Hi - from Leroy Ellenberger - 

"Last nite, History Channel premiered subject program about impacts on Earth 
from meteors, asteroids, comets and space debris:


The program will be re-broadcast Sunday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, Sept. 
15 at 8 p.m. EDT and Wed. Sept. 16 at midnight EDT. Check your local schedule.

The program featured Steve Chesley, the NASA astronomer who recently 
successfully predicted, for the first time, the point of impact in North Africa 
of a meteor less than a day after it was discovered. A search team dispatched 
to the predicted Ground Zero recovered ca. 11 pounds of meteor fragments.

Brown Univ. impact expert Peter Schultz was featured in segments on his 
investigation of the 2007 impact of a small asteroid in Peru and the simulation 
of an impact using NASA's vertical gun to fire a pea-sized sphere into a thick 
Plexiglass(?) plate.  Very impressive slow motion video from various angles.

A surprising subject was the work of Ohio archaeologist Ken Tankersley (Kent 
State Univ.) at Sheriden Cave in Ohio where he and his team have been 
excavating remains of Pleistocene mega-fauna and Clovis artifacts from the 
horizon at 12,900 B.P. The FACT of the Younger-Dryas impact at this time was 
practically implicit in the program. Tankersley's work was mentioned by Ed 
Grondine in the August 22nd edition of CCNet, BTW.  See: 
 for more on Tankersley's excavation at Sheriden Cave."

Signed copies of "Man and Impact in the Americas" are available to meteorite 
list participants for 20$ plus $5 postage ($25) of plus $15 overseas ($35). 
Contact me off list to place your order. The bitch is sure to become a classic 
and highly collectable after it's finished killing me.


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