Apologies if this this an existing issue or I'm missing something but I am 
having a little trouble with my cartridge installation and my custom 
product types, I am running on the current versions of Mezzanine and 
Cartridge from the GitHub repos.

Previously I have declared my custom product type in the settings.py file 
as follows:

    ("My Shop", (


.. in my models as:

from cartridge.shop.models import Product, Category, ProductVariation, 


class BaseProduct(Product):
    cadfile = fields.FileField(upload_to="product/cadfile", 
extensions=(".dwg",), blank=True, null=True, help_text="Format: Files should be 
named in all lower case with leading zeros and ONLY product codes e.g rg09.dwg")
    pdffile = fields.FileField(upload_to="product/pdffile", blank=True, 
null=True, help_text="Format: Files should be named in all lower case with 
leading zeros and ONLY product codes e.g pm01.pdf")
    product_code = models.CharField(max_length=8, help_text="Format: All caps, 
no spaces, include leading zero's, e.g DC01B")


... and in the admin as:

from cartridge.shop.admin import CategoryAdmin, ProductAdmin, ProductVariation, 
ProductOption, Order


class BaseProductAdmin(ProductAdmin):
    fieldsets = product_fieldsets

    additional_fieldsets = ("product_height", "product_width", 
"product_projection", "product_diameter", "product_length",
                            "cornice_picture", "cornice_profile_picture", 
"cornice_wall_height",  "cornice_ceiling_projection",
                            "cornice_pattern_repeat", "internal_height", 
"internal_width", "priority",)

        (_("Additional"), {
            "fields": tuple(additional_fieldsets),

    list_display = product_list_display
    list_filter = ("status", "available", "categories", "product_type", 

    def has_module_permission(self, request):
        for (name, items) in settings.ADMIN_MENU_ORDER:
            if "stevensons_shop.BaseProduct" in items:
                return True
        return False

admin.site.register(BaseProduct, BaseProductAdmin)

This used to work fine in previous versions of the system (those installed 
directly from pip), however I wanted to take advantage of some of the fixes 
in newer versions.

However this has had the adverse affect of breaking my admin area. Whereas 
before I could simply click on the "Base product" sidebar link and get 
taken to my admin view I now am immediately redirected to the generic 
/admin/shop/product view that only contains the basic information for my 
product and none of my extended fields, I'm aware that there have been some 
pretty major changes that happened in commit #8d3ac6b 
I am currently at a loss trying to figure out what I need to do to get this 
working again.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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