Hello to the List !

I'm interested in buying at a reasonable price some french rarities (micro only) :
Stable Mont Dieu (up to 100g slice), Aire-sur-la-Lys, Alais, Angers, Asco, Aubres, 
Aumieres, Ausson, Bacqueville, Barbotan, 
Bettrechies, Bouvante, Chantonnay, Charsonville, Chitenay, Jonzac, Kerilis, Kermichel, 
Kernouve, La Bécasse, La Caille, 
Laborel, Lancon, Le Pressoir, Les Ormes, Le Teilleul, Luce, Luponnas, Marmande, 
Mascombes, Montlivault, Mornans, 
Nicorps, Quinçay, Saint Aubin, Saint Caprais de Quinsac, Saint Chinian, Saint 
Christophe la Chartreuse, Saint Germain du 
Pinel, Sainte Marguerite, Saint Mesmin, Sainte Rose, Saint Sauveur, Salles, Sauguis, 

Let me know on my personal email your proposals.

Also, my book "The french meteorites" will be out in a few months. Let me know if 
you're interested in this reference book. It's 
written in french but it contains many hard-to-find old documents which give clues to 
find some fragments. It's the biggest book 
on this subject ever written. It may be up to 400 pages of really complete information 
with strewnfield maps, impacts, pictures, 
location of finds... ; there's a preface by Dr Alain CARION. You can be informed of 
the sale of the book on my website or by 
sending me an email so that I subscribe you to my free newsletter. 

Finally, I may be searching for a translator for my book, for someone fluent in modern 
and old french and of course of english 


Pierre-Marie Pele

Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 

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