Hello lists,
thank you for the very wide discussion, which I could stimulate.
It are the greenhorns, the newcomer who purchase the most metwrongs.
But never an IMCA member should sell this shit. He should carry out the code of ethics. We all do mistakes but if someone do a mistake as an IMCA member selling unintended a metwrong to newcomers (and all other) he should iimmediately correct the deal if the customer can prove the assertion of wrongness. It is dishonorable to start an act of defensiveness and to bombard the new collector with allegations that he is not a professional person and has to stop talking. I did not know whether the IMCA has in the past suspended dishonorable member, but I think it is time to start. Otherwise this association will lost reputation.

Uwe, who had bought from 2 IMCA member Mekong iron as Nantan.

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