The spec for rel-tag states that the tag applies to the page, or
specifically to the main content of the page.

"Rel-Tag is one of several MicroFormats. By adding rel="tag" to a
hyperlink, a page indicates that the destination of that hyperlink is
an author-designated "tag" (or keyword/subject) of the current page.
Note that a tag may just refer to a major portion of the current page
(i.e. a blog post)."

In some other microformats, the rel-tag is scoped more specifically to
a section of the page.  For instance, in xFolk the rel-tag is
specifically scoped to the container of class xfolkentry.

I asked about this on IRC and Tantek clarified that a parser should,
if it doesn't understand the microformat that specifies a scope for
rel-tag, it should default to the tag applying to the page, which
seems very pragmatic.

My question is should the spec be updated to mention that the scope
can change in other microformats?

Something like:
" Note that a tag may just refer to a major portion of the current
page (i.e. a blog post).  In some microformats the tag may refer to a
smaller portion on the page but the prescence of this smaller portion
but by implcation can also apply to the page as a whole."

-Ciaran McNulty
microformats-discuss mailing list

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