Re: [meteorite-list] Did Life Arrive Before the Solar SystemEvenFormed?

2005-05-05 Thread Marc Fries

   Alright, I need to go point-by-point for this one...

   For the Surveyor 3 microbes: I've never heard the story of Pete Conrad
actually seeing any microbes; are you sure about that?  I know they
brought back the camera and other parts and swabbed/cultured them, and
were rewarded with a colony of streptococcus from the camera insulation. 
The reason that it was never hyped up, or even published officially as far
as I know, is that it could be the result of airborne contamination
-=after=- the camera was returned to Earth.  The camera and other parts
were not handled in a sterile fashion, and they shared the Apollo capsule
with the three astronauts for several days on the way back to Earth.  They
were handled after landing as well, and basically there is no sure-fire
proof that this very common airborne microbe did not settle on the camera
afterwards or even result from a sneeze by one of the investigators.

   For the tardigrades: yes, they can withstand a lot.  BUT, only after
they have been induced into a spore-like state.  They are not
technically alive, but rather in a state of dessicated suspension.  The
same can be said for spores of many types of organisms.  They are
tougher than when they're actively metabolising, but they're still not
bulletproof.  I'm not familiar with the Mars Jars experiment, but keep in
mind that we knew much less about the actual conditions on Mars in the
50's than we do today.  I'd be interested in seeing a modern
re-creation of that experiment.

Bah humbug yet,


 Just a sort of footnote to my previous post on this topic.  I forgot
 the most
 obvious example of critters in space.
 On April 20, 1967, the Surveyor 3 spacecraft landed on the moon.
 Unknown to us,
 it was carrying some uninvited passengers.  When Surveyor 3 was being
prepared for
 launch, somebody apparently coughed on it, and a colony of a common
 Streptococcus mitis, was established on a piece of foam insulation that
covered one
 of Surveyor's circuit boards.
 The bacteria was discovered in 1969 when Apollo 12 astronauts Pete
 Conrad and
 Alan Bean visited the wreck of Surveyor and saw something odd growing on
 insulation and brought back a piece of it. The bacteria had struggled
 multiplying and growing for a while before they went dormant and were
 Once back on Earth, they were revived in a normal agar culture and
 again, while waiting for their chance to get back into a warm wet human
throat and
 give it a cough...
 For someone whose natural habitat was that warm wet human throat,
 say they
 handled life in a vacuum with a temperature range of +300 degrees C. to
-250 degrees
 C. every month pretty well.
 I also remember experiments done in the 1950's in which tiny
 Tardigrades (also known as water bears) were put into Mars Jars,
 simulations of the Martian evironment kept at the correct Martian
 pressures, atmospheres, near-waterlessness, and so forth.  They thrived and
 multiplied (although more slowly than on Earth).  Although Tardigrades
 (about 200 microns long!), they like us are complex multicellular
organisms with
 feet, guts, heads, eyes, and lots of other movable parts.  (Although,
 have jaws because they have evolved a specialized spear mouth that
doesn't need a
 jaw -- they don't bite; they stab!)
 I quote:  Some tardigrades can survive in temperatures as low as
 minus 200
 degrees Celsius (minus 328 F). Others can survive temperatures as high
 degrees C (304 F). Tardigrades can survive the process of freezing or
thawing, as
 well as changes in salinity, extreme vacuum pressure conditions, and a
lack of
 oxygen. Tardigrades also are resistant to levels of X-ray radiation that
 hundreds of times more lethal to humans and other organisms. This
resilience stems
 from the tardigrade's ability to survive without water.
 The quote is from NASA's ASTROBIOLOGY magazine, which had a nice
 article about
 the water bears (with pictures).  They look more like Gummi Bears,
 the same
 silly faces...
 Now, what would happen if you snuck a tiny little capsule with about
 100,000,000,000 Tardigrades onto the next Mars probe scheduled to land
 surface?  Instant Martians?  I love a good experiment...

 Sterling K. Webb

Marc Fries
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Geophysical Laboratory
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Washington, DC 20015
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Re: [meteorite-list] Did Life Arrive Before the Solar SystemEvenFormed?

2005-05-04 Thread Gerald Flaherty
What's your idea of life's origin. Earth bound at the throat of an oceanic 
fumerole? Just wondering. Jerry
- Original Message - 
From: Marc Fries [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Meteorite Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Did Life Arrive Before the Solar 

  I don't like panspermia; not even a little bit.  It does nothing to
answer the question of where and how life started in the universe.  All
it does is add a few million to billions of years of travel in the
cold, dry, radiation-hard vacuum of space to the journey.  That, plus
you've got to crush/heat it in a violent, solar-system-ejecting imact
and then crush/heat it again on the recieving end.  Even if you shorten
that journey to a trans-planetary scale you've still done nothing to
answer any questions about how it originated, and you're still dealing
with several physical processes that each alone have the power of
sterilization.  And at the end of all of THAT, you've still dropped any
surviving (not bloody likely) microbes into a foreign environment that
they're not adapted to!  You can hang litho or nano or freakin'
nuclear-powered or anything you want to onto the front of
panspermia and it's still useless as a theory.  How annoying that it
still crops up from time to time...
Bah humbug,
Did Life Arrive Before the Solar System Even Formed?
Written by Jeff Barbour
Universe Today
May 4, 2005
Summary - (May 4, 2005) The theory of panspermia proposes that life
really gets around, jumping fron planet to planet - or even from star to
star. Life might be everywhere! Assuming this is true, how do
single-celled bacteria make the journey through the vacuum of space?
Easy, they use chunks of rock as space ships, in a process called
lithopanspermia. And now, researchers from Princeton and the University
of Michigan think that life carrying rocks might have been right there
at the beginning of our solar system, keeping their tiny astronauts safe
and sound, frozen in statis until the planets formed and the right
conditions let them thaw out, stretch their proteins, and begin a
process leading from microbe to mankind.
Full Story - Things seem to start simple then get more complex. Life is
like that.  And perhaps nowhere is this notion truer than when we
investigate the origins of life. Did the earliest single cell
life-forms coalesce from organic molecules here on Earth? Or is it
possible that - like dandelions wafting spore above spring grass -
cosmic winds carry living things from world to world later to take root
and flourish? And if this is the case, how precisely does such a
dia-spora occur?
450 years before the common era, Greek philosopher Anaxagoras of Ionia
proposed that all living things sprung from certain ubiquitous seeds of
life. Today's notion of such seeds is far more sophisticated than
anything Anaxagoras could possibly envision - limited as he was to
simple observations of living things such as budding plant  flowering
tree, crawling  buzzing insect, loping animal or walking human; not too
mention natural phenomena like sound, wind, rainbows, earthquakes,
eclipses, Sun, and Moon. Surprisingly modern in thought, Anaxagoras
could only guess as to the details...
Some 2300 hundreds years later - during the 1830s - Swedish chemist Jöns
Jackob Berzelius confirmed that carbon compounds were found in certain
meteorites fallen from the heavens. Berzelius himself however, held
that these carbonates were contaminates originating with the Earth
itself - but his finding contributed to theories propounded by later
thinkers including the physician H.E. Richter and physicist Lord Kelvin.
Panspermia received its first real treatment by Hermann von Helmholtz in
1879, but it was another Swedish chemist - 1903 Nobel Prize winning
Svante Arrhenius - who popularized the concept of life originating from
space in 1908. Perhaps surprisingly, that theory was based on the notion
that radiation pressure from the Sun - and other stars - blew microbes
about like tiny solar sails - and not as the result of finding carbon
compounds in stony meteorite.
The theory that simple forms of life travel in ejecta from other worlds
- embedded in rock blasted from planetary surfaces by the impact of
large objects - is the basis for lithopanspermia. There are numerous
advantages to this hypothesis - simple, hardy forms of life are often
found in mineral deposits on Earth in forbidding locales. Worlds - such
as our own or Mars - are occasionally blasted by asteroids and comets
large enough to hurl rock at speeds exceeding escape velocities. Mineral
in rocks can shield microbes from shock and radiation (associated with
impact craters) as well as hard radiation from the Sun as stony meteors
move through space. The hardiest forms of life also have the ability to
survive in a cold vacuum by going into stasis - reducing

Re: [meteorite-list] Did Life Arrive Before the Solar SystemEvenFormed?

2005-05-04 Thread Gerald Flaherty
Superior fun read! Jerry
- Original Message - 
From: Sterling K. Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Meteorite Mailing List; Marc 
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Did Life Arrive Before the Solar 

Hi, Humbug and All,
   Humbug right back.  You'll notice the press release so politely mentions
that quote previous studies have looked into the likelihood that 
rocks (typically exceeding 10 kgm's in weight) play a role in the spread of 
within isolated planetary systems and found the odds of both meteoroid and
biological transfer are exceedingly low. unquote
   They are referring to what is (was?) considered the definite work on the
subject by impact authority Jay Melosh:
who basically said not in the lifetime of the galaxy or in other words,
   Melosh's work was an impressive piece of computer simulations. The 
with computer simulations is that you have no idea if you're right or 
through the daisies without a reality check.
   At the time of its publication, I posted a fine cranky piece to the 
pointing out that AMOR radars all over the world (but particularly New 
with their lovely view of the South Pole) detect objects that have to have 
from outside the solar system all the time.  Granted, they are less than 1% 
the tens of thousands detected per year, but that's still one hell of a lot 
interstellar meteoroids!
   Yes, granted they are small grains, not 10 kilogram transports, but do 
really think that bacteria chicken out and cancel their flight plans if the
plane doesn't weigh at least 10 kilograms?  You're not getting me up there 
that thing -- why that rock doesn't weight one kilo much less ten!
   If there are frequent small interstellar particles, then less frequently
there are larger ones, and even less frequently there are even larger ones, 
so on.  It's called the power law of mass distribution. And it means that 
those computer simulations really were only a walk through the daisies...
   Extremophiles just love extremes. Radiodurans clogs up the core of 
reactors, basking without sun block or dark glasses in a flux that would 
you in five seconds or less.  There are extremophiles that love the pressure
miles into the Earth's mantle, extremophiles that smack their chops at the
chance to dine on almost any toxic substance known, extremophiles that catch
cold if they're not swimming around in 600-degree fluids.  Anything or 
nasty, there's some little bug that loves it, needs it, and just can't live
without it.
   Commonly, you might think nothing could survive so long or hard a 
I point you to a simple example of  survival by endurance: the common tick.
Ticks are complex animal organisms just like we are, not hard durable
one-cellers.  But once a momma tick embeds her dormant offspring in the bark 
a tree limb, the young tick will persist in a state indistinguishable from 
for 10 years, 30 years, 50 years, 80 years (no one really knows how long), 
a sweaty warm-blooded mammal walks under the tree and a few molecules of its
pheromones waft up to the tree limb.
   In the 0.5 to 1.0 second that passes from the time your sweaty forehead
moves under the tree limb and your scent starts up slowly toward the limb, 
50-year dead tick will detect those molecules from its burial site inside 
tree bark, wake up from its death, get every organ pumped up and working, 
through the bark of the limb, and drop straight down with unerring aim onto 
back of your neck or into your hair if he's fast enough, ready to start 
your blood!
   If the tick misses you, it's dead.  It won't get a second shot and 
the strength to try anything else.  If you describe this strategy to most 
without telling them it's the life of a tick, they will just shake their 
and say, Impossible.  But, since there certainly seem to be more than 
ticks in this world, this impossible scenario must succeed.
  So, I figure that a living (though possibly dormant) cell riding in a 
mote that's zipping through the 3 K vacuum and dodging the rare UV photon 
cosmic rays (even rarer), is a distinct biological option, no more amazing 
unlikely than that tick.  I see him now.  He's drifting along, sound asleep 
his recliner, and waiting for that soft landing in the atmosphere of a 
planet he
can eat.  Yum.  Crunch.  And before you know it, there's another blue world 
a poisonous oxygen atmosphere...
   Since the Universe is almost exactly three times older than the solar
system, this has likely been going on for a long, long time, and I figure 
whole place is probably thoroughly infested with ubiquitous life, life, 
The dam things are everywhere

Re: [meteorite-list] Did Life Arrive Before the Solar SystemEvenFormed?

2005-05-04 Thread Sterling K. Webb

Just a sort of footnote to my previous post on this topic.  I forgot the 
obvious example of critters in space.
On April 20, 1967, the Surveyor 3 spacecraft landed on the moon.  Unknown 
to us,
it was carrying some uninvited passengers.  When Surveyor 3 was being prepared 
launch, somebody apparently coughed on it, and a colony of a common bacteria,
Streptococcus mitis, was established on a piece of foam insulation that covered 
of Surveyor's circuit boards.
The bacteria was discovered in 1969 when Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad 
Alan Bean visited the wreck of Surveyor and saw something odd growing on the
insulation and brought back a piece of it. The bacteria had struggled along,
multiplying and growing for a while before they went dormant and were 
Once back on Earth, they were revived in a normal agar culture and started 
again, while waiting for their chance to get back into a warm wet human throat 
give it a cough...
For someone whose natural habitat was that warm wet human throat, I'd say 
handled life in a vacuum with a temperature range of +300 degrees C. to -250 
C. every month pretty well.
I also remember experiments done in the 1950's in which tiny creatures 
Tardigrades (also known as water bears) were put into Mars Jars, meaning
simulations of the Martian evironment kept at the correct Martian temperatures,
pressures, atmospheres, near-waterlessness, and so forth.  They thrived and
multiplied (although more slowly than on Earth).  Although Tardigrades are tiny
(about 200 microns long!), they like us are complex multicellular organisms with
feet, guts, heads, eyes, and lots of other movable parts.  (Although, they don't
have jaws because they have evolved a specialized spear mouth that doesn't 
need a
jaw -- they don't bite; they stab!)
I quote:  Some tardigrades can survive in temperatures as low as minus 200
degrees Celsius (minus 328 F). Others can survive temperatures as high as 151
degrees C (304 F). Tardigrades can survive the process of freezing or thawing, 
well as changes in salinity, extreme vacuum pressure conditions, and a lack of
oxygen. Tardigrades also are resistant to levels of X-ray radiation that are
hundreds of times more lethal to humans and other organisms. This resilience 
from the tardigrade's ability to survive without water.
The quote is from NASA's ASTROBIOLOGY magazine, which had a nice article 
the water bears (with pictures).  They look more like Gummi Bears, with the 
silly faces...
Now, what would happen if you snuck a tiny little capsule with about
100,000,000,000 Tardigrades onto the next Mars probe scheduled to land on the
surface?  Instant Martians?  I love a good experiment...

Sterling K. Webb

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