BLM Regulations.

2013-02-07 Thread hall
>Just how does the casual collecting of meteorites differ from the
> casual collecting of gold? Gold is selling for over $1,600.00 per troy
> ounce, far more then most meteorites sell for. There are many thousands
> of causal gold hunters. Both gold and meteorites are difficult to find.
> Why should the regulations be different?
>The United States science community stands to lose, not gain, from the
> new regulations. Before the new regulations, anyone finding a 25 lb.
> meteorite on our Federal lands (as a very few have) would want a
> classification of said meteorite. That may no longer happen.
>Now, if the BLM had come to a positive approach to sharing meteorites
> over a ten lb. limit, say, as an example, split between the finder and
> the BLM, which could then supply the Smithsonian (or other appropriate
> museum) with the BLM's half. The finder could then do as they please
> with their share. The Smithsonian would get the meteorites classified,
> they would be happy, the meteorite hunters would be happy (at least
> much happier then with the current regulations). The meteorite finder
> would no longer have to pay for a classification, though they could if
> they so desired. Good regulations work for both our government and the
> people of the United States!
>Perhaps the IMCA should contact the Gold Prospectors Association of
> America, to find out how to stop unfair regulations before they are set
> in stone.
> What the meteorite collectors and hunters need, alas, is a lawyer to take
> the BLM to court.
> Regards, Fred Hall
>> Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 10:48:27 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
>> Subject: Fw: Meteorite Instructional Memo
>> Hi All,
>> In the process of planning new collecting trips in Arizona, Utah and
>> Nevada, I confirmed with BLM the latest regulations concerning the
>> collection of meteorites on Federal Land. (Private property and State
>> owned land are subject to different law and regulations.). The attached
>> message has a link to the current, nationally implimented, Federal
>> regulations sent to me by Dan Erbes, Nevada Lands Manager, Carson City,
>> Nevada - BLM.
>> Metal detectors and magnets are an allowable device for aid in the
>> casual
>> collecting of meteorites. A limit of ten pounds PER PERSON annually. I
>> was
>> told that if you find a thirty pound individual, or individuals, just
>> make
>> sure you have three people involved. Permits are available for
>> scientific
>> collection and commercial activities. Amendments have already been
>> discussed, but not approved, to take care of the obvious unworkability
>> of
>> some aspects of the commercial permit regs, especailly the fee based on
>> the estimated value of the land to be hunted.
>> Good hunting,
>> Count Deiro
>> IMCA 3536
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Re: [meteorite-list] Confirmed September 2012 BLM Regulations.

2013-02-07 Thread hall
   Just how does the casual collecting of meteorites differ from the
casual collecting of gold? Gold is selling for over $1,600.00 per troy
ounce, far more then most meteorites sell for. There are many thousands
of causal gold hunters. Both gold and meteorites are difficult to find.
Why should the regulations be different?
   The United States science community stands to lose, not gain, from the
new regulations. Before the new regulations, anyone finding a 25 lb.
meteorite on our Federal lands (as a very few have) would want a
classification of said meteorite. That may no longer happen.
   Now, if the BLM had come to a positive approach to sharing meteorites
over a ten lb. limit, say, as an example, split between the finder and
the BLM, which could then supply the Smithsonian (or other appropriate
museum) with the BLM's half. The finder could then do as they please
with their share. The Smithsonian would get the meteorites classified,
they would be happy, the meteorite hunters would be happy (at least
much happier then with the current regulations). The meteorite finder
would no longer have to pay for a classification, though they could if
they so desired. Good regulations work for both our government and the
people of the United States!
   Perhaps the IMCA should contact the Gold Prospectors Association of
America, to find out how to stop unfair regulations before they are set
in stone.
What the meteorite collectors and hunters need, alas, is a lawyer to take
the BLM to court.
Regards, Fred Hall

> Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 10:48:27 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
> Subject: Fw: Meteorite Instructional Memo
> Hi All,
> In the process of planning new collecting trips in Arizona, Utah and
> Nevada, I confirmed with BLM the latest regulations concerning the
> collection of meteorites on Federal Land. (Private property and State
> owned land are subject to different law and regulations.). The attached
> message has a link to the current, nationally implimented, Federal
> regulations sent to me by Dan Erbes, Nevada Lands Manager, Carson City,
> Nevada - BLM.
> Metal detectors and magnets are an allowable device for aid in the casual
> collecting of meteorites. A limit of ten pounds PER PERSON annually. I was
> told that if you find a thirty pound individual, or individuals, just make
> sure you have three people involved. Permits are available for scientific
> collection and commercial activities. Amendments have already been
> discussed, but not approved, to take care of the obvious unworkability of
> some aspects of the commercial permit regs, especailly the fee based on
> the estimated value of the land to be hunted.
> Good hunting,
> Count Deiro
> IMCA 3536
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] artistic meteorite "rebirth"

2013-02-09 Thread hall
By golly, next we shall take the Crown Jewels and melt them down, then
cast the mess into a poor replica of the Crown Jewels...destruction is
such fun art!

> Thought you all might find this conceptual art project interesting:
> Seems like a shame to me that she chose a naturally beautiful specimen
> with which to do this. If it was a rusty hunk of shrapnel to begin with,
> somehow I wouldn't feel so bad. But I did get a chuckle out of seeing her
> marvel over fresh saw marks.
> BTW, I'm in the market for a large Campo for myselfbut not the one in
> the video, please! Contact me off list with any offers.
> Doug Ross
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[meteorite-list] Book of Australia/Wolf Creek Crater

2013-02-14 Thread hall
   I just finished a rather enjoyable old book by Arthur W. Upfield, "The
Will Of The Tribe", that has as a central feature Wolf Creek Crater,
also referred to as "Lucifer's Couch". It is a book of fiction, with a
Copyright of 1962. It provides much laughter and possibly some insight
into the aborigines and white ranchers of the time, around the area of
Hall's Creek and the Wolf Creek Crater.
   If you read it, you will find that "Mister Lamb" provides much of the
merriment. Of course, a body is found in the crater, with the back of
the head bashed in. This is a Mystery book, after all. Loads of fun.
Fred Hall


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Re: [meteorite-list] [off topic] New measures to protect fossils

2013-02-27 Thread hall
The Ministry of Tofu? Make that the Ministry of Meteorites, some time
soon. Get your cement achondrites, your hematite irons, and other assorted
fakes from China, at a really good price! But hey, I got this really nice
5g achondrite from Vesta for only $20.00!
PS: Or you can come to Colorado and get your fake meteorites from Steve C.
(unless he is back in jail!)

> Sorry for replying off topic, but this is the latest Chinese scam out
> there.  And we thought we had seen it all.
> Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
> John Lennon
> - Original Message -
>> From: Adam Hupe 
>> To: Adam 
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New measures to protect fossils
>> I think all Chinese goods should be taken off of the U.S. market until
>> they are
>> proven worthy.  Fake Chinese medications that made it into American
>> pharmacies
>> almost killed my mother-in-law.
>> I had a GE microwave that failed after 13 months.  I thought it had a
>> lifetime
>> warranty but after reading the small print it was a "limited lifetime
>> warranty"  The only things covered for a lifetime were the hinges, door
>> handle and power cord.  The rest was covered for 12 months.  I turned
>> it around
>> and was appalled to see the made in China sticker on the back of a GE
>> appliance!  I also had an Igloo stainless steel bar fridge fail after 8
>> months
>> with nearly the same warranty as the GE appliance. I was simply out the
>> money on
>> the GE but got a new Igloo fridge which failed again after 14 months. 
>> It could
>> have caught my garage on fire as it was a smoker!
>> Doesn't anybody take pride in workmanship these days?
>> I think fake Chinese fossils, meteorites, artifacts, gemstones and
>> anything else
>> they can make a buck on are the least of our concerns!  I am sure
>> people have
>> died due to bogus Chinese medications.  I won't touch generic meds! 
>> It
>> seems these days our own government cares very little otherwise they
>> would do
>> something about it.
>> Adam
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks 
>> To: Paul H. 
>> Cc: ""
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 10:14 AM
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New measures to protect fossils
>> They should be working on a way to stop the flow of fake fossils out
>> of China.  Half of the "fossils" coming out of China now are bogus.  I
>> wouldn't touch a Chinese fossil with the proverbial ten-foot pole.
>> Best regards,
>> MikeG
>> On 2/27/13, Paul H.  wrote:
>>>  New measures to protect fossils
>>>  By WANG QIAN, chinadaily, February 27, 2013
>>>  The article does not say anything about meteorites.
>>>  However, if they are rethinking rules about fossils,
>>>  they might also be rethinking the rules about meteorites.
>>>  A compilation of web pages about rock and fossil
>>>  collecting for various states and countries is
>>>  "Fruitbat's Pdf Library - Fossil Collecting –
>>>  Management, Laws And Regulations" at
>>>  Paul H.
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Re: [meteorite-list] Membrane boxes go boom?

2013-03-05 Thread hall
   I have been removing most of my .25g to 5g specimens from membrane
boxes and putting them into gem boxes with the glass tops of 3 sq. cm,
or 1 3/16" sq. It is much easier to see the specimen through glass then
the plastic. I put a label, written in pencil, inside under the foam.
Another stick-on-label goes on the outside bottom. I also put a section
of Intercept Corrosion copper material inside, under the foam bottom.
The foam is covered with a cloth that is black on one side and white on
the other, giving you a choice.
   I attended a museum talk on preservation of mineral specimens and
labels some many years ago, and learned that pencil will outlast even
India ink. Most inks will fade away in less then a century, but pencil
will last as long as the paper lasts. I also use acid free paper inside
the box. So the labels will last far, far longer than I will.
   The Intercept Corrosion material will not stop a ruster specimen from
rusting away, as I tried a problem Campo (that I had just cleaned up)
set inside a riker box, set directly on the Intercept material. In six
months time the fractures were filled with rust. I'm just hoping that
the material will help keep the usually stable meteorites from
developing into a ruster while enclosed.
   The glass top gem boxes fit into a nice looking case that holds 32
specimens. The case cost around $14.00 plus a few bucks for the 32 box
divider. I bought them at the Tucson Show in 2012.
   For problem meteorites (rusters) both iron and stony, I recently
started using the Australian museum method of meteorite preservation,
using Al foil and sodium carbonate in hot, distilled water. I use a
crock pot to treat the specimens that will fit into it. I set the crock
pot heat on high. I mix up the sodium carbonate and warm water in the
pot. I slowly warm up the meteorite in an oven (don't want any
temperature shock). I wrap the meteorite in Al foil that I have holed
with a fork, so the water can move around the specimen. Then I set the
warmed specimen into the crock pot and leave the specimens in for an
hour or so. I agitate the water every 15 minutes or so, and sometimes
add a little more sodium carbonate. LEAVE the crock pot lid OFF, as
some gases are produced. I set the crock pot under an open window. And
NO! I don't reuse the crock pot for my winter soup.
   Always wear eye protection and rubber gloves and follow the normal
safety rules. Check out the Australian museum site or the
meteoritemarket/galvanic site for more info and the mixture formula.
Cheers, Fred Hall

> A completely unofficial count:
> Of the 12 membrane boxes I have, about half of them are going cloudy.  All
> but one are meteorites; the other is a Louisiana opal (sandstone matrix). 
> Fortunately, none of the professional displays (enclosed labels) or specks
> it would be problematic to rebox (Martians) have decayed yet, although
> that may be coming.  I mainly use the membrane boxes when I have a
> specimen whose aesthetics are enhanced by being able to see (through) both
> sides, or if it came that way.  If you use membrane boxes to create those
> nifty display boxes with elaborate inside labels, you may want to take
> their apparent shelf life into consideration.  My meteorites are not in a
> climate controlled area, although once a specimen goes in a gem jar or
> box, it generally stays there and has limited exposure to the outside air.
> Best!
> Tracy Latimer
>> From:
>> Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 06:25:35 -1000
>> To:
>> CC:;
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Membrane boxes go boom?
>> Sorry to hear about your membranebox Sean. But Ghubara is a bleeder and
>> I never put a ruster or bleeder in a membranebox because they will stain
>> the polyurethane membranes permanently (on a good note, Ron H. used to
>> replace them for me, or broken latches before he passed).
>> Also, if you live in a highly humid environment like I do, then you
>> don't want to be using membrane boxes for certain kinds of specimens
>> because they will trap the humidity inside. I typically mount and store
>> specimens I keep in membrane boxes in my institute office, which is kept
>> in climate controlled AC 24 hours a day.
>> Tracy, I've never experienced a membrane getting cloudy. But as I
>> mentioned before, all membrane boxes are kept in an air conditioned
>> office. I have membrane boxes over five years old that are in the same
>> condition as new ones, both enclosing specimens of all kinds and never
>> used.
>> Other than the aforementioned issues, membrane boxes are a great
>> solution to storage, protection and display of specimens.

Re: [meteorite-list] sharp protrusion from an iron meteorite

2013-03-05 Thread hall
Hi Nick, Is the meteorite that drew blood now known as a "Human Hammer"?
Did you get a "Hammer" tetanus shot? Did you nickname it "First Blood"? Or
just "That blood sucking stony #%**#!"
Cheers, Fred

> Back to the question of sharp protrusions, but from chondrites not
> irons...
> Some sharp metal protrusions at Tucson:
> Handling an OC at Tucson a blade of metal stuck in my hand and drew blood.
> On closer examination it was apparently a shock melt surface which
> differential
> erosion had left sharp and sticking out.
> I also saw a nice Chergach which was broken on a shock melt surface which
> looked much like "slickensides."  Again, the surface was metal.
> Both are interesting features of the "whole rock" that are not readily
> imaginable
> from cut slices.
> Cheers,
> Nick
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Re: [meteorite-list] How much will your meteorites be worth in the FUTURE?

2013-03-09 Thread hall
Looking into the crystal pallasite ball, in the year 2025, I see
achondrite fragments at $1.00 per gram! However, they will lack the
beautiful fusion crust of our meteorites. Besides, due to the UN Universal
Museum Convention of 2035, all of our meteorites will be confiscated as
historical and/or cultural artifacts...JUST KIDDING! Just fooling. That
doesn't happen until 2075. :-)

 Hello Listers
> Ever wonder how much an asteroid would yield in profit, gold, platinum,
> o2, hydrogen? Well a website called has done
> that.
> There are over 600,000 asteroids and counting that are listed on the
> website, where one can categorize in value, profit, or accessibility.
> Germania is value at $100 trillion with estimated value return to be
> around $97 trillion. However, Germania is located 3.3 AU, so the distance
> can be a factor, but once technology improves, asteroids will have endless
> supplies of natural resources. Lastly,
> There has been talks that by 2014, there will be asteroid hunting space
> crafts in orbit.
> Now in 20 to 30 year, will meteors coming into Earths atmosphere and
> impacting with the Earth be the thing of the past?
> What will that do to meteorite collecting and will prices increase or
> decrease because the average joe can go to the
> local Walmart and pick up a rock kit with over 5 pounds of rock from
> space? Or will it make the meteorite a rare
> commodified object, more or less a reminder of what once was a common
> occurrence but now is story left told in
> the history books, and meteorites will be view a relics and controlled 
> artifact? Only time will tell :)
> But til then, check out  and plan your next
> expedition to an asteroid :)
> Shawn Alan
> IMCA 1633
> ebay store
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils in FireballFragments

2013-03-12 Thread hall
Quick, call the newspapers with this wonderful headline! The meteorite is
4,786 grams and the Niton XRF on a freshly ground surface shows 11.02% Ni,
85.87% Fe, 0.89% Mn and 0.68% Cr, so it is indeed a meteorite. The fossil
life forms MUST be there, as this highly weathered, very FRACTURED stony
has much of the surface covered in a 1mm to 3mm mineral coating. It may
have been on this planet for 20,000 years or more. YES, FOSSIL LIFE FORMS
EXIST IN THIS ANCIENT METEORITE! reads the headline...too bad the fossil
life forms are from earth. But what the heck, it gets one's attention,
   So, all improbable, hyperbole meteorite/meteoroid stories are hereby
  Fred H
> It it's suspended before it strikes, is it a "meteorite" or a "meteoroid"?
> Chris
> ***
> Chris L Peterson
> Cloudbait Observatory
> On 3/12/2013 8:59 AM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks wrote:
>> All ancient life-bearing meteorites, diatom-bearing meteorites,
>> red-rain particles, and panspermia chondrites are hereby suspended
>> until further notice
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils in FireballFragments

2013-03-12 Thread hall
Yes! I was formed inside Kerala, my mom's nickname (just joking, Mom!).
Martin, the RED RAIN tastes surprisingly like red beer. Try it.
I'm quite certain that there are (to me) extraterrestrial life forms in my
pet Scottish Terrier "Holbrook", who died and I buried over a year ago. So
your cat and my dead dog have something in common. Does your cat fetch
sticks? No? Neither does Holbrook, now.
Is that "purple raiiin" anything like yellow snow? I've seen yellow snow.
Cheers, Fred
> Were you in Kerala?
> Fred, NEVER drink from the Red Rain again!
> (huh it's so spooky, I think inside my extraterrestrial life form (aka
> "The
> Cat") are living terrestrial organisms...)
> Purple Rain, purple rain...
> Martin
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von:
> [] Im Auftrag von
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. März 2013 18:44
> An: Chris Peterson
> Cc:
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils in
> FireballFragments
> Quick, call the newspapers with this wonderful headline! The meteorite is
> 4,786 grams and the Niton XRF on a freshly ground surface shows 11.02% Ni,
> 85.87% Fe, 0.89% Mn and 0.68% Cr, so it is indeed a meteorite. The fossil
> life forms MUST be there, as this highly weathered, very FRACTURED stony
> has
> much of the surface covered in a 1mm to 3mm mineral coating. It may have
> been on this planet for 20,000 years or more. YES, FOSSIL LIFE FORMS EXIST
> IN THIS ANCIENT METEORITE! reads the headline...too bad the fossil life
> forms are from earth. But what the heck, it gets one's attention, right?
>So, all improbable, hyperbole meteorite/meteoroid stories are hereby
> suspended!
>   Fred H
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils inFireballFragments

2013-03-12 Thread hall
Guido, you are correct in that one day humans will find life forms from
outside of our planet. It is only this person's science and methodology
that is in question.
Fred H

> Hi Phil,
> I haven't read Wickramasinge. I do hold stock in panspermic theory. In
> particular, the findings of water, amino acids, etc. in the meteorites I
> mentioned. The NASA/JPL paper "New Evidence of Life Forms in Martian
> Meteorites" descibing and illustrating what seven of their best have
> concluded are life forms in Nakhla and AH84001 was particularly convincing
> to me.
> That SUV sized lab that we spent a few hundred million to put on Mars, was
> sent there for the admitted purpose of solving our disagreement for us.
> You may have watched and listened to the first report of Curiosity's
> findings today streamed on the web. The Nasa team was about to pee their
> pants having the opportunity to confirm that in the first drilling of a
> rock on Mars, they have proven an environment existed that would have
> beeen amiable to life.
> It will get better
> Regards,
> Guido
> -Original Message-
>>From: Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum 
>>Sent: Mar 12, 2013 9:42 AM
>>To: Count Deiro , Galactic Stone & Ironworks
>>Cc: Mike Groetz , Meteorite List
>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils
>> inFireballFragments
>>Hello Count,
>>All that stuff has been debunked long ago, no need to beat dead  horses.
>>That is unless some new evidence has been discovered. If you have new
>>evidence, I'd love to hear it.
>>Seriously, you think the work of Chandra Wickramasinghe is worthy of
>>discussion? Please proceed.
>>Phil Whitmer
>>Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Count Deiro" 
>>To: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" ; "Joshua Tree
>>Earth & Space Museum" 
>>Cc: "Mike Groetz" ; "Meteorite List"
>>Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 12:32 PM
>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils
>>> Hi List,
>>> Meteorite Mike has said ".. are hereby suspended..." and Phil wrote
>>> "..too
>>> dumb to discuss.."
>>> Darn. I was hoping to sell my Nakhla, Murchison and Allende specimens,
>>> to
>>> mention just a few.
>>> Wait till all those guys and gals, with the three letters after their
>>> names, engaged in writing and publishing papers supporting the presence
>>> of
>>> fossilized nano-bacteria, biomorphs and elements that postulate
>>> pansermia,
>>> find out that their work "is too dumb to discuss"!
>>> Regards,
>>> Count Deiro
>>> IMCA 3536
>>> -Original Message-
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks 
Sent: Mar 12, 2013 7:59 AM
To: Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum 
Cc: Mike Groetz , Meteorite List

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils in

All ancient life-bearing meteorites, diatom-bearing meteorites,
red-rain particles, and panspermia chondrites are hereby suspended
until further notice

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On 3/12/13, Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum 
> Too dumb to even discuss!
> Phil Whitmer
> Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mike Groetz" 
> To: "Meteorite List" 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:17 AM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils in
> FireballFragments
>> __
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> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Don't Find Any Exobiology Stuff

2013-03-15 Thread hall
And that is why we collect meteorites, 'cause they're heavy!
Fred H.
> Every time I hear that word,
> I feel... I dunno, kinda heavy.
> Sterling
> - Original Message -
> From: "Count Deiro" 
> To: "Dori Fry" ; "Sterling K. Webb"
> Cc: ; "JoshuaTreeMuseum"
> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 7:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Astrobiologists Don't Find Any Exobiology
> Stuff
>> The word today students is "Boson" now, back to your books.
>> Count Deiro
>> IMCA 3536
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Fess up guys! (Think They May Have Originated)

2013-03-23 Thread hall
OK Peter, just which of the regular or former subscribers are you? No one
could be such a complete nincompoop as Peter! Peter has disparaged
everyone on this list, the scientific community, and the human race. Come
on, no one is so truly insipid. So fess up! Is the troll (formerly known
as a nimble troublemaker) you, Greg H.? No, Greg has been too busy with
his new web site. John? Is it you? Proud Tom, you have returned! No, Proud
Tom didn't have the wordsmith abilities of Peter. Ohh, is it you, Mexico
Doug? You are the finest wordsmith on this list, bar none. No, Mexico Doug
is too good of a person to be a troll. OK, who is it, come on, fess up to
being this vapid fool!
Fred H.

> I disgree Phil, if there's a delusion it would be that whether or not
> they're "the most knowledgeable meteorite people in the solar system,"
> certain persons have all shown that, ostensibly due to laziness, or
> for lack of eloquence, they don't care to explain why it is they've
> "(told) him it's not." Furthermore, the delusion would be that when it
> comes to being rude, provocative, and aggressive, I have little on
> certain persons who may, or may not be, considered "experts" in this
> field, but who do certainly seem to hold themselves in high esteem.
> Obviously, I am the newcomer here, so unlike others, I don't feel I
> have the right to simply critique someone without elaborating on my
> reasons, but I would suggest you take into account that it's not very
> ethical to do that, even if it's tolerated by well-respected persons
> and peers.
> Peter Richards
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum
>  wrote:
>> The delusion is when some dumb newbie finds a worthless chunk of slag
>> and
>> thinks it's a meteorite. When some of the most knowledgeable meteorite
>> people in the Solar System tell him it's not, he still clings to his
>> stupid
>> belief.
>> Phil Whitmer
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Fess up guys! (Think They May Have Originated)

2013-03-23 Thread hall
Ah Ha! I knew it was some strange meteoritic creature pretending to be human!

> This you tube link should end this mess, watch and see who the culprit is!
> Sing along!!
> From: "" 
> To: Peter Richards 
> Cc:
> Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 4:25:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Fess up guys! (Think They May Have
> Originated)
> OK Peter, just which of the regular or former subscribers are you? No one
> could be such a complete nincompoop as Peter! Peter has disparaged
> everyone on this list, the scientific community, and the human race. Come
> on, no one is so truly insipid. So fess up! Is the troll (formerly known
> as a nimble troublemaker) you, Greg H.? No, Greg has been too busy with
> his new web site. John? Is it you? Proud Tom, you have returned! No, Proud
> Tom didn't have the wordsmith abilities of Peter. Ohh, is it you, Mexico
> Doug? You are the finest wordsmith on this list, bar none. No, Mexico Doug
> is too good of a person to be a troll. OK, who is it, come on, fess up to
> being this vapid fool!
> Fred H.
>> I disgree Phil, if there's a delusion it would be that whether or not
>> they're "the most knowledgeable meteorite people in the solar system,"
>> certain persons have all shown that, ostensibly due to laziness, or
>> for lack of eloquence, they don't care to explain why it is they've
>> "(told) him it's not." Furthermore, the delusion would be that when it
>> comes to being rude, provocative, and aggressive, I have little on
>> certain persons who may, or may not be, considered "experts" in this
>> field, but who do certainly seem to hold themselves in high esteem.
>> Obviously, I am the newcomer here, so unlike others, I don't feel I
>> have the right to simply critique someone without elaborating on my
>> reasons, but I would suggest you take into account that it's not very
>> ethical to do that, even if it's tolerated by well-respected persons
>> and peers.
>> Peter Richards
>> On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum
>>  wrote:
>>> The delusion is when some dumb newbie finds a worthless chunk of slag
>>> and
>>> thinks it's a meteorite. When some of the most knowledgeable meteorite
>>> people in the Solar System tell him it's not, he still clings to his
>>> stupid
>>> belief.
>>> Phil Whitmer
>> __
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>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Fess up guys! (Think They May Have Originated)

2013-03-23 Thread hall
Greg, we all love ya, and we know you are too manly to be Proud Peter!
Fred H

> Fred et al...
> Fred wrote:
> "Is the troll (formerly known as a nimble troublemaker) you, Greg H.? No,
> Greg has been too busy with his new web site.
> Fred, I am somewhat devastated but flattered at the same time after
> reading
> your post with my name (Greg H, the nimble trouble maker) embedded. I have
> no clue who 'Proud Peter' is, but when it comes to my [odd] sense of
> humor,
> pretty sure no one can imitate a truly engaged mind as mine!!!
> btw Yes, I have been working on the new web site... ;-)
> Best Regards,
> Greg
> Greg Hupé
> The Hupé Collection
> (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
> (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
> NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
> IMCA 3163
> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
> -Original Message-
> From:
> Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 7:25 PM
> To: Peter Richards
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Fess up guys! (Think They May Have
> Originated)
> OK Peter, just which of the regular or former subscribers are you? No one
> could be such a complete nincompoop as Peter! Peter has disparaged
> everyone on this list, the scientific community, and the human race. Come
> on, no one is so truly insipid. So fess up! Is the troll (formerly known
> as a nimble troublemaker) you, Greg H.? No, Greg has been too busy with
> his new web site. John? Is it you? Proud Tom, you have returned! No, Proud
> Tom didn't have the wordsmith abilities of Peter. Ohh, is it you, Mexico
> Doug? You are the finest wordsmith on this list, bar none. No, Mexico Doug
> is too good of a person to be a troll. OK, who is it, come on, fess up to
> being this vapid fool!
> Fred H.
>> I disgree Phil, if there's a delusion it would be that whether or not
>> they're "the most knowledgeable meteorite people in the solar system,"
>> certain persons have all shown that, ostensibly due to laziness, or
>> for lack of eloquence, they don't care to explain why it is they've
>> "(told) him it's not." Furthermore, the delusion would be that when it
>> comes to being rude, provocative, and aggressive, I have little on
>> certain persons who may, or may not be, considered "experts" in this
>> field, but who do certainly seem to hold themselves in high esteem.
>> Obviously, I am the newcomer here, so unlike others, I don't feel I
>> have the right to simply critique someone without elaborating on my
>> reasons, but I would suggest you take into account that it's not very
>> ethical to do that, even if it's tolerated by well-respected persons
>> and peers.
>> Peter Richards
>> On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum
>>  wrote:
>>> The delusion is when some dumb newbie finds a worthless chunk of slag
>>> and
>>> thinks it's a meteorite. When some of the most knowledgeable meteorite
>>> people in the Solar System tell him it's not, he still clings to his
>>> stupid
>>> belief.
>>> Phil Whitmer
>> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] unusual crystalline structure found in NWA --your thoughts please

2013-03-25 Thread hall
In the world of earth rocks, if you were to slice clevelandite or barite,
the structure would look much like your mystery crystals.
Fred H

> Hi list
>   Jason Borst ( who cuts my larger
> specimens has encountered an unusual crystal structure today in an
> otherwise ordinary looking NWA.
> Reminds me of a barred olivine chondrule except of course they aren't
> contained within a chondrule.And it's likely not olivine.
> I've uploaded a couple of shots for your perusal.I can't recall seeing
> such a structure before in a meteorite.Interested in thoughts and
> references please.
> Many thanks
> Jim
> big one
> full slice
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] From Russia (with love) - a contest with prizes!

2013-03-26 Thread hall
Well, I hope that I don't trip over that thrown gauntlet.
$15.00 per gram. 25 qualified dealers, 12 unqualified dealers, one of
which only deals in stones with roll-over lips.
Fred Hall

> Team Meteorite:
> In the last hours many list contributors have opined on the
> 'worth/value' and predicted availability of this latest and greatest
> meteorite fall occurring in Russia.
> Like every collector, I wish to eventually own a piece of the
> Chelyabinsk meteorite, who's dramatic escapade was captured so many
> times by dash-cams installed by drivers dedicated to thwarting the
> mischievous. Thanks to corrupt cops, really, really bad drivers and
> suicide-bent pedestrians, we have a library of video unrivaled in
> history. Some will argue (mostly sellers of meteorites) that this is a
> 'one off' event, and any specimens offered today demand a premium.
> This is true.
> Until the next time.
> As with stocks, real estate, Van Goghs and flea-market hubcaps, most
> of us want to 'buy low' even if we never intend to sell. Certainly,
> those who pay $50 or $70 or $1,000 a gram today will not love and
> respect their personal specimen as much a couple of years from now if
> they see dealers offering kilos of the same material @ $1/gram, "Buy
> one get one free'.
> OK. I probably exaggerate.
> This we know. The MetBull predicts a TKW of "100-500kg". That's a
> whole lot of weight to move when offered on eBay as 0.12 gram micros
> starting at .01 cents, no reserve.
> As noted by a list member, and in a scary sign carelessly edited out
> of 'Revelations' confirming that the Apocalypse is near, Mike Farmer
> (his real name) agrees with Steve Anold (likely an alias) that Russian
> customs officials demanding "your pay-pahs, please" coupled with
> slushy snow will keep the pristine specimens, even the
> teeny-bit-of-rusty W=1 pieces off of the market, making for a 'firmer'
> price this moment until ?
> Steve articulates well his way around 'roll overs' and Michael has
> been there, done that, and his opinion demands respect.
> So I'll guess that for now, we best defer to these sound arguments.
> But marketing forces always prevail. The Russian border is porous.
> Capitalism will yet again raise its Keynesian head over the heavy fist
> of communism in the form of contraband. The Cossacks will ride again.
> And as interest wanes, and customs officials become less interested in
> what LEAVES Moscow and more interested in taxing imported flat screen
> TV's, every Russian dealer arriving in the 'free world' will be
> competing with his brethren price-wise (and for those hopers and
> dreamers, nothing is 'free' in the 'free world', that's an ironic
> political slogan).
> And for sure, any material brought to Tucson will never return to the
> Fatherland.
> Or Motherland, whatever.
> So
> For our fun and your profit, I will offer a prize to the person that
> publicly, on this very list, CORRECTLY PREDICTS THE AVERAGE PRICE PER
> GRAM of all types of Chelyabinsk specimens (average price determined
> from individuals, slices, primary crusted, secondary crusted,
> uncrusted, frags, oriented, disoriented, rollover lips, roll-under
> lips, hot lips, hot lips with holes, hot lips with facial decoration,
> oriented-with-holes-and-rollover hot lips, etc.) AS DETERMINED by my
> bi-annual survey of all qualified dealer's websites. AND, in case I
> need a tiebreaker, you MUST also mention how many dealers will offer
> this as sales inventory, both estimates as published on the internet
> by midnight calculated from my house in the mango grove, November 30,
> 2014.
> Example - "US$5.25/gram, 18 dealers".
> Your prizes will be a copy of "The Global Meteorite Price Report -
> 2015" as prepared by me, at least a $15 value depending upon the
> demise of the US$1, AND an ebook copy of "The Art of Collecting
> Meteorites", presently on Amazon for $9.99 which just happens to
> describe the economics of meteorite pricing on p 70-71- "When to buy".
> FYI - I am the messenger, not a genius in solving this 'pricing/value
> equation'. Nininger, Norton, Foote and Wulfing were my references.
> But hey, take a chance, win a prize, everyone likes a prize,
> especially when they don't even have to purchase a lottery ticket!
> Maybe there IS something FREE in the 'free world'.
> So the gauntlet is thrown.
> Contest entries must appear publicly on this Meteorite-Central
> bulletin board by midnight, Easter night, March 

Re: [meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk - Hammer?

2013-03-30 Thread hall
I have heard a few well known meteorite dealers say that they have taken a
hammer to a meteorite to break it up, so as not to lose any material, as
opposed to cutting the meteorite. So, does it then become a true "Hammer
Stone"? (:-)
   Myself, I love the history of each meteorite. That is why I prefer most
Falls over Finds. However, some of the old finds from Nininger or well
before, as listed in the National Academy of Sciences-Memoirs, XIII,
Meteorites Of North America, To January 1, 1909, have such rich and
wonderful stories that it is like reading a good old adventure book.
Hammer Falls and Hammer Stones just add glamor and richness to the fall
story. Museums know this to be a fact. The more human interest in the
story, the more people want to come and see the historical items.
Cheers, Fred Hall

> Hi List,
> Rumor has it that the Russian woman struck by the stone has adopted
> the Mbale boy.  Details at six.
> This meteorite fall should be considered a "hammer" fall, in my
> opinion.  I know some hate that term.  But let's face it, this fall
> did hammer the crap out of an entire city.  Buildings knocked down,
> thousands of windows blown out.  You can't argue against that.
> Before the purists hurl chondrites at me I am aware of the
> important distinction terminologywhich is this - only those stones
> which actually struck something are hammers or hammer stones.   But,
> if there is ever a candidate for something to be called a "hammer
> fall" - this is it.  This is the biggest and most devastating hammer
> since Tunguska.
> Personally, I'd be careful purchasing hammer stones or artifacts from
> this fall.  Given the high TKW and thousands of individual stones
> across a populated area, the potential for fraud is elevated.  It
> would be too easy for an unscrupulous seller to say that any given
> stone bounced off their car or shed.  Documentation is important.
> Look at how many Sikhote shrapnels were being passed as Chelyabinsk on
> eBay right after the fall.  Some of those same scammers could easily
> take a real meteorite and fudge the hammer side of the story to
> increase the interest and value.  I would stay away from "hammers" of
> this fall, unless they are offered by someone like our Russian
> list-members or someone who has been on the ground in Russia, like
> Mike.  Anything else is rolling the dice.
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
> -
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> -
> On 3/30/13, Michael Farmer  wrote:
>> Hundreds of them have already been found on top of buildings, one woman
>> was
>> hit by stone which went through her jacket!
>> Will try to find the news report but hard in Russian.
>> Michael Farmer
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 30, 2013, at 9:50 AM, wrote:
>>> Hello List:
>>> Are there reports of any of  the stones actually hitting man made
>>> structures?  Also, is the shockwave  damage to buildings sufficient to
>>> classify the
>>> fall as a Hammer?
>>> Juris
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Re: [meteorite-list] Sign Up Now for your Mineral Rights (Mining Asteroids for Platinum)

2013-04-06 Thread hall
One quaint question for the astronomy buffs and mathematicians out there.
What affect would the increase in mass to the earth, from mining most of
the asteroids, and then mining, say 5% our moon, (or another planet's
moon) and adding that mass to earth, have on the earth's orbit, rotation,
Fred H

> The 2010 stat is not cumulative.  It's the total platinum mine production
> just for 2010.
> Platinum is just the tip of the Iceber asteroid.  There are even
> greater amount of other metals contained in that 30m asteroid.  The
> question is if they can stay in business when prices are depressed.  If so
> they would drive many terrestrial mines out of business (which would help
> prices recover somewhat).
> And if low cost of metals can be sustained, the metals can be used in far
> more applications and would make a lot of new technology possible.  A huge
> benefit for all people, no matter their socioeconomic level.
> Dr. Lewis at the U of AZ has done a lot of interesting work on space
> mining if people want to learn more.
> From: Michael Farmer 
> To: bill kies 
> Cc: ""
> Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2013 6:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sign Up Now for your Mineral Rights (Mining
> Asteroids for Platinum)
> The problem is that supply and demand must equalize. I would think that
> the arrival of more platinum that has ever been mined would instantly
> depress the price on the open market.
> Michael Farmer
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 6, 2013, at 12:56 AM, bill kies  wrote:
>> All in due time. It will be mind numbing to the nth degree when profits
>> are made. The potential for fees and regulation are as limitless as the
>> greed based hallucinations that currently strip us of our ability, our
>> will, to produce on an entrepreneurial level no matter how basic.
>>> From:
>>> Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 21:23:19 -0700
>>> To:
>>> CC:
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sign Up Now for your Mineral Rights
>>> (Mining Asteroids for Platinum)
>>> Just wait until you see the BLM permitting process to establish a
>>> mining claim on an asteroid...
>>> Michael is so. Cal.
>>> On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 8:25 PM, Kevin Kichinka 
>>> wrote:

 Team Meteorite:

 When Ron Baalke forwarded today a news article about mining asteroids
 for platinum, I at once thought of science-fiction movies I have seen
 from behind a box of artificially-buttered popcorn.

 You know, those flicks where slaves from Earth work 84 year-days far
 beneath the surface of some bare rock-moon in space partnered with
 creatures normally viewed among the protozoa. Of course there is no
 possible escape from this living death, but movies need happy endings
 so our heroes always make it home to their Honey. Mining asteroids
 seems a bit far-fetched to me.

 But ask a question or make a comment on the m-list and someone opens
 the door to knowledge for you. Just walk through.

 Thanks to Randy Korotev, I know that "OC's may contain Pt at ore-grade
 concentrates of 1ppm."

 But really, how concentrated is that I wondered, ever the sceptic. Two
 seconds research informed me that Platinum is an extremely rare metal,
 occurring at a concentration of only 0.005 ppm in the Earth's crust.

 Looking deeper into the topic (research is like mining, just keep
 digging and you'll always find your bone) ...

 "Platinum exists in higher abundances on the Moon and in meteorites.
 Correspondingly, platinum is found in slightly higher abundances at
 sites of bolide impact on the Earth that are associated with resulting
 post-impact volcanism, and can be mined economically; the Sudbury
 Basin is one such example."


 "From 1889 to 1960, the meter was defined as the length of a
 platinum-iridium (90:10) alloy bar, known as the International
 Prototype Meter bar. The previous bar was made of platinum in 1799.
 The International Prototype Kilogram remains defined by a cylinder of
 the same platinum-iridium alloy made in 1879."

 Those two paragraphs were uncovered from

 Sterling Webb's ever astute comments and links gave me leads and info
 so that with a little follow-up I've also learned -

 - the total mass of all asteroids equals about 4% of our Moon's mass.
 (I had always thought the sum was equal to a 'broken' or 'aborted'
 planet the size of Mars or larger).

 - C-type asteroids are carbonaceous and the most common. Consisting of
 clay and silicate rocks they exist furthest from the Sun in the outer
 Belt and are the least altered by heat. They may consist of up to 22%

Re: [meteorite-list] Denver Show - Count me in :)

2013-09-09 Thread hall
   As usual, I will be selling meteorites and minerals at the Denver Gem &
Mineral Show at the Mart. I have a new booth space, first booth as you
walk in, directly east of the museum displays. The Denver area has
always been my home, and I only set up for one or two shows a year, so
my prices are often a bit behind times.
   By the way, it rained like crazy tonight, and brought some welcome cool
air. Many Denver heat records have been tied or surpassed the last few
   Also, I hope to get a few Nininger and Huss items into our COMETS auction.
Stop by and visit, regards, Fred Hall / Meteorhall

 Yes Shawn, most meteorite dealers are in the Holiday Inn, but it is now
> a Ramada.
> You can find a map and a list of the dealers right here:
> See you there.
> Anne M. Black
> -Original Message-
> From: Shawn Alan 
> To: Anne Black ; Meteorite Central
> Sent: Sat, Sep 7, 2013 9:58 am
> Subject: [meteorite-list]  Denver Show  - Count me in :)
> Hello Anne and Listers
> Count me in, ill be at the Denver show this year :)
> I wonder who else will be there?  And ill be at the show pretty much
> all day
> Friday, if I have
> it my way and can barrow a friends car. 
> I hope I do well on my ebay sales so I can buy some meteorite, or
> some dealers have a layaway system :).. JK, but who knows.
> Will most of the dealers be at the Holiday Inn?
> Shawn Alan
> IMCA 1633
> ebay store
> [meteorite-list] Denver Show
> Anne Black Fri, 06 Sep 2013 19:11:38 -0700
> Hello list-members, I went up to the Holiday Inn (now Ramada) this
> afternoon,
> and the whole area is buzzing with activity; the tents are now all up,
> and
> trucks of all sizes are unloading piles of crates and boxes, and
> display cases,
> and people are running around moving all that. Officially the show
> opens
> Wednesday, but by the look of it many dealers are planning on being
> ready for
> business before that. I know that Serge and Dima are already almost
> ready. You
> might try it this weekend if you don't mind fighting truck drivers over
> parking
> places, and climbing over and around pallets. As for me, I don't have a
> room
> there, I have a very nice house not all that far, and you can have a
> glass of
> wine or a cup of coffee while looking at meteorites in peace and quiet.
> Just
> call me or email me and tell me when you want to come.
> Thanks. Anne M. Black
> __
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> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
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[meteorite-list] [Fwd: Re: Denver Show - Count me in :)]

2013-09-09 Thread hall
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Denver Show  - Count me in :)
Date:Tue, September 10, 2013 1:15 am
To:  "Anne Black" 

   As usual, I will be selling meteorites and minerals at the Denver Gem &
Mineral Show at the Mart. I have a new booth space, first booth as you
walk in, directly east of the museum displays. The Denver area has
always been my home, and I only set up for one or two shows a year, so
my prices are often a bit behind times.
   By the way, it rained like crazy tonight, and brought some welcome cool
air. Many Denver heat records have been tied or surpassed the last few
   Also, I hope to get a few Nininger and Huss items into our COMETS auction.
Stop by and visit, regards, Fred Hall / Meteorhall

 Yes Shawn, most meteorite dealers are in the Holiday Inn, but it is now
> a Ramada.
> You can find a map and a list of the dealers right here:
> See you there.
> Anne M. Black
> -Original Message-
> From: Shawn Alan 
> To: Anne Black ; Meteorite Central
> Sent: Sat, Sep 7, 2013 9:58 am
> Subject: [meteorite-list]  Denver Show  - Count me in :)
> Hello Anne and Listers
> Count me in, ill be at the Denver show this year :)
> I wonder who else will be there?  And ill be at the show pretty much
> all day
> Friday, if I have
> it my way and can barrow a friends car. 
> I hope I do well on my ebay sales so I can buy some meteorite, or
> some dealers have a layaway system :).. JK, but who knows.
> Will most of the dealers be at the Holiday Inn?
> Shawn Alan
> IMCA 1633
> ebay store
> [meteorite-list] Denver Show
> Anne Black Fri, 06 Sep 2013 19:11:38 -0700
> Hello list-members, I went up to the Holiday Inn (now Ramada) this
> afternoon,
> and the whole area is buzzing with activity; the tents are now all up,
> and
> trucks of all sizes are unloading piles of crates and boxes, and
> display cases,
> and people are running around moving all that. Officially the show
> opens
> Wednesday, but by the look of it many dealers are planning on being
> ready for
> business before that. I know that Serge and Dima are already almost
> ready. You
> might try it this weekend if you don't mind fighting truck drivers over
> parking
> places, and climbing over and around pallets. As for me, I don't have a
> room
> there, I have a very nice house not all that far, and you can have a
> glass of
> wine or a cup of coffee while looking at meteorites in peace and quiet.
> Just
> call me or email me and tell me when you want to come.
> Thanks. Anne M. Black
> __
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> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
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[meteorite-list] Ad. Sell or trade at Tucson

2012-01-25 Thread hall
I look forward to seeing many friends at Tucson. I will bring with me some
meteorites to sell or trade, including a thin sliced 3.85g, approx. 1"X1"
slice of Barwell, the Christmas Eve fall of 1965, and some Weston. Fred
Hall of Meteorhall, Colorado. Cell#303-803-0349.


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[meteorite-list] New corrosion protection

2012-02-23 Thread hall
A few months ago I came across a product that may at last keep our
meteorites from corroding. It is Intercept Technology, developed by Lucent
Technologies to provide protection against corrosion, rust and mildew.
Just before the Tucson show I purchased the material and gave some out to
a few of the meteorite dealers during the Tucson Show, to try out on
irons, and then to let me know how it works out. I'm now using it for all
of my stored meteorites. Check it out. Regards, Fred Hall


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[meteorite-list] Meteorhall Denver Show ad

2012-09-08 Thread hall
Greetings, I will be set up at the main show, Merchandise Mart, selling
Sept. 14,15 & 16 at space Main Floor 33. I have not changed my prices in 3
years, and have both historic meteorites and NWA for sale. Here is a
little of what I have for sale: Weston in 1 g & up for $235 per gram. I
have Lamont, Tatahouine, Jilin, Vaca Muerta, Bechar 001, a Chico 311g
slice, a beautiful 1,058g Tambo Qumado slice with natural inclusions of 1"
high letters spelling "IT", which I of course named "Cousin IT". A large
selection of recently acquired whole, large NWA stones, various irons, and
much more. Regards, Fred Hall


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[meteorite-list] New BLM rules on col. meteorites

2012-09-19 Thread hall
   During the Denver Show at the Merchandise Mart, a lady from the BLM
booth stopped by my Meteorhall booth, and while looking over my
meteorites for sale (none of the meteorites were from BLM land, land
that belongs to all citizens of the USA, by the way) mentioned that new
regulations for collecting meteorites had been issued by the Assistant
Director, Renewable Resources and Planning of the BLM on Sept. 10,
   Look up Instruction Memorandum No. 2012-182, or contact Lucia Kuizon,
National Paleontologist at (202) 912-7253 or for a copy
and information on the new rules. Here is a little taste of the new
rules: Can a mining claim be located for meteorites? Answer, NO.
Meteorites can be collected, limited to certain public lands, up to a
whopping 10 pounds per year per person, with only surface collecting.
Specimens that are casually collected (what the heck does that mean?
anyone that risks their life by searching for meteorites in the desert,
spending hundreds of dollars and many days is not "casually collecting"
are they?) are for personal use only, and may not be bartered or sold
for commercial purposes. However, you can get a PERMIT for commercial
use and sale, unless otherwise prohibited by other laws, regulations,
land use plans or closures. Good Luck, Fred Hall


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[meteorite-list] [Fwd: Re: Links to BLM meteorite rules]

2012-09-20 Thread hall
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Links to BLM meteorite rules
Date:Thu, September 20, 2012 2:23 pm

Wang, well stated! Thank you.
   It would have been better for the new meteorite collecting rules to
match that of collecting fossil (petrified) wood, which gives a limit
of 25 pounds plus one piece per day, per person (the one piece can
weigh quite a bit) up to 250 pounds per year, per person. Still,
petrified wood collected in this manner and on Federal Land cannot be
sold or traded, which means if I put a little piece of pet wood that I
have polished into a mineral club auction, I'm breaking the law. I'm
quite sure that this silly law gets broken many thousands of times a
year by rock club members all over the USA, as most love to trade
pieces for their collection, and they see nothing wrong with putting a
little polished piece into a club auction where much of the money
generated goes to the club fund, where some of it is used to help out
geology students in college. At least that is what the rock clubs I
belong to do with club funds.
   This new regulation will just make criminals out of meteorite hunters,
if their find is a gram over 10 pounds (hey, I'd love to find an 11
pound meteorite, as I've never found a meteorite anywhere near ten
pounds!) or if they someday decide to sell the find, say when they are
near the end of their life and want to spare family members from having
to clear out a lifetime of rock collecting, and they have a BLM found
meteorite or petrified wood piece in the collection.
   So, another poorly thought out law is "SET IN STONE", pun intended.
Wang is correct! Call and e-mail the BLM to express your dislike of the
new regs. POLITELY ask the BLM to loosen up the regulations, as we
don't need our meteorite, gold, or rock collecting Americans being
fined or going to jail because of a love for their hobby.
Regards, Fred Hall

> Hi List,
> Disclaimer: I'm going to play the middle ground on this topic. I don't
> go out and hunt meteorites so it doesn't affect me directly, but other
> similar BLM rule changes have affected me in the past.
> Here are the BLM new rules:
> Here is their FAQ, including why they're doing this:
> The following is my opinion, having seen similar things happen in
> other collecting areas in the past decade:
> -The new BLM rules are essentially a modification of similar rules
> regarding petrified wood and paleontology. They took the weight limit,
> non-selling/non-bartering concept from petrified wood collecting laws.
> -They seem to base some of it on past issues with major meteorite
> finds on BLM land.
> -They are significantly less strict than some other laws, such as
> fossil collecting (absolutely no vertebrate fossil collecting
> allowed).
> -They give people the option of getting a commercial permit (not
> allowed in paleontology at all).
> If you want things changed, lobby someone! Most rule change occurs
> because an interested party put the right amount of political pressure
> on (or schmooze) the right people.
> Write and talk to your elected representatives. Or better yet, a
> society of meteorite collectors should start a fund to hire a lobbying
> firm with clout.
> - Yinan
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Links to BLM meteorite rules

2012-09-20 Thread hall
Wang, well stated! Thank you.
   It would have been better for the new meteorite collecting rules to
match that of collecting fossil (petrified) wood, which gives a limit
of 25 pounds plus one piece per day, per person (the one piece can
weigh quite a bit) up to 250 pounds per year, per person. Still,
petrified wood collected in this manner and on Federal Land cannot be
sold or traded, which means if I put a little piece of pet wood that I
have polished into a mineral club auction, I'm breaking the law. I'm
quite sure that this silly law gets broken many thousands of times a
year by rock club members all over the USA, as most love to trade
pieces for their collection, and they see nothing wrong with putting a
little polished piece into a club auction where much of the money
generated goes to the club fund, where some of it is used to help out
geology students in college. At least that is what the rock clubs I
belong to do with club funds.
   This new regulation will just make criminals out of meteorite hunters,
if their find is a gram over 10 pounds (hey, I'd love to find an 11
pound meteorite, as I've never found a meteorite anywhere near ten
pounds!) or if they someday decide to sell the find, say when they are
near the end of their life and want to spare family members from having
to clear out a lifetime of rock collecting, and they have a BLM found
meteorite or petrified wood piece in the collection.
   So, another poorly thought out law is "SET IN STONE", pun intended.
Wang is correct! Call and e-mail the BLM to express your dislike of the
new regs. POLITELY ask the BLM to loosen up the regulations, as we
don't need our meteorite, gold, or rock collecting Americans being
fined or going to jail because of a love for their hobby.
Regards, Fred Hall

> Hi List,
> Disclaimer: I'm going to play the middle ground on this topic. I don't
> go out and hunt meteorites so it doesn't affect me directly, but other
> similar BLM rule changes have affected me in the past.
> Here are the BLM new rules:
> Here is their FAQ, including why they're doing this:
> The following is my opinion, having seen similar things happen in
> other collecting areas in the past decade:
> -The new BLM rules are essentially a modification of similar rules
> regarding petrified wood and paleontology. They took the weight limit,
> non-selling/non-bartering concept from petrified wood collecting laws.
> -They seem to base some of it on past issues with major meteorite
> finds on BLM land.
> -They are significantly less strict than some other laws, such as
> fossil collecting (absolutely no vertebrate fossil collecting
> allowed).
> -They give people the option of getting a commercial permit (not
> allowed in paleontology at all).
> If you want things changed, lobby someone! Most rule change occurs
> because an interested party put the right amount of political pressure
> on (or schmooze) the right people.
> Write and talk to your elected representatives. Or better yet, a
> society of meteorite collectors should start a fund to hire a lobbying
> firm with clout.
> - Yinan
> __
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> Meteorite-list mailing list


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[meteorite-list] Protecting our meteorites

2012-10-10 Thread hall
At the 2012 Tucson Show I handed out some Intercept Technology reactive
polymer bags to store meteorites in, to various meteorite dealers. I was
wondering how the test meteorites are holding up? So far, I have not have
any corrosion problems with my meteorites stored in the bags or with
pieces of the bags placed in Riker boxes with the meteorites. I do not
sell the Intercept copper reactive polymer bags, just wanted to share a
product that may actually stop rusting of meteorites without using
volatilized chemicals.
Regards, Fred Hall / Meteorhall


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Re: [meteorite-list] BLM and Meteorite Recovery Policy

2012-12-02 Thread hall
Martin, is coffee a total cost of $7 per pound or are the taxes $7 per
pound? If it is ONLY $7 per pound total cost, being a coffee drinker, I
may consider moving to Germany, as we pay $9 to $11 per 12 ounces, plus
sales tax, in most States of the USA!
A meteorite should not be considered an "artifact" unless it is found
in a Native American site or early American site. They are rocks, 99%+
never used by early man. Glorious rocks, but rocks none the less. If
you find a rock on BLM land, other then petrified wood or fossils, you
can haul it away even if it weighs 499 pounds. The petrified wood
limit is 250 pounds per year per person.
As for rocks, no permit is needed on BLM land UNLESS you want to mine for
minerals. Picking up a rock, by hand, on the surface is not mining.
Sign me up to end this new ruling by our lord and master, the BLM.
Fred Hall

 I think, you're beating the wrong ones.
> These, you're thinking to be responsible due to their media presence are
> not
> so mighty, to create new laws and regulations.
> Btw. look it up in old magazines, even Saint Nininger was posing with
> meteorites in the press and as a hunter, where of course also price tags
> were blinking through the headlines,
> and no restrictions followed.
> Neither in many countries, where meteorites were no topic at all in media,
> decades ago, when there a strict legislation was newly introduced.
> And what is wrong to pose with exciting pieces (and monetary values) in
> public?
> I know even two brothers, everywhere highlighting a large piece of the
> Moon... ;-)
> If everything which is good, expensive, loveable and fascinating would
> have
> to be concealed,
> for the fear, that there could be some administrative dabblers immediately
> trying to forbid them,
> I guess I, neither you wouldn't want to live in a world like that.
> Honestly, I have rather a problem, that there are extra-taxes on coffee
> (gosh here the pound is now 7$, that's unfair.). And strange it is, that
> the
> states are the largest profiteers in drug dealing. Tobacco, alcohol,
> gambling..
> And be glad.
> Those new BLM-rules are by far not so strict like laws are in other
> countries
> (which weren't that much noticed in the western navel-gazing), so as
> harmful
> (and ahistorical) and stupid (ask the Ngweyama, I guess with his 12 wives,
> he has work enough, than to care with the Deputy Prime Minister for
> possible
> meteorites)
>  the new rules are for former meteorite nation #1,
> you got off still relatively lightly.
> Best!
> Martin
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von:
> [] Im Auftrag von Adam
> Hupe
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012 22:46
> An: Adam
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] BLM and Meteorite Recovery Policy
> TV entertainers and press-chasers have publicly turned looking for
> meteorites into a treasure hunt complete with grossly inflated price-tags
> to
> attract viewership. This is the same tired but effective method that the
> lame Antique Roadshow has used for over a decade.  Perhaps these
> entertainers can use their media influence to correct their wrongs or at
> the
> very least apologize to the meteorite collecting community for knowingly
> attracting the wrong kind of attention.  A lot of people including these
> employees do not realize there is a difference between TV entertainment
> and
> reality.  It finally reached the point people have learned the prices
> quoted
> on the Antique Show are bogus when they go to market an item.
> Since meteorites are now considered treasure and antiques, perhaps we
> could
> learn something from England's treasure trove laws.  The Government there
> has to bid on the items if they truly want to protect them.  I think
> non-essential BLM jobs should be cut if these public servants are keeping
> themselves busy reading and acting upon Schmitt's crap or believe what
> they
> see on TV.  They should start with the personal that took it upon
> themselves
> to act as spokespeople for the rest of the public with the Meteorite
> Recover
> Act of 2012.
> Enough from me, I am angry over the this poor situation brought on by
> thoughtless people.
> Adam
> __
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> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Now this is scary.........

2012-12-04 Thread hall
Hey, that is the same old line I used when I was a young guy, "It wasn't
me, must have been a meteorite that got you that way!" Or "Must have been
Superman, he is faster then a speeding bullet! Didn't you say that you saw
a red /blue blur last month?" Or, "Sweetie, I told you to stay from those
Kryptonite meteorites!"

>I look up meteorite books on Amazon and came across this on the
> third page...
>My wife will want me to sell my collection quick!
> Mike
>Its unbelievable the things people come up with.
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2013-01-04 Thread hall
   An "unobserved fall" is two words to describe the one word that has
been used for a century, "Find". The one word "Find" is good enough for
the Catalogue of Meteorites, it was good enough for Harvey Nininger,
and it is what I shall always use. Keep it concise.
Regards, Fred Hall

 That would make sense for say New Orleans, where a stone went through a
> house and no one in their right mind would suggest that it did not fall at
> that time say between 8 am and 4 pm when there was no hole in the house,
> yet it was not seen to fall.
> An old rock found in a field does not suggest anything about fall date. So
> it is a find, something never really argued against until now?
> It has crust which can suggest it is not thousands of years old, most of
> our Springwater meteorites have black and blue crust but nevertheless it
> is a find.
> Michael Farmer
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 4, 2013, at 10:28 AM,  wrote:
>> An "unobserved fall" is, well, a fall that was not observed, in
>> contradistinction to a fall that was observed. The terminology of the
>> Meteoritical Bulletin Database is "Observed fall: no".
>> The information being conveyed is NOT that the meteorite fell but that
>> the fall was not observed.
>> In general, the questions about falling and finding are:
>> 1) was the fall observed?
>> 2) if so, when was it observed?
>> 3) if not, is there any guesstimate of when it fell?
>> 4) regardless of weather it was observed or not, when was it actually
>> found?
>> Paul Swartz
>> MPOD webmaster
>>> What is an "unobserved fall"? Every meteorite fell at some point. I
>>> have thousands of unobserved falls in my collection.
>>> Michael Farmer
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2013-01-04 Thread hall
Right, Anne. That is why they are referred to as a "Fall" or a "Find".
Cheers, Fred Hall

> Every single meteorite ever found on Earth is necessarily the result of
> a fall, they are not native to Earth. The only difference is that some
> falls are seen, witnessed, and some, the vast majoriry, are not.
> So calling them Observed or Unobserved falls is logical. That is what
> happened to all of them.
> That is simple reality.
> Anne M. Black
> -Original Message-
> tFrom: hall 
> To: Michael Farmer 
> Cc: meteorite-list ; valparint
> Sent: Fri, Jan 4, 2013 6:13 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day
>An "unobserved fall" is two words to describe the one word that has
> been used for a century, "Find". The one word "Find" is good enough for
> the Catalogue of Meteorites, it was good enough for Harvey Nininger,
> and it is what I shall always use. Keep it concise.
> Regards, Fred Hall
>  That would make sense for say New Orleans, where a stone went through a
>> house and no one in their right mind would suggest that it did not
> fall at
>> that time say between 8 am and 4 pm when there was no hole in the
> house,
>> yet it was not seen to fall.
>> An old rock found in a field does not suggest anything about fall
> date. So
>> it is a find, something never really argued against until now?
>> It has crust which can suggest it is not thousands of years old, most
> of
>> our Springwater meteorites have black and blue crust but nevertheless
> it
>> is a find.
>> Michael Farmer
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 4, 2013, at 10:28 AM,  wrote:
>>> An "unobserved fall" is, well, a fall that was not observed, in
>>> contradistinction to a fall that was observed. The terminology of the
>>> Meteoritical Bulletin Database is "Observed fall: no".
>>> The information being conveyed is NOT that the meteorite fell but
> that
>>> the fall was not observed.
>>> In general, the questions about falling and finding are:
>>> 1) was the fall observed?
>>> 2) if so, when was it observed?
>>> 3) if not, is there any guesstimate of when it fell?
>>> 4) regardless of weather it was observed or not, when was it actually
>>> found?
>>> Paul Swartz
>>> MPOD webmaster
>>>> What is an "unobserved fall"? Every meteorite fell at some point. I
>>>> have thousands of unobserved falls in my collection.
>>>> Michael Farmer
>> __
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>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2013-01-04 Thread hall
The last time I wasted half a dozen bytes was on a stale donut at a
restaurant in Hanksville, Utah.
Cheers, Fred Hall
PS: Hanksville is a great place to hunt for rocks and the Mars Society
station is just a few miles away.
> How about we compress it further and assign
> 0 for unobserved fall
> and
> 1 for observed fall?
> We could then use a flag and define them with a single bit, a logic
> state of false for unobserved and true for observed?
> Or a null state for unobserved and true for observed?
> Substantially more efficient than the system described --  You're
> wasting almost half a dozen bytes!
> ;-)
> --- Jodie
> Friday, January 4, 2013, 5:12:45 PM, you wrote:
>>An "unobserved fall" is two words to describe the one word that has
>> been used for a century, "Find". The one word "Find" is good enough for
>> the Catalogue of Meteorites, it was good enough for Harvey Nininger,
>> and it is what I shall always use. Keep it concise.
>> Regards, Fred Hall
>>  That would make sense for say New Orleans, where a stone went through a
>>> house and no one in their right mind would suggest that it did not fall
>>> at
>>> that time say between 8 am and 4 pm when there was no hole in the
>>> house,
>>> yet it was not seen to fall.
>>> An old rock found in a field does not suggest anything about fall date.
>>> So
>>> it is a find, something never really argued against until now?
>>> It has crust which can suggest it is not thousands of years old, most
>>> of
>>> our Springwater meteorites have black and blue crust but nevertheless
>>> it
>>> is a find.
>>> Michael Farmer
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 4, 2013, at 10:28 AM,  wrote:
>>>> An "unobserved fall" is, well, a fall that was not observed, in
>>>> contradistinction to a fall that was observed. The terminology of the
>>>> Meteoritical Bulletin Database is "Observed fall: no".
>>>> The information being conveyed is NOT that the meteorite fell but that
>>>> the fall was not observed.
>>>> In general, the questions about falling and finding are:
>>>> 1) was the fall observed?
>>>> 2) if so, when was it observed?
>>>> 3) if not, is there any guesstimate of when it fell?
>>>> 4) regardless of weather it was observed or not, when was it actually
>>>> found?
>>>> Paul Swartz
>>>> MPOD webmaster
>>>>> What is an "unobserved fall"? Every meteorite fell at some point. I
>>>>> have thousands of unobserved falls in my collection.
>>>>> Michael Farmer
>>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> __
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> --
> Best regards,


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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2013-01-04 Thread hall
That would be a "Right foot unobserved fall into the cactus patch." What
would be the expletive for that "Fall"?
Double Cheers, Fred Hall

 What if you are walking through the desert while looking to your left at
> something and your right foot hits a rock and you stumble, then gather
> yourself up and then see what caused your 'fall' Would that be an
> unobserved trip over a fall, or you didn't observe what you stubbed your
> toe
> on because you were trippin' on that weird plant to the left?! ;-)
> Best Regards,
> Greg
> Greg Hupé
> The Hupé Collection
> (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
> (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
> NaturesVault (eBay & Facebook)
> IMCA 3163
> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
> -Original Message-
> From: Anne Black
> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 8:27 PM
> To: ;
> Cc: ;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day
> Every single meteorite ever found on Earth is necessarily the result of
> a fall, they are not native to Earth. The only difference is that some
> falls are seen, witnessed, and some, the vast majoriry, are not.
> So calling them Observed or Unobserved falls is logical. That is what
> happened to all of them.
> That is simple reality.
> Anne M. Black
> -Original Message-
> tFrom: hall 
> To: Michael Farmer 
> Cc: meteorite-list ; valparint
> Sent: Fri, Jan 4, 2013 6:13 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day
>An "unobserved fall" is two words to describe the one word that has
> been used for a century, "Find". The one word "Find" is good enough for
> the Catalogue of Meteorites, it was good enough for Harvey Nininger,
> and it is what I shall always use. Keep it concise.
> Regards, Fred Hall
> That would make sense for say New Orleans, where a stone went through a
>> house and no one in their right mind would suggest that it did not
> fall at
>> that time say between 8 am and 4 pm when there was no hole in the
> house,
>> yet it was not seen to fall.
>> An old rock found in a field does not suggest anything about fall
> date. So
>> it is a find, something never really argued against until now?
>> It has crust which can suggest it is not thousands of years old, most
> of
>> our Springwater meteorites have black and blue crust but nevertheless
> it
>> is a find.
>> Michael Farmer
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 4, 2013, at 10:28 AM,  wrote:
>>> An "unobserved fall" is, well, a fall that was not observed, in
>>> contradistinction to a fall that was observed. The terminology of the
>>> Meteoritical Bulletin Database is "Observed fall: no".
>>> The information being conveyed is NOT that the meteorite fell but
> that
>>> the fall was not observed.
>>> In general, the questions about falling and finding are:
>>> 1) was the fall observed?
>>> 2) if so, when was it observed?
>>> 3) if not, is there any guesstimate of when it fell?
>>> 4) regardless of weather it was observed or not, when was it actually
>>> found?
>>> Paul Swartz
>>> MPOD webmaster
>>>> What is an "unobserved fall"? Every meteorite fell at some point. I
>>>> have thousands of unobserved falls in my collection.
>>>> Michael Farmer
>> __
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>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
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> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day (suspended until further notice)

2013-01-04 Thread hall
Scientists argue all the time. Discussion is what drives every science.
Words are important. I'm impotent...wait, that's from an old joke. See,
even spelling is important!
Good Night, Fred

> People can argue about many things my question is why
> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks
>  wrote:
>> Attention : sales of all unobserved falls are hereby suspended until
>> further notice.  ;)
>> --
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>> On 1/4/13, Mike Bandli  wrote:
>>> If a meteorite falls from the sky and no one is there to hear it, does
>>> it
>>> make a sound?
>>> ;^]
>>> --
>>> Mike Bandli
>>> Historic Meteorites
>>> and join us on Facebook:
>>> IMCA #5765
>>> ---
>>> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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>>> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
>>> addressed.
>>> If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate,
>>> distribute
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>>> copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you
>>> have
>>> received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your
>>> system. If
>>> you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,
>>> copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents
>>> of
>>> this information is strictly prohibited.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of
>>> Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 5:36 PM
>>> To: Anne Black
>>> Cc:;
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day
>>> Right, Anne. That is why they are referred to as a "Fall" or a "Find".
>>> Concise!
>>> Cheers, Fred Hall
>>>> Every single meteorite ever found on Earth is necessarily the result
>>>> of a fall, they are not native to Earth. The only difference is that
>>>> some falls are seen, witnessed, and some, the vast majoriry, are not.
>>>> So calling them Observed or Unobserved falls is logical. That is what
>>>> happened to all of them.
>>>> That is simple reality.
>>>> Anne M. Black
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> tFrom: hall 
>>>> To: Michael Farmer 
>>>> Cc: meteorite-list ; valparint
>>>> Sent: Fri, Jan 4, 2013 6:13 pm
>>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day
>>>>An "unobserved fall" is two words to describe the one word that has
>>>> been used for a century, "Find". The one word "Find" is good enough
>>>> for the Catalogue of Meteorites, it was good enough for Harvey
>>>> Nininger, and it is what I shall always use. Keep it concise.
>>>> Regards, Fred Hall
>>>>  That would make sense for say New Orleans, where a stone went through
>>>> a
>>>>> house and no one in their right mind would suggest that it did not
>>>> fall at
>>>>> that time say between 8 am and 4 pm when there was no hole in the
>>>> house,
>>>>> yet it was not seen to fall.
>>>>> An old rock found in a field does not suggest anything about fall
>>>> date. So
>>>>> it is a find, something never really argued against until now?
>>>>> It has crust which can suggest it is not th

Re: [meteorite-list] Ideas Wanted for NASA's 2020 Mars Rover, But Government Shutdown Adds Challenge

2013-10-02 Thread hall
This will quite simply end the science haters, give the Tea Party Members
a free ride to Mars on the 2020 Rover!
> Ideas Wanted for NASA's 2020 Mars Rover, But Government Shutdown Adds
> Challenge
> by Miriam Kramer
> October 2, 2013
> NASA needs ideas for its next Mars rover, but the government shutdown
> might delay their arrival.
> The space agency has put out an open call, asking scientists to submit
> proposals for the science and technology instruments that will fly aboard
> NASA's next Mars rover expected to launch in 2020. If the government
> shutdown
> continues, however, the competition - called the Mars 2020 Mission
> Investigations Announcement of Opportunity (AO) - might not go forward
> as planned.
> "The Mars 2020 AO may be affected in a number of ways, if the Government
> is shut down for some duration," NASA officials wrote. "The preproposal
> conference, scheduled for 10/8, may be rescheduled and the due date for
> NOIs [Notices of Intent] (currently 10/15) could be delayed, if the
> government is still shut down closer to those dates."
> The newly announced proposal competition asks researchers to submit a
> mission plan detailing the hardware, mission operations, data analysis
> and other information about what they would use a rover to investigate
> on Mars. The total cost available for the investigations is about $130
> million.
> NASA's Mars 2020 rover is expected to look somewhat like the space
> agency's
> Curiosity rover currently roaming the surface of the Red Planet, but its
> job will be different. The 2020 rover is slated to search for signs of
> past life on Mars and collect samples for an eventual return to Earth,
> NASA officials have said.
> Curiosity's initial mission was focused on determining if life on Mars
> was ever possible. The rover settled that question in March when NASA
> announced that Curiosity's data shows that Mars could have supported
> primitive life in the past.
> "The Mars 2020 mission will provide a unique capability to address the
> major questions of habitability and life in the solar system," Jim Green,
> director of NASA's Planetary Science Division in Washington D.C. said
> in statement. "The science conducted by the rover's instruments also
> would expand our knowledge of Mars and provide the context needed to make
> wise decisions about whether to return any collected samples to Earth."
> The 2020 rover might also help scientists pave the way for a possible
> manned mission to the Red Planet sometime in the future.
> "The Mars 2020 rover will test technologies that are key to one-day
> landing human explorers on the Red Planet," Jason Crusan, director of
> NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems Division, said in a statement. "New
> technologies could allow astronauts to live off the land as they explore
> the ancient valleys of Mars. The capability to manufacture breathable
> air, rocket fuel, water and more may forever change how we explore
> space."
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA websites taken down for Government shutdown

2013-10-02 Thread hall
Come on MikeG, you know that is not true. Your odds of making money go way
up with hard work, but hard work is no guarantee of becoming wealthy. An
enjoyable book to read is "LIFE THE ODDS (And How To Improve Them) by
Gregory Baer.
   My life has been made more enjoyable by collecting and learning about
meteorites. Someday, when I sell my collection, I may do well by it, IF
I don't die first. No matter, it has been an enjoyable pastime, along
with chess and mineral collecting and sports and women and my four
children. Yes, meteorites  and science are a wonderful slice of life.
So is hard work, no matter the outcome.
Fred Hall

> "What ever happened to be rewarded for hard work? "
> It's a myth that hasn't existed for at least 30-40 years.
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
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> -
> On 10/1/13, Adam Hupe  wrote:
>> It is all political posturing for maximum effect.  Our "Commander With A
>> Few
>> Real Teeth" is an expert at it as are most politicians, regardless of
>> party,
>> who forget that they are supposed to be working for the people.
>> Perhaps we can all learn from this new style of governing.  I will soon
>> have
>> to go completely to fixed pricing on eBay in order to pay for the 101%
>> increase in my monthly health care insurance and all of the new taxes
>> that
>> are going into affect on January 1st.  So much for affordable
>> healthcare!
>> Perhaps they should shut down 50% of the government permanently and use
>> the
>> funds to pay healthcare costs that politicians are exempt from.
>> These new taxes hidden in a healthcare bill  will have an effect on
>> meteorites sales.
>> What ever happened to be rewarded for hard work?
>> Go figure,
>> Adam
>> From: Jodie Reynolds 
>> To: Meteorite Mailing List 
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 11:01 AM
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NASA websites taken down for
>> Governmentshutdown
>> Hundreds of billions in sunk-cost and they have less than 12 hours of
>> burn on their bandwidth bill?
>> My investors would lynch me, and no jury in the world would convict
>> them...
>> Of course, I have to have an approved budget every year or I'll get
>> fired and the government will lock me up.
>> Must be nice!
>> --- Jodie
>> Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 9:07:41 AM, you wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It looks like the NASA website has been taken down for the shutdown:
>>> "Due to the lapse in federal government funding, this website is not
>>> available.
>>> We sincerely regret this inconvenience."
>>> The NEO website at JPL is not affected by this.
>>> Ron
>>> __
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>> --
>> Best regards,
>> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Government Shutdown Puts MAVEN Launch Preparations On Hold

2013-10-02 Thread hall
Come on Michael, only the very wealthy need medical treatment. Cast the
poor aside. Science is only good when it helps the extremely rich.
Exploring Mars and understanding meteorites is a waste of
Fred Hall

> A the genius of the GOP.
> Gonna cost the USA billions and billions all for a temper tantrum.
> Michael Farmer
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 1, 2013, at 3:49 PM, Ron Baalke 
>> wrote:
>> Government shutdown puts MAVEN launch preps on hold
>> October 1, 2013
>> Without funding to pay for numerous programs and research, engineers
>> began
>> shutting down work on a $671 million Mars science orbiter at the Kennedy
>> Space Center on Tuesday, halting critical preparations ahead of the
>> mission's
>> narrow interplanetary launch window in November.
>> The launch window, which opens Nov. 18 and extends to Dec. 7, is
>> restricted
>> by the locations of Earth and Mars. Launch opportunities to the red
>> planet
>> only come once every 26 months.
>> The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution, or MAVEN, spacecraft was on
>> schedule to launch from Florida on Nov. 18 aboard a United Launch
>> Alliance
>> Atlas 5 rocket. The launch will put MAVEN on a 10-month  journey to
>> Mars,
>> with arrival in orbit at the red planet set for Sept. 22, 2014.
>> But the launch date could be in jeopardy if the federal government's
>> partial
>> shutdown lasts more than a week. The shutdown began at midnight EDT
>> Tuesday,
>> at the beginning of a new fiscal year, because Congress failed to agree
>> on a federal budget.
>> NASA will continue operating missions in flight, such as the
>> International
>> Space Station, the Hubble Space Telescope and the Curiosity rover now
>> on Mars, but the space agency, acting on orders from the Office of
>> Management
>> and Budget, halted development and testing of spacecraft still on Earth
>> awaiting launch.
>> "MAVEN has not been classed as exempt from the shutdown, so our plan is
>> to carry out an orderly shutdown," said Bruce Jakosky, MAVEN's principal
>> investigator from the University of Colorado at Boulder's Laboratory for
>> Atmospheric and Space Physics.
>> NASA and Lockheed Martin Corp., MAVEN's prime contractor, were preparing
>> the spacecraft inside a clean room at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in
>> Florida.
>> MAVEN carries a suite of instruments to study how gases escape from the
>> upper atmosphere of Mars, which could tell scientists how the red planet
>> evolved from a world hospitable for life to the barren planet of today.
>> "In an orderly shut down, the key thing is to ensure that all the
>> hardware
>> is in a safe and known state so that we can pick it up again when we
>> resume,
>> and that it is protected against environmental problems," Jakosky said.
>> Uneasy with MAVEN's launch schedule following the government shutdown,
>> officials said they are evaluating whether this fall's launch window
>> could
>> be extended a few days into mid-December to buy more time.
>> If MAVEN missed this year's launch window, the next chance to launch the
>> probe toward Mars would be in early 2016.
>> Engineers made good progress on MAVEN since the orbiter arrived at KSC
>> from its factory in Denver on Aug. 2, said Guy Beutelschies, Lockheed
>> Martin's MAVEN program manager, in an interview Friday.
>> Beutelschies said the MAVEN team was working with nine days of schedule
>> margin to meet the Nov. 18 launch date.
>> Technicians ensured all of MAVEN's systems still functioned after the
>> cross-country flight from Denver, installed the satellite's flight
>> batteries,
>> put the spacecraft through mission simulations, tested its
>> communications
>> with NASA's network of tracking antennas, and unfurled its solar panels
>> to check their deployment mechanisms, according to Beutelschies.
>> The next steps were to finish up testing of MAVEN's propulsion system
>> and put the cubical spacecraft on a spin table to check its mass
>> properties.
>> MAVEN's load of toxic hydrazine propellant was scheduled to be pumped
>> into the orbiter's propellant tank in late October, and Lockheed Martin
>> was planning to 

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite collection of East London Museum in South Africa stolen

2014-03-28 Thread hall
Does anyone know anything about a "Keetmanshoop iron"? It is not listed in
the Met Bull. Does it have another name?

Regards, Fred Hall

> Dear Listees and Karmaka
> Thanks for this rather depressing news. I am fearful for the security and
> safety of collections in South African museums. This is not a story I
> haven't heard before involving other museums. I hope the perpetrators are
> caught, but I fear they will  not. This can only serve to encourage other
> to do the same - unfortunately this also means curators and other museum
> workers.
> Cheers
> Peter Davidson
> Senior Curator of Minerals
> National Museums Collection Centre
> 242 West Granton Road
> Edinburgh
> EH5 1JA
> 00 44 131 247 4283
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of karmaka
> Sent: 27 March 2014 13:24
> To: meteorite list
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite collection of East London Museum in
> South Africa stolen
> Meteorite collection of East London Museum in South Africa stolen
> Members of the public who may have any information about seven meteorites
> stolen from the natural history gallery are asked to contact Kevin Cole of
> the museum. Email Tel. 043 7430686
> stolen specimens:
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meet the Mammoths of the Ice Age at the National Museum of Scotland, 24
> January - 20 April 2014.
> National Museums Scotland, Scottish Charity, No. SC 011130
> This communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not
> the addressee please inform the sender and delete the email from your
> system. The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of
> the author and do not necessarily reflect those of National Museums
> Scotland. This message is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998 and
> Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. No liability is accepted for
> any harm that may be caused to your systems or data by this message.
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite collection of East London Museum in South Africa stolen

2014-03-28 Thread hall
So, a fleet man hopes he doesn't get caught with the hot Keetmanshoop?

Thanks to all that replied.
Cheers, Fred Hall

> Fred,
> It would be a Gibeon from Namibia. Keetmanshoop
> is one of the farms where it's been found.
> OSR.238.C&db_key=AST&page_ind=0&data_type=GIF&type=SCREEN_VIEW&classic=Y
> ES
> Keetmanshoop is a 168 kg iron, was on display
> in the local high school. Dimensions, fall
> date, discovery date, and discoverer are
> unknown. The Smithsonian got 622 gm. of it.
> Went to the East London Museum.
> It is the largest of the meteorites stolen
> from the East London Museum in South Africa
> on March 26-27, 2014.
> It's a hot rock...
> Sterling Webb
> --
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 7:42 PM
> To: Peter Davidson
> Cc: meteorite list
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite collection of East London Museum
> in
> South Africa stolen
> Does anyone know anything about a "Keetmanshoop iron"? It is not listed in
> the Met Bull. Does it have another name?
> Regards, Fred Hall
>> Dear Listees and Karmaka
>> Thanks for this rather depressing news. I am fearful for the security
>> and safety of collections in South African museums. This is not a
>> story I haven't heard before involving other museums. I hope the
>> perpetrators are caught, but I fear they will  not. This can only
>> serve to encourage other to do the same - unfortunately this also
>> means curators and other museum workers.
>> Cheers
>> Peter Davidson
>> Senior Curator of Minerals
>> National Museums Collection Centre
>> 242 West Granton Road
>> Edinburgh
>> EH5 1JA
>> 00 44 131 247 4283
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of
>> karmaka
>> Sent: 27 March 2014 13:24
>> To: meteorite list
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite collection of East London Museum
>> in South Africa stolen
>> Meteorite collection of East London Museum in South Africa stolen
>> ocks/
>> Members of the public who may have any information about seven
>> meteorites stolen from the natural history gallery are asked to
>> contact Kevin Cole of the museum. Email Tel. 043
>> 7430686
>> stolen specimens:
>> 1900271_674725839260741_370768172_o.jpg
>> 674725869260738_730285397_n.jpg
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> Meet the Mammoths of the Ice Age at the National Museum of Scotland,
>> 24 January - 20 April 2014.
>> National Museums Scotland, Scottish Charity, No. SC 011130 This
>> communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not
>> the addressee please inform the sender and delete the email from your
>> system. The statements and opinions expressed in this message are
>> those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of National
>> Museums Scotland. This message is subject to the Data Protection Act
>> 1998 and Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. No liability is
>> accepted for any harm that may be caused to your systems or data by this
> message.
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
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[meteorite-list] Anyone have Marvin Kilgores e-mail or phone # please

2010-01-25 Thread Bill Hall
Please help me get in touch with Marvin,

Thanks Bill Hall
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[meteorite-list] Fireball across Ireland as meteorite crashes to earth

2010-02-04 Thread Bill Hall
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[meteorite-list] Meteorites, Value and the Media

2010-02-05 Thread Bill Hall
Just for the record,
I purchased a thick slice of the
Brenham pictured in the LA Times, and threw it in a glass case without
any preservation at all. I do have a small desiccant bag in the case,
but this piece doesn't have a single speck of rust on it 3 years
later. Ruben saw it last year in Quartszite and stuck it in his video
if you care to see it...

not all Brenham are

  Bill Hall
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[meteorite-list] Texas Fireball?

2010-05-04 Thread Bill Hall
Just noticed this report, anyone else hear anything?
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[meteorite-list] My meteorites on Youtube

2010-05-17 Thread Bill Hall
Cool Idea using the LED stands! I like it.I like it a lot!!

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[meteorite-list] Ruben and Hopper in the NEWS

2010-05-17 Thread Bill Hall
Cool Ruben!
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[meteorite-list] Aliens and UFOs » Aliens Attack ing Bosnian Man with Meteorites

2010-07-19 Thread Bill Hall
Not sure about this one..

 Anyone heard of this
meteorite attack?
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[meteorite-list] ] Meteorites as Ammunition

2010-07-30 Thread Bill Hall
How strange you should ask.
A friend of mine and I decided to make some projectiles a round 6
weeks ago. I am using 1 inch slabs of Campo, and having the bullets
cut out on a water jet, then finnished on a lathe. They will be shot
using a 50 BMG rifle with a sabot.

As soon as Nosler Bullets gets back up and running,( they had an
explosion a little bit ago) we should have some slow Motion closeup
balistic shots to enjoy.

We want to try this on Materials like Robert Bigelows  inflatable
space structures.
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[meteorite-list] Help please. How to get large pieces Weighed

2010-08-23 Thread Bill Hall
Does anyone know where I can get my larger over 6 kilo to 70 kilo
meteorites weighed without purchasing an expensive large capacity gram
scale? I just need 10 or so weighed.

  Thanks Bill Hall
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[meteorite-list] Help please. How to get large pieces Weighed

2010-08-24 Thread Bill Hall
Thanks to all for the input, I went to Mail Boxes etc. and they
offered to weigh them for free. I think their scale is accurate to
around 100 grams. These meteorites will be for sale, and I don’t want
to short anyone. Good thing is their not lunar, or anything to special
that way, so this should work…..I hope
Thanks again,

   Bill Hall
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[meteorite-list] Lunar and Martian dealers

2011-05-25 Thread Bill Hall
I have a new Rock and Gem store in Bend Oregon, selling
crystals,meteorites,jewelry, and am offering Lunar and Martian samples
to my customers. I need a dealer who will furnish me descent stones at
fair wholesale prices. I will need pieces big enough to put into a
jewelry setting, ring or pendant. can you give me some idea what is
out there and the current market and wholesale prices.

I'm also interested in crystals, gemstones, mineral specimens

You may e-mail me off list at meteoritics at or call me 541-419-2210

   Bill Hall
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[meteorite-list] Ash Creek trade available, need NWAs

2011-05-25 Thread Bill Hall
I have a nice 9 plus gram stone I will trade for NWAs, must be 869 or
at least fairly fresh like 869. I call em "greenies" because their not
all oxidized and orange inside. I will take best offer for this stone,
e-mail me off list please. I have other material I may trade as
pics here, hope this

Meteoritics at gmail.comor call me 541-419-2210

Thanks! Bill Hall
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[meteorite-list] Meteorite Men Promotion

2009-07-13 Thread Bill Hall
I say promote away! I would have missed the 1st show without the
promotion, and I don't want to miss the next one. Thanks Steve and
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Something new....

2009-09-01 Thread Bill Hall
I have a slice I will try to etch. I also live in Oregon, and will try
and collect some more of this material.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] test

2009-03-15 Thread Bill Hall
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[meteorite-list] I'm so happy! My 1st Post

2009-03-15 Thread Bill Hall
 tons of great people, and went home with
many more kilos of meteorite. Special thanks to Carl from South Africa
for the Gibeon deal.
I skipped the Auction, tucked tail and went back to Quartzsite, packed
my stuff and prepared to head home, and WEST happened. But that's a
different story!

So happy to finally be able to post, Promise to never break the rules
on purpose, wont spam or be mean, and will help this be a positive,
productive, enjoyable, learning experience.
   Have a great day,

  Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] I'm so happy! My 1st Post

2009-03-15 Thread Bill Hall
Thanks to all,
  It will take me a while to figure out how to
reply to everyone in the proper manner( I know what I want to say just
need to get used to the process). For now thanks to those who replied
to my post as well as those who will no doubt welcome me in the next
few days. It is greatly appreciated to be accepted into a group like
yours. Rubens statement about my being "articulate" is strange, as I
am  terrible with my grammar, (but thanks Ruben!)

Thanks again to all,

  Bill Hall

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Iridium (+ Osmium ? + Technetium ?) measuring and testing

2009-03-16 Thread Bill Hall
How about hand held XRF  (EX-RAY FLORESCENCE)
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Iridium (+ Osmium ? + Technetium ?) measuring and testing

2009-03-16 Thread Bill Hall
depends on machine and operator I suppose. These are quite expensive
tools, and I just discovered them a few days ago. They are used in
mineral prospecting, and will do  elemental composition in ppm I

   Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] cool impact video

2009-03-20 Thread Bill Hall
A nice impact video
 have a nice day!
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Thin Section Page

2009-03-23 Thread Bill Hall
Really liked your website, spent an hour clicking every link! Thanks,

Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] [AD] 9.7 Gram West for sale or trade? And a few others...

2009-03-25 Thread Bill Hall
I have a 9.7 gram West to sell or part trade for ? Lunar, martian,
carbonatious , best offer...

I also have a 5.8 kilo Muonionalusta I would like to sell for .20 gram
= $1160 or part trade for?

I also have a really nice flawless 12 kilo oriented chondrite
available. Not sure what its worth as I've never seen one like it
before. $5000?

I posted some pics on photobucket of the west, and if you click open
the album called my meteorites you can see a so so pic of the big
chondrite is in the display case. if anyone is interested I will send
better photos, just testing the waters for now. As to the
Muonionalusta, I don't have a pic, (its in storage) but I will tell
you, it looks like a big giant baked potato that has been smooshed a
bit, and has had MOST of the crust removed, so you aren't buying rust
chunks, also it has been soaked in transmission fluid to prevent rust.

This is my 1st AD, hope I did everything correctly, new at the list
and photo bucket, e-mail me off list please or just give me a phone
call if interested, 541-419-2210
thanks for looking!  Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] What metal detector works well on finding a stone meteorite?

2009-04-05 Thread Bill Hall
I would get a gold bug for detecting very small bits if Iron, however
to Rubens surprise as well as another meteorite hunter I know (who is
not a list member) I found an old weathered chondrite with my Minelab
Eureka Gold. The Minelab is very controversial machine it seems, but I
really like mine, and think the people who are unhappy with them
simply don't understand how to use them. Many humans are strangely
unable to grasp simple concepts and follow directions. Always take a
test meteorite with you and tune your detecter to pick it up, If you
have it set to pick up an L chondrite it will get the H chondrites as

Example: I swear this happened yesterday! A customer called me ( who
lives in Alaska) and said she had no water in her motor home. The RV
park manager had already told her the supply hose to her RV was
FROZEN, and had disconnected it for her. When I arrived I explained to
her to simply bring the hose inside for a few hours to let it thaw out
and everything would be OK. Several hours later she calls frantically
exclaiming she still has no water!! OH Dear! I asked her to unhook it
from the RV and see if water would come out of the hose? She finally
understood what I meant and tried it. Nope, no water, ( I was watching
her from across the park and could tell she didn't turn on the faucet,
so after a few more minuets I taught her all about the way a water
faucet works. Yea!! now she has water.god I hope she knows
what to do with it.

Good luck! Bill
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Is this an ethical way to treat a meteorite?

2009-04-08 Thread Bill Hall
Hello list,
   I have an assortment of "OLD" Campos I purchased from a
guy who lives in a very humid climate. When I received them, they were
extremely rusty, and big flakes of rust falling off every time I would
even look sideways at them. I debated with trying the galvanic
cleansing, wire brushing, shot peening, acid baths, etc. etc. or just
slicing them up, and grinding off the crusty edges. In fact I have
done all of these things to test pieces, with less than miraculous
results. It was, and still is my personal belief that if the rust can
be removed ENTIRELY, and Either soak them in trans fluid, or carnuba
spray wax, that they will stabilize. In fact it appears I may have
done so, but with some interesting side affects. I know many meteorite
enthusiasts are against changing the natural appearance of a
meteorite, with good reason, However considering the circumstances and
possible repercussions of doing nothing at all I have transformed an
old Campo.

This process removes ALL rust, leaves small splotches of shiny fusion
crust ( at least it sure appears to be ) and provides  nice polish. It
also appears to have stopped all further oxidation, and no sign of
laurencite disease. I am not able to perform this process without the
final polish, so I get stuck with a shiny meteorite. I have seen
people go another step to remove the shine, I just kind of like it for

And on another note: As Joe Dirt said to Kickin wing, "Well that might
be your problem, its not what you like, its the consumer". I have
shown rusty irons to people who scowl, and exclaim "why do you think
its a meteorite!"  But when I show them a polished Iron their faces
light up in utter amazement, and will often offer $1 gram or more for
them...Just something to consider.

Please check out the photos on photo bucket, and let me know your
honest opinions. If the consensus is that this is an EVIL thing to do
to a meteorite I will surly take it into consideration. No doubt it
will make some frown, and give some hope to others.

 Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Is this an ethical way to treat a meteorite?

2009-04-09 Thread Bill Hall
  PLEASE NOTE: I'm not recommending this to anyone, it just an
experiment I tried with surprising results. Mainly the fact that it
appeared to have exposed areas of fusion crust, and stabilized the

  What I did:#1 remove largest flakes with very light wire
brushing, leaving most rust intact.

#2 soak in Rust-Mort for an hour, take out, dip in water and baking
soda mixture for 3 seconds to neutralize the acid, blow dry and let
sit overnight to dry.

Plain Phosphoric Acid Based rust treatments are used for two main reasons:

#1 It dissolves rust at a much faster rate than it dissolves iron, and
#2 It leaves a iron phosphate coating on the clean metal surface.
The phosphate in the acid converts ferric oxide (Fe2O3) into iron
phosphate (FePO4) and water in a faster simple exchange reaction:

Fe2O3 + 2 H3PO4 ® 2 FePO4 + 3 H2O

The water is removed when the part is cleaned but the iron phosphate
will adhere due to surface effects so that it does not wash away.

The hydrogen ions in the acid will attack the iron and convert it into
iron phosphate (FePO4) and hydrogen gas (the bubbles) in a slower
reduction-oxidation reaction:

Fe + H3PO4 ® FePO4 + H2­

Unless the metal is exposed to the acid  for a extended period and in
sufficient concentrations, the effect of the acid attacking the steel
will be negligible.

Some of the above information comes from Lee M. Daniels,  Laboratory
for Molecular Structure and Bonding, Texas A&M,
[email updated July, 2001]

SEM Products, Inc.
651 Michael Wylie Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28217
phone: 704-522-1006

#3 Remove the brownish green crust that is left in a sandblasting
cabinet, using very fine silica sand. Go easy, and use FINE sand or
you will be sorry. If you are careful you will be amazed to see
splotches of what appear to be black fusion crust appear. I'm not sure
about this, but it looks very convincing to me. The splotches seem to
be quite hard, and to have a glassy texture to them. Takes about 5
min. to do a fist sized meteorite.

#4 to get rid of the sand blast texture I used a giant 12 inch
industrial 3 phase  polisher ( A guy I know polishes stainless steel
auto trim, in the auto restoration business) these are used in chrome
or polishing shops. I used green stick rouge, but you could try brown
ow white as well. An 8" bench grinder with a polishing pad and green
rouge might work, but I recommend the big 12" industrial unit. It
takes about 10 min. to do a fist sized meteorite, depending on

#5 Optional and controversial: Use gun bluing to turn the meteorite
back to a more natural color.

#6 spray the meteorite with carnauba spray wax for automotive Paint applications

#7 Pray to you higher powers that be, and debate whether to tell
anyone what you have done!!!

let me know if you try it, and your results please,

   Bill Hall

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Bill Mason  wrote:
> There are better ways to treat iron meteorites that will stop further
> corrosion. STOP and think, what causes corrosion. Now remove the water from
> the interior and treat it with Vapor phase corrosion inhibitors. Now sit
> back and enjoy a rust free meteorite collection.
> Bill Mason3  "rusty"
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of tracy
> latimer
> Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 2:09 PM
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Is this an ethical way to treat a meteorite?
> If the alternative is having the meteorite slowly become a pile of rust
> flakes indistinguishable from what collects at the bottom of a junkyard
> (except for Ni content), I say go for it!
> Tracy Latimer
>> Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 09:50:57 -0700
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Is this an ethical way to treat a meteorite?
> _
> Rediscover HotmailR: Get e-mail storage that grows with you.
> rage1_042009
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Is this an ethical way to treat a meteorite?

2009-04-09 Thread Bill Hall
Thank you Mark,
   Good point! Disclaimer: Don't try this at
home! If you do try it please be CAREFUL!  Respirator, safety glasses,
good ventilation, apron, gloves, etc. etc.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - Nininger Estate Items - Rare Opportunity!

2009-05-05 Thread Bill Hall
This should be sold as a collection IMHO. Maybe the Kansas Meteorite
Museum. What about the Crater Museum? You would think they would want
it. If they don't have the funding to purchase, maybe you could trade
it for hunting privileges?  Just a thought...

Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] meteorite-list] Meteorite Men program

2009-05-11 Thread Bill Hall
Loved the show, now my mom knows why I spend so much money on space
rocks. Wish I could hunt with you guys, I'm jealous!

 Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Solar meteorite

2009-05-15 Thread Bill Hall
I love XPOL pics! Nice ones, also you have the infamous bubble with
the #7 on it. I saw this on the Coast to Coast website, PROOF of alien
life! Nice work, thanks,
  Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] New Meteorite CD ROM project

2009-05-15 Thread Bill Hall
Hello List,
 I'm thinking I would like to include some of your
meteorite stories, and experiences in a book project I'm working on.
The book is about meteorites and meteorite hunting for the beginner.
My Idea is to have a section on meteorite hunters and dealers provided
by list members. There are a few win win scenarios to this Idea: 1st
having a book with input from the list will hopefully prevent it from
the cruel world of harsh reviews. #2 It would surly be a better
compilation with every ones input. #3 whoever  gets a page in the book
will surly want to have a copy! Everyone in the book will share it
with friends who will possibly want a copy. You get the Idea. What I
propose is that everyone who wants to be in the book gets 1 page to
use as he or she sees fit. Use it to express anything you like about
meteorites. You may even use it for an add if you wish, promote your
business, or tell us about your 1st meteorite, your 1st find, your 1
st thin section, your trip to Tucson, etc. ANYTHING about meteorites
will do nicely.

The book will be on CD ROM only (at this time at least), as the
content, and all the color photos It will contain would drive the cost
WAY up, therefore you may put pictures on your page as well. I have a
great start on the project already, and have an award winning writer
and editor to help out as well. The CD will be self published, and
marketed, so It will for sure happen. Another Thought, if everyone
were to contribute a fee for their page We could get the project done
way sooner as costs for this will be in the thousands to publish. It
would be good advertising for the dealers

Just wanted to get some input on this, nothing is written in stone,
except I will be publishing a book on CD ROM in the next year or

please let me know if your
interested, or have any other input,


 Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Richard Norton

2009-05-29 Thread Bill Hall
I started my day as I almost always do, just me and an old worn out
copy of ROCKS FROM SPACE. I just open it up to any old page, and read
a few I don't read it so much to learn anymore (although I always
do pick up something new) I just like to go to the place it takes me.
Its a safe, fun, happy place to go. Its like spending time with an old

I decided to drive to Mt. Bachelor this morning, and found myself
standing hi above Central Oregon looking down on all the glory,
wondering what to do next. A bright sunny spring day, on top of the

I felt a compelling urge to drive to the Sunriver Nature Center to
look at the Norton collection on I did. I stood and
stared at all the incredible meteorites on display, (and drooled a
bit)  I day dreamed about starting a meteorite museum of my own.
maybe a collaboration effort. The Norton/Hall museum I dream..

Then I come home and read the Met List.

I see all the posts.

I cry...

I'm sorry, I don't know what to say

   My deepest
sympathies go to Dorothy
   and the
Norton family members,

    Bill Hall
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Possible Tunguska Event Impact Crater Found

2009-05-31 Thread Bill Hall
This might get 
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Need Geoff Notkins phone# please

2012-03-23 Thread Bill Hall
Lost my phone, and geoffs# please help, thanks, Also need Rubens #
Bill Hall
Bill Halls Rock and Gem Shop
Bend Oregon

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteor event, Cal-Nev-AZ

2012-04-23 Thread Bill Hall
I found a 46 gram chondrite near bouse. Want the gps to it?
Ruben shows it in one of his Quartzsite videos

Sent from my iPhone

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New BLM Rules

2012-09-22 Thread Bill Hall
Hey Carl,
Give me a call please,
Bill Hall

Sent from my iPhone

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