Dear List,

In case anyone is interested in a summary of some topics that make observing the 
upcoming and in progress Perseid Meteor Shower interesting, besides the great 
fireworks themselves, I am posting this message, which I couldn't post on July 30, due 
to AOL difficulties.  This is possibly the finest meteor showers of the year and helps 
makes the Summer and in particular August, "Meteormonth"... Enjoy !!!

Asunto: Perseids Shower  
Fecha: 07/31/2004 10:58:15 AM Mexico Daylight Time 
De: MexicoDoug 

I am reposting this since it didn't go through yesterday morning:

>>I was curious if anyone knew when would be the best time 
>>to view the upcoming meteor shower next month if a person
>>was located in say.........Newport, Oregon Thanks, Curt (Cj)

Hola Curt,

Any place where especially the Northeast is dark, away from the lights of 
say...Newport, Oregon and any other town in the hemisphere.  You might prefer a 
hillside with Northeastern exposure, but that is not required, the hillside just makes 
it harder to fall asleep from being on your back, and the northern exposure just 
allows you to see the "radiant" so you can be sure of the authenticity of the meteors 
you see.  (Meteors can show up in most of the sky, though all the Perseids seem to 
come out of Perseus, due to the orbital dynamics as the earth slams into the 
directional meteoroid stream.  And of course a place that isn't too hazy and 
definitely not cloudy or rainy.

The best time will be, as in the case of most all meteor observing, before dawn and in 
the absence of much moonlight.  So if you can, bring your girlfriend and tell her you 
want to watch meteors, the beautiful crescent Moonrise and the beautiful 
half-Venusrise, on the morning of August 12 Thursday Morning, a.k.a. late Wednesday 
night).  The Moon will rise at about 2:18 AM quickly followed by Venus at about 2:37 
AM.  So you should be settled in watching meteors by no later than 2:00 AM.

The Moon and Venus will be rather close, and thus quite romantic looking, practically 
plastered on Castor, whose head is the star of the same name in the constellation 
Gemini, the twin brothers with different fathers.  Castor, the slightly dimmer of the 
two bright head-stars, by the way was the mortal of the commemorated pair, and son of 
Tyndareus and Leda, while Jupiter (Zeus) was hot for Leda and turned into a Swan and 
she laid two eggs after being seduced, one from her husband and one from Zeus.  They 
grew up and were inseparable brothers until Idas killed Castor - and Pollux mourned 
him so much that Zeus put them together again in the stars (and also Castor was given 
visiting rights on alternate days to Hades to be with his beloved brother).

Perseus' story is similar in that Zeus fooled around with yet another king's wife who 
then bore Perseus, so step Dad was somewhat miffed with this abuse of divine authority 
and sent Perseus on what was thought to be certain death to kill Medusa, the ugliest 
of the snake haired trio of Gorgon sisters that turned one to stone if if you so much 
as glanced at them.  Perseus lived, completed the task (delivering the head as 
requested as a wedding present), and then killed Cetus or Draco to rescue the 
beautiful Andromeda, daughter of the vain Goddess offending African Queen Cassiopeia 
who was chained to a chaise lounge in punishment (The "W"), and each of these 
characters but the ugly Gorgons got their constellations.  Four stars in Perseus have 
Gorgon names, though, and the rather bright ever changing variable star Algol 
(English: Ghoul, a.k.a. Gorgonea Prima, a.k.a. Ras Al Gul), the second brightest star 
of Perseus is supposed to be Medusa's head, and three other stars around it are named 
Secunda, Tertia y Quarta, for the three sisters.  Algol is famously amazing as it 
varies its brightness as a factor of about five as it has a fast orbiting star (69 
hours) around it that is continuously connected by a sucked particle stream, providing 
amazing views to ringside observers in their shielded starships.  This variability of 
brightness to the naked eye no doubt led to the "demonic" nature attributed to Algol, 
the "Demonhead-Star".  The "annular" eclipse (when Algol loses 80% of its brightness 
and Medusa "winks") is visible in Oregon (PDT) from 12:30 to 2:30 AM on August 2 (but 
full Moon throughout), and again from 9:30 PM to 11:30 PM on August 4 (near full Moon 
after Moonrise at 10:50 pm, so a respectable 10-10:30 PM is best), if you'd like to 
warm up, as Perseids are visible pretty much the whole month...even some before 
midnight when the rotation of the Earth favors seeing more meteors for observers at 
that time....

The "radiant" is the point where the Perseids seem to "radiate" from, like the hub of 
a bicycle wheel and spokes, but the meteors can appear in most of the sky.  So if you 
know where the radiant is, you pretty much confirm authenticity that the meteor you 
see is really a Perseid from Comet Swift Tuttle, and not some other unclassified 

On August 12 at 2:00 AM, the crescent Moon (12%) will be a moderate crescent burning 
in Castor's groin and a half-Venus 60 million miles away from us will be warming his 
feet.  The Radiant of the Perseid shower-in Perseus- at 2:00 AM will be in the same 
direction as the to be rising Moon, 50° east of due North, and at 50° altitude.  In 
other words northeast and a little more than halfway from the horizon to the zenith.  
The 0 magnitude bright star Capella (the 7th brightest star in the sky not counting 
the Sun) in Auriga will also be in the same northeastern direction, if that helps, 
directly below the radiant, nearly halfway between the horizon and the radiant at 2:00 

There is talk of a ribbon of cometary dust from the parent of the meteoroid stream, 
the comet Swift-Tuttle giving a special show on August 11, which the two American 
discoverers saw separate from the comet during the year of discovery in 1862, but this 
will apparently be visible only on the other side of the world, or Europe at its best.

If you are lucky you could see a meteor every minute, which is about a good as it gets 
these days.  By 3:00 AM the Moon and Venus will be prominent, though the relatively 
weaker Moonlight won't cause too much trouble for these meteors, so it might get a 
little better by 4:00 AM if you want to stay up until then, though it will probably be 
a wash.  Sunrise is at about 6:11 AM, so by around 4:30 or 4:45 the astronomical 
twilight will start to ever so slightly diminish conditions then.  Hope this summary 
contributes to make your observations more exciting...

Saludos y Cielos Despejados,
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