[meteorite-list] MUNICH - FRIDAY, How to get there & hints

2005-10-24 Thread Martin Altmann
Hello list,

just back from a internetless (sorry) 3 weeks' trip, I found several mails,
asking, how to get to the Friday evening cometogether.
First of all, no panic, I'll be there on the show already on Thursday,
trying to shake hands with everyone (and perhaps dristibuting plans, how
tofind it) and anyway last year more or less all, who wanted to come, met
after the show to share cars and cabs to get there.
As some regrettably sent a revocation and as I learned from last year, there
will be enough places left also for those, who want to join in last minute
(just give me a note).
Lazy or buzy as I am, I'll recycle my last year's mails from the archives
and, Sergej, you're great, even the maps you set online still exists under
their old addresses.
Let's see, what I have to modify.

So on Friday we meet after the show in the "Fliegerbräu".
A minute brewery with Bavarian and other food and no umpah music.
It's in the nearby village Feldkirchen. (Were also some of you have their
The address is:

Flieger Bräu
Sonnenstrasse 2
85622 Feldkirchen
(pronounced: fleagerbroy)

Marked with the red "1" in the plans.



As all what I try to mark dissapeared, when I changed it to pdf,
some orientation:

Plan1:  The fair areal is the large rounded, orange blob to the left,
rimmed by the streets named:
Paul-Henri-Spaak-Str. /  De-Gasperi-Bogen / Willi-Brandt-Allee.
Most parking places are to the East - there inside De-Gasperi-Bogen and to
the North, below Paul-Henri-Spaak.
So just exit and go East (right) - there is no other road.

The bus terminal and the subway station is there were the vertical road,
which divides the areal is meeting De-Gasperi-Bogen.

Plan2:  The bus stop will be there on "Münchner Strasse", somewhere between
"Eschenstrasse" to the right and the yellow road.
Or you may go a station further, it's on top at the brown train symbol
(there stops the suburbian, if you will come from town) and walk down
"Sonnenstrasse" - it's equidistant.

I reserved places from 18:30hrs on (show ends always at 18:00 for visitors)
and I will be there somewhat earlier.

Until now there are on my list:
1 Afanasjev team member (http://www.meteorites21.com/), Martin Me
(www.meteorite-martin.de), Razvan Andrei & wive, Christian Anger (
http://www.austromet.com), Uwe Arendt & friends, Matthias Bärmann,
Yvonne&Jan Bartels ( http://www.heavenlybodies.nl/), Mom&Dean Bessey (uuh
which www?), Svend Buhl ( http://www.niger-meteorite-recon.de/ ), Morten
Bilet, Bruno Fectay & Carine Bidaut ( http://www.meteorite.fr/ ), Marcin
Cimala (www.polandmet.com), Norbet Classen
(http://www.timewarp.de/lunar/lunar.htm), Manfred Dannapfel, Slawomir
Derecki (http://www.derecki.art.pl ), Joshua Eisler
(http://www.cosmiccutlery.com), Olaf Gabel (www.gabelbart.de), Carsten
Giessler&Claudia Poloczek (www.gi-po.de), Andi Hulk Starrockers Gren
(www.meteoritenhaus.de), Siegfried Haberer (www.haberer-meteorite.de),
Erich&Sylvia Haiderer
(http://www.meteorite.com/Erichs/catalog_english.htm ), Mauro Ianeselli,
Marc Jost & Madelaine, Kachalin & wife, Heike&Norbert Kammel
(www.rocksonfire.com), the Karls and team
(http://sv-meteorites.jodoshared.com/default.asp), Hans Koser, Allan Lang &
wife (http://www.nyrockman.com/), Peter Marmet
(http://www.marmet-meteorites.com/), Kasimierz Mazurek, M.A.Mennes,
Francesco Moser (http://web.tiscali.it/francesco.moser/), Gregor Pacer,
Vince Pellerin&wife, Stefan Ralew&wife (http://www.sr-meteorites.de), Harald
Stehlik, Hanno Strufe (http://www.strufe.net/), Edwin Thompson&sister,
Sigrid Wengert
and many more (as probably the Hmanis, Tomerelli, perhaps again The

So it will be nice.

How to get there:

By car:

I marked the route in plan1 but it dissapears, whenever I try to save

There are two possibilities to exit the parking places.

Here a map of the fair areal. Click on the right plan on bottom.

If you leave to the North:

Just turn to your right and follow the street. (Paul-Henri-Spaak-Str.)
After ca. 1km you will cross the large highway and after 300m more you will
enter the village
"Feldkirchen" (yellow traffic sign).
Carry on. After 1km, on the left there branches off the "Sonnenstrasse".
Directly there we are.
It's just behind a yellow hotel, called "Zur Sonne".

If you leave the parking places to the South:

Just turn to the left, follow the street (De-Gaspari-Bogen), which makes a
bow. Turn into first possible road to the right, then like above.

By bus:

At the fair exit "Messestadt Ost", at the subway station, there is the bus
Take Bus N° 228  direction "Ismaning".
Exit the bus at the third station:  Feldkirchen Münchner Straße. (takes 5

Cross the street, follow the street, it's the main street of the village.
The fi

[meteorite-list] MUNICH - FRIDAY - How to get there & hints.

2004-10-21 Thread Martin Altmann
Hello list,

After many hours of trying to customize a plan, how to get to the meeting at
Friday, I decided, that I'm definetely to stupid for this world. Can't print
out the maps, as I own only an old black&white printer and the results are
Now I customized 2 plans as pdf-files. If someone could put them online,
perhaps converted to jpegs?
Otherwise I'll email the plans to those, who will join on Friday, if someone
else has a need for it, gimme a note.

Anyway, we will meet at the show

So on Friday we meet after the show in the "Fliegerbräu".
A minute brewery with Bavarian and other food and no umpah music.
It's in the nearby village Feldkirchen. (Were also some of you have their
The address is:

Flieger Bräu
Sonnenstrasse 2
85622 Feldkirchen

Marked with the red "1" in the plans.

I reserved places from 19:00hrs on (show ends always at 18:00 for visitors)
and I will be there somewhat earlier.

Until now there are on my list:
Afanasjev & friends, Altmann, Andrei, Anger, Black, Classen, Farmer, Franco,
Gren, Jost+friend, Koeblitz, Marmet, Moser, Rems, Stehlik, Strufe.
The Polish fraction (Cimala, Derecki, Pilski, Mazurek) will join, depending
on when they'll arrive in Munich).
Vassiliev doesn't know yet.
Ralew is now somewhere to bring new meteorites for us, but I'm sure, he will
And now I'll ask several others...

So it will be nice.

How to get there:

By car:

I marked the route in plan1 but it dissapears, whenever I try to save

There are two possibilities to exit the parking places.

Here a map of the fair areal. Click on the right plan on bottom.

If you leave to the North:

Just turn to your right and follow the street. (Paul-Henri-Spaak-Str.)
After ca. 1km you will cross the large highway and after 300m more you will
enter the village
"Feldkirchen" (yellow traffic sign).
Carry on. After 1km, on the left there branches off the "Sonnenstrasse".
Directly there
we are.
It's directly behind a yellow hotel, called "Zur Sonne".

If you leave the parking places to the South:

Just turn to the left, follow the street (De-Gaspari-Bogen), which makes a
bow. Turn into first possible road to the right, then like above.

By bus:

At the fair exit "Messestadt Ost", at the subway station, there is the bus
Take Bus N° 228  direction "Ismaning".
Exit the bus at the third station:  Feldkirchen Münchner Straße. (takes 5

Cross the street, follow the street, it's the main street of the village.
The fifth street, to the left, called "Sonnenstrasse" - shortly after you'll
have passed a yellow Hotel called "Zur Sonne" - there you enter the street
and there we are in the grey brick building.
It's about 500m to walk.

You may exit also the bus one station later, "Feldkirchen" (6min) - train
symbol in plan2 - and follow the instruction "by S-Bahn" (suburban railway).

As ticket you have to choose from the vending machine:   "Kurzstrecke".
Costs 1.10 Euro.
If you have a "Streifenkarte" see below, use one stripe.

The bus leaves every 20 minutes from  xx:17 hrs   (18:17, 18:37,...)
Last bus leaves at 19:37 hrs.

With S-Bahn (suburban railway)

For those, who want to get back first in their hotels in the city center to
rest a while after the show,  the place is easy reachable by S-Bahn.
Follow the green signs with "S".
Choose line number "S6" direction "Erding".
Exit at station "Feldkirchen".
Marked with the railway symbol in plan2.
Just follow the street "Sonnenstrasse" until its end. Left is Fliegerbräu,
slightly less than 500m to walk.
Number "S6" is leaving every 20 minutes.
>From Munich Central Station for example it takes 20 minutes to
"Feldkirchen", faster than by car.
Last train from Feldkirchen (direction "Tutzing") leaves at 0:09 hrs
(another one at 2:09, but the restaurant will close at 1:00).

As ticket from all stations in the city choose "Einzelfahrkarte" - 2.10 Euro
or use 2 stripes of the "Streifenkarte".

By Taxi:

At all exists of the fair, you'll find taxis. This short track won't be that
expensive, especially not if you'll share it with other meteorite fellows.
As destination tell "Fliegerbräu" (pronounce "fleagerbroy").

Important for those, who come by plane:

Munich airport is situated about 25km away from the city center.
There exist only two connecting roads, a states road and the highway.
Unfortunately the highway is now under construction to be enlarged for the
football chamionship in 2006.
So on both ways it can happen, that you will stuck in the traffic jam. With
bad luck it can happen that it will take more than 2 hours.

I recommend to go by S-Bahn. Leaves every ten minutes. Takes a little less
than 40 minutes to city center. Buy a "Streifenkarte" and cancel 8 stripes.
(Card has 10 stripes, costs 9.50Euro, the 2 stripes left, you may use to go
to the show).
Cab driver ask 40Euro, thus it's c