[mezzanine-users] Re: Good approaches to doing graphics customization?

2015-05-04 Thread Alex Tsai
Hmm.. I'm not sure if this will help you, but as a visually...bad 
developer, I've gotten quite far by replacing the bundled bootstrap with 
the LESS or SASS port and then just trying to get as far as possible by 
just editing variables in there.  I find going into 
and editing variables easier than just hunting for all the relevant classes 
in the CSS version.  

On Monday, 4 May 2015 12:43:32 UTC-7, Brian Osborne wrote:
> All,
> Just starting out with Mezzanine, it's very impressive, and I'm happy that 
> it's Python. Should add, I'm working on Mac OS. I'm more of a coder than a 
> graphics designer. In fact I'm not a designer at all!
> I want to do some basic graphic customization (change some div or element 
> to a different color, change a button color, and so on). I use Sublime 
> Text, and if I go into "Develop" mode in Safari and use its "Inspect" 
> button I'm able to figure out where most of the elements are in the CSS, 
> and then I can modify them in the css/bootstrap.css file.
> But this is really clunky, and there are still visual elements that I can 
> not find and modify. Can anyone give me advice on effective ways to do 
> this? WYSIWYG or not, commercial or open source.
> Thank you in advance,
> Brian O.

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[mezzanine-users] Whipped up something quick for Buffer integration... (mezzanine-buffer)

2015-05-03 Thread Alex Tsai
Hi all,

I whipped up something quick for Buffer  (buffer.com) 
integration - it's intended as a replacement for the mezzanine.twitter 
BlogPost publish and allows you to take advantage of some of Buffer's 
features, such as supporting multiple social network profiles, 
automatically scheduling your updates (spacing them apart) and scheduling 
updates in the future.  

It's a bit primitive right now and has a fairly annoying bug in that it 
doesn't actually work from the list view for BlogPosts, and my 
documentation is more or less nonexistent, but since I'm probably done 
working on this for the weekend, figured I'd share it.

You will need to create a Buffer account and also create an app 
 to obtain an access token.  

You can install it with:

pip install mezzanine-buffer --process-dependency-links

Unfortunately, the buffer-python library is outdated on pypi (and in fact, 
that version 1.07 is actually broken in that it's missing subpackages when 
installed) so the --process-dependency-links is required to install it from 
github master.

This may be useful to you if you are interested in publishing your blog 
posts to multiple social networks (really anything Buffer supports should 
be supported) and if you're interested in spacing out your tweets.  

pypi link - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mezzanine-buffer
github link - https://github.com/caffodian/mezzanine-buffer

boring history behind this - we were doing this at work with a mezzanine 
driven blog to publish tweets and updates.  Our content writers tended to 
work within 9-5 so we needed some way to space them out, as well as handle 
tweeting for future-published content.  Some of us already use Buffer 
personally so it seemed like a good fit to take care of these issues.  My 
in office implementation was even dumber than this, so I rewrote everything 
from scratch as a reusable app over the course of today.  :)


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[mezzanine-users] Re: Amazon s3 storage backed, upload image to blog from admin HTTP 500 on demo site.

2014-06-17 Thread Alex Tsai
Hi all,

I'm having what might be the same issue (can't tell without stack trace 
from the OP)

I have a similar config to what Brad posted.  The media library is actually 
able to create folders in S3 correctly so I think my permissions are 
working.  (the IAM in amazon just has access to all S3 permissions at the 

However, when I upload, it seems there's some sort of submission and then 
it never actually appears in the S3 bucket.  Boto then dies when trying to 
move the key out of the uploads sub folder with the following stacktrace, 
which is what results in the 500 in my case.

Sorry for the possible threadjack (if it turns out we're not actually 
having the same issue) but I think it might be...  Any help would be 
greatly appreciated as I've been beating my head against this for a while.  


Traceback (most recent call last):

line 112, in get_response

response = wrapped_callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)

line 57, in wrapped_view

return view_func(*args, **kwargs)

line 25, in decorator

return function(request, *args, **kwargs)

line 17, in _checklogin

return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)

line 333, in _upload_file

default_storage.move(smart_text(uploadedfile), smart_text(file_path), 

line 103, in move

k = self.bucket.copy_key(new_key_name, self.bucket.name, old_key_name)

  File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/s3/bucket.py", 
line 883, in copy_key

response.reason, body)

S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 404 Not Found

NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not 

The entry in my settings.py is as follows:




AWS_PRELOAD_METADATA = True #helps collectstatic do updates




from boto.s3.connection import ProtocolIndependentOrdinaryCallingFormat

AWS_S3_CALLING_FORMAT = ProtocolIndependentOrdinaryCallingFormat()

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 's3_folder_storage.s3.DefaultStorage'

DEFAULT_S3_PATH = "media"



STATICFILES_STORAGE = 's3_folder_storage.s3.StaticStorage'

STATIC_ROOT = "/static/"

STATIC_URL = 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/%s/static/' % 


On Friday, 6 June 2014 08:26:39 UTC-7, bob hosk wrote:
> Hi Brad,
> Thanks again for the reply.
> I tried again with these settings (see 
> https://github.com/fpghost/mezzdemo/blob/master/settings.py), and
> still the exact same error for me. This is proving stubborn indeed!
> I should note I'm working on the local dev server at the moment, so for my 
> domain I just tried a few
> combos of localhost. Not sure if that is the right way.
> I'm curious though, is this working for anyone else? After all this is the 
> out of box mezzanine install here,
> so it is very easy to reproduce (rip my requirements.txt and settings.py 
> into mezzdemo dir):
> mkdir mezzdemo; cd mezzdemo
> virtualenv --no-site-packages mezzdemoenv
> source mezzdemoenv/bin/activate
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> cd ..; mezzanine-project mezzdemo
> python manage.py createdb
> python manage.py collectstatic
> The only thing you need to do is set your own env variables for aws secret 
> key and id, and set own bucket_name in settings.py.
> Then try:
> python manage.py runserver
> and attempt to upload a picture to the media_lib...
> Does this work for others?

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