Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-03 Thread Ciaran McNulty

On 10/1/06, Scott Reynen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think $ is a unit of measuring currency, and barrel is a unit
of measuring oil, which in this case is the product the currency

I disagree.  There are plenty of other things that can be sold by the
barrel, and I doubt there are many instances of $/barrel being used
without oil being specifically referenced.

I think it's fairly clear that $ is a unit of currency, 'barrel' is a
measure of volume, and $/barrel is a measure of currency/volume in its
own right, similar to other composite measures like m.p.h.

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-03 Thread Scott Reynen

On Oct 3, 2006, at 4:16 AM, Ciaran McNulty wrote:

I think it's fairly clear that $ is a unit of currency, 'barrel' is a
measure of volume, and $/barrel is a measure of currency/volume in its
own right, similar to other composite measures like m.p.h.

Sure we can conceptualize it like that, but if no one is publishing  
it like that, how will we microformat it?  I've never seen $/barrel  
on the web, so this looks like an edge case to me.  I have seen $__  
per barrel, and that splits the unit of currency and the unit of  
measuring the product, just like $__ per share (implied 1 unit) or  
$__ for 2 widgets.  It looks to me like splitting up the unit of  
currency and the unit of measuring the referenced product would cover  
80% of real world examples, so I'm not seeing the value in exploring  
the edge case where the two are combined.  If it's clear that my  
product is a barrel of oil (which hListing can make clear) and my  
currency is US dollars (which a simpler currency microformat can make  
clear), why can't we leave it to a computer to figure out how to most  
usefully combine those two pieces of information?

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-03 Thread Guillaume Lebleu
Here are some additional examples  from the Web of currency mixed with 
measures, some of which differ from the $__ per barrel pattern and a 
suggested new conceptualization that seems to work with them.

Here is another suggested conceptualization that seems to match what's 
on the Web:

$ is not a unit, $ is a currency. Dollar Cent are the units of the 
USD currency. Just like length is not a unit, but meter and foot are.

Currency measures have a default unit (for USD, it's the dollar), that 
is sometimes omitted in the representation of currency amounts.

*Example 1*

So $25 per barrel is really $25 dollar per barrel, but a computer 
can figure this out from:

span class=priceabbr class=currency title=USD$/abbrspan 
class=value25/span span class=unitdividerper/span span 
class=unit title=BLLbarrel/span/span/span

BLL is the UNECE code for barrel. See

*Example 2*

25 (USD per barrel) is really 25 $ dollar per barrel, $ is the 
currency, dollar per barrel is the unit but a computer can figure this 
out from:

span class=price25 (abbr class=currency title=USDUSD/abbr 
span class=unitdividerper/span span class=unit 

*Example 3*

Similarly in $150K per year the currency is $ but the unit is 
thousands of dollars per year, but the computer can figure it out from:

span class=salaryabbr class=currency title=USD$/abbr150abbr 
class=unitmultiple title=1000K/abbr span 
class=unitdividerper/span span class=unit 

ANN is the UNECE code for year. See

Let me know what you think. I'll put this on the wiki later.

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-03 Thread Colin Barrett

On Oct 3, 2006, at 9:17 AM, Guillaume Lebleu wrote:

Let me know what you think. I'll put this on the wiki later.

The presence of UNECE codes for various units is encouraging.  This  
proposal is shaping up nicely. Could you think of other client uses  
for just the measurement format? Already described in this thread were  
some excellent uses for measurement + currency (e.g. searching job  

Also, I'm curious to know your thoughts on how this would tie in to  
the proposed historical uF. Would the entire currency+measure get  
wrapped in a history? That doesn't seem entirely necessary: the size  
of a barrel of oil doesn't change (right?). Only the $ currency  

Good work,
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-03 Thread Scott Reynen

On Oct 3, 2006, at 2:17 PM, Guillaume Lebleu wrote:

Here are some additional examples  from the Web of currency mixed  
with measures, some of which differ from the $__ per barrel  
pattern and a suggested new conceptualization that seems to work  
with them.

Here is another suggested conceptualization that seems to match  
what's on the Web:

$ is not a unit, $ is a currency. Dollar Cent are the units of  
the USD currency. Just like length is not a unit, but meter and  
foot are.

Currency measures have a default unit (for USD, it's the dollar),  
that is sometimes omitted in the representation of currency amounts.

*Example 1*

So $25 per barrel is really $25 dollar per barrel, but a  
computer can figure this out from:

span class=priceabbr class=currency title=USD$/ 
abbrspan class=value25/span span class=unitdividerper/ 
span span class=unit title=BLLbarrel/span/span/span

BLL is the UNECE code for barrel. See 

*Example 2*

25 (USD per barrel) is really 25 $ dollar per barrel, $ is  
the currency, dollar per barrel is the unit but a computer can  
figure this out from:

span class=price25 (abbr class=currency title=USDUSD/ 
abbr span class=unitdividerper/span span class=unit  

*Example 3*

Similarly in $150K per year the currency is $ but the unit is  
thousands of dollars per year, but the computer can figure it out  

span class=salaryabbr class=currency title=USD$/ 
abbr150abbr class=unitmultiple title=1000K/abbr span  
class=unitdividerper/span span class=unit title=ANNyear/ 

ANN is the UNECE code for year. See 

Let me know what you think. I'll put this on the wiki later.

I think this is a good example of the benefits of modularization.  I  
think all of these various measurements would be more useful if they  
were more widely published, and I think the best way to get them  
widely published is to keep them as separate microformats addressing  
specific problems.  We'll end up missing the most important  
information related to currency if we attempt an ocean-boiling  
currency-and-everything-related microformat.

For example, two of the above examples have no markup indicating the  
value of the price.  It doesn't do much good to know you're talking  
about barrels of oil and US dollars if I don't know what the value  
is.  I assume this was just an oversight, but it's the kind of  
oversight we can avoid by keeping currency focused on currency and  
relegating everything else to more specific microformats (e.g.  
history, measurement, hListing).  $50 is $50 whether I'm spending it  
on a barrel of oil or receiving it for an hour of work.

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-03 Thread Guillaume Lebleu

Scott Reynen wrote:
I think this is a good example of the benefits of modularization.  I 
think all of these various measurements would be more useful if they 
were more widely published, and I think the best way to get them 
widely published is to keep them as separate microformats addressing 
specific problems.  We'll end up missing the most important 
information related to currency if we attempt an ocean-boiling 
currency-and-everything-related microformat.
There are still 2 separate sections for measure and currency, and I 
intend to keep it this way. But it was useful to look at both right away 
to see how they could be used as modules.

For example, two of the above examples have no markup indicating the 
value of the price.  It doesn't do much good to know you're talking 
about barrels of oil and US dollars if I don't know what the value 
is.  I assume this was just an oversight, but it's the kind of 
oversight we can avoid by keeping currency focused on currency and 
relegating everything else to more specific microformats (e.g. 
history, measurement, hListing).  $50 is $50 whether I'm spending it 
on a barrel of oil or receiving it for an hour of work.
This was an oversight as I was focusing on the aspects at hand. It 
should have read:

span class=pricespan class=value25/span (abbr 
class=currency title=USDUSD/abbr span 
class=unitdividerper/span span class=unit 

Although in some simple contexts, I don't think value is required.
span class=price25abbr class=currency title=USDUSD/abbr/span

What do you think?

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-03 Thread Guillaume Lebleu

Colin wrote:

This proposal is shaping up nicely. Could you think of other client 
uses for just the measurement format? Already described in this thread 
were some excellent uses for measurement + currency (e.g. searching 
job listings).

Thanks Colin. For just the measurement format, of course automatic 
localization based on a browser preference, but I imagine you already 
thought about this one.

Also, I'm curious to know your thoughts on how this would tie in to 
the proposed historical uF. Would the entire currency+measure get 
wrapped in a history? That doesn't seem entirely necessary: the size 
of a barrel of oil doesn't change (right?). Only the $ currency 

In my adaptation of XBRL currency semantics to uF, I have explored the 
use of empty anchors as references to global definitions of units 
instead of redundant local definitions, but I haven't got any feedback 
from the community on this yet. See

This is not just relevant for the history uF but also for any tabular 
representation (ex. financial statements) where you don't want to repeat 
the unit/currency in each cell. See 

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-03 Thread Guillaume Lebleu

Colin wrote:
This proposal is shaping up nicely. Could you think of other client 
uses for just the measurement format? Already described in this thread 
were some excellent uses for measurement + currency (e.g. searching 
job listings).
Thanks Colin. For just the measurement format, of course automatic 
localization based on a browser preference, but I imagine you already 
thought about this one.
Also, I'm curious to know your thoughts on how this would tie in to 
the proposed historical uF. Would the entire currency+measure get 
wrapped in a history? That doesn't seem entirely necessary: the size 
of a barrel of oil doesn't change (right?). Only the $ currency 
In my adaptation of XBRL currency semantics to uF, I have explored the 
use of empty anchors as references to global definitions of units 
instead of redundant local definitions, but I haven't got any feedback 
from the community on this yet. See

This is not just relevant for the history uF but also for any tabular 
representation (ex. financial statements) where you don't want to repeat 
the unit/currency in each cell. See

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-02 Thread Guillaume Lebleu


Please ignore my last post on the subject. As Andy M. pointed to me in 
another thread, I took an extreme interpretation of the process. Mea 
culpa. And sorry in advance for this long post.

On the subject of what is useful to do now with currency, I agree with 
you that limiting the proposal to just something like:

2 barrels of oil for sale. Price: span class=priceabbr 
class=currency title=USD$/abbr25/span per barrel

is pretty simple and would simplify the work of the developer of browser 
plugins that would perform some type of convenience currency conversion.

That said, it would provide no incremental value to the end-user, since 
the absence of a currency microformat has not blocked the development of 
these browser plugins.

This is why I argue that the simplest form of *useful* data should be a 
bit more than just disambiguating the currency.

On the subject of dealing with currencies first, then with combinations 
with other products,  I don't understand your point about barrel being  
the product the currency references. In my example above, 2 barrels of 
oil is the product, and barrel is a unit of oil as you said 
yourself at the beginning of your answer.

Maybe the example is confusing, but the following should be less:

wage/hour (see
Parking garage for rent: $215/mo (see Examples in

Outside of the microformats community, I can point to financial 
reporting (USD/share for earnings per share), or my original $25/bll 
example as fairly common examples.

I am sure you will agree that shares, barrel, mo, hour *are units, not 
products* and are an integral part of the price: If I wanted to compare 
two salaries: one in Euro/hour and one in Thousands of US dollar / year, 
converting the currency would not be enough to provide value to a user.

In conclusion, this is why I suggested that we try to come up with a 
single measurement proposal right away, with currency being a subset of it.

Perhaps what you meant was that we should have a separate measure 
proposal. I don't have a problem with that. If we agree measurement 
units are important in a price and that a currency unit is itself a 
measurement unit, then at the very least, we'd better make sure that the 
currency microformat will be viewed as a subset and component of the 
measurement unit microformat.



Scott Reynen wrote:

On Sep 29, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Guillaume Lebleu wrote:

I don't think Lorenzo is talking of: *currency amount per 
item/product* as your title and example imply (that, I agree, is a 

but of *currency amount per unit of measurement* (which is widely 
used - see for instance:, although 
not in the context of a house/product/job in which case the unit is 

In $25 per barrel or in 25 ($/bbl), I think you would agree that 
knowing that the barrel is the unit of measurement is very 
significant, and even though knowing that $ means USD dollars, 
overlooking that it is a price per barrel would lead to a big mistake.

I think $ is a unit of measuring currency, and barrel is a unit of 
measuring oil, which in this case is the product the currency 
references.  Though used together here, these are two distinct 
problems that deserve separate microformats, one for currency and 
another for products (i.e. hListing).  Measurement of currency can be 
useful without considering measurement of products of purchase.  We 
should start with describing the simplest form of useful data.


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Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-01 Thread Scott Reynen

On Sep 29, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Guillaume Lebleu wrote:

I don't think Lorenzo is talking of: *currency amount per item/ 
product* as your title and example imply (that, I agree, is a non- 

but of *currency amount per unit of measurement* (which is widely  
used - see for instance:, although  
not in the context of a house/product/job in which case the unit is  

In $25 per barrel or in 25 ($/bbl), I think you would agree  
that knowing that the barrel is the unit of measurement is very  
significant, and even though knowing that $ means USD dollars,  
overlooking that it is a price per barrel would lead to a big mistake.

I think $ is a unit of measuring currency, and barrel is a unit  
of measuring oil, which in this case is the product the currency  
references.  Though used together here, these are two distinct  
problems that deserve separate microformats, one for currency and  
another for products (i.e. hListing).  Measurement of currency can be  
useful without considering measurement of products of purchase.  We  
should start with describing the simplest form of useful data.


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-10-01 Thread Guillaume Lebleu


My feeling is that if we must start with the simplest form of useful 
data and pave the cow paths, then price in hListing is good enough for 
me, and there is no need to pave that currency path for now, or even 
discuss it, at least not on this discussion list:

   * Google says that the price classname is the 40th most popular
 class name on the Web: You can't
 beat that.
   * There seems to be very few cows on the currency path today:
 after hours of research, the only example I've found on the Web
 that disambiguates the $ with a span or abbr and adhoc class
 name is the MacAfee example:
 of the top online vendors (Dell, Amazon, Walmart, Staples, etc.)
 care about disambiguating currencies in price.
   * Focusing on disambiguating only the currency can only be useful to
 me for conversion, and Greasemonkey scripts and other browser
 plugins for currency conversion seem to work ok most of the time,
 using other clues to disambiguate, for instance the domain name
 .ca to disambiguate the $ sign.

Once we found more real examples, we can resume discussions here on this 

Let me know what you think.


Scott Reynen wrote:

On Sep 29, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Guillaume Lebleu wrote:

I don't think Lorenzo is talking of: *currency amount per item/ 
product* as your title and example imply (that, I agree, is a non- 

but of *currency amount per unit of measurement* (which is widely  
used - see for instance:, although  
not in the context of a house/product/job in which case the unit is  

In $25 per barrel or in 25 ($/bbl), I think you would agree  that 
knowing that the barrel is the unit of measurement is very  
significant, and even though knowing that $ means USD dollars,  
overlooking that it is a price per barrel would lead to a big mistake.

I think $ is a unit of measuring currency, and barrel is a unit  
of measuring oil, which in this case is the product the currency  
references.  Though used together here, these are two distinct  
problems that deserve separate microformats, one for currency and  
another for products (i.e. hListing).  Measurement of currency can be  
useful without considering measurement of products of purchase.  We  
should start with describing the simplest form of useful data.


microformats-discuss mailing list

microformats-discuss mailing list

[uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-09-29 Thread Guillaume Lebleu
I don't think Lorenzo is talking of: *currency amount per item/product* 
as your title and example imply (that, I agree, is a non-starter)

but of *currency amount per unit of measurement* (which is widely used - 
see for instance:, although not in the 
context of a house/product/job in which case the unit is obvious).

In $25 per barrel or in 25 ($/bbl), I think you would agree that 
knowing that the barrel is the unit of measurement is very significant, 
and even though knowing that $ means USD dollars, overlooking that it 
is a price per barrel would lead to a big mistake.

I think Lorenzo is furthermore suggesting that a currency is just 
another unit. I agree conceptually that it is, but in practice, standard 
bodies (that I know of) have traditionally separated currency amounts 
from other measures. For instance, I took a look at the UNECE 
recommended codes for units of measurement (reused by some industry 
standards), available at: They indeed 
have the barrel (US) as a well-known unit, but as I mentioned UNECE does 
not include currencies in their list of units of measurement.

Which leads me to my updated code examples.

span class=priceabbr class=currency title=USD$/abbvspan 
class=value25/span span class=unit title=BLLper 

span class=pricespan class=value25/span abbr class=currency 
title=USD$/abbvabbr class=unit title=BLL/bbl/abbr/span/span

span class=priceOn abbr class=datetime 
title=1998-03-12T08:30:00-05:00August 1/abbr, the US Dollar still 
stood at span class=value643 abbr class=currency 
title=DEMMarks/abbr/span to the span class=unit currency 

The following rules should be used:

   * If value is not present, then value = 1.
   * unit is optional

By the way, I haven't found any measurement microformat on the wiki, so 
maybe we could do the currency+measurement at the same time.

Let me know what you think.

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Currency + Unit of measurement (Was: Currency+Product)

2006-09-29 Thread Guillaume Lebleu

One little correction in the text below.

The following rules should be used:

  * unit is optional
  *  if unit is present, then value is optional, and if value not 
present, then it is assumed to be 1.


Guillaume Lebleu wrote:
I don't think Lorenzo is talking of: *currency amount per 
item/product* as your title and example imply (that, I agree, is a 

but of *currency amount per unit of measurement* (which is widely used 
- see for instance:, although not in 
the context of a house/product/job in which case the unit is obvious).

In $25 per barrel or in 25 ($/bbl), I think you would agree that 
knowing that the barrel is the unit of measurement is very 
significant, and even though knowing that $ means USD dollars, 
overlooking that it is a price per barrel would lead to a big mistake.

I think Lorenzo is furthermore suggesting that a currency is just 
another unit. I agree conceptually that it is, but in practice, 
standard bodies (that I know of) have traditionally separated currency 
amounts from other measures. For instance, I took a look at the UNECE 
recommended codes for units of measurement (reused by some industry 
standards), available at: They 
indeed have the barrel (US) as a well-known unit, but as I mentioned 
UNECE does not include currencies in their list of units of measurement.

Which leads me to my updated code examples.

span class=priceabbr class=currency title=USD$/abbvspan 
class=value25/span span class=unit title=BLLper 

span class=pricespan class=value25/span abbr 
class=currency title=USD$/abbvabbr class=unit 

span class=priceOn abbr class=datetime 
title=1998-03-12T08:30:00-05:00August 1/abbr, the US Dollar still 
stood at span class=value643 abbr class=currency 
title=DEMMarks/abbr/span to the span class=unit currency 

The following rules should be used:

   * If value is not present, then value = 1.
   * unit is optional

By the way, I haven't found any measurement microformat on the wiki, 
so maybe we could do the currency+measurement at the same time.

Let me know what you think.

microformats-discuss mailing list

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