Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition - Rebels without a cause??

2009-11-15 Thread Martin Altmann
Hi there,

I feel like so often today somewhat slow in mind,
and would ask you for some help.

I'm reading in that discussion, that here would dealers, individuals, big
players or whoever,
would treat collectors, newbies or whomever so bad, would prevent
information, meteorites or whatever.

And half of the responses is, yes, yes exactly - and the others, yes, but
there are at least a few good guys left.

And that action has to be taken, to improve the situation.

Now I read about ominous groups and the danger that these could have an
influence on restricting the access to, yah to what? And how? (And why?)
And that we need new structures of..of?

Please, can you give me some concrete examples?
Or what you mean at all?
Some beef please?

Because I have difficulties to understand, what this discussion is about.

All which comes to my mind is that once a newbie was unhappy, because the
discoverer of a new strewnfield didn't invite him to hunt with him there.

And else? Maybe that a few individuals among the scientists, who don't know,
how meteorites are recovered, made the wrong laws - or what do you mean?

It's meant seriously, not ironically.

Thanks in advance,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

2009-11-15 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi Dave, List, Adam and all who care,

Let me be absolutely clear in my statement and meaning so as no to 
confuse anyone about my beliefs and views on the IMCA, corporations, 
profit, and the influence that such entities have on the meteorite world 
and access to the knowledge it provides people about our universe.

Profit is not always monetary. In fact profit can be and is power and 
influence based on what the intrinsic cost of input versus what's 
returned, whether that be a trade in time investment, or a tangible 
product. Everything has value, and more importantly that perceived value 
is what makes the world go round.

I support the IMCA and what they stand for and have respect and 
admiration for the people who created it and work hard to build it 
everyday. I have many friends and business colleagues who are members of 
the IMCA and members of the board. I have been invited many times to 
become a member and have politely and respectfully declined to join at 
this time. This is not to say that I will not ever become a member, nor 
does it say that I dislike the IMCA at all or even worse, view them in a 
negative light, which I do not. I am NOT an arbiter for corporate 
sponsorship, or the IMCA, nor do I subscribe to the view that anyone 
should be. The integrity of the meteorite world is based upon the 
integrity of individuals within this community, and NOT any one group.

Your statement Dave:

"...'The word "corporate" to me means restrictive for profit...'..." 
Wikipedia? Oh, goodness..."

No, that's not Wikipedia at all, that's my view, and just what I said it 
was. ;)

There is nothing horrifying about profit, and if I understand your post 
correctly and if you were simply being facetious, I would agree. The 
issue is not profit, the issue is about at the very least the temptation 
of influencing restrictive rules or guidelines that limits public access 
to knowledge and physical display of specimens.

"...Then you wrote: "My personal beliefs are that people should have 
free access to the knowledge and information that meteorites and 
astronomy provides."

And...? ..."

To answer your simple question, I will give a simple answer. I've 
already said it.

Don't limit or restrict access or use the power and influence of a group 
to control something which should be freely available knowledge.

Let other enjoy the meteorites too... Share.

This has all been hashed out in the past, and I'm not trying to bring 
something up that's already been discussed at length, I'm not attacking 
anyone or any group, I'm simply saying I don't like group power because 
they tend to forget about the little guy, whether it be purposefully or 
by unintentional means.

Respectfully of course...

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

Dave Gheesling wrote:

For whatever its worth, I've disagreed with both Adam and Eric on many
occasions, and I'm quite certain both have disagreed with me before as well.
That said, I thought Adam's post was superb, though the semantics
("corporate involvement," to reference just one point) may have been

Eric, you wrote: "if corporate involvement means losing the personality and
integrity of the meteorite world through increased tampering by larger
groups and politically or profit motivated companies who might in future
times limit the publics access to meteorites then I'm not for that at all".

Not sure who the arbiter is for such matters, but let's assume it's you.
The IMCA would not exist if the integrity of the meteorite world were so
pristine, and there's no use jamming up bandwidth with examples.  And to
think that this arena understands marketing and packaging of these rarest of
rocks on Earth is, well, profoundly off base.

The we have the horrifying notion of profit.  Profits are derived from
offering products that prospective customers need or want at a price (that
exceeds the costs of providing the product) deemed a value by said
prospective customers.  In other words, they will, on their own volition,
pay the individual or entity for the act of procuring or developing then
providing said product.  Of course there is corporate corruption; yet there
is corruption everywhere...even in the world of meteorites (thank you IMCA
for addressing that).  Anyway, would such undoubtedly evil, profit-motivated
entities not prefer that public (read: customers) access to meteorites, if
anything, be expanded?

Then you wrote: "My personal beliefs are that people should have free access
to the knowledge and information that meteorites and astronomy provides."


Then lastly: "The word "corporate" to me means restrictive for profit..."


Oh, goodness...


-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentra

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

2009-11-15 Thread mafer
I liked the comment about suits siting around a board table like is done
with oil and gold. That is such an one sided way of doing commerce (some
old fuddy siting at a table with his country's flag in his hand agreeing to
pay x dollars for a commodity that he makes so much anyway, he could care
less how it affects those at the bottom of the wage scales, where is the
free enterprise, yet men just like this run our lives. Keeping that
mentality out of meteorites goes a long long way, and dealing with the
principles (those who actually find the meteorites) will do more for
keeping the science and hobby alive than most could see. I find it harsh
and wrong to pay a middleman a high price when he has undercut or misled
the finder. By the same token, without some middlemen, we wouldn't have
many finds and they would have been dumped on the ground as a waste of time
and the strewn field forgotten about.

Keeping things real and in perspective are important.

Mark Ferguson

On November 15, 7:03 pm "Galactic Stone & Ironworks"  

> Well said Eric.  I agree 110%.
> You said it much better than I did in my reply.
> There are two sides to everything, especially in the realm of
> business.  And that is a core issue here - we are not just dealing
> with collecting, science, or trading.   There is a marriage of
> personal collecting, science, and business for profit at work in the
> meteorite world.  Different people are drawn to meteorites for a wide
> variety of reasons.  No single group can represent all of those
> interests.  Speaking just for myself, the IMCA does not represent me,
> but I do appreciate the good work they do to maintain the integrity of
> the market.
> I don't like the idea of a bunch of suits sitting around a table and
> contriving reasons to expand their influence.  Whenever that happens,
> the average person is one who ends up losing out.  IMO, the  meteorite
> market polices itself very well.  This List is a good example of that
> fact - despite some of the complaints about some of the personalities
> involved.  If a meteorite is stolen, it is announced quickly on this
> List.  If a trader misrepresents a specimen or pulls a scam, this List
> will hear about it. If the scammer is an IMCA member, then there is
> recourse.  If the scammer uses PayPal, then there is recourse.  If the
> scammer uses eBay, then there is recourse as well.  People who are
> dishonest in their practices are quickly labelled as such and their
> reputations are ruined in this small world of meteorites.   I can
> think of at least 2 major meteorite players who have become "persona
> non grata" during my short time of about 2 years on this List.   In
> addition to this List, we have at least 2 other meteorite discussion
> forums that are active with high traffic - and all of them are
> populated by IMCA and MS members (and a bunch of good folks who aren't
> members of either group).  The same people who are not welcome on this
> List would find themselves unwelcome in those places as well.
> I do think the meteorite market needs more consistency and structure,
> but we don't need an invitation-only club to make the decisions.
> Best regards and clear skies,
> MikeG
> On 11/15/09, Meteorites USA  wrote:
> >  Hi Adam,
> >
> >  I'm curios what you mean by "corporate involvement" when it
> >  concerns meteorites? With regards to the IMCA I am in partial
> >  agreement, and believe they are a good organization, and needed in
> >  this industry. But some restraint needs to be had with regard to
> >  the influence that these types of groups have. Historically
> >  speaking such groups tend to lean toward their own motives over
> >  time. There has been no organization in the history of man that
> >  has not given in, at least partially, to the temptation such
> > influence.
> >  If you mean some sort of sponsorship of certain outreach and
> >  educational programs geared toward teaching children and young
> >  adults about astronomy and meteorites then I'm game. But if
> >  corporate involvement means losing the personality and integrity
> >  of the meteorite world through increased tampering by larger
> >  groups and politically or profit motivated companies who might in
> >  future times limit the publics access to meteorites then I'm not
> > for that at all. This is a slippery slope...
> >  My personal beliefs are that people should have free access to the
> >  knowledge and information that meteorites and astronomy provides.
> >  The word "corporate" to me means restrictive for profit, and an
> >  example would be the corporate mentality of profit before people.
> >  I'm not necessarily referring to monetary profit, but rather to
> >  the increased influence particular groups may have over access to
> >  knowledge and information through the study of meteorites by
> >  individuals and the limited access that some scientific
> >  institutions have applied to certain collections. Collections tha

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

2009-11-15 Thread Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Well said Eric.  I agree 110%.

You said it much better than I did in my reply.

There are two sides to everything, especially in the realm of
business.  And that is a core issue here - we are not just dealing
with collecting, science, or trading.   There is a marriage of
personal collecting, science, and business for profit at work in the
meteorite world.  Different people are drawn to meteorites for a wide
variety of reasons.  No single group can represent all of those
interests.  Speaking just for myself, the IMCA does not represent me,
but I do appreciate the good work they do to maintain the integrity of
the market.

I don't like the idea of a bunch of suits sitting around a table and
contriving reasons to expand their influence.  Whenever that happens,
the average person is one who ends up losing out.  IMO, the  meteorite
market polices itself very well.  This List is a good example of that
fact - despite some of the complaints about some of the personalities
involved.  If a meteorite is stolen, it is announced quickly on this
List.  If a trader misrepresents a specimen or pulls a scam, this List
will hear about it. If the scammer is an IMCA member, then there is
recourse.  If the scammer uses PayPal, then there is recourse.  If the
scammer uses eBay, then there is recourse as well.  People who are
dishonest in their practices are quickly labelled as such and their
reputations are ruined in this small world of meteorites.   I can
think of at least 2 major meteorite players who have become "persona
non grata" during my short time of about 2 years on this List.   In
addition to this List, we have at least 2 other meteorite discussion
forums that are active with high traffic - and all of them are
populated by IMCA and MS members (and a bunch of good folks who aren't
members of either group).  The same people who are not welcome on this
List would find themselves unwelcome in those places as well.

I do think the meteorite market needs more consistency and structure,
but we don't need an invitation-only club to make the decisions.

Best regards and clear skies,


On 11/15/09, Meteorites USA  wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> I'm curios what you mean by "corporate involvement" when it concerns
> meteorites? With regards to the IMCA I am in partial agreement, and
> believe they are a good organization, and needed in this industry. But
> some restraint needs to be had with regard to the influence that these
> types of groups have. Historically speaking such groups tend to lean
> toward their own motives over time. There has been no organization in
> the history of man that has not given in, at least partially, to the
> temptation such influence.
> If you mean some sort of sponsorship of certain outreach and educational
> programs geared toward teaching children and young adults about
> astronomy and meteorites then I'm game. But if corporate involvement
> means losing the personality and integrity of the meteorite world
> through increased tampering by larger groups and politically or profit
> motivated companies who might in future times limit the publics access
> to meteorites then I'm not for that at all. This is a slippery slope...
> My personal beliefs are that people should have free access to the
> knowledge and information that meteorites and astronomy provides. The
> word "corporate" to me means restrictive for profit, and an example
> would be the corporate mentality of profit before people. I'm not
> necessarily referring to monetary profit, but rather to the increased
> influence particular groups may have over access to knowledge and
> information through the study of meteorites by individuals and the
> limited access that some scientific institutions have applied to certain
> collections. Collections that in my opinion every human being on the
> planet should have access to. Not to fondle and ogle the collection, but
> to view, study and learn.
> I'm not attacking here, I'm simply voicing a concern and my belief in
> the free access to knowledge that needs to be preserved.
> Thanks for listening...
> Regards,
> Eric Wichman
> Meteorites USA
> Adam Hupe wrote:
>> Dear List,
>> I think it is crazy to talk about corporate greed and meteorites at the
>> same time. There are much simpler ways of earning money than chasing and
>> selling meteorites.  You have to have a love for these rocks to engage at
>> this level.  The overhead is astonishing while the returns are
>> unpredictable in an incredibly thin market.  Risk management doesn't
>> exist.
>> I believe more corporate involvement is needed to push this avocation to
>> the next level.  The IMCA is a perfect example of a positive corporate
>> influence on a mostly misunderstood hobby. What lacks the most right now
>> is customer service and value added reselling. Most new dealers do not
>> even polish out the saw marks on slices, let alone polish both sides.
>> Collectors pay for both sides of a complete slice, not just o

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

2009-11-15 Thread Dave Gheesling
For whatever its worth, I've disagreed with both Adam and Eric on many
occasions, and I'm quite certain both have disagreed with me before as well.
That said, I thought Adam's post was superb, though the semantics
("corporate involvement," to reference just one point) may have been

Eric, you wrote: "if corporate involvement means losing the personality and
integrity of the meteorite world through increased tampering by larger
groups and politically or profit motivated companies who might in future
times limit the publics access to meteorites then I'm not for that at all".

Not sure who the arbiter is for such matters, but let's assume it's you.
The IMCA would not exist if the integrity of the meteorite world were so
pristine, and there's no use jamming up bandwidth with examples.  And to
think that this arena understands marketing and packaging of these rarest of
rocks on Earth is, well, profoundly off base.

The we have the horrifying notion of profit.  Profits are derived from
offering products that prospective customers need or want at a price (that
exceeds the costs of providing the product) deemed a value by said
prospective customers.  In other words, they will, on their own volition,
pay the individual or entity for the act of procuring or developing then
providing said product.  Of course there is corporate corruption; yet there
is corruption everywhere...even in the world of meteorites (thank you IMCA
for addressing that).  Anyway, would such undoubtedly evil, profit-motivated
entities not prefer that public (read: customers) access to meteorites, if
anything, be expanded?

Then you wrote: "My personal beliefs are that people should have free access
to the knowledge and information that meteorites and astronomy provides."


Then lastly: "The word "corporate" to me means restrictive for profit..."


Oh, goodness...


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Meteorites
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 1:41 PM
To: Adam Hupe
Cc: Adam
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

Hi Adam,

I'm curios what you mean by "corporate involvement" when it concerns
meteorites? With regards to the IMCA I am in partial agreement, and believe
they are a good organization, and needed in this industry. But some
restraint needs to be had with regard to the influence that these types of
groups have. Historically speaking such groups tend to lean toward their own
motives over time. There has been no organization in the history of man that
has not given in, at least partially, to the temptation such influence.

If you mean some sort of sponsorship of certain outreach and educational
programs geared toward teaching children and young adults about astronomy
and meteorites then I'm game. But if corporate involvement means losing the
personality and integrity of the meteorite world through increased tampering
by larger groups and politically or profit motivated companies who might in
future times limit the publics access to meteorites then I'm not for that at
all. This is a slippery slope...

My personal beliefs are that people should have free access to the knowledge
and information that meteorites and astronomy provides. The word "corporate"
to me means restrictive for profit, and an example would be the corporate
mentality of profit before people. I'm not necessarily referring to monetary
profit, but rather to the increased influence particular groups may have
over access to knowledge and information through the study of meteorites by
individuals and the limited access that some scientific institutions have
applied to certain collections. Collections that in my opinion every human
being on the planet should have access to. Not to fondle and ogle the
collection, but to view, study and learn.

I'm not attacking here, I'm simply voicing a concern and my belief in the
free access to knowledge that needs to be preserved.

Thanks for listening...

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

Adam Hupe wrote:
> Dear List,
> I think it is crazy to talk about corporate greed and meteorites at the
same time. There are much simpler ways of earning money than chasing and
selling meteorites.  You have to have a love for these rocks to engage at
this level.  The overhead is astonishing while the returns are unpredictable
in an incredibly thin market.  Risk management doesn't exist. 
> I believe more corporate involvement is needed to push this avocation to
the next level.  The IMCA is a perfect example of a positive corporate
influence on a mostly misunderstood hobby. What lacks the most right now is
customer service and value added reselling. Most new dealers do not even
polish out the saw marks on slic

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

2009-11-15 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi Adam,

I'm curios what you mean by "corporate involvement" when it concerns 
meteorites? With regards to the IMCA I am in partial agreement, and 
believe they are a good organization, and needed in this industry. But 
some restraint needs to be had with regard to the influence that these 
types of groups have. Historically speaking such groups tend to lean 
toward their own motives over time. There has been no organization in 
the history of man that has not given in, at least partially, to the 
temptation such influence.

If you mean some sort of sponsorship of certain outreach and educational 
programs geared toward teaching children and young adults about 
astronomy and meteorites then I'm game. But if corporate involvement 
means losing the personality and integrity of the meteorite world 
through increased tampering by larger groups and politically or profit 
motivated companies who might in future times limit the publics access 
to meteorites then I'm not for that at all. This is a slippery slope...

My personal beliefs are that people should have free access to the 
knowledge and information that meteorites and astronomy provides. The 
word "corporate" to me means restrictive for profit, and an example 
would be the corporate mentality of profit before people. I'm not 
necessarily referring to monetary profit, but rather to the increased 
influence particular groups may have over access to knowledge and 
information through the study of meteorites by individuals and the 
limited access that some scientific institutions have applied to certain 
collections. Collections that in my opinion every human being on the 
planet should have access to. Not to fondle and ogle the collection, but 
to view, study and learn.

I'm not attacking here, I'm simply voicing a concern and my belief in 
the free access to knowledge that needs to be preserved.

Thanks for listening...

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

Adam Hupe wrote:

Dear List,

I think it is crazy to talk about corporate greed and meteorites at the same time. There are much simpler ways of earning money than chasing and selling meteorites.  You have to have a love for these rocks to engage at this level.  The overhead is astonishing while the returns are unpredictable in an incredibly thin market.  Risk management doesn't exist. 

I believe more corporate involvement is needed to push this avocation to the next level.  The IMCA is a perfect example of a positive corporate influence on a mostly misunderstood hobby. What lacks the most right now is customer service and value added reselling. Most new dealers do not even polish out the saw marks on slices, let alone polish both sides. Collectors pay for both sides of a complete slice, not just one. It is disrespectful to cut a meteorite and then not complete the job. A good polish is more important for reasons beyond aesthetics. Certification is the most important aspect of collecting and is consistently lacking when dealing with meteorites. One just needs to look at coins, baseball cards and most other collectibles to see they are nearly worthless without it.  

In virtually ever other collectibles market, there are standards in place thanks to corporate interest.  These days, some uninformed elements treat meteorites like commodities that are renewable.   Nothing could be further from the truth. The lack of appreciation for these rarities is really on full display during these hard times.  People forget that meteorites are millions of time rarer than gold that currently maintains a price of around $35.00/gram.  May I remind you that now only about 1/20th the amount of meteorites by weight is all that is coming out of Moroccan compared to just five years ago according to my calculations. It will not be long before the non-available Antarctic meteorites regain the volume title once again. 

I do appreciate the real nomadic meteorite hunters from Morocco and surrounding countries.  In my opinion, they are the best in world. It is what happens to meteorites after they leave the finders hands that concerns me. 

Standards, proper appreciation and corporate involvement are key to the long-term future.  I see a business-like environment helping in all of these regards.Collectors deserve to have their investments protected. 

All the best,

Meteorite-list mailing list


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

2009-11-14 Thread Jerry Flaherty

Do unto ..."
Think positive
But BE happily surprised at any good fortune or good turn offered or given
The only DUMB question is the one not asked

From: "Meteorites USA" 
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 2:18 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

Hi Listees,

With respect to all, but without concern for offending the easily 
offendable I would like to say:

If you want to learn about meteorites ASK.
If you want to sell meteorites, then buy them, or find them, and sell 

If you want to collect meteorites then collect them.
If you want to find them, do the research yourself and help contribute 
something rather than complaining about people who won't contribute to 
creating their own competition.
If you want to hunt for meteorites with a team ASK and be man (or woman) 
enough to except a no and be grateful if you get a yes!

Be appreciative of the help you do receive.
Don't whine!

If you'd like to learn to etch meteorites
If you'd like to learn how to track and find new meteorite falls
If you'd like to learn how to get others help then do the following:

Help others in turn!
Offer to help when it's not expected!
Do your own research!
Get out there and hunt!
Get out there and make your own contacts.
Don't "expect" people just to jump in and be happy to help you.
Stop whining.
Work your ass off!
Put in the hours!
Have something to contribute!
Earn it!

And most of all, don't make the mistake of thinking this business is 
dog-eat-dog. It's like ANY industry or social group and is what you make 
it. If you look at is in a certain light, that is what you will see.

Have something to give, and do your own work, don't try piggy-backing on 
others successes. People will usually not help those who don't help them 
unless they are just nice people. Show respect and have admiration for 
those who go out and spend the countless hours and thousands of dollars 
researching the meteorites they love so much...

Treat people the way you want to be treated and you'll garner a lot more 
respect from your peers in ANY business.

Help people and they will help you.

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

2009-11-14 Thread Melanie Matthews

All very valid points - agree! 

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what 
you're gonna get! 

> Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 11:18:09 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition
> Hi Listees,
> With respect to all, but without concern for offending the easily 
> offendable I would like to say:
> If you want to learn about meteorites ASK.
> If you want to sell meteorites, then buy them, or find them, and sell them.
> If you want to collect meteorites then collect them.
> If you want to find them, do the research yourself and help contribute 
> something rather than complaining about people who won't contribute to 
> creating their own competition.
> If you want to hunt for meteorites with a team ASK and be man (or woman) 
> enough to except a no and be grateful if you get a yes!
> Be appreciative of the help you do receive.
> Don't whine!
> If you'd like to learn to etch meteorites
> If you'd like to learn how to track and find new meteorite falls
> If you'd like to learn how to get others help then do the following:
> Help others in turn!
> Offer to help when it's not expected!
> Give!
> Do your own research!
> Get out there and hunt!
> Get out there and make your own contacts.
> Don't "expect" people just to jump in and be happy to help you.
> Stop whining.
> Work your ass off!
> Put in the hours!
> Have something to contribute!
> Earn it!
> And most of all, don't make the mistake of thinking this business is 
> dog-eat-dog. It's like ANY industry or social group and is what you make 
> it. If you look at is in a certain light, that is what you will see.
> Have something to give, and do your own work, don't try piggy-backing on 
> others successes. People will usually not help those who don't help them 
> unless they are just nice people. Show respect and have admiration for 
> those who go out and spend the countless hours and thousands of dollars 
> researching the meteorites they love so much...
> Treat people the way you want to be treated and you'll garner a lot more 
> respect from your peers in ANY business.
> Help people and they will help you.
> Regards,
> Eric Wichman
> Meteorites USA
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition (Government Bailout of the Meteorite Industry?)

2009-11-14 Thread Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Hi Adam,

You are right, I did jump to conclusions in my last post.  But, when I
heard meteorites being compared to McDonalds, it made me cringe.  The
last thing anyone wants is Meteorite Value Meals.or is it?

Best regards,


PS - instead of making meteorites corporate, how about a government
bail out of the meteorite industry?  We could have CASH FOR RUSTERS!
Trade in your oxidized Dronino for a shiny new Sikhote Alin! ;)

On 11/14/09, Adam Hupe  wrote:
> Dear List,
> I think it is crazy to talk about corporate greed and meteorites at the same
> time. There are much simpler ways of earning money than chasing and selling
> meteorites.  You have to have a love for these rocks to engage at this
> level.  The overhead is astonishing while the returns are unpredictable in
> an incredibly thin market.  Risk management doesn't exist.
> I believe more corporate involvement is needed to push this avocation to the
> next level.  The IMCA is a perfect example of a positive corporate influence
> on a mostly misunderstood hobby. What lacks the most right now is customer
> service and value added reselling. Most new dealers do not even polish out
> the saw marks on slices, let alone polish both sides. Collectors pay for
> both sides of a complete slice, not just one. It is disrespectful to cut a
> meteorite and then not complete the job. A good polish is more important for
> reasons beyond aesthetics. Certification is the most important aspect of
> collecting and is consistently lacking when dealing with meteorites. One
> just needs to look at coins, baseball cards and most other collectibles to
> see they are nearly worthless without it.
> In virtually ever other collectibles market, there are standards in place
> thanks to corporate interest.  These days, some uninformed elements treat
> meteorites like commodities that are renewable.   Nothing could be further
> from the truth. The lack of appreciation for these rarities is really on
> full display during these hard times.  People forget that meteorites are
> millions of time rarer than gold that currently maintains a price of around
> $35.00/gram.  May I remind you that now only about 1/20th the amount of
> meteorites by weight is all that is coming out of Moroccan compared to just
> five years ago according to my calculations. It will not be long before the
> non-available Antarctic meteorites regain the volume title once again.
> I do appreciate the real nomadic meteorite hunters from Morocco and
> surrounding countries.  In my opinion, they are the best in world. It is
> what happens to meteorites after they leave the finders hands that concerns
> me.
> Standards, proper appreciation and corporate involvement are key to the
> long-term future.  I see a business-like environment helping in all of these
> regards.Collectors deserve to have their investments protected.
> All the best,
> Adam
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Michael Gilmer (Florida, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
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Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites & Competition

2009-11-14 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,

I think it is crazy to talk about corporate greed and meteorites at the same 
time. There are much simpler ways of earning money than chasing and selling 
meteorites.  You have to have a love for these rocks to engage at this level.  
The overhead is astonishing while the returns are unpredictable in an 
incredibly thin market.  Risk management doesn't exist. 

I believe more corporate involvement is needed to push this avocation to the 
next level.  The IMCA is a perfect example of a positive corporate influence on 
a mostly misunderstood hobby. What lacks the most right now is customer service 
and value added reselling. Most new dealers do not even polish out the saw 
marks on slices, let alone polish both sides. Collectors pay for both sides of 
a complete slice, not just one. It is disrespectful to cut a meteorite and then 
not complete the job. A good polish is more important for reasons beyond 
aesthetics. Certification is the most important aspect of collecting and is 
consistently lacking when dealing with meteorites. One just needs to look at 
coins, baseball cards and most other collectibles to see they are nearly 
worthless without it.  

In virtually ever other collectibles market, there are standards in place 
thanks to corporate interest.  These days, some uninformed elements treat 
meteorites like commodities that are renewable.   Nothing could be further from 
the truth. The lack of appreciation for these rarities is really on full 
display during these hard times.  People forget that meteorites are millions of 
time rarer than gold that currently maintains a price of around $35.00/gram.  
May I remind you that now only about 1/20th the amount of meteorites by weight 
is all that is coming out of Moroccan compared to just five years ago according 
to my calculations. It will not be long before the non-available Antarctic 
meteorites regain the volume title once again. 

I do appreciate the real nomadic meteorite hunters from Morocco and surrounding 
countries.  In my opinion, they are the best in world. It is what happens to 
meteorites after they leave the finders hands that concerns me. 

Standards, proper appreciation and corporate involvement are key to the 
long-term future.  I see a business-like environment helping in all of these 
regards.Collectors deserve to have their investments protected. 

All the best,

Meteorite-list mailing list