
Not too much has been mentioned about the new Canadian iron to be found as most of the press has been given to the new fall in Lloydminster Sask..

Instead of driving from Edmonton two hours east to Saskatchewan you can drive about the same west to Whitecourt Alberta and see a newly discovered crater with lots of iron meteorites. It is now protected to help preserve the small crater which is too bad for meteorite hunters. Hopefully some science will be gained at the cost of keeping us out from gobbling up some nice irons. Apparently there are lots of Sikhote like irons to be found. Friends from the University of Western Ontario were out to Whitecourt last month and retrieved lots of material.

A very exciting find because the crater is so very young and in great shape.

An exciting time for Canadian meteorite enthusiasts.

Here is more info:


Mike Tettenborn

One anxious Canadian meteorite enthusiast waiting for his piece of Lloydminster

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