Steve wrote:

> Hi bernd.I have a .632 gram kakangari slice.It shows chondrules in a
> uniform like line.It is a sandy color and very bittle.It measures 25 x 15
> x 6 mm in size.I traded a piece of park forest for it in may. steve

Wow, Steve, this is one of the rarest types and I wish I had a small slice.
But you can't have it all and I have purchased too many meteorites lately,
so this one will have to wait. Among my recent additions are a beautiful
slice of Dhofar 979, this is a unique ureilite (Mike Farmer's desert find
- an exquisite "honeycomb" meteorite), another ureilite, NWA 3140
(a primitive ureilite) that I got in a trade for another meteorite that
means much more to someone else than to me, and two gorgeous slices of
Forestburg (a) and Forestburg (b) from Michael Cottingham.

Best wishes and good night. It is late here (01:00 hrs a.m.) and my lady
wants me and my son-in-law to tile the entrance stairway this morning :-(


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