Sincere, humble apology, Lars, I've been made aware
of your situation. (How could I have known?) I would
help, if I could. Pete

Hi Lars, Pete, and List,

Pete, my hat (though I never wear hats) is off
to you for your prompt and immediate apology!

> I would help, if I could. Pete

You can, we can. If, and I suppose, the person who made you aware of
Lars' situation, is the one I am thinking of, well, if (s)he is willing
to coordinate donations again, and there are more than 500 list members,
.. I would be willing to donate $10 for an appreciable Allende slice.

"Appreciable" ... ? 500 x 10 = $5,000. This would be one big slice for
Lars, bigger than any Allende I own. Even if "only" 100 list members were
willing to donate, say $5.00 or $2.00, the slice, Lars would get would still
be something "out of this world". Any comments? No, no comments, please!
Donate or don't. Christmas is "ante portas" ;-) Lars, you just overlook this
mail, will, you!

And if the person who made Pete aware of Lars' situation is out
there, (s)he will surely let you know in private how to contact

Best regards,



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