Mike and Bob,
  ... spoken like true chauvinists. This Moroccan is not all "internet 
Moroccans," and Mike, you are speaking from the perspective of a retailer who 
can purchase wholesale. The people that make it possible for you to be 
profitable may not have the luxury of capital and connections; they have 
poverty and you have a dollar - and I've seen your prices! All it takes, you 
think, is your "expert" comparison of purchased stones to previously classified 
stones to make promote the lowly unclassified rock to an echelon of 
  Bob, so, Moroccans can't expect to ever earn as much as we commodity-dealing, 
marginally educated American non-scientists? They're all the same? What's next 
- a pogrom? Examine the implications of your careless, crude exclusionary 
logic. When will you stop ignoring my emails and answer my questions about your 
"NWA 1110" specimens? Did you ever have them examined by someone who may be 
more competent than yourself?

Bob wrote:
    Mr. sryfjnstryj tsyjhdteyjh,
Please spare us the poor Moroccan BS.
The last time I purchased multi kilos from a internet Moroccan, more than 
30% turned out to be non- meteoritic. Who is really getting ripped off ?? 
   Mike wrote:
$35.00 gram for a howardite from Morocco? My friend, I
will sell you about 10 KILOGRAMS of them right now for
that price, I will get on an airplane and come to
Morocco this week and hand deliver them to you if you
will pay me that price!
Give me a break.
Mike Farmer
--- sryfjnstryj tsyjhdteyjh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Greetings Listees.
> First,i hope that Mr Rob Elliotte changed his mind,
> and Matt shutted up.
> Now,i would not tell whos that man who stole the
> 865g achondrites,but i can do it if he doesn't do
> what he should do and pay the poor man ,the real
> owner of the 865g achondrites.
>  Morrocans started dealing via internet many years
> ago.some meteorites dealers took that way to get
> their customers,many of them choosed the option of
> "ship in advance" with no payment for buyers.those
> poor Moroccan lost thousands of dollars because of
> that option.
>  I heard that a Morocan dealer,had many customers
> whom have been stolling his money for a long time.
> that poor man had an agreement about some stones,of
> course with no payment in advance,it's very easy
> that a Moroccan to trust a  foriegner than a
> Moroccan person,but not always.unfortunatly this is
> the way we are.
> Anyway, X is a collector from US,got the package
> safe,he didn't agree some stones which he returned
> them back.but the expensive one(865g achondrites)was
> not returned back,it was bought for 10400Dhs cash in
> hands"real deals".
> X told the Moroccan dealer that the 865g achondrites
> is a Howardite stone,but didn't pay any sent until
> now !!!!!!!also some stones i don't know how
> many,but they are stollen too.
>  The Howardite stone was not showed up on Web,i'm
> sure that the X prefered to keep it for his private
> Collection or sold it to a friend to him.
>  The howardites,you can get cheaper on Ebay for $35
> so 35x865g = $30275 - 20g for the laboratory and the
> rest when cutting and polishing(lets suppose 200g);
> $35x865 = $30275 - (200x35) = $23275 - (20x35) =
> $23275- $700 = $22575 = 180600.00 MAD with that
> amount you can buy even a fine house in a very nice
> city in Morocco or a Toyota RAV4 good situation.
> I have some questions for X :
> - How did you feel when you got paid on the 865g
> Achondrites?
> - Why you stole a Poor man? you are rish you have no
> needs.
> - Can you change your mind and pay the poor man?
>  For list members.
> Can you guess whos that X ? i can help!!!!
> He is 60 years old. a Collector !!!!!

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