Re: [meteorite-list] SPAM-LOW: Meteorite Men on the Science Channel Tonight at 9pm

2010-11-02 Thread ontheroad
 I fill so sad I will miss it.I got no T.V. channels here in the desert.
Iam sure it will show again this next spring or summer when I get back home.

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377
 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Meteorites
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 5:40 PM
To: Meteorite-list
Subject: SPAM-LOW: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Men on the Science Channel
Tonight at 9pm

The Meteorite Men Season 2 Premiere Starts Tonight!
9pm ET/PT on the Science Channel:

Meteorite Men Season 2 Video Trailer:

Meteorite Men Website:

Enjoy the show everyone!

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA
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[meteorite-list] Mojave Impact site pictures

2010-11-02 Thread ontheroad

Hi List Here is a 3hr flight I took today out across the Mojave Desert
looking for my next meteorite hunting location. I ran across what looked to
be a impact site of who knows what?I landed by it & investigated it closer.
Maybe something from the military ? What ever it was it burnt the Playa
quite good.  Some one cleaned up what ever was in the biggest areas of
impact. Maybe a runaway flare?Here are some of my other shots from the sky.

Here Is A Documentary film I did with a French film crew out across the
great western USA Deserts. You will see lots of the dry lake beds we all
hunt on in it.

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377

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[meteorite-list] : Re: Cutting Blades for Meteorites

2010-11-01 Thread ontheroad
 Hi Matthew  Thanks for the info & link 
 That was a good read from Mike G on cutting. I think I will go with a MK
303 like you have been using .
 Its easy as I can pick one up there in L.V. . Cheers & have a very nice day

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377
 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matthew
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 9:35 AM
Subject: SPAM-MED: Re: [meteorite-list] Cutting Blades for Meteorites

Aloha Scott & Fellow Listoids,

This is a topic that comes around periodically and there's a lot of  
very useful information in the list archives.  I would suggest you run  
a Google search; this came up most recently this past June and there  
were some very helpful answers.  The list members not only shared  
their thoughts on the equipment that they use, but gave tips for  
cutting and shared their personal experiences at the saw as well.  The  
discussion was titled "Lessons from the Saw - Cutting Meteorites for  
Newbies and Curious Onlookers".  MikeG posted a lengthy, yet very  
helpful post which can be found here:

As for me, I picked up a .014" kerf MK 303 sintered blade after that  
discussion and have not regretted it one bit.  Now, I cannot provide a  
comparison as this is the only blade I have used so far, however I  
have been very happy with it.  There was another blade suggested by a  
list member that I was considering and after a comparison of the two I  
felt that the MK303 was a better fit for my needs; that too can be  
found in the archives.

I hope this helps.

Matthew Martin
Meteorite Treasures
Kaneohe, Hawaii

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[meteorite-list] Cutting blades for meteorites

2010-11-01 Thread ontheroad
 HI All Say I have a Qs on saw blade. I have a small rock buddie saw I pack
with me on the road. It needs a new blade for cutting up my newly found
specimens . Its just a small 4 in blade. What do folks fill is the best buy
out there for a nice OC blade. I likely will be traveling threw L.V. in a
week and found PR diamond products on the web . Any one use them?

MK-303 Professional blades

The MK-303 Professional grade continuous rim diamond blade has been designed
for cutting rare and valuable materials when waste needs to a minimum and
speed of cut is essential. The MK-303 produces smoother cuts, lasts longer
and cuts faster than ordinary notched rim or plated diamond blades. Designed
for use with a water soluble coolant.

Thanks in advance for any ideas here

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377
 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tomasz
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 1:50 AM
To: meteorite-list
Subject: [meteorite-list] AD Oriented Millbillillie 231g and Sikhote Alin

Dear List Members,
I have a few nice meteorites for sale.
- Millbillillie 231 grams, oriented specimen, radial flow lines, great
rollover lips, 100% fusion crust. Truly amazing specimen. Here some
photos :

Sikhote Alin 915 gram oriented specimen wilh flow lines and rollover lips.
AAA quality of Sikhote Alin.

- Sahara 99704 chondrite with original Labenne label. Weight 2.3 kg,
fresh crust, flow lines, nice brecciated interior. Nice historical pre -
NWA specimen!

All question please send to

All the Best
Tomasz Jakubowski
IMCA  #2321

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[meteorite-list] Black Rock City , Black Rock Desert NV.

2010-10-29 Thread ontheroad
Hi Folks here is one of my late Aug meteorite hunting locations. I found it
quite hard to keep my eyes looking down when hunting .Found lots of black
rocks but no Meteorites . This is truly the most amazing lake bed in the
world for 7 days & 7 nights.

BRC population 51,453 a 7 day city, full of the unusual. wonderful creative
and interesting people from ALL walks of life."

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377

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[meteorite-list] update on all my finds from NV.

2010-10-28 Thread ontheroad

Hi All,  I had the great pleasure of having one of the top meteorite hunters
in the USA stop in here to visit at my camp at El Mirage. HE and his
incredibly nice lady friend both had a really nice long visit with me and my
wife, Terri.
 I don't want to name any names here but he took his time out of his day to
look over all of my NV dry lake bed finds from last summer and fall of
hunting.  I just can't express what a pleasure it was spending time with
both of them.  They are true treasures both of them.
Any way I have two of my finds that were in my Meteorite pile from Jungo
that have to go back into my meteor wrong pile. 
 The first one was one that I had in my wrong pile but moved over into my
finds pile. It was not magnetic at all but had all of the looks of a
meteorite. So he goes back as a wrong now again. Now my number two wrong
was, the smaller Jungo that was heavily magnetic and at one end had what I
thought to be  large olivine crystal & gold . Well they are not, I believe
he said quartz crystals and pyrite. So this little fella goes back into the
wrong pile. And it looks like the rusty orange colored Luning rock will go
back to my wrong pile as well . But when I get a new saw blade I will open
him up for a better look inside
During the big rains here I had my Jungo meteor wrongs out side and in the
rain for a few days. So some days back I looked them over again after the
playa was washed off them nicely. I found what looked to be a new find in my
jungo wrong pile.  I opened up a window and there it was nice light nickel
flakes. After it was looked at by a pro I was able to add it to my Jungo
Meteorite pile that will be sent in for testing.  
Then on my  3  bigger NE NV finds that I got underground on a dry lake bed
near a big strune field where I recovered about 200 fragments at  Sonny's
strune field. Well there is a very good chance that these are from a
different meteorite fall then the ones from the strune field.  After they
get classified I will up date you all.
Here is my goodies I will send in
 I got 3  bigger ones from NE NV  underground that are lightly magnetic
1 bigger one from Tungston . the other 6 smaller ones will not be sent in.
3 really nice ones from Jungo
 I will have thin sections made and sent in for classification ASAP. 
 The ebb and flow of wrongs to rights and rights to wrongs.  So, I am now
down 2 meteorite from what I had a few days back.
Its all part of the fun of meteorite recovery. 
WE are now headed back into the field  at my no name location in the middle
of the Mojave
for two more weeks of Joyous meteorite recovery
Best Regards
Scott  Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377

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Re: [meteorite-list] Well, it's official Yelland Dry lake Bed

2010-10-28 Thread ontheroad
 HI Sonny that's great news & congratulations. Plus a big thanks , as I have
spent two incredibly fun hunts out there in that little heaven on earth
location. The joy it has personally brought me is indescribable  I have
memories that are etched into my mind for eternity, Of dancing across that
playa with my I-pod like no one was watching. (No one was) and plucking them
little space rocks as I go. I to have gifted quite a few of my find to
folks.  I'm headed deep into the Mojave tomorrow to set up a new flying base
camp for a few weeks of looking for that 1st lunar in N.A. or any other
meteorite that crosses near my eyes  Gotta love life when it gives you time
for meteorite hunting. I kinda fill like a little kid a Christmas getting
ready for this new hunt. Thanks again

Scott( on the hunt) Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377
 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 9:27 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Well, it's official Yelland Dry lake Bed

Hi List,

I just wanted to share the news that Yelland Dry Lake has been approved 
as the official name for the meteorites I discovered in 2007. This is 
the largest known TKW of chondritic material recovered from one 
meteorite here in Nevada. The TKW is 76 kg's, it is classified as an 
H4. This is the lake bed where the Meteorite Men episode was filmed 
last year. I revisited the lake last month with a couple of friends and 
recovered  several  more pieces.
I have noticed over the past few months that a few list members have 
recovered up to 5 more kilo's from the same lake bed.  Way to go guys, 
keep up the good work! It would be nice to see many people enjoy this 
area as the many that have been able to enjoy Gold Basin ( Thanks to 
Jim, John and Twink).

  I received an email early last year from a certain list member that 
indicated this lake bed was located by Strawberry Point near Eureka 
Nv.,  with  other inaccurate information.  This lake bed is actually 
closer to Ely, Nevada and is in an area that I have spent many years 
exploring. Hopefully someday he will find his own strewn field and will 
be able to share his exciting news with us all.

Anyone wishing to get additional information about the hunting area  
please contact me off list.

Happy Hunting!

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[meteorite-list] Up date on NV dry lake bed hunt

2010-10-23 Thread ontheroad
Hi All, I just wanted to send out an update on our Nevada, Dry Lake Bed Hunt
on our way south. Last time I wrote we were at Coledale junction at HWY 9 &
HWY 95 in central NV. The last two Nv dry lake bed Columbus flats turned out
to be salt marsh type of soil. So I about got stuck 4 to 5 time and scared
myself, I pulled the plug on that hunt. Then we went to the next lake bed
down the hwy toward Tonopah Nv. Same thing a salt marsh again. So Terri and
I got nothing on my last few lake beds or salt marsh lakes beds. Next
lakebed I got to hunt was a Cuddleback in CA. I got a little bit of hunting
in before it blew down with blowing dust. We got out of there and headed to
our flying home base at El Mirage dry lake bed.
The day after we got there it rained two days and nights, flooding the lake
bed, turning it into a lake. It washed all the roads out around us here at
the north campground. But we are still enjoying of time relaxing and waiting
for it to turn back into a DRY lake bed, to teach flying on.

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377

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Re: [meteorite-list] Pics of New NV. Finds , Jungo & Luning dry lake beds

2010-10-14 Thread ontheroad
Here is the full link to pics page

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377
 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Pics of New NV. Finds ,Jungo & Luning dry lake

 Hi Sonny  & List
 Great find you got there Sonny . Your Pup looks as excited as my Dobie
Sundance when its warm & full sun out.  Yesterday I found a nice orange
rusty colored one at Luning lake bed here in NV. and really had my doubts
about it till I saw your rock & its rusty orange color.
 Its nicely magnetic & I opened up a window today. It looks to have nickel
or some type of medal visible.  I will ad a link to pic of it.

 I also down loaded some pics of my nice 104 gram Jungo I found last Friday
on South Jungo.  I opened a window on my two blue wing finds from day before
yesterday & threw them into my meteorwrong box , till I get some one with a
bit more  knowledge then my self to look them over.

 But This Luning find went from my wrong pile to my meteorite pile till I
get a second option from some one else .

 WE are at hunt location #5 tonight the Columbus flats. It looks huge so I
hope to hunt it the next few days

We are camped at the old Bar & Restaurant location at Coaldale junction of
HWY 95 & HWY 6

Happy hunting all

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377
 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:30 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] New 328g Chondrite, Nevada cold find.

Hi List,

I just wanted to share a few photos of my new meteorite find.  It has
fractures on 2 sides and appears to be a small fragment from a multi
kilo piece. This chondrite has a reddish brown desert varnish coating
over the existing fusion crust. You can view the pictures or Play the 
slide show at


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Re: [meteorite-list] Pics of New NV. Finds , Jungo & Luning dry lake beds

2010-10-14 Thread ontheroad
 Hi Sonny  & List
 Great find you got there Sonny . Your Pup looks as excited as my Dobie
Sundance when its warm & full sun out.  Yesterday I found a nice orange
rusty colored one at Luning lake bed here in NV. and really had my doubts
about it till I saw your rock & its rusty orange color.
 Its nicely magnetic & I opened up a window today. It looks to have nickel
or some type of medal visible.  I will ad a link to pic of it.

 I also down loaded some pics of my nice 104 gram Jungo I found last Friday
on South Jungo.  I opened a window on my two blue wing finds from day before
yesterday & threw them into my meteorwrong box , till I get some one with a
bit more  knowledge then my self to look them over.

 But This Luning find went from my wrong pile to my meteorite pile till I
get a second option from some one else .

 WE are at hunt location #5 tonight the Columbus flats. It looks huge so I
hope to hunt it the next few days

We are camped at the old Bar & Restaurant location at Coaldale junction of
HWY 95 & HWY 6

Happy hunting all

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377
 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:30 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] New 328g Chondrite, Nevada cold find.

Hi List,

I just wanted to share a few photos of my new meteorite find.  It has
fractures on 2 sides and appears to be a small fragment from a multi
kilo piece. This chondrite has a reddish brown desert varnish coating
over the existing fusion crust. You can view the pictures or Play the 
slide show at


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[meteorite-list] Meteorites Hunting in NW NV.

2010-10-11 Thread ontheroad
HI to ALL you Meteorite lovers 
I'm back on the recovery of old meteorite falls here in north western part
of NV. My wife Terri & I left our Airpark the Eagles Nest in Wa state and
are on the road south for the winter of teaching flight on dry lake beds &
small airports like Borrego CA & Parker AZ. There in the south western

We are now recovering meteorites here on Jungo Dry lake bed 35 miles west of
Winnemucca Nv. I was here on Jungo recovering some great specimens' around
the 1st of Aug and felt that there were more waiting for me to stumble upon.
This is a incredible area of northern NV . It has some of the few areas of
the country where gold is within 1 to 2 ft below the surface of the ground.
I found some great meteorites on my last visit here & had made contact with
cascadia in Portland to do the classification on them. So I wanted to spend
a bit more time in this area exploring the south end of Jungo flats. The
massive lake bed is broken in two halves as the rail road & old highway runs
west to east across the middle of the lake bed. When we arrived here this
week it had just rained two days so there was standing water everywhere you
looked. Upon arrival at Jungo I found the north lake bed close to the road
full of water . I drove to the old town site of Jungo & found high ground to
park my 38 ft Dutch star motor home on as it's a bit heavy for the soft wet
soil we had on the lake bed now after two full days of rain in 1 week. My
wife, Terri drove the Dodge 4x4 1 ton with the our 4x4 side by side
meteorite buggy in the back, then towing the 25 ft aircraft trailer/toy box.
I found the perfect high ground to set up base camp on. Friday it was sunny
all day & I hunted areas I could still get to. Jungo lake bed is so hard pan
that all water stays right on the surface of the lake beds. Day 1 I hunted
north Jungo in areas I could still get to because of high water still
flooding the lake bed. The second 1/2 of the day I found the entrance to
south Jungo & hunted where I could reach that was dry. After 1 hr I found my
1st great find. It's a 104grm baby with about 1/2 of it with nice fusion
crust and what looks to be flow lines . Plus one nice thumb print on one
side. Day 1 was a great & fun adventure. 

Day 2 I hunted all day on both north & south Jungo & found a few possible
that I need to test for nickel still. 

Day 3 I was headed out to look for the great sawtooth Iron meteorite
discovered back in 2002 by a couple gold detecting in the area. They
recovered two nice Irons that are on display in CA. I drove my 4x4 side by
side up the face of this gold impregnated area of NV. I could see where
uncaring Gold detecting hunters dug holes in the hills & never back filled
the digs. I drove over big 2ft holes that were dug but not back filled in
right on the road. What a shame as this is why things get closed off for
misuse. I hiked a full circle around the massive saw tooth knob with my
minelab 70. I then walked every wash with my metal detector wearing at me.
It was a full day of fun & wild excitement as I dug deep into washes for my
Iron I was hunting but the only thing I dug up was Human trash left from 100
years back or so.  I had a lot of fun hunting the sawtooth iron but came
home with only gold & no iron. At least I gave it a go. On my way back I
spotted a big rattlesnake & got some great pictures of him striking at me. I
ran him off the road & into the bush so he did not get run over by all the
gold miners going to work & returning home to Winnemucca driving fast on
this dirt road. There was still good light when I got back to camp at Jungo
so Terri & I hunted the north side of Jungo till dark. My right arm is
really sore from swinging my gold detector all day. My legs wore out from
all the hiking up & down that rugged mountain. But to tell you the truth I
loved every single minute of it. Nothing better in the world then hunting
meteorites, well flying is. I stopped my story here & went to bed & will
finish it up tomorrow

Update: Its Monday Oct 11th . We drove farther south to lovelock Nv. We are
now set up at the Lovelock airport where its windy. I hope to set up my
light sport Aircraft and go fly out to 3 different remote dry lake beds for
more meteorite hunting all this week.
I also spoke with some locals here in Lovelock that saw a meteor come down
in this area in the full day light a few years back
, So I quickly got my map & had them show me where they said it came in at.
It's a long shot but I hope to investigate that fall story as well.

 I will give a update later this week after I recover more meteorites here
in the great state on Nevada.

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377
 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service

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Re: [meteorite-list] other hobbies

2010-09-16 Thread ontheroad
HI List  Yes I have to say what a very interesting bunch of Meteorite folks
you all are.  Love to be part of it with all of you ,as its one of the more
exciting things I have ever done in my life. Finding & then touching them is
truly ineffable.
I gotta say a few of my hobbles or passions in life have morphed into full
time work as a instructor & mentor and now I make my living that way full
 Hang Gliding ,cross country & world competitions, 
Paragliding ,FAI world & Nat record hunter
Microlight aircraft or now known as light sport aircraft
pylon racing light sport aircraft
White water kayaking 
White water rafting
Scuba Diving
rock collecting
Arrow head hunter as a kid
 Aerial photography
Aerial videographer
Traveling the world
Learning the universal law of attraction
Meeting new folks from across the globe.
 home brew beer
 And now the one thing I think of hourly & daily & read books & study photos
of. And go out & find & touch them,  And just cant get my mind off of
((METEORITE HUNTING))  is a huge passion at this time. I leave in a week on
a new week long hunt in NV .

 Have a great day.

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377


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Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil

2010-08-26 Thread ontheroad
 Hi Count Deiro   I read your post last night of you finding a 13.7 Kilo LL6
. Then I went to bed and had a dream of finding my own 13.7 kilo monster.
Then I woke up & no big meteorite.   I would love to see a photo of that
baby sticking out of the ground and a photo of it out of the ground.

 Also I gotta say I'm manifesting being that dumb ass newbie that trips over
the lunar.

Next time I come to L.V. you gotta come out to Jean airport for a flight
with me. I lived in Vegas selling flight out of Boulder city Airport . But
being a country boy I had to move back to the country here in Wa. State 

Have a great day hope to see a pic of your find.

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377
 US Airborne Paraglider and Ultralite training, Sales & Service

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:29 PM
To: Matson,Robert D.;
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil

Robert wrote:

I sometimes carry an LL6 with meThat usually "cures" them.

Ah, come on you guys. You talk like we relative "newbies" are a sandwich
short of your picnic. I carry a very powerful (+50) neomydium on a staff I
use, cause I'm a cripple and I don't like to fall down, or bend over. But,
my first location device is my own pair of MK2 eyeballs backed by
recognition patterns learned in studies on line, in papers, texts and
handling in person thousands of meteorite wrongs and rights. Yeah, I know,
I'll never catch up to you in numbers, but you'd be surprised at the
difference in each individual's learning abilities, memory and powers of
observation. Per esempio. I was dropped in a known strewnfield that had been
worked, admittedly for six years, by one of the best hunters in the Americas
and several of his equally experienced dealer/hunter friends. Within an hour
I spotted a 13.7 kilo LL6 sticking three inches out of the ground. I had
used my eyes first, then the cane second. If it hadn't been attracted I
would have picked it up anyway to loup
 e it. If it was obviously not a wrong, but still ringing bells (possible
planetary, or other rariety) I would have put it down. Then cubed, GPS'ed
and taken a photo, put it in a baggy (if it would fit) and taken it home to
the scope. But guess what?...this LL6 clicked, albeit lightly. So, you had
better use a lunaite to embarass "newbies" with their magnets. And keep in
mind that hunting for meteorites isn't a very complicated business. Hell,
you can teach dogs to do it.
And about that first lunar to be found in the Americas...don't be surprised
if some reportably dumb ass newbie trips over it. 


Count Deiro
IMCA 3536  


-Original Message-
>From: "Matson, Robert D." 
>Sent: Aug 24, 2010 1:10 PM
>Subject: [meteorite-list] Magnet canes are evil
>Mark wrote:
>> As soon as everyone stops using metal detectors and magnet canes
>> to look for meteorites then the first Lunars in Europe or USA
>> will eventually be found,  until then!
>I have never used a magnet cane, nor will I ever, and I always
>advise new hunters against their use. A magnet cane is basically
>an H-, L-, iron, and stony-iron filter. I sometimes carry an LL6
>with me to the desert on the off-chance I'll run into someone using
>a magnet cane. That usually "cures" them. ;-)
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Re: [meteorite-list] Hot AUG NV. Dry Lake bed meteorite hunt.

2010-08-26 Thread ontheroad
 Hi  All 
 I just got back last week from my second NV. dry lake bed meteorite hunting
trip I did on Aug 12,13,14,15.   I had 5 days off from teaching flying so
Off I went to my location #1 720 miles from my Airpark in Wa State . I
offered to take my wife but she said it was to hot for her taste. So I
packed all my tools. This time I had my trusty Kawasaki Teryx side by side
4x4 buggy with sun shade roof.  I got to my site #1 after a full days drive
just at dark .  I was up at 5 A.M. & hunting as I ate my cereal. I got a few
nice ones as I ate. I started with a probe out onto this huge lake bed just
to see if I could spot any out in areas I have not hunted before . I brought
my X-Terra 70 so I could check the area I had found my biggest 196 gr rock
last hunt when I was here. It's a sand dune so I felt there was likely a
bigger one here . I set up a grid & with in 10 min I had found my 1st
underground rock. This gave me high hopes So I hunted on. I felt pretty
small out here with my detector on this huge lake bed. After about a 1/2 hr
my x-terra 70 said there was a -8. I opened up a hole & there was a really
nice underground meteorite about 5 inches under. It was my second biggest I
have found here at this location. I hunted with my detector till I wore my
self out in the heat . Then I packed it up & hunted the rest of the day by
foot and some on my 4x4. It was a great day of hunting So I cooked up a big
N.Y steak & some veggies & nice salad & had a cold beer. I was tired but the
meteor shower was on tonight. So I laid there in the back of my truck
watching the show . I woke up early & it was quite chilly out .  I did the
same as 1st morning I ate my cereal as I hunted in my slippers. I had found
3 nice ones during breakfast. I felt it was going to be a good day so I got
going as soon as I had sun. I went back & hunted the dune area with my
detector with no luck at all. Then  I hunted a second area with my detector
& only a few small ones that were in cracks made my detector sing . I felt I
was wasting my hunting time with my detector so I headed out to explore a
new area. The day time temps were getting really hot so I did my exploring
on my 4x4 buggy. I Had found a area that was producing a few nice sized
rocks , So I set up a grid in my 4x4 . The sun shade on my buggy saved me as
temps were hot. I did a east west grid. Going east I could see 15 ft out the
left side of my buggy onto the playa . Then going west into the hot sun I
could only see 5 ft out. So I did a 20ft swath across this part of the lake.
I was really hitting them nice. I had my I pod on as I hunted & I went threw
3 great albums Kansas, Journey, John Prine , I also did some filming. I was
like a kid in a candy store I was so high on life that I was dancing like no
one was watching me out on this remote lake bed.  I had hunted two days now
14 hrs each day , so I was dragging my butt around .
This last & 3rd day I was slow at the punch. I did not hunt as I ate my
cereal. I kind of just starred out onto the huge lake bed thinking of my
next move.  I explored areas on my 4x4 seeing if I could spot any new rocks.
I worked over the north eastern edge but nothing but a arrow head. Around
noon of my 3rd day I packed up my camp and drove west across NV. I was
headed to my hunting location #2 and it was all the way across the state. I
drove all afternoon but could not get there before dark , So I grabbed a
motel, Shower & Mx dinner. I had the motel give me a 4:30 wake up call the
next A.M.  I hit the road by 5 A.M. & was standing on my location #2 dry
lake bed by 6 a.m  . I felt good & rested up , so I watch the sun rise as I
took pics & ate my cereal. This was a huge lake bed but it was all hard pan
so I felt good about driving my big 1 ton 4x4 out onto it.  I unloaded my
gear quickly & headed out on the hunt. With in a 1/2 I had found my first
possible space rock . After Pics of it as I found it I rolled it over for
second photo on its back with GPS location  I only had 1 day here so I
wasted no time looking over my specimen. It looked a bit funny but put it
away till I could look at it better. My next adventure was finding a moving
rock. This specimen was black & you could see a nice trail were this fella
had moved 40 ft or more across the dry lake bed.  I filmed it all for my
little film iam doing. Then I stuck my Magnet up to it and WOW it stuck like
it was solid medal.  I recorded pics & location of it but knew it was not a
meteorite. I felt it was possibly magnetite. Then a bit farther I found a
much larger piece about 30 lbs then 4 more smaller 5 & 10 lbs rocks.Then
just like I knew where I was headed I drove to the east shore of the lake
walked about 30 ft from my 4x4 buggy looked down & there was a very nice
meteorite just waiting for me to find it & take home for classification .
Well I was 1 happy hunter. I had found two nice looking specimens before
9:30 in the A.M.  After finding my 114 grm rock I set up a grid hunt threw
this ar

[meteorite-list] My Meteorite hunt in Nevada end of June 1st of July

2010-07-17 Thread ontheroad
Hi Meteorite gang, I'm new to the list & fairly new to meteorite hunting.
Last winter in So Cal deserts my wife & I found a few in our spare time
while we roamed to desert in our 4x4 side by side. I haven't done much
hunting since then. I make my living teaching folks to fly light sport
aircraft, paragliding & Paramotoring and import one of the best microlights
from the land down under. I also do documentary films .

Monday June 21st I was working in the office doing e-mails and the meteorite
men were on Sci channel. Well, I spent all day watching the adventures of
Steve & Jeff and I was totally blown away, all I wanted to do was go hunt &
find some more space rocks. I ordered up some 1 inch x 1 inch magnets on
e-bay the very next day. Then I found a nice deal on a new X terra 70 by
minelab.  By that next weekend I found myself with 6 days off around the end
of June & 1st of July.  I let my wife know I had to head out to Nevada to go
hunt meteorites. By the way my wife thinks I lost my mind  but she backs me
in every thing I do in life.  She wanted to go with me but had to stay home
with the bird, dog and Airpark.  I had done my research for  meteorite
hunting locations and I was wanting to go down south on a few remote dry
lake beds in Nevada.   I also had some help from a very nice meteorite
hunter out of Southern Idaho, John Harrison  on a new location that I wanted
to find. With a few good locations to check out, I decided to go for it by
myself. I took off the lance camper we use on our Dodge 4x4 for airshows
because I would be driving out on some unknown lakebeds and did not want the
extra wt of the camper to possibly get me stuck in soft sandy soil. I
packed my bags and loaded up my truck with all the goodies I needed for 5 to
6 day road trip. I headed out on the long 750 mile drive southeast. Our
airpark the Eagles Nest is in the southeastern corner of WA, State and I had
to drive through Idaho and 1/2 of Nevada to get to location #1.  On my way
through southern Idaho I stopped into see my new Meteorite friend John and
he gave me 4 throw downs to use as a guide at location 1.
 I made it just at dark and drove onto the lake bed looking for my starting
point. I hit some real soft soil and was sinking so I had to ram it into 4x4
to stay moving. I was really in the middle of nowhere and did not want to
get stuck out here, so I kept my speeds near 40 mph to stay on top of the
soft soil. All of a sudden I hit hard pan soil and I hit the brakes hard
stopping in a skid before getting into more soft stuff again. Lucky that I
didn't bring the camper or I would have been big stuck, big time. The next
A.M. I was at it early. It was Monday the 28th of June, 1 week from the time
I had watched the Meteorite marathon show with Jeff & Steve, the 21st of
June. By noon I had over 25 meteorites and a few meteor wrongs. My biggest
was a 194 1/2 gram rock. I was totally excited. The noon heat was kicking in
so I rested under my truck in the shade and breeze. About 3 o'clock I headed
out and hunted till sunset. The clouds were building and virga was falling
from the bottoms, with rays of sun coming through them. Wow, what a sunset
it was.  I felt alive with excitement and could barely sleep.
The next day I was up at 5 A.M. and hunting again by 5:30. The winds were
blowing up dust and the clouds looked like pending rain. I hunted hard till
about noon. By then the blowing dust and possible rain had me packing up my
gear and getting ready to run off the lake bed before it rained. I counted
my space booty and had 99 meteorites and some meter wrongs.  Mother nature
was in charge here and I formed my next plan to drive all afternoon 280 plus
miles to my hunting location 2. I was hoping the weather was better over
there. The drive was windy and every dry lake bed I saw along my route was a
rage of dust. I stopped in a old NV mining town and had a few Whisky 7 with
the local boys before heading into the huge # 2 lake bed location. I got
there just at dark and found this lake bed was all hard pan and not the soft
broken up stuff I had just left. This was one huge mother. I woke up early
at 5:30 and drove to the northern end of the massive lake bed. I hunted the
shores by truck as I drove to where I wanted to start my hunt by foot. I was
getting a lot of Meteor wrongs or stuff I felt was not what I wanted so the
good stuff went into my left cargo pocket and the other went into my right
side. Well my meteor wrong side filled up much faster then the other side. I
hunted for 14 hrs that day and really wore my butt down. I had a huge pile
of rocks (Meteor wrongs) & 4 that I felt for sure were meteorites.  I packed
up my gear at dark driving north for home. I would get home the next day by
noon. Here are a few pics of my goodies. Since I got home I have found 3
more good sized meteorites in my Meteor wrong pile. So at location 1 I got
99 space rocks and location 2 I have 7 of them fellas, they are 3 different
types. I have been float