Meteorite impact creates new mineral
Heather Catchpole
ABC Science Online (Australia)
November 26, 2003
A new mineral made by a meteorite smashing into the Earth has been found 
by Chinese researchers.

They said their discovery of a new form of chromite could teach scientists 
more about the strength of meteorite impacts and how deep in the Earth 
minerals are born.

Researchers led by Ming Chen of the Chinese Academy of Sciences published 
details of the new mineral, which was formed at high pressure and 
temperature, in this week's issue of the Proceedings of the National 
Academy of Sciences.

The new form of chromite is an ore of the metal chromium, which is found at 
meteorite impact sites as well as deep in the Earth's mantle, the layer of 
rock that sits directly below the Earth's crust.

The researchers found the new mineral in shock veins formed by the impact 
of the Suizhou meteorite on China in 1986. The shock of the impact created 
temperatures of about 2000°C and pressures like those at 600 kilometres 
below the Earth.

The researchers also made a version of the new mineral in the lab. They did 
this by using a laser to subject the mineral to intense heat while 
squashing it under a diamond anvil.

Researcher Professor Hugh O'Neill of the Research School of Earth Sciences 
at the Australian National University in Canberra, said the new find was 

"This potentially gives us clues to the orbital velocities of two bodies 
that come together to produce these shock collisions."

The researchers calibrated how the crystal form of chromite changed with 
increasing pressure, to create a kind of Earth-based barometer or pressure 
gauge. They said this could be used not only to gauge the strength of 
meteorite impacts, but also to gauge the pressure at which rocks formed 
over an important range throughout the Earth's mantle.

But O'Neill, whose team has synthesised a different, more magnesium-rich 
version of chromite, doubted the calibrations could provide a comprehensive 
depth gauge for rocks, saying that this was maybe "stretching the results a 
little too far".

"At depths equivalent to the pressures they are talking about you don't 
find this mineral. It reacts to form garnet," O'Neill told ABC Science 

Chromite is normally only found at depths of about 80 kilometres below the 
Earth's surface, where pressure is far less than the intense pressure 
created by meteorite impacts.

And under the shock conditions of a meteorite impact pressure is applied and 
released quickly, whereas in the Earth chromite is under continuous pressure 
for millions of years, O'Neill said.

Under natural conditions chromite was likely to react with other minerals, 
like magnesium and iron, to form a new mineral, he said.

Despite this qualification, O'Neill called the find "rare", and said that 
the researchers would have the chance to name the new mineral. 

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