
Follow the link for a podcast on Impacts. You'll also see links to other 
interesting meteorite-related topics.


When German physicist Ernst Florens Chladni published a pamphlet in 1794 
arguing that meteorites had their origins in outer space, the idea was received 
with widespread mockery by the scientific community. Now, meteorites are 
recognised as an important astronomical process. But it has taken geologists a 
long time to acknowledge their significance to the history of the Earth - 
particularly as uniformitarianism overtook catastrophism as the prevailing 
theory of geologic change. 

Sarah talks to the Natural History Museum's Kieren Howard about the 
significance of meteorites to Earth - not only their impact on Earth's surface, 
but the effect they have on people. And we discuss the most famous meteorite to 
strike Earth - the Chicxulub impact. Long held responsible for the extinction 
of the dinosaurs, the Chixculub impact has been the focus of debate amongst 
scientists almost from the moment of its discovery. Sarah talks to a group of 
scientists who have been involved in a project to lay the debate to rest, once 
and for all.

Regards, Aubrey

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