Thank you for the reply Stephen. I don't know if I'm missing something but 
I'm still having some problems with this. 

You say: 

> You'll see an "Add product" dropdown list (presumably with only one item 
> in it in your case, namely BaseProduct), which is how you choose which type 
> of product you're adding. 

But no matter what I do I don't see any such dropdown, I've created an 
example project based on the guide from and 
have pushed this up to a simple github repo at

In short, my look like this:

from django.db import models

from import Product

# Create your models here.
class SubclassedProduct(Product):
    test = models.CharField(blank=True, null=True, max_length=255)

and my looks like this:

from django.contrib import admin

from import ProductAdmin
from test_products.models import SubclassedProduct

# Register your models here., ProductAdmin)

Is there something obvious I'm missing?

On Monday, February 6, 2017 at 12:34:37 AM UTC, Stephen McDonald wrote:
> Hi there,
> Subclassing the product model was previously not a supported feature - I 
> imagine you had to do some extensive hacking to get that working in the 
> actual site. 
> It now is a supported feature however, much like the Page model in 
> Mezzanine can be subclasses to create custom page types, custom products 
> now work the same in the development version of Cartridge.
> The good news is that what you've done should mostly work now - it's just 
> that your existing products are missing a value that identifies them as 
> your BaseProduct custom product type - if you inspect the DB somehow, 
> you'll see the table for the Product model has a "content_type" field (if I 
> recall correctly), and it stores a string name for the type of product it's 
> related to, in your case I think the value would be "baseproduct", but the 
> best way to know for sure would be to add a new product of "BaseProduct" 
> type, and see what value gets stored for that. 
> BTW the redirection is occurring because with this new version, *all* 
> product subclasses in the admin will redirect to one listing page where 
> they all get managed. You'll see an "Add product" dropdown list (presumably 
> with only one item in it in your case, namely BaseProduct), which is how 
> you choose which type of product you're adding. You'll need to use that to 
> perform the check I just mentioned. Given the way the admin works now, 
> you'll also be able to remove BaseProduct from the ADMIN_MENU_ORDER setting 
> you have, since that's redundant.
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 1:22 AM, Pete Dermott < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Apologies if this this an existing issue or I'm missing something but I 
>> am having a little trouble with my cartridge installation and my custom 
>> product types, I am running on the current versions of Mezzanine and 
>> Cartridge from the GitHub repos.
>> Previously I have declared my custom product type in the file 
>> as follows:
>>     ...
>>     ("My Shop", (
>>         "my_shop.BaseProduct",
>>     )),
>>     ...
>> .. in my models as:
>> from import Product, Category, ProductVariation, 
>> ProductImage
>> ...
>> class BaseProduct(Product):
>>     cadfile = fields.FileField(upload_to="product/cadfile", 
>> extensions=(".dwg",), blank=True, null=True, help_text="Format: Files should 
>> be named in all lower case with leading zeros and ONLY product codes e.g 
>> rg09.dwg")
>>     pdffile = fields.FileField(upload_to="product/pdffile", blank=True, 
>> null=True, help_text="Format: Files should be named in all lower case with 
>> leading zeros and ONLY product codes e.g pm01.pdf")
>>     product_code = models.CharField(max_length=8, help_text="Format: All 
>> caps, no spaces, include leading zero's, e.g DC01B")
>>     ...
>> ... and in the admin as:
>> from import CategoryAdmin, ProductAdmin, 
>> ProductVariation, ProductOption, Order
>> ...
>> class BaseProductAdmin(ProductAdmin):
>>     fieldsets = product_fieldsets
>>     additional_fieldsets = ("product_height", "product_width", 
>> "product_projection", "product_diameter", "product_length",
>>                             "cornice_picture", "cornice_profile_picture", 
>> "cornice_wall_height",  "cornice_ceiling_projection",
>>                             "cornice_pattern_repeat", "internal_height", 
>> "internal_width", "priority",)
>>     fieldsets.append(
>>         (_("Additional"), {
>>             "fields": tuple(additional_fieldsets),
>>         }))
>>     list_display = product_list_display
>>     list_filter = ("status", "available", "categories", "product_type", 
>> "updated")
>>     def has_module_permission(self, request):
>>         for (name, items) in settings.ADMIN_MENU_ORDER:
>>             if "stevensons_shop.BaseProduct" in items:
>>                 return True
>>         return False
>>, BaseProductAdmin)
>> This used to work fine in previous versions of the system (those 
>> installed directly from pip), however I wanted to take advantage of some of 
>> the fixes in newer versions.
>> However this has had the adverse affect of breaking my admin area. 
>> Whereas before I could simply click on the "Base product" sidebar link and 
>> get taken to my admin view I now am immediately redirected to the generic 
>> /admin/shop/product view that only contains the basic information for my 
>> product and none of my extended fields, I'm aware that there have been some 
>> pretty major changes that happened in commit #8d3ac6b 
>> <>
>>  however 
>> I am currently at a loss trying to figure out what I need to do to get this 
>> working again.
>> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Stephen McDonald

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