Re: no new message ??

2001-11-20 Thread Earl Hood

On November 19, 2001 at 01:50, Jason Molenda wrote:

> Hm, I saw the note rom Wolfgang Nejdl claiming that -nochecknoarchive
> wasn't working, and I just re-checked the messages I was trying to 
> archive... they have "X-No-Archive: yes" set in them.  I don't have
> -nochecknoarchive on the cmd line or set the resource in my .mrc's, 
> but I believe mhonarc is supposed to ignore this header by default.

Apply the patch Wolfgang Nejdl posted, and that will fix the problem.

> Sebastian, do the mesages you're trying to archive have this header
> in them?

I believe this is what the problem was.


Re: no new message ??

2001-11-19 Thread Jason Molenda

Hm, I saw the note rom Wolfgang Nejdl claiming that -nochecknoarchive
wasn't working, and I just re-checked the messages I was trying to 
archive... they have "X-No-Archive: yes" set in them.  I don't have
-nochecknoarchive on the cmd line or set the resource in my .mrc's, 
but I believe mhonarc is supposed to ignore this header by default.

Sebastian, do the mesages you're trying to archive have this header
in them?


Re: no new message ??

2001-11-19 Thread Jason Molenda

For what it's worth, I was trying to reconstruct an archive from
scratch earlier today and I was seeing the same behavior described
by Sebastien -- I'd input a perfectly valid mbox message, and
mhonarc would say "No new message" (with not even a .mhonarc.db
file in my dir).  It was so odd that I assumed I was having a disk
problem or something and tabled it for later retry.

The normal archiving on my system appears to be working fine.  I'll
try to look at what might be causing this within the next few days
if I can.  I don't _think_ it's anything to do with the input messages;
maybe it's something with my config.

All of my web archives will start in new directories on Dec 1
automatically, so you can be sure I'll look into this and report
back something before then. ;-)


Re: Re[2]: no new message ??

2001-11-19 Thread Earl Hood

On November 19, 2001 at 11:19, "M@rms" wrote:

> Yes you're right messages have this header, so I've tried with the
> -nochecknoarchive flag but mhOnArc still don't want to index them :-(
> like that:
> What does I badly do ?

Nothing.  You need to apply the fix mentioned by Wolfgang Nejdl
in an earlier post to this message.

Of course, you do need to consider if messages that have the
"X-No-Archive: yes" in the headers should be archived since it
appears the senders are specifying that the messages should not be


Re[2]: no new message ??

2001-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Jason,

> Hm, I saw the note rom Wolfgang Nejdl claiming that -nochecknoarchive
> wasn't working, and I just re-checked the messages I was trying to 
> archive... they have "X-No-Archive: yes" set in them.  I don't have
> -nochecknoarchive on the cmd line or set the resource in my .mrc's, 
> but I believe mhonarc is supposed to ignore this header by default.

> Sebastian, do the mesages you're trying to archive have this header
> in them?
Yes you're right messages have this header, so I've tried with the
-nochecknoarchive flag but mhOnArc still don't want to index them :-(
like that:
mhonarc -nochecknoarchive \
-outdir /www/htdocs/ \
-rcfile /www/htdocs/ \
-subjectthreads \
/var/qmail/vpopmail/domains/ \
/var/qmail/vpopmail/domains/ \


This is MHonArc v2.5.1, Perl 5.00503 linux
Reading resource file: /www/htdocs/ ...
Converting messages to /www/htdocs/
Reading /var/qmail/vpopmail/domains/ .
Reading /var/qmail/vpopmail/domains/ .
Reading /var/qmail/vpopmail/domains/ .
No new messages

What does I badly do ?

Thanks for help,
Sébastien Hordeaux
PHPEdit Project

Re[2]: no new message ??

2001-11-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


> Can you provide me with a sample test case illustrating the problem?
See bellow for raw mails url. My ressource file is available from

> I get a server error trying to access Nov.  Also, it would be hard
> to see the problem since I would have to see the raw mail data to
> see that messages are getting skipped.
Yes it's a misconfiguration of my php in cgi mode in fact it's a 404.

>> The problem is still here when I call mhonarc when a new mail is
>> received, it is not indexed :-(

> Can you replicate outside of generating PHP files?  If you run
> mhonarc *without* -quiet, what is the new message count displayed
> when trying to add a message?
if I do:
mhonarc -quiet \
  -outdir /www/htdocs/ \
  -rcfile /www/htdocs/ \
  -subjectthreads \
  -add \

nothing is outputed.

if I do:
  -outdir /www/htdocs/ \
  -rcfile /www/htdocs/ \
  -subjectthreads \

I get:

This is MHonArc v2.5.1, Perl 5.00503 linux
Reading resource file: /www/htdocs/ ...
Converting messages to /www/htdocs/
Reading /var/qmail/vpopmail/domains/ .
No new messages

Same thing if I add more message to the command line.

I've tried with a Mailbox style file instead of single messages, but
not better.
Files can be found here: 100%
  Result: 100%
  Result: 100
  Result:  50%
  Result:   0%
  Result: not generated

> BTW, you might want to upgrade to v2.5.1 if you ever plan on
> using the OTHERINDEXES resource.  See recent past mail traffic on
> the list for more information.
I've upgraded, but nothing better.

Also is there a feature to build archive monthly like I want to do,
actually I've got another script which look at each file of the archive
and fill an array before generating commands line to call mhonarc.
I've see a switch regarding expiration date, but I'd like a little
more, is it available ? if not is it possible to add "plugins" in php
instead of perl because I down know perl ?

Sébastien Hordeaux
PHPEdit Project

Re: no new message ??

2001-11-18 Thread Earl Hood

On November 18, 2001 at 09:34, "M@rms" wrote:

> I'm new to mhOnArc and I can't have it to build fully my archive
> files. I've tried to use the -add switch, on mail messages, on a
> Maildir file, and without the -add switch, but always the sae result,
> when he parse my messages files, he don't want to index find half of
> them.
> I've seen in archives, that this can be caused by a MsgSep directive,
> I've tried to change it with specified samples, but not more result.
> Either with the default directive or the following:
> ^From\s+(?:"[^"]+"@\S+|\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+\d+
> don't solve the problem.
> Can someone give me some hint on where the problem can be ?

Can you provide me with a sample test case illustrating the problem?

> Archive are available from here: as you
> can see on July, September all is fine, but for October only half are
> indexed and none for November.

I get a server error trying to access Nov.  Also, it would be hard
to see the problem since I would have to see the raw mail data to
see that messages are getting skipped.

> The problem is still here when I call mhonarc when a new mail is
> received, it is not indexed :-(

Can you replicate outside of generating PHP files?  If you run
mhonarc *without* -quiet, what is the new message count displayed
when trying to add a message?

BTW, you might want to upgrade to v2.5.1 if you ever plan on
using the OTHERINDEXES resource.  See recent past mail traffic on
the list for more information.


no new message ??

2001-11-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm new to mhOnArc and I can't have it to build fully my archive
files. I've tried to use the -add switch, on mail messages, on a
Maildir file, and without the -add switch, but always the sae result,
when he parse my messages files, he don't want to index find half of

I've seen in archives, that this can be caused by a MsgSep directive,
I've tried to change it with specified samples, but not more result.
Either with the default directive or the following:


don't solve the problem.

Can someone give me some hint on where the problem can be ?

Archive are available from here: as you
can see on July, September all is fine, but for October only half are
indexed and none for November.

The problem is still here when I call mhonarc when a new mail is
received, it is not indexed :-(

Thanks in advance,
Sébastien Hordeaux
PHPEdit Project