[mezzanine-users] NoReverseMatch for custom app based on Blog app.

2014-01-13 Thread Moltra
I am trying to create a copy of the built in blog app so I can customize 
the fields in it.  I have copied and renamed everything I can find in the 
files.  I can get the mediablog to open up in the admin screen to add a new 
post.  But when I click save, it saves it in the database and then gets the 
following error.

Error during template rendering
 In template 
 error at line 
 *105*Reverse for 'mediablog_post_detail' with arguments '()' and keyword 
 arguments '{'slug': 'test-mediablog-2'}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []

I have looked at other threads with the same problems and I still cannot 
figure out what is causing it.  Here is the information that was asked for 
in the other threads.  I am changing the text color for the areas, I think 
are involved.

Part of model.py

 def get_absolute_url(self):


 URLs for mediablog posts can either be just their slug, or prefixed

 with a portion of the post's publish date, controlled by the

 setting ``mediablog_URLS_DATE_FORMAT``, which can contain the value

 ``year``, ``month``, or ``day``. Each of these maps to the name

 of the corresponding urlpattern, and if defined, we loop through

 each of these and build up the kwargs for the correct urlpattern.

 The order which we loop through them is important, since the

 order goes from least granualr (just year) to most granular



 url_name = mediablog_post_detail

 kwargs = {slug: self.slug}

 date_parts = (year, month, day)

 if settings.mediablog_URLS_DATE_FORMAT in date_parts:

 url_name = mediablog_post_detail_%s % 

 for date_part in date_parts:

 date_value = str(getattr(self.publish_date, date_part))

 if len(date_value) == 1:

 date_value = 0%s % date_value

 kwargs[date_part] = date_value

 if date_part == settings.mediablog_URLS_DATE_FORMAT:


 return reverse(url_name, kwargs=kwargs)

Part of my urls.py:

 # mediablog patterns.

urlpatterns = patterns(.views,

url(^%sfeeds/(?Pformat.*)%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_feed, name=mediablog_post_feed),

url(^%stag/(?Ptag.*)/feeds/(?Pformat.*)%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_feed, name=mediablog_post_feed_tag),

url(^%stag/(?Ptag.*)%s$ % _slashes, mediablog_post_list,


url(^%scategory/(?Pcategory.*)/feeds/(?Pformat.*)%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_feed, name=mediablog_post_feed_category),

url(^%scategory/(?Pcategory.*)%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_list, name=mediablog_post_list_category),

url(^%sauthor/(?Pusername.*)/feeds/(?Pformat.*)%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_feed, name=mediablog_post_feed_author),

url(^%sauthor/(?Pusername.*)%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_list, name=mediablog_post_list_author),

url(^%sarchive/(?Pyear\d{4})/(?Pmonth\d{1,2})%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_list, name=mediablog_post_list_month),

url(^%sarchive/(?Pyear\d{4})%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_list, name=mediablog_post_list_year),


(?Pslug.*)%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_detail, name=mediablog_post_detail_day),

url(^%s(?Pyear\d{4})/(?Pmonth\d{1,2})/(?Pslug.*)%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_detail, name=mediablog_post_detail_month),

url(^%s(?Pyear\d{4})/(?Pslug.*)%s$ % _slashes,

mediablog_post_detail, name=mediablog_post_detail_year),

url(^%s(?Pslug.*)%s$ % _slashes, mediablog_post_detail,


url(^%s$ % _slashes[1], mediablog_post_list, 


Part of my views.py:

 def mediablog_post_detail(request, slug, year=None, month=None, day=None,


 . Custom templates are checked for using the name

 ``mediablog/mediablog_post_detail_XXX.html`` where ``XXX`` is the 

 posts's slug.


 mediablog_posts = mediablogPost.objects.published(


 mediablog_post = get_object_or_404(mediablog_posts, slug=slug)

 context = {mediablog_post: mediablog_post, editable_obj: 

 templates = [umediablog/mediablog_post_detail_%s.html % str(slug), 

 return render(request, templates, context)

I have the template mediablog_post_detail.html in the 
/mediablog/tempates/mediablog/ folder and in the root directory 
/templates/mediablog/   folder.

I have deleted all the url patterns above the one highlighted above and 
still get the same error.

Here is 

Re: [mezzanine-users] NoReverseMatch for custom app based on Blog app.

2014-01-13 Thread Moltra

 No I did not do that, I will look in the documents and figure out how to. 
  Thanks for the heads up. 

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