[meteorite-list] Comment and Reply In Press for Putative Saginaw Bay Impact Paper

2019-07-15 Thread Paul via Meteorite-list

A comment and reply are now in press for:

Kloko??n??k, J., Kosteleck??, J. and Bezd??k, A., 2019. The putative
Saginaw impact structure, Michigan, Lake Huron, in the light
of gravity aspects derived from recent EIGEN 6C4 gravity
field model. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 45(1), pp.12-20.

The comment is;

Schaetzl, Randall J.,William Sauck, Paul V. Heinrich, Patrick
M. Colgan, and Vance T. Holliday. 2019. Response to comment
by Schaetzl et al.(2019) on ???The putative Saginaw impact
structure, Michigan, Lake Huron, in the light of gravity
aspects derived from recent EIGEN 6C4 gravity field model???.
??Journal of Great Lakes Research.

The reply is:

Jaroslav Kloko??n??ka, Jan Kostelecky??b, and Ale?? Bezd??kd, 2019.
Response to comment by Schaetzl et al.(2019) on ???The
putative Saginaw impact structure, Michigan, Lake Huron,
in the light of gravity aspects derived from recent EIGEN
6C4 gravity field model???. Journal of Great Lakes Research.

The comment and reply should eventually appear in:


Paul H.


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[meteorite-list] Comment

2017-01-24 Thread Michael Blood via Meteorite-list
Hi all list members,

I have not posted to the list in quite a while. I did not like some
Of the posts I had made, especially regarding other list members, so
I withdraw for about 18 months to self assess before posting again.

My email application totally crashed recently and it has taken
Weeks to retrieve ANY of my old address book. When I did, it was
From 2014! So, anyone and everyone who has changed their email,
Phone and/or address since sometime in 2014, PLEASE email me
With all information, putting “UPDATE” in the subject box - Thank you.

In addition, the same happened to my sales lists, of which, in
Addition, I lost ALL of list #5.
So, if you would like to receive my VERY OCCASIONAL (i.e.
2 to 5 times a year) ads, please email me with “METOEORITE ADS”
In the subject box and I will add you to my list. Everyone knows my
Ads ALWAYS contain some killer pieces/prices that result in even
Other dealers contacting me immediately. 
IF YOU WERE ALREADY ON MY LIST please include the following:
1) Your old email address
2) the List # you were on (some were on more than one list - inc. all)
3) Your current email address
I will make sure you are only on one list and your email is current. 
NONE of my emails are ever sold, traded or exchanged to other
Parties - ever.

Thanks to all list members for their patience with me.
Hope to see y’all in TUCSON at ET’s on Fri, Feb 3 and/or
Blaine’s Sat, Feb 4 where I will sign Aspects of Meteorite Orientation
(Which will be on Show Special 1/2 price)
Very best wishes to all,
Michael Blood

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[meteorite-list] Comment re A Question

2009-06-06 Thread Pete shu...@clearwire.net

I am so sorry that I ever asked my question.
I am still learning about these meteorites and all
the terminology that goes with the subject.
I shall crawl back into my little hole and never again 
even peek at the list again.
The other question re the survivability of an 
earth bug in a Mars environment was just ignored..
Go figure 
All I wanted to do was learn something.
Next there will be a war abrewing over this inane 


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Comment and reply to Tunguska crater paper now available online

2008-06-07 Thread Paul
The comment and reply on the alleged crater associated with the 
Tunguska impact event are now online and free to download.

The original paper is:

Gasperini, L., F. Alvisi, G. Biasini, E. Bonatti, G. Longo, M. 
Pipan, M. Ravaioli and R. Serra, 2008, A possible impact 
crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event. Terra Nova. vol. 19, 
no. 4, pp. 245-251 doi: 10./j.1365-3121.2007.00742.x

Web page 

PDF file

The comment and reply are:

Collins, G. S., N. Artemieva, K. Wünnemann, P. A. Bland, 
W. U. Reimold, and C. Koeberl, 2008, Evidence that Lake 
Cheko is not an impact crater. Terra Nova. vol. 20, no. 2, 
pp. 165–168 doi:10./j.1365-3121.2008.00791.x

Web Page

PDF file

Gasperini, L., Enrico Bonatti, and Giuseppe Longo, 2008, Lake
Cheko and the Tunguska Event: impact or non-impact? Terra Nova.
vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 169-172, doi: 10./j.1365-3121.2008.00792.x

Web Page

PDF file 


Paul H.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Comment on Fireston rebuttal

2008-01-08 Thread E.P. Grondine
Hi all - 

The review team did a good job, but...

We also have the peoples' accounts to deal with.
It seems to me that there was no reason for them to
create such extraordinary parts of their histories,
unless some extraordinary and memorable event actually

I think we have a rough idea of the normal flux of
micro-meteorites, so the black mat data will have to
be examined in terms of that.

I agree with them that the Carolina Bays are probably
not part of the holocene start impact, but it is
possible that they came from an impact megatsunami ca.
8,350 BCE. Another USGS team is working on the coastal
Atlantic sequence.

The rebuttal team also graciously ignored the peppered
mammoth tusks, but then these are clearly from a
separate iron impact event.

good hunting,
E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas


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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Comment on M. Blood's Met. Market Trends 05-07

2007-05-08 Thread David Weir

Hello Michael,

The Meteorite Collectors Price Guide, by David Weir, to which you refer 
in your recent Meteorite Times article (just after Kevin's 
contribution), was compiled by me for about 5 years, up until January 
2001, the beginning of the new millennium, when I quit revising it. At 
that time I allowed Doug (Meteorite Express) to work on it at his 
pleasure and I removed its link from my website. He continued to update 
it (mostly the date) in a very minor way. You're correct, it's quite 
obsolete. At the time I quit revising it, the NWA boom had led to widely 
varying, abnormal market conditions, almost impossible to adequately 
monitor, and the price range listed had grown so wide that no meaningful 
information could be derived from it any longer.

My interest in recording prices was for my collection goals just as it 
was for Kevin and probably Thomas and others, but this was at a time 
when the number of dealers could be counted on both hands and ANY 
meteorite offered for sale was a great occasion. A large percentage of 
meteorite types were unavailable or unknown. Conversely, at the present 
time every collector is a dealer (primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.), 
ebay lists dozens of pages of meteorites of every variety for auction, 
Google searches are magical, and lunar and martian stones, along with 
samples from the very rarest of groups, are relatively easy to acquire. 
My Availability Code -- 1) Good Luck!, 2) Here, There, 3) Everywhere 
-- would now be all 2's and 3's.

I doubt if any price guide is able to provide a realistic and timely 
picture of the current market price ranges; in fact, I was often told 
this about my own price guide, which was modeled after Philip Bagnall's 
efforts in his informative book, by some dealers (by yourself too as I 
recall, and I even included a median price). I felt my efforts were 
still worthwhile at the time, and it provided me with the information I 
needed to have -- the difference between a good price and a bad price -- 
at my fingertips.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Comment on zigzagging

2004-07-03 Thread Marc D. Fries
Howdy, list

   I've been very busy this past week and someone may have already made
this comment - apologies if so.  I wanted to point out that
zig-zagging may simply be an artifact of apparent viewing angle. 
I've attached a crude doodle to this email; I don't know if the
listserv allows such things...
   Picture this - a meteorite tumbling through the atmosphere is tumbling,
and traces a corkscrewing path through the sky.  Hold up a corkscrew -
if you look at it point-on it looks like a circle and if you look at it
side-on it looks like a sine wave.  If you turn it about 45 degrees or
so it is sharply distorted in the vertical - it looks like a zig-zag
pattern.  It also looks very much like that picture of Pasamonte's
ingress that was passed around.

   I'm not convinced that meteorites can zig zag sharply across the sky
- I would assume that violent maneuvers would tend to break them up. 
Zig-zagging is likely just an artifact of observation.  I also take
back my previous notion that zig-zagging likely indicates a piece of
space junk - apparently anything can appear to zigzag if you look at it
from the right angle.

   Again; my apologies if everyone has gone over this already - I had to
trash a lot of messages this week without reading them.


Marc D. Fries, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Geophysical Laboratory
5251 Broad Branch Rd. NW
Washington, DC 20015
PH:  202 478 7970
FAX: 202 478 8901attachment: zigzag.bmp__
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