Hello and happy new year to the members of the list.

I'm Pierre (from France). I'm new to this list but some of you know me as
I'm a meteorite collector and hunter and I also buy
many meteorites.

My occupation is webmaster and website designer. As you know, meteorites are
expensive for a collector so I'd like to make
you a proposal.
Many of you may have an oldish website or even no website at all !  In
return for rebuilding or making a brand new website, you
could give me meteorites that I could choose in your inventory.
My rates are in any case a lot smaller that those of a web agency.

Don't forget that a website is your brand image for your customers and that
a well-designed site will provide you more sales.

Thanks a lot !   By reason of privacy, each instance will be studied out of
this list and will be rated with its person in charge. So,
write me directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Visit some of my websites : www.meteor-center.com   /
www.pariscapnord.com    /     www.ftboulogne.com

Yours faithfully,

Pierre-Marie PELE
IMCA 3360

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