Apologies for another post on the subject of Meteor Crater but list member Uwe 
Figge who lives in Germany just emailed me two very nice panoramas of the 
crater that he assembled from my originals.

They were so nice I immediately asked for Uwe's permission and then added them 
to my Meteor Crater webpage:


The only bad news is that after 37 years I now know I do not have a complete 
panorama as I now see that one section is missing (I always thought I had a 
complete pan).

Maybe one day I will have to go back to the crater and reshoot that one 
section. :)

Sehr gut Uwe!

N Utah USA

On 22 Nov 2010, at 05:06, Patrick Wiggins wrote:

> First off, many thanks for the many off list comments about my images.
> Had I know so many would like them I would have done a better job.
> One list member even used software to combine several of the images into 
> beautiful panoramas.
> Now that I know there's interest in such things I went back and rescanned the 
> slides using a much better scanner.  It took a lot longer but I think most of 
> the rescanned images look better.  Somehow the scanner managed to 
> electronically remove most of the dust and scratches.
> Here's the new version:
> http://users.wirelessbeehive.com/~paw/MCAPR73.HTML 
> Cheers,
> patrick
> N Utah USA
> On 20 Nov 2010, at 22:24, Patrick Wiggins wrote:
>> Going through some old slides I came across several I shot while exploring 
>> Arizona's Meteor Crater in 1973.
>> I've heard that these days folks are not allowed to climb down into the 
>> crater but back then (I'm guessing before lawyers got involved) visitors 
>> were welcome to climb all over the thing so some of my shot were taken from 
>> the bottom looking up. 
>> http://users.wirelessbeehive.com/~paw/MCAPR73.HTML 
>> patrick
>> N Utah
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