Re: [uf-discuss] Human and machine readable data format

2008-07-14 Thread Breton Slivka

 Not sure if this thread is only covering datetimes in abbreviations. The
 title seems to suggest that it's more general so thought I'd chip in with a
 thought on geo as an example. How would a parser deal with natural
 (non_English) language here? Would it be expected to be able to parse
 Manchester or Salford or London or Londres or Londinium?

 Whilst it's just about possible to imagine NLP of dates and trickier to
 imagine NLP of multi-language date formats it's just beyond the realms of
 feasibility to consider NLP of place names

I'm confused, I'm afraid I don't understand the point of this thought excercise.

 I thought the problem was any non human readable data where humans can 'see'
 it - not confined to datetimes

One step at a time.

 I find it terribly frustrating how many people cannot see that this
 set of constraints yeilds NO solution. At least, when the constraints
 are held to the level of strictness that this community is holding
 them to.

 Seems to me there are 2 solutions:

 1. relax the data hiding constraint (tricky because it's fundamental to the
 uf design philosophy and it's relaxation has been rejected many times)

 2. maintain the status quo. Keep the abbreviation design pattern for machine
 friendly data and leave it up to publishers to decide if this is an issue
 for them - or not. It would probably need the microformats community to
 promote the design philosophy and potential issues a little higher than at
 present. But the wiki already documents much of this - just a bit more
 prominent linking and  some padding out of /about to be a little more

There is another solution that I have been trying to advocate, which
is not metadata, and it's not natural language parsing. It is quite
simply, to define a strict date format that IS human readable, which
can optionally be used in place of ISO 8601 in the title attribute of
an ABBR tag.  You can keep the percieved benefits of ISO 8601 for
international users, because the current pattern will continue to
work. However, for users in languages with a well defined date format,
a screen reader will not trip up on the date.

Whenever I mention this though, everyone seems to think I'm advocating
natural language processing. Let me just say again that this is not
the case.

I'm highly suspicious of the counterargument that such a solution
would need to support every language that ISO 8601 supports. This
argument does not make sense to me for two reasons: The first, iso
8601 doesn't support ANY language, it is only one date format among
many, based on an anglicised calendar, with the only multilingual
benefit owing to the fact that happens to be an international
standard. To someone with a different calendar, ISO8601 may make just
as much sense as July 1st, 2007. that is: very little.

I like ISO 8601, but placing it in the title attribute of the ABBR has
clearly been a failure, if not a practical failure, it has been a
failure to the public image of microformats, and it has ultimately
shown the failure of the microformats community structure to be able
to deal with an issue such as this effectively.

The other reason I'm suspicious of this reason is that such a format
would practically only need  to support as many languages as there are
screen readers. Unless a screen reader supports iso8601 in a title
attribute specifically, it's going to read out gibberish, and if it
encounters a date written in the wrong language it will read out
gibberish. No difference. However, in what I believe is the 80% case,
it reads out a date written in the correct language, then we've just
improved the experience for more people than we were able to
satisfactorally publish to before. What's the counterargument to that?

Another solution is to lobby the screen reader vendors to add explicit
support for ISO 8601 dates. It's a popular pattern for markup, and
adding support for reading them more humanely would provide a clear
benefit for their customers. I personally feel that this solution
would see more success than trying to wrangle the whole of the
microformats community into agreement on this issue.
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Human and machine readable data format

2008-07-14 Thread Breton Slivka
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:36 AM, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Seems to me there are 2 solutions:

 1. relax the data hiding constraint (tricky because it's fundamental to
 uf design philosophy and it's relaxation has been rejected many times)

 2. maintain the status quo. Keep the abbreviation design pattern for
 friendly data and leave it up to publishers to decide if this is an issue
 for them - or not. It would probably need the microformats community to
 promote the design philosophy and potential issues a little higher than at
 present. But the wiki already documents much of this - just a bit more
 prominent linking and  some padding out of /about to be a little more

 actually the suggestion of splitting the datetime into date, time and
 timezone marked up in separate elements seems to me like a good compromise.

 -mm-dd would certainly not be as scary for humans as a full datetime
 with timezone
 and it would avoid needing to hide data and be much easier to do than trying
 to cope with lots of different date formats or trying to do NLP.

 In fact it might even help a human in cases where the human date is

It might be a good comprimise, but does it actually solve the problem?
If they're all in a row aren't we right back where we started? The
screen reader would read them all in order, would it not? Or would it
add extra pauses by virtue of them being in seperate elements, or
having spaces between them?
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Human and machine readable data format

2008-07-14 Thread Breton Slivka
 Do you have any examples of the non-Gregorian dates being published online?
  Or any examples of applications that can take non-Gregorian dates as input?

 I think we've established non-Gregorian calendars exist, but most countries
 officially adopted the Gregorian calendar several decades before the web
 existed (e.g. Japan in 1873).  Such adoption wasn't exclusive, but it draws
 into question (for me anyway) whether such calendars are common enough on
 the web and have enough potential use cases to warrant modeling in
 microformats.  I realize it's difficult to do such research without
 belonging to the cultures in which it would appear.  Unfortunately that just
 makes it more necessary to avoid mistakes.


Just to clarify, the original point I was trying to make wasn't that
we should model every possible language/calendar in the world. Just
that it was unreasonable to expect that from a potential replacement
for ISO 8601, since ISO 8601 itself does not meet that requirement.
This was in response to David O who wrote:

Feel free to get started.  I'm sure you can start a wiki page with a
listing of language/region codes and the suggested date format for
each.  Since the current system handles every one of those languages
and countries/regions, it would only be logical to expect the same of
a suggested replacement.

I hope I have convinced a few people that David O's logic falls down
at the premise. But this is not to argue that we should make a
replacement format that handles that usecase, but rather to consider
replacements that don't, since such a replacement would be no worse
than the current format, but *would* provide benefits that ISO8601
does not.
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Human and machine readable data format

2008-07-14 Thread Breton Slivka
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Breton Slivka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you have any examples of the non-Gregorian dates being published online?
  Or any examples of applications that can take non-Gregorian dates as input?

 I think we've established non-Gregorian calendars exist, but most countries
 officially adopted the Gregorian calendar several decades before the web
 existed (e.g. Japan in 1873).  Such adoption wasn't exclusive, but it draws
 into question (for me anyway) whether such calendars are common enough on
 the web and have enough potential use cases to warrant modeling in
 microformats.  I realize it's difficult to do such research without
 belonging to the cultures in which it would appear.  Unfortunately that just
 makes it more necessary to avoid mistakes.


 Just to clarify, the original point I was trying to make wasn't that
 we should model every possible language/calendar in the world. Just
 that it was unreasonable to expect that from a potential replacement
 for ISO 8601, since ISO 8601 itself does not meet that requirement.
 This was in response to David O who wrote:

Feel free to get started.  I'm sure you can start a wiki page with a
listing of language/region codes and the suggested date format for
each.  Since the current system handles every one of those languages
and countries/regions, it would only be logical to expect the same of
a suggested replacement.

 I hope I have convinced a few people that David O's logic falls down
 at the premise. But this is not to argue that we should make a
 replacement format that handles that usecase, but rather to consider
 replacements that don't, since such a replacement would be no worse
 than the current format, but *would* provide benefits that ISO8601
 does not.

And just for the record, I would happily construct such a wikipage,
but I am overcommitted as it is! Perhaps in time, once some things are
calmed down.
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Human and machine readable data format

2008-07-12 Thread Breton Slivka
On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 6:47 PM, Dan Brickley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Toby A Inkster wrote:

 Paul Wilkins wrote:

 We should leverage the computers ability to do the hard work for us.
 pDate span class=dateFriday, July the 11th 2008/span/p

 As I've said before, although my parser does support dates in this format,
 I strongly recommend *not* allowing these per spec, as it will lead to
 unpredictable and inconsistent results.

 Yes, many programming languages do have libraries to do natural language
 parsing of dates, but these all differ subtly in what formats they support,
 how they interpret certain ambiguous dates, and how well they
 internationalise. e.g. I know that Perl's DateTime::Format::Natural, while
 it can perform very sophisticated parsing (Saturday evening 3 months ago
 = 2008-05-12T19:00:00, thursday morning last week = 2008-07-03T09:00:00)
 only includes English in the distributed module (though it has hooks
 allowing support for other languages). PHP's strtotime function is English
 only too, and there are differences in how it interprets some natural
 language dates, not just with Perl, but between different versions of PHP.

 Natural language parsing is really not the way to go, nor is a limited
 range of date formats that *look* like NLP, because publishers will believe
 them to *be* NLP and start publishing in any old date format. ISO8601 is
 what we must stick with - we just must agree a better way of embedding it
 than abbr.

 Thank you for spelling this out so clearly. Please let's not slip into
 treating the non-English-speaking Web as a corner case. ISO8601's the thing.
 And it won't always be what the party reading the page expects (either in
 terms of language, script or even calendar).



In what way is ISO 8601 more friendly to non english speakers than any
other date format?
Please realise that by insisting that no natural language style will
be a solution, you are essentially saying that there is no solution to
this problem.

1. metadata and information hiding is out of the question
2. putting ISO 8601 style dates (machine dates) in any place where a
human can see it or have it read to them  is the problem that we are
trying to solve, so we can't do that.
3. The date cannot resemble anything a human might want to read.

I find it terribly frustrating how many people cannot see that this
set of constraints yeilds NO solution. At least, when the constraints
are held to the level of strictness that this community is holding
them to.

 Natural language parsing is really not the way to go, nor is a limited
 range of date formats that *look* like NLP, because publishers will believe
 them to *be* NLP and start publishing in any old date format. ISO8601 is
 what we must stick with - we just must agree a better way of embedding it
 than abbr.

The premise that publishers will pick any old format is merely an
assertion with no evidence. Please show us an example somewhere else
where this has happened, or perhaps a better argument than merely
insisting on the obvious truth of it.

The way I see it, if they publish in the wrong format, then the
parsers won't pick up the date. This is what happens with microformats
already. I don't know about anyone else, but when I publish a
microformat, I test whether parsers can read it correctly. I do the
same thing with any html. If a publisher can't take the time to test,
and publish in the correct format then they take the consequences.
it's exactly the same with any other technology. Why should
microformats be any different? Why do you think making a microformat
resemble natural language drastically changes this set of rules?

As to the person who was concerned about forcing a particular format
in a place where a human can read it, I have not seen a single
proposed solution which does not do this, without violating the no
information hiding principle

You may not like it, but too bad. Making a date resemble natural
languge is the only way to go. I don't say this because it's my
opinion. This is merely a fact, due to the nature of the problem, and
the constraints that the community has enforced on possible solutions.
Accept it, or doom yourselves to reasoning around in circles some
more, as you have already done.
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Human and machine readable data format

2008-07-03 Thread Breton Slivka
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 7:04 PM, Dan Brickley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Breton Slivka wrote:

 I offer the challenge to those developers: If you sincerely believe
 that simple internationalized date parsing is an unsolvable or
 difficult problem (which, as I have pointed out has been solved
 numerous times already, with two examples), please present your
 evidence. Why is avoiding this work more important than Accessibility?
 Why is avoiding this work more important than avoiding hidden

 Imagine the English language permutations of Tuesday the forteenth of July,
 next year in terms of word order. Then allow for all natural languages (in
 all written scripts). And don't forget we use a variety of calendars. Big
 job. In theory it could be attempted; but the culture around here is averse
 to 'theoretical' solutions.

Once again this straw man is trotted out. Who is discussing this type
of solution other than to specifically discredit the approach as too

I certainly am not suggesting this kind of wide ranging natural
language parser. I haven't seen anyone else seriously suggesting it
It's a foolish undertaking, and it's obviously a foolish undertaking.
Then WHY OH WHY does this keep being brought up as though it were
being seriously discussed? Where does this idea keep popping out from?

Let me give an example in pseudocode of a parser that would work, and
would be simple to write, and whose format could be read by a screen

function parser ( datestring, locale ) {

  en-months = [January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December]

  if locale === en-us
   dateparse[month, day, year] = regex(datestring, ([A-Za-z]+)
([1-3]?[0-9])s|n|r|tt|d|h, ([0-9]{1, 4}));

  if locale === en-au
   dateparse[day, month, year] = regex(datestring,
([1-3]?[0-9])s|n|r|tt|d|h ([A-Za-z]+), ([0-9]{1, 4}));
  if locale === en-uk
   dateparse[day, month, year] = regex(datestring,
([1-3]?[0-9])s|n|r|tt|d|h ([A-Za-z]+), ([0-9]{1, 4}));

  if locale.contains(en)
   dateparse.month = en-months.indexOf(dateparse.month);

  return dateparse AS [year, month, day];


This is a simple example. There are likely better techniques for doing
this than regexes, (or not) but the point is, that you can make a
human READABLE format without having to cover the whole spectrum of
human expression. Instead, you have ONE precise format for US dates,
ONE precise format for UK dates, ONE precise format for japanese
dates, etc, etc.  You stick this format of date in the title of an
ABBR, and you can say whatever you want about the date in whatever
language you like in the contents of the ABBR. The parser shouldn't
care about the contents. IT's just looking at the title. IT already
is. The only change from the current pattern is that we'd be using a
less geeky and obscure format than ISO-8601. The lang attribute of the
ABBR element provides the format in use.

Honestly how difficult is it for a parser author to collect one format
for each locale? I've seen far more heroic efforts on simpler things.
How difficult is it for content publishers to learn ONE format? (The
one for their own locale) ?
How difficult is it to ask content authors to learn a format like
this? We're already asking them to learn a more difficult format!

Yes it's more complicated than parsing ISO 8601. But it's not boiling
the ocean. This isn't a binary decision we're facing. It's not a
choice between I could implement it in an hour level of simplicity
and Human level AI. Comprimise has to be made if we are to make any
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: [uf-discuss] Human and machine readable data format

2008-07-02 Thread Breton Slivka
I honestly believe the bloat to
 parsers would be significant

sorry, I meant  I Honestly believe the 'bloat' to parsers would _not_
be significant
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] RE: Microformats and RDFa not as far apart as previously thought

2008-06-30 Thread Breton Slivka
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Dan Brickley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Breton Slivka wrote:

 I think this sort of counter argument is a straw man. The proposal
 from Guillaume was not to write a natural language parser that can
 parse any kind of human written date. The proposal was to parse a very
 specific and standardized format of date. If one were to write
 Oktober, the specified behavior for parsers should be to fail, and
 possibly throw errors.

 I for one, strongly agree with this approach. Essentially the problem
 with the ABBR problem that the microformat community faces, is a set
 of three restrictions, all applied, results in a set of 0 solutions.
 Every solution I've seen so far only satisfies two of those
 restrictions, and is immediately shot down by someone in the community
 who thinks the third restriction is invoilatable.

 the restrictions:

 1. No information hiding
 2. Humans first, machines second.
 3. It must be in a format that's easily machine parsable.

 You see the problem here? You guys are going to have to comprimise on
 one of these three damned restrictions, or face irrelevance!

 I suggests a 4th should be taken very seriously:

 4. Respect the natural language, calendar, and writing system preferences of
 the human content author.



I thought that was implied by restriction #2, and thus leads to
proponents of restriction #3 getting in a hoot because perfectly
satisfying #2 is too hard.

so from there you can either comprimise #2 or #1 to satisfy proponents
of #3. violating #2 is a bad idea, but if you violate #1, Tantek steps
in and says you can't do that. Since it's difficult to overcome the
influence and authority of Tantek in this community, comprimising #3
is the only way you can go. Otherwise the argument is just going to go
around in circles forever.
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] RE: Microformats and RDFa not as far apart as previously thought

2008-06-30 Thread Breton Slivka

 the restrictions:

 1. No information hiding
 2. Humans first, machines second.
 3. It must be in a format that's easily machine parsable.

 You see the problem here? You guys are going to have to comprimise on
 one of these three damned restrictions, or face irrelevance!

 I suggests a 4th should be taken very seriously:

 4. Respect the natural language, calendar, and writing system preferences of
 the human content author.



 I thought that was implied by restriction #2, and thus leads to
 proponents of restriction #3 getting in a hoot because perfectly
 satisfying #2 is too hard.

 so from there you can either comprimise #2 or #1 to satisfy proponents
 of #3. violating #2 is a bad idea, but if you violate #1, Tantek steps
 in and says you can't do that. Since it's difficult to overcome the
 influence and authority of Tantek in this community, comprimising #3
 is the only way you can go. Otherwise the argument is just going to go
 around in circles forever.

But really, when you get right down to it, in this community there is
at least one, strongly influential person who is a proponent of each
of the three restrictions, and you're never going to make all three of
them perfectly happy. I'm vastly simplifying the case here, but I
think that's basically why the community hasn't cracked this nut yet.
It's a wicked problem. Any solution is going to be some kind of
comprimise, and there's going to be someone in the community quite
passionately against it, so we're basically paralyzed until we can all
decide which of the three rules is not sacred.
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] RE: Microformats and RDFa not as far apart as previously thought

2008-06-30 Thread Breton Slivka
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Breton Slivka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 3:11 AM, Ben Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd like to make a very important point.

 On 30 Jun 2008, at 10:38, Breton Slivka wrote:

 if you violate #1, Tantek steps
 in and says you can't do that. Since it's difficult to overcome the
 influence and authority of Tantek in this community, comprimising #3
 is the only way you can go. Otherwise the argument is just going to go
 around in circles forever.

 To quote the wiki:

  Microformats are not controlled by any individual or organization

 Disagreement within community members is always likely, such is the nature
 of community. At this point in this community's life, no one person is more
 important than another, and if that were ever to be the case, the community
 and the effort of microformats generally will suffer greatly.

 When someone says you 'can't' do something, it's likely in the context of
 the microformats principals. Someone saying 'no' cannot be backed up only by
 their reputation and stature. 'Citation needed', is perhaps the most
 succinct requirement.

 The most worrying thing about this message is that anyone should perceive
 the direction of this community as being dictated by one personality's
 viewpoint. That is not the case, and the microformats effort will fall apart
 if it ever was. To make decisions pre-emptively out of this misperception is
 not going to lead us to the best solutions.

 Additionally, it may well be that we're dealing with a problem right now
 calls for an exception to a principal. I'm not aware that we've ever
 consciously made exceptions before, so there's no precedent. As such, the
 justification for and the scope of such exception needs to be _very clearly
 documented_ and approached thoroughly. The justification for making an
 exception needs to be held to very careful scrutiny.


 Yes, I know that's the party line, but vehemantly insisting on the
 truth of such an assertion does not make it true. Are you seriously
 suggesting that there are cases where someone has proposed a solution
 involving information hiding, and Tantek HASN'T stepped in, and
 immediately put an end to all conversation along those lines? If there
 is such a case, I'm quite curious to see it, and I'm also quite
 curious to see what else must have stepped in the way to put an end to
 that line of solutions.

 Yes, restriction #1, no information hiding is a microformats
 community principle, but it's quite obviously Tantek's baby, and in
 the past, it's primarily been Tantek who has enforced that rule, and
 Tantek's enforcement has been effective. If this reality disrupts your
 rose colored idealistic view of the microformats community, well, I
 can't help you. You haven't stated a particularly compelling case.
 You've only recited community dogma.

 That said, I actually agree with the rule, and I'm glad it's being
 enforced, and I don't mind that it happens to be Tantek that's
 enforcing it. It's a good rule, and I understand the reasoning behind
 it. All I'm saying is that if we're not going to hide information, and
 we're not going to make things difficult for humans reading the
 microformat, or humans writing the microformat, violating restriction
 #3 is the *ONLY* way to go, until someone happens to pull a magic
 bullet out of the air. But I'm honestly not holding out hope. If
 nobody wants to violate Rule #1, and nobody wants to violate Rule #2,
 we're going to have to make bulkier more complicated parsers.

Also, I would like to point out, that the restrictions I've listed are
not binary. All the solutions I've seen fall somewhere along a
continuum, and indeed many existing microformats violate some
principle or another to some extent. The ABBR pattern at the center of
this debate violates restriction #1 and restriction #2 to some extent.
It's semi hidden data that is semi unfriendly to humans. And it's the
truth and value of the restrictions #1 and #2,  I think, that have led
to the failure of the ABBR pattern- It failed because of those
violations. And it's especially those failures in restriction #1, and
#2 that I think will force a solution that must violate the implicit
community rule of avoiding complicated parsers.

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Human and machine readable data format

2008-06-30 Thread Breton Slivka

 I think approaching ISO dates as metadata rather than content will remove
 the need to compromise on core principles.

I think you'll find that metadata of any kind is a comprimise of the
microformats core principles. It's information hiding, and the
example that tantek uses is the meta tag, which is the prototypical
failure of the metadata approach.

Let's rewind a bit. The problem isn't necessarily that ISO dates
aren't human readable. We've demonstrated that they are, as long as
someone is familiar with the format and what it means. It's not fun,
it's not friendly, so it violates the principle of Humans first,
machines second. That's an issue, but that's not the most important
issue. The real problem that sparked this whole debate, is that they
aren't machine readable. More specifically, they are read incorrectly
by screen readers. Any solution that involves a quick snap judgement
as to whether a peice of text is legible to a sighted human is
irrelevant to that problem. We need to focus on solutions that target
screen readers specifically, because that's what's wrong with the
current solution.

One way to approach this problem is to fix the screen readers. But we
can't do that, so in the meantime, how about just an alternative date
format that a screen reader converts to speech correctly?
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] RE: Microformats and RDFa not as far apart as previously thought

2008-06-29 Thread Breton Slivka
I think this sort of counter argument is a straw man. The proposal
from Guillaume was not to write a natural language parser that can
parse any kind of human written date. The proposal was to parse a very
specific and standardized format of date. If one were to write
Oktober, the specified behavior for parsers should be to fail, and
possibly throw errors.

I for one, strongly agree with this approach. Essentially the problem
with the ABBR problem that the microformat community faces, is a set
of three restrictions, all applied, results in a set of 0 solutions.
Every solution I've seen so far only satisfies two of those
restrictions, and is immediately shot down by someone in the community
who thinks the third restriction is invoilatable.

the restrictions:

1. No information hiding
2. Humans first, machines second.
3. It must be in a format that's easily machine parsable.

You see the problem here? You guys are going to have to comprimise on
one of these three damned restrictions, or face irrelevance!

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Fil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not a great fan of natural language here. What if I want to write
 3l33t (well, not at my age mind you), or punk, maybe use Oktober
 instead of October cause I'm a (admittedly bad) poet?  The human will
 understand, the computer won't.

 -- Fil
 microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] RE: Microformats and RDFa not as far apart as previously thought

2008-06-29 Thread Breton Slivka
 the restrictions:

 1. No information hiding
 2. Humans first, machines second.
 3. It must be in a format that's easily machine parsable.

 You see the problem here? You guys are going to have to comprimise on
 one of these three damned restrictions, or face irrelevance!

To continue- the reason I strongly agree with Guillaume's proposal (go
back and read it, this time without attempting to distort it in order
to discredit it),  is that it comprimises in the most ridiculous and
disingenuous of the three inviolable restrictions.
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Apple Data Detectors

2008-02-05 Thread Breton Slivka
I think what was intended, was rather than try to write a parser that
picks up most styles of natural language dates, as you suggest-
Instead write a parser that only picks up one or two standard styles
of dates. Much like the style guides that are used in academia for
writing standard forms of citations, and other things. Decide on a
freeform text format that you know a machine can pick up, and excludes
ambiguous date formats.

But you do raise a valid point here: Even if you do that, you invite
the assumption from authors, that since it can pick up this format of
date, or that format, then perhaps it will pick up THIS format as
well. So authors will write badly formed versions of this freeform
standard. There will be typos, too. All kinds of things can happen.

But much of these bad things can be aleviated by one of the other
suggestions in this thread: As-you-type validation.  As soon as you
type in Feb for instance, autocomplete style routines kick into
action, helping the author write the date in exactly the right format.
Then as they hit publish it becomes a microformat, proper, with
markup and all.

On Feb 6, 2008 3:58 PM, Michael MD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  people write dates, addresses, etc on the Web or on their emails. Asking
  people to write Tuesday, February 5, 2008 in this order, with the
  commas, etc. is very likely even simpler for normal people than writing

 you would *think* so - and it would certainly be nice  but the behaviour
 or most people out in the real world does not suggest that this would be

 Most freeform text dates I see out there are missing the year (how is a
 machine supposed to work out what year was intended?)...
 and a lot of them are in useless ambiguous formats like dd/mm/ or
 mm/dd/yy - ) ... then there all those other variations... to many to list!

 I've experimented a bit with trying to parse freeform text dates ... the
 problem is as soon as its loose enough to pick up most of the common ways
 people write dates it then also starts to pick up a lot of other stuff as
 dates that were not intended to be dates at all!

 microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Storing Microformats

2007-09-17 Thread Breton Slivka
I would say that a relational database would be the best option here-
if it weren't for SQL. It seems all these suggestions are all more
about avoiding the pain of dealing with SQL than doing the right
thing. The fact is, that microformat attributes all have well defined
relations which can easily be modeled with the relational model.  The
fact that SQL makes the relational model so difficult to actually do
is the huge barrier here (that's why you were using a flat table,
and also why it didn't work).

One easy option is to simply serialize the microformat into json,xml,
or as the original html markup, and store it in a text blob. This is a
perfectly legitimate solution which is often avoided due to some
misunderstandings about atomicity in databases, or due to performance
(most often these performance concerns are 'premature optimization').

if you have more questions about the specifics of how I would do the
more difficult (but more flexible) relational solution, which I fear
may be straying off topic here, and would take some significant effort
to write out, please feel free to email me.

On 9/18/07, Philip Tellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 18/09/2007, Paul Kinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  One of the other ideas that I am toying with is a Microformat spider,
  that crawls the web looking for microformats, storing them and then
  allowing them to be searched.   My question is: How are people storing
  the data present in microformats so that they can be searched and
  maintained and consumed in applications etc?

 You may want to look at either an Object Oriented Database or an XML
 Database.  Short of that, you're probably best of just using flat text
 files (each file is an object here) and letting your search engine
 index them.  You'll quickly run into scale issues wrt number of files
 per directory, so take care of that.
 microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Microformats UI in Firefox 3

2007-09-04 Thread Breton Slivka
sorry for busting in late on this conversation, but let me get this  
straight, I'm not sure I follow.

1. You guys are proposing a radical change in microformats, and in  
the way microformats work, and have given us just a week to discuss/ 
2. If radical change is implemented in firefox, all existing  
microformatted content will fail to work in firefox3
3. said radical change includes inline styles- functionally identical  
to presentational html tags.
4. In order to play nice with firefox 3, all publishers of  
microformatted content would need to add extra stuff to their markup.

5. That extra stuff would *only* be necessary for firefox

Are any of the above points incorrect?
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Microformats UI in Firefox 3

2007-09-04 Thread Breton Slivka

Okay well, that's a relief.
It's amazing though, that we're talking about enabling designers to  
design, but have only so far mentioned html, javascript and urls.
What about putting the design into the design code: css? Would it not  
be a simple matter of adding selectors for the firefox mf ui elements?


x-mozilla-add-hcard {

border: 1px solid black;


which would select whatever element is the button/link for adding an  


On 04/09/2007, at 9:50 PM, Pelle W wrote:

Breton Slivka wrote:
1. You guys are proposing a radical change in microformats, and in  
the way microformats work, and have given us just a week to  
2. If radical change is implemented in firefox, all existing  
microformatted content will fail to work in firefox3
3. said radical change includes inline styles- functionally  
identical to presentational html tags.
4. In order to play nice with firefox 3, all publishers of  
microformatted content would need to add extra stuff to their markup.

5. That extra stuff would *only* be necessary for firefox
It's more of an addition than a radical change to the microformats  
which enables the designer to add Firefox-actions right into their  
own design although such actions will always also be available  
through Firefox own UI and the suggested addition wouldn't change  
how any existing microformats would work or should work. It would  
be totally voluntarily. If it would be part of microformat standard  
it would work in any tool which implements it.

Although I think the suggestion that was made at first wasn't that  
good, the core problem it tries to solve is relevant: A need for a  
standardized way for a webdesigner to add interaction between the  
microformatted data and the parsers actions into their own designs.

Could the Microformat community come up witha standard way of  
interacting with the parsers through JavaScripts or perhaps through  
new URL:s like mailto: or feed: or in another way? Or is such a  
standard perhaps out of this community's scope?

/ Pelle W
microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Proposal: hArgument Microformat

2007-05-20 Thread Breton Slivka

as stated before, proposals go on microformats-new, not this list.

Aside from that- microformats tend to be based on existing practice.  
Wouldn't it be nice if people stated their assumptions straight off?  
Microformats or no. Unfortunately, the persuasive power of many  
arguments depend on the assumptions being kept secret. If the  
assumptions were stated straight off, it would be so much easier to  
debunk the argument by simply showing an assumption to be false. In  
an ideal world, everyone would welcome this level of scrutiny and  
criticism. Unfortunately, this world is populated with humans rather  
than ideals, so we're stuck debunking arguments by sussing out the  
assumptions, or spotting fallacies ourselves. Not everyone is  
schooled in the nuances of logic.

On 21/05/2007, at 7:37 AM, Costello, Roger L. wrote:

Hi Folks,

Michael Crichton says: The greatest challenge facing mankind is the
challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from
propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to
mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the
disinformation age) it takes on a special urgency and importance.

One of the keys to distinguishing information from disinformation  
is to

have a clear understanding of the assumptions an author is making.
Typically, it takes a great deal of effort to distill an author's
assumptions.  Bring clearly to light the assumptions being made would
go a long way towards facilitating a web of trust.

I propose an hArgument Microformat with two properties:

   assumption (repeatable): a statement of what the author assumes to
be true,
   and upon which his/her conclusion follows. [If it can be
demonstrated that
   the assumption is false, then the conclusion is invalid]

   conclusion (repeatable): a statement that derives from the

Example: below is an example of an argument.  The argument can be
immediately discredited because the assumptions can be shown to be

p class=hArgument

   span class=assumptionMicroformats are a disruptive

   span class=assumptionMicroformats are attempting to supplant  

   documents with HTML and XHTML documents/span

   span class=assumptionThe main benefit of Microformats is  
that it

   allows graceful degradation/span

   span class=conclusionMicroformats go too far./span

   span class=conclusionIt's almost better to use a more suited
   format in such cases/span

The advantage of this is that there is no need to guess what are the
author's assumptions.  They are clearly identified.

Use Cases: any web page that tries to convince you of something.  The
examples are endless.



microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Work-of-art/Tim Gambell

2007-05-15 Thread Breton Slivka

I believe it was agreed to use the also stalled hCite instead.


On 15/05/2007, at 7:03 PM, Ottevanger, Jeremy wrote:

Dear all,

Raising my head above what I hope is the correct parapet to ask, does
anyone know if Tim Gambell, who was seemingly leading work on the
proposed work-of-art uf a year ago, is still taking it forward? It  

as though the last thing that happened with it was April 2006. If it's
croaked then I'll take myself over to the new ufs list and perhaps
propose something over there, but if it's alive, or if anyone here is
interested in it, do let me know.



Jeremy Ottevanger
Web Developer, Museum Systems Team
Museum of London Group
46 Eagle Wharf Road
London. N1 7ED
Tel: 020 7410 2207
Fax: 020 7600 1058
Museum of London is changing; our lower galleries will be closed  
while they undergo a major new development. Visit to find out more.
London's Burning - explore how the Great Fire of London shaped the  
city we see today

microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] human readable date parsing

2007-05-04 Thread Breton Slivka
And yet, to not do so means breaking another restriction. It's about  
give and take. Is it better to make it easier for publishers, and  
harder for parsers, or is it better to store the same date twice, and  
let one go out of sync?

Another solution is to just store ISO dates free and clear, and offer  
a javascript library to parse it into a variety of common/ 
international date formats. My basic point is, that it is impossible  
to satisfy all the restrictions with one format. Perhaps it is better  
to have several ways to mark it up, depending on the situation. Which  
restriction is it important to NOT break for a particular situation?

On 04/05/2007, at 12:42 PM, Michael MD wrote:

I don't think this will work, for the same reason tel-type and  
adr- type don't work: l10n/i18n. They require displayed machine  
values to  be in English.

span class=vmonth lang=enJuly/span
span class=vmonth lang=esjulio/span
span class=vmonth lang=jp7 月/span
span class=vmonth lang=ruиюль/span

good point ...

parsing it might end up needing a database of day and month names  
and character sets and numbers in every known language!
(possibly also other types of calendars that might be used in some  
parts of the world ... this could get very complicated very quickly!)

microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] human readable date parsing

2007-05-03 Thread Breton Slivka
This is a very difficult problem. Difficult problems need as many  
potential solutions as possible to be presented- The more solutions,  
the more chance of arriving at a good one. The tricky part here is  
creating a solution which is in line with common usage.

It seems to me that by basing hcalendar on a single existing format,  
then expecting it to conform to some wider sense of principles  
concieved well after that format was created- It's a bit counter  
productive. the ISO date format itself does not fall in line with  
common usage, unless you consider the iCalendar format- posted in the  
raw on an html page to be common, or any ISO date.

So basically we are presented with a number of restrictions, which  
define the range of possible solutions. It seems to me that in order  
to more effectively solve this problem, this set of restrictions  
should be clarified- Here's what I've got so far, correct me if I'm  

Date markup must:

1 be capable of marking up dates from multiple cultures and languages
2 Follow the DRY principle
3 Be completely visible
4 Follow common usage
5 Be machine readable
6 Be unambiguous

and the unstated (and perhaps unconcious) restriction

7 Be as similar to iCalendar as possible in form and function.

At least two of these restrictions conflict. Most obvious is number 4  
and 6.

Common usage is frequently ambiguous, so we should perhaps  
acknowledge that a microformat that marks up a date is going to  
either force common usage to be unambiguous (By requiring the  
inclusion of a year in all dates)

Or instead, allow ambiguity through sophisticated (or  
unsophisticated) guessing on the part of the parser. If this course  
is taken, this process of guessing should be documented and standardized

Or, violate restrictions 2 and 3, which is the current solution.

So, are those all the restrictions? In order to arrive at a solution,  
at least one of them must be violated- are we violating the right one?

Here's my contribution to the solutions pool. Violate number 7. Example:

  July 26th, 2005

span class=vmonthJuly/span span class=vday26/spanth,  
span class=vyear2005/span

This solution is certainly more verbose, but note that it follows all  
restrictions except for 7.

Which restrictions do you want to violate?

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] human readable date parsing

2007-05-03 Thread Breton Slivka
I should perhaps add that my solution must also violate either  
restriction 3, or 4- that is, you can hide the year element with CSS.  
If you leave it visible, then it may follow common usage in a lot of  
situations. Or you might end up using a year in situations where you  
may not usually specify a year, violating the common usage in that  
situation. If you hide it, then you violate 3. But, the choice of  
which principle to violate is left in the hands of the author.

On 04/05/2007, at 9:49 AM, Breton Slivka wrote:

This is a very difficult problem. Difficult problems need as many  
potential solutions as possible to be presented- The more  
solutions, the more chance of arriving at a good one. The tricky  
part here is creating a solution which is in line with common usage.

It seems to me that by basing hcalendar on a single existing  
format, then expecting it to conform to some wider sense of  
principles concieved well after that format was created- It's a bit  
counter productive. the ISO date format itself does not fall in  
line with common usage, unless you consider the iCalendar format-  
posted in the raw on an html page to be common, or any ISO date.

So basically we are presented with a number of restrictions, which  
define the range of possible solutions. It seems to me that in  
order to more effectively solve this problem, this set of  
restrictions should be clarified- Here's what I've got so far,  
correct me if I'm wrong.

Date markup must:

1 be capable of marking up dates from multiple cultures and languages
2 Follow the DRY principle
3 Be completely visible
4 Follow common usage
5 Be machine readable
6 Be unambiguous

and the unstated (and perhaps unconcious) restriction

7 Be as similar to iCalendar as possible in form and function.

At least two of these restrictions conflict. Most obvious is number  
4 and 6.

Common usage is frequently ambiguous, so we should perhaps  
acknowledge that a microformat that marks up a date is going to  
either force common usage to be unambiguous (By requiring the  
inclusion of a year in all dates)

Or instead, allow ambiguity through sophisticated (or  
unsophisticated) guessing on the part of the parser. If this course  
is taken, this process of guessing should be documented and  

Or, violate restrictions 2 and 3, which is the current solution.

So, are those all the restrictions? In order to arrive at a  
solution, at least one of them must be violated- are we violating  
the right one?

Here's my contribution to the solutions pool. Violate number 7.  

  July 26th, 2005

span class=vmonthJuly/span span class=vday26/spanth,  
span class=vyear2005/span

This solution is certainly more verbose, but note that it follows  
all restrictions except for 7.

Which restrictions do you want to violate?

microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Include-pattern issues

2007-02-04 Thread Breton Slivka
If I remember correctly, these issues can be dealt with by using an  
a element instead of an object element. This is endorsed in the  
spec for the pattern, I believe.

On 05/02/2007, at 4:00 PM, Jason Karns wrote:

I have two issues with the include-pattern, though they are less  
with the

pattern itself and more with simply implementing it.

1) When using IE (6 and 7) there are many styling issues involved with
hiding the object element. Simply display:none is not sufficient.

2) Many accessibility 'validators' will flag empty object  
elements as

errors if no fallback text is supplied.

Should these issues be listed on the wiki under include-pattern  
issues, or

on a page as special notes about authoring with the include-pattern?

Jason Karns
The Ohio State University []
Computer Science  Engineering []

microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Extending hCard and hCalendar vs. strict adherence to vcard and vCalendar.

2007-01-04 Thread Breton Slivka

On Jan 4, 2007, at 8:52 AM, Brian Suda wrote:

On 1/4/07, Breton Slivka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

div class=vcard
span class=fnAbraham Lincoln/span
div class=orgUnited States/div
div class=adr
   div class=street-address1600 Pennsylvania Ave./div
   span class=localityWashington/span
   span class=regionDC/span
  abbr class=dod title=18650415April 15, 1865/abbr

Then, someone can correct me if this is incorrect, when a client
written to deal with DoD encounters class=dod, it can import it
with an x- prefix (for vendor specific properties, as allowed by
vcard, I think) rather than try and do fancy things with notes. (see
note above about client author disagreements).

--- i'll keep this breif because we are toeing that fine-line between
discuss and dev lists. If you want to chat more about this, we can
take this to the dev list.

The problem with random x- prefixes is that a parse can NOT determine
if the value 'dod' is meant to convey semantics (date of death) or
that is purely a CSS style.

For instance:
div class=vcard
span class=fn president blue-box call-out alertAbraham Lincoln/ 


what becomes 'x-???' in vcard and what doesn't?

FN:Abraham Lincoln
X-PRESIDENT:Abraham Lincoln
X-BLUE-BOX:Abraham Lincoln
X-CALL-OUT:Abraham Lincoln
X-ALERT:Abraham Lincoln

Because of this, there has not been any attempt to add in the 'X-'
parameters into the parsing rules.

If you (or anyone) is still interested, feel free to email the dev- 


Since I don't have access to the dev list, and only have a passing  
interest in this, I will simply quickly clarify the point I was  
attempting to make in the first post.

x- extensions being vendor specific, the decision of which classes  
become x-___ would be vendor specific, and only if a specific  
application really *really* needs it. Since such extensions are  
unlikely to become globally adapted, the problem of global  
application doesn't come into it. 1 website, 1 vendor, 1  
application.  The problem of adapting extensions to the format as a  
standard is too big to take so lightly though, so I wouldn't  
reccomend it beyond specific non standard applications. Applications  
still need to work together for the most part, and allowing this just  
opens a big complicated can of worms.

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Extending hCard and hCalendar vs. strict adherence to vcard and vCalendar.

2007-01-03 Thread Breton Slivka

On Dec 29, 2006, at 11:54 AM, Andy Mabbett wrote:

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED],  

Slivka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes

There's a few rather obvious problems with this idea that I can see.
However, before I point them out, I will note that if the benefits of
such a plan outweigh the problems, then go for it. However I suggest
very carefully thinking about this before going nuts with extensions.

Who is advocating going nuts?

It's a rhetorical device. The intent is to warn against unrestricted  
extensions to the standard with no problem cases to back up such  
solutions. Nobody was advocating such a thing, but it is one possible  
consequence of what you suggested.

#1. More work for implementors.  While this rarely is seen as an   
for people on this list, (Tantek promotes that it's far more   

to make it easier for publishers), one has to consider that  if you
specify some extension such as date of death, how likely is it  to be
implemented by anyone other than yourself?

#2. In such an implementation, what specific benefit would having a
specific field offer over just adding a note? Are there specific use
cases when sorting contact information by date of death, for example,
is important?

You're criticising a wide concept by considering one suggested  

No, I'm using the example you suggested as an example, of the sort  
design as problem solving thought process one should be using while  
considering extensions to a format. Namely, asking the questions  
what problem is this solving? Does it actually need to be solved?,  
How badly does it need to be solved? What are the consequences of  
solving it in this way? Are there alternative ways of solving it?  

Nonetheless, there are sufficient dates of death on the web to  

that marking them up, semantically, would be useful, and incorporating
them in hCards, ditto.

useful for what? What problem would such a thing solve? I've never  
needed to find a person via their date of death, but then, I'm not a  
mortician or a police investigator, so it may very well be an actual  
problem for 80%, but this needs to be considered before creating an  
extension specifically for it, and adding complexity to an already  
somewhat difficult format. I am picking on your date of death  
example, but similar questions would need to be asked for every  

This is especially relevant when incorporating hCards into other uFs,
such as those for citations and reviews


#3. Unreliable round tripping: This would be a fairly minor   

but an annoyance nonetheless.

What do you mean by Unreliable round tripping?

Client X supports features A, B, C. Client Y supports features A, C,  
D.  How would you deal with exchanging data between these two  
programs, and maintaining self consistent database structures?  
Admittedly this is an issue for developers, but it becomes a problem  
for users when the author of client X and client Y don't agree on how  
to solve it.

#4. Divergent standards: Are there any other extensions to icalendar
or vcard being done by other groups and/or vendors? Is there  
likely  to

be in the future?

No, ad no. See previous discussion.


Do you mind linking to any specific posts?

The hCard and iCalendar standard allow  for vendor specific  

anyway, if you really really need  feature X for a specific problem.
With a clever enough client, and  publishing implementation, this can
probably be done with hCard and  hCalendar as is, while maintaining
backward compatibility.

How? Feel free to use DoD as an example.

Andy Mabbett

div class=vcard
span class=fnAbraham Lincoln/span
div class=orgUnited States/div
div class=adr
  div class=street-address1600 Pennsylvania Ave./div
  span class=localityWashington/span
  span class=regionDC/span
 abbr class=dod title=18650415April 15, 1865/abbr

Then, someone can correct me if this is incorrect, when a client  
written to deal with DoD encounters class=dod, it can import it  
with an x- prefix (for vendor specific properties, as allowed by  
vcard, I think) rather than try and do fancy things with notes. (see  
note above about client author disagreements).


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: Banning for meta-discusion [was RE: [uf-discuss] previously non-referenced in the specReferences]

2007-01-03 Thread Breton Slivka

On Jan 3, 2007, at 8:26 PM, Tantek Çelik wrote:

The big difference here (in contrast to Usenet, other lists etc.)  
is that

this community has retained a remarkably positive and inviting tone of
discussion for quite a long time, much much more so than those  
other forums,
and those involved with this community very much value that and  
have chosen

to protect that over accommodating individuals whose method/manner of
communication is harsher, noisier etc., in spite of well- 
intentions, good

points, and heck, even positive contributions.

As I read what's been going on in the list, the issue with Andy  
hasn't been so much his tone. This being text only medium, tone is  
very difficult to read into text, and most of the perceived tone of a  
post comes from personal interpretation. I think the reason Andy is  
now rubbing people the wrong way is a matter of the lack of substance  
in his posts. Strip away the emotional appeals, and there's virtually  
nothing left! If an argument can't be reduced to standard form  
(, then there is little  
point to the post, and it becomes like talking to a brick wall.

My suggestion then is that in a list which is primarily an impersonal  
and intellectual discussion on problem solving in a specific domain,  
the judgement call about whether someone is being disruptive should  
be based on whether there's actual (not emotional or personal)  
content in the post. Can the argument be restated in standard form?  
Considering the nature of this list, posts consisting primarily of  
emotional appeals and personal attacks just don't fit, and can easily  
escalate, unless cooler heads prevail. In this case, I think Tantek  
made the right call under these criteria, whether it was done  
knowingly or intuitively. 

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Extending hCard and hCalendar vs. strict adherence to vcard and vCalendar.

2006-12-29 Thread Breton Slivka
There's a few rather obvious problems with this idea that I can see.  
However, before I point them out, I will note that if the benefits of  
such a plan outweigh the problems, then go for it. However I suggest  
very carefully thinking about this before going nuts with extensions.

#1. More work for implementors.  While this rarely is seen as an  
issue for people on this list, (Tantek promotes that it's far more  
important to make it easier for publishers), one has to consider that  
if you specify some extension such as date of death, how likely is it  
to be implemented by anyone other than yourself?

#2. In such an implementation, what specific benefit would having a  
specific field offer over just adding a note? Are there specific use  
cases when sorting contact information by date of death, for example,  
is important?

#3. Unreliable round tripping: This would be a fairly minor  
annoyance, but an annoyance nonetheless.

#4. Divergent standards: Are there any other extensions to icalendar  
or vcard being done by other groups and/or vendors? Is there likely  
to be in the future? This probably won't lead to as feirce a battle  
as the browser wars in the 90's, but is a potential avenue of pain  
for new application authors who are asked to implement contradictory  
features, and I think we all know how this turned out for web  
browsers in the end. Again, it's more important to make it easier for  
publishers, than for application authors, but I would ask, how easy  
has the divergent feature-sets of browsers made it for publishers?

I'm sure there's less obvious problems, and just as compelling  
arguments for extensions, but my feeling is that hCard needs to go in  
the direction of becoming more simple for publishers, more easy to  
implement, not more complex. The hCard and iCalendar standard allow  
for vendor specific extensions, anyway, if you really really need  
feature X for a specific problem. With a clever enough client, and  
publishing implementation, this can probably be done with hCard and  
hCalendar as is, while maintaining backward compatibility.

On Dec 22, 2006, at 8:55 AM, Andy Mabbett wrote:

It has been made clear [1] that vCard and, presumably, vCalendar are
unlikely to be developed or extended in the foreseeable future.

It is my belief that we should not let this prevent the development of
hCard and hCalendar; and that to do so would not harm compatibility  

the former.

For example, we could add a date of death field to hCard, and simply
mandate that it is ignored (or perhaps treated as a 'note') by parsers
which convert hCards to vCards.

Does anyone foresee any problems with extensions being made in this


Andy Mabbett
*  Say NO! to compulsory ID Cards:  http://

*  Free Our Data:
*  Are you using Microformats, yet: http:// ?

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Re: [uf-discuss] Easy book citations

2006-07-30 Thread Breton Slivka
Lead by example. If you can get some use out of authoring your own  
xhtml semantics, do it!

Document your process, add it to the appropriate wiki pages. The  
citation format suffers so much from rhetorical discussion, that I  
think an account of actual experience in implementation would do  
nothing but help push the process further towards something useful.

The citation microformat is one cowpath that has not quite yet been  
paved, it would seem.

On Jul 30, 2006, at 2:53 AM, Simon Cozens wrote:

f the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong.
-- Norm Schryer

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: validating microformats (was Re: [uf-discuss] Google Gdata new syndication protocol!)

2006-04-20 Thread Breton Slivka

norman walsh recently posted inn his blog about this very issue

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Format-of-Formats?

2006-03-30 Thread Breton Slivka
I mostly agree with tantek, but I would like to point out a few more  
things to look at as far as this sort of effort goes.

XSLT provides more than enough power to describe and extract  
information out of pages with microformats embedded. x2v demonstrates  
this. If you're looking for a single implementation for  
microformats, look no further than libxslt, or sabotron, or whatever  
your favorite xslt engine.

The whole model for this sort of thing is laid out in GRDDL on w3's  
website. Tim Berners Lee seems to advocate using the GRDDL model to  
transform microformats into RDF, using xslt. RDF is about as neutral  
a format for data as you're going to get.

So pretty much all the difficult problems for the sort of thing you  
want have already been solved as best they can be. The difficult part  
now is adoption.

On Mar 30, 2006, at 2:54 PM, Chris Messina wrote:

Yeah, I didn't really think that this topic could be solved (or even
discussed) herein.

It's a nice pipedream, but I do agree falls outside the boundaries of
the achieveable goals that we've set out w/ microformats.


On 3/30/06, Paul Bryson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tantek Ç elik wrote...
In practice, this never[*] happens.  It's been tried *numerous*  

XML Schema, etc.  In practice, key portions/features of really  
specific formats (like HTML) *always* fall outside of the meta- 
format, and
*must* be specified in prose of a specification.  This is  
specifically why

designed XMDP to be to absolute minimum of what is necessary to
define/recognize a vocabulary.  I'm working on some extensions for
(to transclude multiple XMDP profiles or portions thereof into a  

profile), but other than that, I consider XMDP done.

In the spirit of don't reinvent what you can re-use, anyone  
desiring to work on a format-of-formats should *first* teach  

and XML Schema *at a minimum*, before having the arrogance to  
think they

do better.

Why aren't they just using DTD or SML Schema for this?  That was  
the first

thing I thought of when Joe first posted.


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Re: [uf-discuss] Format-of-Formats?

2006-03-30 Thread Breton Slivka

Allow me to point you directly to the GRDDL site.

Along with xmdp, I believe it thoroughly addresses all the issues you  
raise about as well as they can possibly be addressed.

On Mar 30, 2006, at 4:01 PM, Joe Reger, Jr. wrote:

before having the arrogance to think they can do better.

I'm not proposing that we create a replacement for XML Schema or any
of the other great technologies out there... just that we agree on one
as the most frequently used, most standard, most common, baseline,
generally accepted but not perfect way to describe a microformat.

As you note, there are a lot of ways to crack this nut.  And this is
the fact that I'm having trouble with.  Toolmakers, aggregators and
innovators are having a tough time with microformats because each new
one that pops up requires custom code.  Instead of taking a leadership
role, choosing one and advocating adoption, you seem to revel in the
establishment of many microformats.  I'm questioning where the
customization should be... at the user level where apps are
differentiated?  Or at the format level?

Why should each format have to start at ground zero, write custom
plugins, force users to install them and then gain adoption?  Why
should Technorati have to write custom code at  the format level for
each format (of course it needs to write custom code at the business
logic layer... that's how we all differentiate).  If we agree to a
framework, even with all of the limitations of whatever framework we
choose, aren't we helping users use microformats more?

What about the people from National Geographic who want to set up a
format to track wildlife?  Should they have to understand XML Schema
to take part in the microformat revolution?  And what about the people
in middle Iowa who like to count hay stacks?  Should they have to
learn arcane programming languages just to define a two field
microformat (hay stack color, hay stack size)?

I understand your desire to not standardize on a definition language.
Because doing so will inherently create limitations to what can be
done.  And some things just can't be done with a basic approach.  And
those things that gain massive adoption probably shouldn't be done
with a simple approach.

I'm talking about the long tail of microformats... who's looking out
for all those users?

Users are crying out, on this very mailing list, every single day for
an easier way to create and use microformats.

Maybe we should see as the high-end solution with the
flexibility to cover everything. But I think we also need a
microformats Light that enables most of the functionality that most of
the people are looking for.

In the last 5 days I've seen these microformats proposed:
Bookmark Exchange Format
Attention Microformat
Citation Format
Plants Format
Work of Art

Following this list you see these requests all the time.  This week's
performance would predict 260 microformats in a year.  And really, if
somebody's posting to this mailing list they're probably hyper-plugged
in to geekland.  If we think about our users... the millions of people
we rely on to make all of our geeky stuff actually useful... how many
formats do you think are out there with pent-up demand?

I'd say... um...  a lot.

And how many formats has created/sanctioned so far
throughout its history?  I see nine specs.  Eleven drafts.  Thirty
seven exploratory discussions.

That's 21% of the requested formats we're seeing on this board.  And
I'd argue that it's about .01% of the total number of microformats
that our users would like to see and be able to use.  Think of all of
the hobbies out there... all of the interest groups... they all track
custom data of some sort.  Sure, we don't care about that data type...
but it's their life... they're passionate about it.  Who's serving
them?  Who's enabling them?  Who's letting them publish so that smart
entrepreneurs can leverage that data into the next aggregation

To me this user-oriented analysis paints an obvious argument for a
format-of-formats.  The current microformat mailing list and developer
community is doing great work but it's not supporting the users who
want a quicker means of creating and using microformats.  I could be
wrong on this... please prove me so.

Microformats should be the plumbing and grease for this thing we all
(begrudgingly) call Web 2.0.

I want to be clear on one thing:  I love the work being done on  It is truly valuable and innovative.  The process
and ideals are wonderful. The people doing the work are collaborative
and productive.  I am in no way against what's being done.  And I
appreciate and completely understand Tantek's strong desire to squash
my ideas quickly before I distract people from the work already being

I simply see a big gaping hole in what's being done today.  What I've
been told is essentially that I can take my hole and go play

Re: [uf-discuss] Format-of-Formats?

2006-03-30 Thread Breton Slivka

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. The w3c.

Thanks, I completely agree.  What I'm looking for is the best way to
get some degree of sanctioning of RDF/XMLSchema/XSL/whatever and then
use that sanctioning to gain toolmaker adoption.  It would seem to me
that this mailing list is the place to do that, but I guess I'm wrong.
 Do you know of another group that's lobbying toolmakers to support
something like this?


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Re: [uf-discuss] Format-of-Formats?

2006-03-30 Thread Breton Slivka
This is where you have completely lost me. You are not making it  
particularly clear what problem it is that you actually want to solve.

Here's some more links. I truly believe this problem is much smaller  
than you believe it is. 

These are not extremely obscure technologies, they solve the problem,  
the w3c advocates their usage, Blog makers that have any interest in  
standards and the semantic web *will* adopt them sooner or later. So  
will /browsers/, and /search engines/. And if they don't, it's not  
rocket science to write a plugin that makes it work for whatever  
problem you happen to want to solve.

It's very simple, and it's not hidden knowledge on  
If you want to describe a microformat, use xmdp. If you want to do  
something with a microformat, write an xslt. This is the standard,  
this is advocated, and it works today. If you want to help out the  
effort for adoption of these technologies...  adopt them! You don't  
have to go any further than that. If it works, and does something  
sexy, then other people will try and do what you did. Very simple.

On Mar 30, 2006, at 4:33 PM, Joe Reger, Jr. wrote:

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. The w3c.

Nah... I appreciate your effort.  But the w3c is not forging
relationships with blogging toolmakers and trying to gain adoption of
a long tail microformat framework.  But I know that those on this list
have relationships in place.  This critical piece of Web 2.0 plumbing
should be in place as soon as possible and that's going to take
advocacy.  I thought that would be interested in
being the one to define this piece of the puzzle... it seems a natural
extension.  And can accomplish this much more quickly
than little old Joe Reger can.  If we all generally understand that
it's going to happen, why aren't we taking the leadership role in
making it happen?  I know what microformats are not but maybe can embrace a sub-project to make this happen.  We
don't have to call them microformats... users don't really care what
they're called... as long as they can spin them up easily and leverage
the power of the blogosphere.
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Re: [uf-discuss] Citation format straw proposal on the wiki

2006-03-29 Thread Breton Slivka
True, but a mechanism for this sort of thing already exists for  
microformats in XMDP, and in a somewhat more flexiible form, in that  
one does not need a monolithic profile for all the modules involved,  
one can have a seperate profile for each module and link to each  

The basic thrust of this is to follow the microformat principal of  
solving the simple problem first. Out of all these specific domains  
exists a definite simplest problem. The only dispute that I see is  
that the simplest problem doesn't solve all the domain specific  
problems. You wouldn't expect it to! So you make additional  
microformats to solve the domain specific issues. Thus the micro in  
microformats, as I understand it.

On Mar 29, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Alf Eaton wrote:

On 29 Mar 2006, at 14:02, Breton Slivka wrote:

If we are for the moment to entertain the idea of modularization,  
couldn't type then be simply inferred by which module(s) in use?  
If you go with a nesting microformat model for that, type is  
encapsulated entirely in the container class of specific modules,  
and the modules which are in use determine behavior, much the same  
as embedded svg/mathml does today, or a more direct comparison in  
the modularization of xhtml.

If you embed MathML and SVG in XHTML you still have to use the  
right DOCTYPE, so that the validator knows which modules are  
allowed (though admittedly you don't necessarily need the precise  
DOCTYPE just for displaying/interpreting the document):

-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN;


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Re: [uf-discuss] Enumerating Microformats on a Page

2006-03-24 Thread Breton Slivka
I've only just recently figured out what xmdp's are, and what they're  
capable of.  I notice the structure of your hcard/hreview/hcalendar  
thing is such that you can pick an attribute, and search for bits of  
data which contain that attribute.   Have you attempted to detect and  
parse XMDP's not for validation, but to discover new microformats not  
documented at   Now don't get me wrong, I  
understand the importance of strong standardization, but say someone  
creates a niche format for their own site, and related sites in their  
community with an xmdp,   do you think your aggregator could use that  
xmdp to create new searchable attributes in your search engine?

Sorry this is a bit of a tangent, but the idea of it kind of  
fascinated me.

On Mar 24, 2006, at 5:40 PM, Scott Reynen wrote:

On Mar 24, 2006, at 4:20 PM, Ryan King wrote:

Hmm, this sounds to me like a theoretical argument. I'd like to  
hear what experience people have had here. Has anyone here worked  
on crawling to index microformats? If so, what challenges did you  

Yes.  The two I know of are reevoo, which aggregates hreviews:

and my own effort, which aggregates hcards, hcalendars, and hreviews:

My main challenges have been a lack of space to store the data  
(which has nothing to do with microformats) and the the lack of a  
parser that can read invalid X(HT)ML (which is only an issue  
because I haven't installed Tidy on my server).  If microformat  
site maps existed, I would use them as starting points to know  
where to look, but I wouldn't trust them as any sort of accurate  
listing of what's on a domain just because I know I would likely  
forget to update my own if I had one.  So I'd still be reading the  
same number of documents, just in a different order.

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