Re: [uf-discuss] Definition of Microformats

2007-02-28 Thread Frances Berriman

On 28/02/07, Angus McIntyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To expand briefly on (b) above, imagine a naive developer who has
heard about the wonderful new microformat hThing. They find a Thing
marked with the class=hThing, open it up in a text editor and say
Ah, so that's how it's done.. They then reproduce the structure in
their documents. Unknown to them, the page was drawn up by an early
adopter using their notion of what hThing might later turn out to be.
When ThingBot, the Thing Crawler (tm) totally ignores Mr/Ms Naive
Developer's page, s/he will be frustrated. But I used hThing!

They should have read the spec, you say. In an ideal world, they
would, but in a less-than-ideal world, there's still an interest in
trying to encourage as many examples of good practice as possible,
for the benefit of those who don't read specs (and - by extension -
for the benefit of everyone who stands to profit from use of
microformats, which is all of us).

Just as a slight aside - this tends to be what happens anyway.  Even
when learning and writing simple HTML, most people do that by looking
at examples in the wild.  There's only a small percentage of people
using (X)HTML 1.0, for example, that ever read the spec cover to
cover.  Most later discover their problems with validation and use
error messages to point them in the right direction.

So I think my vague point is that people will learn from examples
anyway - whether they be based on good examples, out-dated examples,
or simply wrong/incorrectly implemented examples of current
microformats specifications.  There's a certain degree of education
that'll have to happen with adoption.

Having said that - yes, I do agree that we should encourage as many
accurate implementations as possible, of course!

Frances Berriman
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Definition of Microformats

2007-02-28 Thread David Janes

On 2/27/07, Angus McIntyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 18:57 -0600 27.02.2007, Scott Reynen wrote:
On Feb 27, 2007, at 5:15 PM, Angus McIntyre wrote:

We're trying to model publishing behaviors, not change them and
certainly not restrict them.  If someone publishes something that
doesn't match a microformat standard, parsers should be able to
deal with that by checking for valid data.  We should be actively
*encouraging* experimentation with publishing meaningful HTML.
Meaningful HTML is never litter; it all adds to a more semantic web.
Meaningfulness is not defined by microformats.  We have no monopoly
on these ideas, and pretending we do is harmful.

  While that might encourage parser builders to make their parsers robust,
  it's probably not a good thing overall.

It is a good thing overall.  What's not a good thing is this notion that
people need some sort of approval from us to use more descriptive markup.

Moving away from the specific case of hRelease, I would say the following:

1. Early adopters who want to use structured markup should be
encouraged, not least because that generates 'examples in the wild'
that will guide the standards process. I think we're in agreement on
that point.

2. Using the likely name of a microformat 'prematurely' or
inconsistently is problematic (although the problems are not
necessarily very serious) for a few reasons including:

hRelease is just an example. My point, just to underline this a little
bit more, is that we've already got a term semantic (x)html [1] that
covers using classes to mark up semantic elements. microformats are
semantic (x)html plus the process and rules (see [1] again).

This is probably something that needs to be stressed more, otherwise
the 'brand' is going to be diluted. Why is this bad? Because it
renders near meaningless all the work that has gone on here to make
sure we've got everything just right -- we'll see people reusing
names to mean different things, making up new names to define the same
thing, and so on and so forth.

Regards, etc...


David Janes
Founder, BlogMatrix
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Definition of Microformats

2007-02-28 Thread Scott Reynen

On Feb 27, 2007, at 9:43 PM, Angus McIntyre wrote:
I think I started off slightly on the wrong foot, because I wrongly  
assumed that hRelease was something that had already been raised in  
this community. In fact, it appears to have emerged at http:// without ever being listed as a proposed  
or possible microformat at I'm certainly not  
arguing that only we should be allowed to propose or define  
microformats. I am arguing, however, that there's some value to  
'interim' names that can be used by enthusiastic early adopters  
before a standard is defined.

Moving away from the specific case of hRelease, I would say the  

1. Early adopters who want to use structured markup should be  
encouraged, not least because that generates 'examples in the wild'  
that will guide the standards process. I think we're in agreement  
on that point.


2. Using the likely name of a microformat 'prematurely' or  
inconsistently is problematic (although the problems are not  
necessarily very serious) for a few reasons including:

a. Even if robots can handle non-compliant samples (as they  
should), it makes them do unnecessary work and,

Handling non-compliant input will always be necessary, because  
publishers will always make mistakes.  That's just part of writing a  
microformats parser.  It's not a particularly hard part either.  If  
you can't figure out what to do with something, you just don't do  
anything with it.

b. Because much HTML is learned by example, we have an interest in  
promoting a higher proportion of 'good' examples,

The solution to the proliferation of bad formats is to make the  
formats better.  People will use the better formats because they're  
better, and the bad formats will gradually disappear.

c. In general, the usefulness of a microformat is 'diluted' if the  
proportion of conformant samples is low compared to the proportion  
of non-conformant samples.

How so?  The only hCard's validity I care about is the one I'm trying  
to use.  If the rest of the web were full of invalid hCards, that  
wouldn't make the one I'm trying to use any less useful.

To expand briefly on (b) above, imagine a naive developer who has  
heard about the wonderful new microformat hThing. They find a Thing  
marked with the class=hThing, open it up in a text editor and say  
Ah, so that's how it's done.. They then reproduce the structure  
in their documents. Unknown to them, the page was drawn up by an  
early adopter using their notion of what hThing might later turn  
out to be. When ThingBot, the Thing Crawler (tm) totally ignores Mr/ 
Ms Naive Developer's page, s/he will be frustrated. But I used  

They should have read the spec, you say. In an ideal world, they  
would, but in a less-than-ideal world, there's still an interest in  
trying to encourage as many examples of good practice as possible,  
for the benefit of those who don't read specs (and - by extension -  
for the benefit of everyone who stands to profit from use of  
microformats, which is all of us).

I see two solutions to this problem:

1) Discourage Mr Naive Dev from implementing the spec until it has  
been blessed for use
2) Continuously improve the spec, and encourage Mr Naive Dev to  
update when the spec improves

I think 2 is clearly better, not least because it indirectly takes  
care of 1, as early drafts are revised much more frequently, so  
publishers will be more hesitant to use them if they're not prepared  
to frequently update.

3. Suggesting an alternative name that could be used in place of as- 
yet-undefined microformats may avoid these problems and, as a  
bonus, allow more efficient collection of real-world examples.

As-yet-undefined microformats should really have no names, though we  
often name things before we have any reason to.  I'm all for using  
alternative names, and I suggest common English for that.  If we're  
talking about a thing, let's use class=thing.  If we're talking  
about a song, let's use class=song.  Then when we finally establish  
a microformat for songs, we can call it something relatively unique  
like hSong and avoid any name conflict.  I think this is pretty  
much what we already do, except we've lately grown fond of that h  
and started attaching it to common words for no apparent reason.  So  
let's stop doing that.

While I probably don't feel strongly enough about this to volunteer  
to be burned at the stake for my beliefs on the subject, I think  
that suggesting the use of 'experimental' microformat names to  
preshadow a future microformat would not harm and might possibly help.

And that's all I really wanted to say.

Sorry if I came off as burning you at the stake.  All of the recent  
discussion of governance has me worried people are delegating far too  
much authority (and too much responsibility) to this community.


[uf-discuss] Definition of Microformats

2007-02-27 Thread David Janes

I've been looking at this [1][2] and I think ... maybe ... that
there's something missing. Are not microformats something that is
created by the microformats process?

The reason I ask is that someone's announced hRelease today [3]
using the microformats name and symbol.

Regards, etc...


David Janes
Founder, BlogMatrix
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Definition of Microformats

2007-02-27 Thread Christopher St John

On 2/27/07, David Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The reason I ask is that someone's announced hRelease today [3]
using the microformats name and symbol.


Reading closely, it's not an announcement of hRelease itself, but the
announcement of an attempted use of hRelease to mark up a press
release[1]. It also notes that hRelease is not even a draft, and links to
the process...


[1] Writing that made my head hurt.

Christopher St. John
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Definition of Microformats

2007-02-27 Thread Angus McIntyre
On Tue, February 27, 2007 5:45 pm, Christopher St John wrote:
 On 2/27/07, David Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... someone's announced hRelease today [3]
 using the microformats name and symbol.


 Reading closely, it's not an announcement of hRelease itself, but the
 announcement of an attempted use of hRelease to mark up a press
 release[1]. It also notes that hRelease is not even a draft, and links to
 the process...

If people start using microformats before they've even made it into draft
stage, that's going to litter the web landscape with parser-breaking
instances of things that don't conform to whatever the final standard
turns out to be, but which are marked as if they did.

While that might encourage parser builders to make their parsers robust,
it's probably not a good thing overall.

Would it be worth proposing the 'x' prefix for the early adopters who feel
compelled to use a microformat before it's done, i.e. 'xRelease' or
'xhRelease' for early iterations of what we hope may one day become
'hRelease'? That would let people play around with stuff (and generate
'examples in the wild') without posing problems for future generations.

Once a given proposal reaches draft stage, the class could even be
versioned, i.e. div class=xRelease01. This might permit anyone who
cared enough to attempt transforming old versions into versions that
conformed to the final spec.


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Definition of Microformats

2007-02-27 Thread Angus McIntyre

At 18:57 -0600 27.02.2007, Scott Reynen wrote:

On Feb 27, 2007, at 5:15 PM, Angus McIntyre wrote:

We're trying to model publishing behaviors, not change them and
certainly not restrict them.  If someone publishes something that
doesn't match a microformat standard, parsers should be able to
deal with that by checking for valid data.  We should be actively
*encouraging* experimentation with publishing meaningful HTML.
Meaningful HTML is never litter; it all adds to a more semantic web.
Meaningfulness is not defined by microformats.  We have no monopoly
on these ideas, and pretending we do is harmful.

 While that might encourage parser builders to make their parsers robust,
 it's probably not a good thing overall.

It is a good thing overall.  What's not a good thing is this notion that
people need some sort of approval from us to use more descriptive markup.

That wasn't what I was suggesting, and I understand and agree with 
your points above.

I think I started off slightly on the wrong foot, because I wrongly 
assumed that hRelease was something that had already been raised in 
this community. In fact, it appears to have emerged at without ever being listed as a 
proposed or possible microformat at I'm certainly 
not arguing that only we should be allowed to propose or define 
microformats. I am arguing, however, that there's some value to 
'interim' names that can be used by enthusiastic early adopters 
before a standard is defined.

Moving away from the specific case of hRelease, I would say the following:

1. Early adopters who want to use structured markup should be 
encouraged, not least because that generates 'examples in the wild' 
that will guide the standards process. I think we're in agreement on 
that point.

2. Using the likely name of a microformat 'prematurely' or 
inconsistently is problematic (although the problems are not 
necessarily very serious) for a few reasons including:

a. Even if robots can handle non-compliant samples (as they should), 
it makes them do unnecessary work and,

b. Because much HTML is learned by example, we have an interest in 
promoting a higher proportion of 'good' examples,

c. In general, the usefulness of a microformat is 'diluted' if the 
proportion of conformant samples is low compared to the proportion of 
non-conformant samples.

To expand briefly on (b) above, imagine a naive developer who has 
heard about the wonderful new microformat hThing. They find a Thing 
marked with the class=hThing, open it up in a text editor and say 
Ah, so that's how it's done.. They then reproduce the structure in 
their documents. Unknown to them, the page was drawn up by an early 
adopter using their notion of what hThing might later turn out to be. 
When ThingBot, the Thing Crawler (tm) totally ignores Mr/Ms Naive 
Developer's page, s/he will be frustrated. But I used hThing!

They should have read the spec, you say. In an ideal world, they 
would, but in a less-than-ideal world, there's still an interest in 
trying to encourage as many examples of good practice as possible, 
for the benefit of those who don't read specs (and - by extension - 
for the benefit of everyone who stands to profit from use of 
microformats, which is all of us).

3. Suggesting an alternative name that could be used in place of 
as-yet-undefined microformats may avoid these problems and, as a 
bonus, allow more efficient collection of real-world examples.

While I probably don't feel strongly enough about this to volunteer 
to be burned at the stake for my beliefs on the subject, I think that 
suggesting the use of 'experimental' microformat names to preshadow a 
future microformat would not harm and might possibly help.

And that's all I really wanted to say.

 ... We should be absolutely clear that no one needs permission to change
 their HTML markup.

Amen to that.

microformats-discuss mailing list