Flash of light in sky seen by many across the state
The Modesto Bee
September 7, 2003

>From their back yard, the Modesto family
saw the sky light up "like a big Roman

"It was a bright flash, then turned purple. It
had a huge tail," Steve Taylor said of the
Thursday night light show.

The streak went on for 8 or 9 seconds, Taylor
said. "That's a long time for a shooting star."

In fact, it likely came from an asteroid or
space debris, burning up as it hit the Earth's
atmosphere, the North American Aerospace
Defense Command declared after a brief

Sometimes the California sky lights up with a
rocket launch from Vandenburg Air Force Base 
in Southern California, but the base reported
no launches Thursday night.

Taylor and his wife, Nancy, and son Wade were 
in their back yard on Merle Avenue at about
8:30 p.m. when they saw the sky light up.

They were among people from Napa to Palm Springs 
who reported the light show, with many describing 
bluish white flashes moving west to northwest.

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