RE: [meteorite-list] Recognizing a Venusian meteorite

2003-10-24 Thread mark ford

More to the point where are all the earth meteorites? We should be able
to recognize them, (one would hope!), I guess as most of the earths
immediate surface is soil, or sedimentary rock(s), an earthite meteorite
would be pretty strange do date no true 'sedimentary' meteorites have
been found?, I guess it would probably look like a tektite I.e silica
glass... or would they be just be highly shocked ordinary terrestrial
rocks but with a fusion crust?

Mark Ford

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Recognizing a Venusian meteorite

2003-10-24 Thread tracy latimer
Considering that all the extrasolar planets we have found so far have been 
gas giants, and some in highly weird orbits to boot, maybe Earth  _is_ an 
anomaly, astrophysically speaking. Of course, our means of locating smaller 
planets isn't as effective, yet.  Possibly being smacked by whatever tore 
loose the moon (according to recent theory) was the best thing that could 
have happened to us -- for life formation, that is.

Tracy Latimer

From: Sterling K. Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Recognizing a Venusian meteorite
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 00:09:39 -0500
You mean, we could have been a nice normal planet like Venus if it 
wasn't for
the sheer bad luck of getting that ol' Devil Moon delivered to our 
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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Recognizing a Venusian meteorite

2003-10-23 Thread E.J
Howard Wu wrote:

Still the question was how would we recognize a venusian meteorite?
Great question to ponder.

As a lay astrogeologist here is an answer as I see it. So far we 
only have the direct sampling of the Venusian atmosphere by the Soviet 
mission.  The isotope ratios of the Venusian atmosphere will help in 
confirming meteorites from the Mercury Venus Zone. The analysis will 
initially lie in the differences in isotopic ratios between Mars and 
Venus, I feel.  Age of formation will be equally important.  We need a 
mission to Venus again!

We know that there is a gradient of  heavy to light elements produced 
by a presolar shockwave(s) that swept elements outward from the center.  
This is why the inner planets are stony-irons and the outer ones are 
gaseous. Having higher momentum  / inertiamoments, the heavier 
elements tended to remain in the inner solar system while lighter 
elements rode the bow wave to the outer edges. Of course all the atoms 
of each element were not completely segregated, none-the -less there was 
a measurable sorting. We know this from measuring values against the 
elemental abundance of the solar system. Theelemental abundance is a 
calculation of all elements against each other such that we know the 
ratio of each individual element to all the others or, in another way, 
we know their individual percentage in the entire mass of the soar system.

Along with the afore mentioned distribution/concentration of elements, 
is a subset  distribution within the isotopes of individual elements. 
For example, from each area of concentration in the solar system for 
oxygen, the ratio of isotopes such as Oxygen 16, 17, and 18 as they 
relate to each other vary.  Specifically, they vary with the distance 
they are from the center of the solar system. The lighter the isotope, 
the more distantly it moved toward the outer edge of the solar system.  
The Earth Moon ratio has been determined. This is one of the means we 
used to identify lunar meteorites.  Similar ratios were used to identify 
Martian meteorites based on Viking Lander measurements.

Igneous rocks from Earth and Mars pretty much contain the same minerals 
so we rely on isotopic ratios and radioisotope ages to shore up our 
findings.  In like manner, that is how the determination of a Veneusian 
meteorite will happen.  While the jurry is out on Mercury, some think it 
was captured and its orbit of formation lies elsewhere, (isotopic ratios 
may not be what is expected from a planetoid forming close to the solar 
center), Venus is another story.  It is certianly a differenteated body 
and recently volcanicaly active.  Any Enstatite chondrite (E,EH,EL) 
can't be from Mercury nor Venus.  Likewise the age of 
formation/crystallization for Venuisan material will likely be much less 
younger than asteroidal material.

So Venusian material will likely be isotopically weighted toward Oxygen 
18 and will have a crystallization age closer to Martian material but I 
am guessing under 2 but less than 3-3.5 billion years.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Recognizing a Venusian meteorite

2003-10-23 Thread Sterling K. Webb

E.J wrote:

 Howard Wu wrote:
  Still the question was how would we recognize a venusian meteorite?
 Great question to ponder.

The best way to identify a Venus Stone would be by the Argon isotope
ratios. Argon-36 is the natural original isotope of Argon from the solar
nebula. Argon-40 is formed by the radioactive decay of Potassium. It forms in
the stone body of a planet and is released to the atmosphere by volcanic
action, or out-gassing.
On Earth, most of our Argon is isotope 40, thanks to our active little
rockball, and there is very little natural Argon. The 40:36 isotope ratio is
296 to 1. On Mars, there is even less natural Argon. The 40:36 isotope ratio
for Mars is 2750 +/- 500 to 1 (Is Mars more volcanic than the Earth? H.).
So far, it all fits with those nice theories about volatiles and nebulas
(which, you call tell by my tone, I distrust profoundly).
Therefore, we would expect a ratio of 200:1 for Venus or maybe even 100:1,
Here's where reality gets in its licks. First, there's 50 to 100 times
more Argon and Neon in Venus' atmosphere than we would expect, huge amounts!
Where in the H*** did that come from? Second, the 40:36 isotope ratio is 1 to
1, more or less. That is, they are present in roughly equal amounts.
Say what? Well, maybe all the noble gasses are enriched? Nah, they're not.
This demonstrates that the abnormal Argon did not come from the old solar
nebula. The two explanations left and they're both whacky: 1) Venus has no
Potassium in the planet at all, so there is no Argon 40! This goes against
everything. No Potassium!!! That's Crazy. And 2) Venus has never had any kind
of volcanic activity at all, ever, period. That's even Crazier, since we can
radar-map a huge of what appear to be volcanic features on Venus.
My personal theory is that Venus had its entire native atmosphere blown
off by a whopping big impactor 480,000,000 years ago, an impactor that
completely melted Venus' crust, resurfaced the planet, and left a lot of its
own volatiles behind as a new atmosphere to mix with the residues of the
melted crust. Hey, I said it was whopping big, didn't I?
So, what you do is a rare gas analysis of the suspected Venus meteorite,
and if the Argon 40:36 ratio is the same, then Venusian meteorite is its name,
as Johnny Cochran would say.

Sterling K. Webb

 As a lay astrogeologist here is an answer as I see it. So far we
 only have the direct sampling of the Venusian atmosphere by the Soviet
 mission.  The isotope ratios of the Venusian atmosphere will help in
 confirming meteorites from the Mercury Venus Zone. The analysis will
 initially lie in the differences in isotopic ratios between Mars and
 Venus, I feel.  Age of formation will be equally important.  We need a
 mission to Venus again!

 We know that there is a gradient of  heavy to light elements produced
 by a presolar shockwave(s) that swept elements outward from the center.
 This is why the inner planets are stony-irons and the outer ones are
 gaseous. Having higher momentum  / inertiamoments, the heavier
 elements tended to remain in the inner solar system while lighter
 elements rode the bow wave to the outer edges. Of course all the atoms
 of each element were not completely segregated, none-the -less there was
 a measurable sorting. We know this from measuring values against the
 elemental abundance of the solar system. Theelemental abundance is a
 calculation of all elements against each other such that we know the
 ratio of each individual element to all the others or, in another way,
 we know their individual percentage in the entire mass of the soar system.

 Along with the afore mentioned distribution/concentration of elements,
 is a subset  distribution within the isotopes of individual elements.
 For example, from each area of concentration in the solar system for
 oxygen, the ratio of isotopes such as Oxygen 16, 17, and 18 as they
 relate to each other vary.  Specifically, they vary with the distance
 they are from the center of the solar system. The lighter the isotope,
 the more distantly it moved toward the outer edge of the solar system.
 The Earth Moon ratio has been determined. This is one of the means we
 used to identify lunar meteorites.  Similar ratios were used to identify
 Martian meteorites based on Viking Lander measurements.

 Igneous rocks from Earth and Mars pretty much contain the same minerals
 so we rely on isotopic ratios and radioisotope ages to shore up our
 findings.  In like manner, that is how the determination of a Veneusian
 meteorite will happen.  While the jurry is out on Mercury, some think it
 was captured and its orbit of formation lies elsewhere, (isotopic ratios
 may not be what is expected from a planetoid forming close to the solar
 center), Venus is another story.  It is certianly a differenteated body
 and recently volcanicaly active.  Any Enstatite chondrite (E,EH,EL)
 can't be from 

[meteorite-list] Recognizing a Venusian meteorite

2003-10-23 Thread Popocatept

Interesting theory about Venus's atmosphere being blown off by a monster 
impactor.  Here is my objection:  Where did the 100 bar carbon dioxide atmosphere 
come from?  Could one monster impactor blow off the existing atmosphere and 
yet at the same time deposit a new one?  Seems a stretch.

I suggest a different scenario.  Mars is enriched in Argon 40 compared to 
earth for the same reason it is enriched in deuterium.  The lighter elements are 
lost to space as a function of Mars's lesser gravity.

Venus has a tremendous amount of CO2, Argon 36 neon, etc, because it 
atmosphere was not blown off into space by a giant impactor.

On the contrary it was earth's atmosphere that was lost to space.
Therefore using Earth's ratio of Ar 36/40 as a standard is misleading.  What 
was the giant impactor responsible for the loss of earth's atmosphere.  A good 
candidate is the impactor that created the moon.

In any case, a young crystallization age of less than 500 million years would 
eliminate all sources, except Venus and Mars.

Mike Fowler

E.J wrote:

 Howard Wu wrote:
  Still the question was how would we recognize a venusian meteorite?
 Great question to ponder.

The best way to identify a Venus Stone would be by the Argon isotope
ratios. Argon-36 is the natural original isotope of Argon from the solar
nebula. Argon-40 is formed by the radioactive decay of Potassium. It forms in
the stone body of a planet and is released to the atmosphere by volcanic
action, or out-gassing.
On Earth, most of our Argon is isotope 40, thanks to our active little
rockball, and there is very little natural Argon. The 40:36 isotope ratio is
296 to 1. On Mars, there is even less natural Argon. The 40:36 isotope ratio
for Mars is 2750 +/- 500 to 1 (Is Mars more volcanic than the Earth? H.).
So far, it all fits with those nice theories about volatiles and nebulas
(which, you call tell by my tone, I distrust profoundly).
Therefore, we would expect a ratio of 200:1 for Venus or maybe even 100:1,
Here's where reality gets in its licks. First, there's 50 to 100 times
more Argon and Neon in Venus' atmosphere than we would expect, huge amounts!
Where in the H*** did that come from? Second, the 40:36 isotope ratio is 1 to
1, more or less. That is, they are present in roughly equal amounts.
Say what? Well, maybe all the noble gasses are enriched? Nah, they're not.
This demonstrates that the abnormal Argon did not come from the old solar
nebula. The two explanations left and they're both whacky: 1) Venus has no
Potassium in the planet at all, so there is no Argon 40! This goes against
everything. No Potassium!!! That's Crazy. And 2) Venus has never had any kind
of volcanic activity at all, ever, period. That's even Crazier, since we can
radar-map a huge of what appear to be volcanic features on Venus.
My personal theory is that Venus had its entire native atmosphere blown
off by a whopping big impactor 480,000,000 years ago, an impactor that
completely melted Venus' crust, resurfaced the planet, and left a lot of its
own volatiles behind as a new atmosphere to mix with the residues of the
melted crust. Hey, I said it was whopping big, didn't I?
So, what you do is a rare gas analysis of the suspected Venus meteorite,
and if the Argon 40:36 ratio is the same, then Venusian meteorite is its name,
as Johnny Cochran would say.

Sterling K. Webb

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Recognizing a Venusian meteorite

2003-10-23 Thread Sterling K. Webb
You mean, we could have been a nice normal planet like Venus if it wasn't for
the sheer bad luck of getting that ol' Devil Moon delivered to our doorstep?
Shucks, I hate to think of having to miss those 100-bar CO2 breezes, particularly
the ones with that whiff of fresh Argon, when I get up in the morning and trundle
down to the nearest stream to get a cup of molten lead right from the source...
I could go for the idea, except for one other old problem: the water. The total
water content of Venus is about one bucket of warm spit. If that's normal, then how
could the proto-Moon impactor deliver world-wide oceans to the Earth? And if all the
water here now outgassed from the Earth, why didn't as much water outgas from Venus?
It should still be there, since it's almost impossible to transport water high enough
in the Venusian atmosphere for it to escape...
If a giant Venusian impactor was a 200 km. comet, it would certainly have enough
CO2 for Venus' new atmosphere, BUT, again, where'd the water go??! On the other hand,
if the impactor were a rocky body and pre-impact Venus had a substantial surface
accumulation of carbonates... No problem.
There a nice study by Zahnle and Sleep, Impacts and the Early Evolution of
Life, which despite its title is really about modelling mega-impacts. They start
with little mega-impacts like the ones that obliterate all life on Earth and work
up to the really big ones, like Boils All The Oceans and Planets With An
Atmosphere of Rock Vapor! They have a talent for thinking Big and Nasty. And they
demonstrate that we still have to stretch our minds to understand impacts as big as,
say, the one that produced the Imbrium basin on the Moon. The Earth should have
suffered about 18 that size.
The real problem is that Venus is a bitch! (Pardon my Pig Latin, although I
suppose the ancient Romans would agree.) Everything we learn about it raises three
more questions than it answers. We are at the important stage of enlarging our
ignorance, something you have to do before you learn anything. Great stuff,
You are definitely right about one thing: the Earth is not normal. It's so wet;
it has no stable surface, with all those strange tectonics going on all the time;
it's accompanied by a double planet in virtually the same orbit; and it's infested
by a jillion different kinds of molecular parasites: it is one weird place!
Still, I'm enjoying my stay there...




 Interesting theory about Venus's atmosphere being blown off by a monster
 impactor.  Here is my objection:  Where did the 100 bar carbon dioxide atmosphere
 come from?  Could one monster impactor blow off the existing atmosphere and
 yet at the same time deposit a new one?  Seems a stretch.

 I suggest a different scenario.  Mars is enriched in Argon 40 compared to
 earth for the same reason it is enriched in deuterium.  The lighter elements are
 lost to space as a function of Mars's lesser gravity.

 Venus has a tremendous amount of CO2, Argon 36 neon, etc, because it
 atmosphere was not blown off into space by a giant impactor.

 On the contrary it was earth's atmosphere that was lost to space.
 Therefore using Earth's ratio of Ar 36/40 as a standard is misleading.  What
 was the giant impactor responsible for the loss of earth's atmosphere.  A good
 candidate is the impactor that created the moon.

 In any case, a young crystallization age of less than 500 million years would
 eliminate all sources, except Venus and Mars.

 Mike Fowler

 E.J wrote:

  Howard Wu wrote:
   Still the question was how would we recognize a venusian meteorite?
  Great question to ponder.

 The best way to identify a Venus Stone would be by the Argon isotope
 ratios. Argon-36 is the natural original isotope of Argon from the solar
 nebula. Argon-40 is formed by the radioactive decay of Potassium. It forms in
 the stone body of a planet and is released to the atmosphere by volcanic
 action, or out-gassing.
 On Earth, most of our Argon is isotope 40, thanks to our active little
 rockball, and there is very little natural Argon. The 40:36 isotope ratio is
 296 to 1. On Mars, there is even less natural Argon. The 40:36 isotope ratio
 for Mars is 2750 +/- 500 to 1 (Is Mars more volcanic than the Earth? H.).
 So far, it all fits with those nice theories about volatiles and nebulas
 (which, you call tell by my tone, I distrust profoundly).
 Therefore, we would expect a ratio of 200:1 for Venus or maybe even 100:1,
 Here's where reality gets in its licks. First, there's 50 to 100 times
 more Argon and Neon in Venus' atmosphere than we would expect, huge amounts!
 Where in the H*** did that come from? Second, the 40:36 isotope ratio is 1 to
 1, more or less. That is, they are present in roughly equal amounts.
 Say what? Well, maybe all the noble gasses are enriched? Nah, they're not.