Re: [meteorite-list] Greensburg Relief Effort

2007-05-06 Thread wahlperry

Hi Maria and list,

it would be great if the list members could collect and donate some 
money to help the residents of Greensburg. I would offer some slice of 
new Nevada meteorites for the auction and a cash donation. We could 
have Steve and Mark place the money as needed to the residents of 



-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 6 May 2007 1:07 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Greensburg Relief Effort

Hello Everyone,

As Mark said in another email, a few of us are putting together a 
relief effort for the residents of Greensburg, Kansas. Our intent right 
now is to get some funds down there quickly. In the next day or so we 
will finalize the details and let you know about a fundraising raffle 
we are planning. It will be similar to the one Geoff did for Katrina. 
Those of you who donate funds prior to us working out the details will 
be included in the raffle.

I am accepting donations through my PayPal account at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] For those of you who prefer not to use PayPal, you 
can send donations to me directly: Maria Haas, 410 Spring Street, 
Saline, MI 48176.

Also, please take a look at your collections and see what you could 
donate to help someone from a true meteorite community devastated by 
a tornado. It will become part of the raffle.

Questions, concerns, comments, inspirations? Please feel free to email 

More details soon.

Thank you,


An update from Steve follows:

Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2007 8:47 PM

Hello All,

It has been a strange day.  I have been scouring the internet to try to 
get a glimpse of my house in Greensburg in pictures and aerial videos.  
Not to sound selfish, but if my house is gone, there would be less of a 
need for me to get up there right away... or then again, their might be 
more of a reason to get up there.

My hope has been that since I haven't seen it in any of the really bad 
pictures, that is a good sign, as the media likes to show off the worst 
of things.

If my house is intact, enough that people could live in it, there is no 
need for me to be in the house long term, when someone else could 
occupy it, someone that totally lost their home, or someone involved 
directly in the relief effort.

If anyone cares, my home (or at least the lot) is at 302 S. Maple, 
Greensburg Kansas 67054.  Go to:

and you will see the street lay out of Greensburg.  Then go here:

Watch the video, and at the 46 second mark, the street corner nearest 
the bottom right corner of the frame is Cedar and Wisconsin.  My house 
is one block to the East (right) from that corner, on the south east 
corner (Maple and Wisconsin).

The camera breaks, without panning any further East. My house should be 
less than a 1/2 block off the screen.  The houses start to look better 
and there are even green leaves on the trees a block from my house.

So there is a bit of optimism that my house might be ok.  I have some 
very nice neighbors all around me, one in a mobile home, which is 
always of greater concern during tornados.

As for the fundraiser, I want to support it, 100%, but before I commit 
to doing anything specific with my time and efforts, I would like to 
get up there and see what is going on and find out if I can help on 
site.  If someone else could handle the coordination of running the 
fundraiser and let me make inputs and suggestions, that would be best 
for now.

My suggestions at this point as to how we could help, lean in two 

First, Barclay College hosted the Meteorite Festival, and now they are 
the Rescue Shelter for most of Greensburg's families.  Of course much 
of the supplies and volunteers that will help there will be supplied by 
other people and groups such as the Red Cross.

Barclay College is a religious institution, and as such some people 
might be more inclined to want to route funds that way as they are an 
on site not-for-profit that - trust me - is giving 100% to this effort. 
On the other hand, some people might not want to route funds through 
them because they are religious in nature.  In any case, that is one 
suggestion I would highly make as they would know exactly where to put 
the funds to the best use.

The other might be a little more close to home with some of us.  I 
don't know the situation that Bob and Florence Peck are in, as they are 
not yet listed on the Red Cross's Safe list.  (There is no list of 
deceased or injured people made public, go figure!).  The Peck's live 
on the north side of Greensburg, as Steve Schoner mentioned, on 308 E. 
Pennsylvania, and by the video, odds are very good their home took a 
direct hit.

Bob Peck is the son of Ellis Peck, the author of Space Rocks and 
Buffalo Grass and when he was 18 years old, the job of actually 
digging the famous 1,000 pound 

Re: [meteorite-list] Greensburg Relief Effort

2007-05-06 Thread MARK BOSTICK

Hello all,

Rescue workers are back at the scene today.  The weather still does not look 
good, but we are no longer in full time weather coverage.  More heavy 
thunderstorms on the way in the Greensburg region, and other portions of 
Kansas, which makes flooding a big threat at the moment.

Mal Bishop asked My question is; how should I ask people to donate, or 
where to send

donations? Could someone set up a special PayPal account to collect funds
for the relief, or should we just send donations to one of the list members
such as Maria, Mark, Steve, Geoff, or someone else?

Interesting choice of names.  The four of us, and others have been bouncing 

Maria Haas noted: Our intent right now is to get some funds down there 
quickly. In the next day or so we will finalize the details and let you know 
about a fundraising raffle we are planning. It will be similar to the one 
Geoff did for Katrina. Those of you who donate funds prior to us working out 
the details will be included in the raffle.

I am accepting donations through my PayPal account at dragonsoup at 
msn.commailto:dragonsoup at For those of you who prefer not to 
use PayPal, you can send donations to me directly: Maria Haas, 410 Spring 
Street, Saline, MI 48176.

So, we are going to have a Meteorite Community Greensburg Raffle.  I will be 
launching a web page shortly. Donations can besent to Maria, who will later 
send out the items to the Raffle winners.

Sonny added I would offer some slice of new Nevada meteorites for the 
auction and a cash donation. We could have Steve and Mark place the money as 
needed to the residents of Greensburg.

I am not sure if Steve will make into Kansas within the next few days or so. 
 I can, of course, make my way over.  Currently the place is I believe 
somewhat locked up, and it was a ghost town yesterday except for resue 
workers. A curfew was inforced until 9 or 10 this morning.

Anyway, I would like to thank everyone for their help with this, especially 
our charity expects, Maria Hass and Geoff Notkin. As well as Sonny for 
helping spur us together.

Stay tuned for more updates

Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas

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