Steve, ACTUALLY it did have to do with an ad. You
clearly stated that the material would be on your
website and pieces available. Please take a break,
read your own emails, and don't assume that we are all
idiots. I think these people who jump all over you are
overreacting, but you poke them in the eye with a
sharp stick daily, so this has finally come to a head.

A crappy old H chondrite from Morocco is hardly
newsworthy. I have thousands of them in storage. Give
it a break already. 
Michael Farmer

--- steve arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello to all the list.What tom phillips said,about
> the
> ugly chondrite was correct.All I was trying to do
> was
> to start a forum (discussion) about this very
> interesting meteorite soon to be classified.W ell
> now
> you know the truth.It had nothing to do about an
> add.It had nothing about givaways.It had nothing to
> do
> about sales.It had nothing to but about the TRUTH.A
> discussion on meteorites.Well with more
> vacations,more
> family time,and with work starting to go into the
> busy
> season,I have decided to put all posts to the list
> on
> hold for the rest of the year.I want to give all the
> naysayers time to relax,reflect and just plain get a
> life.I have had it with all this crap for the last 3
> years.
> Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
>   Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
>   in Gao Meteorites!
>   Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites
> Park yourself in front of a world of choices in
> alternative vehicles. Visit the Yahoo! Auto Green
> Center.
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