Hi Everyone,

This message was just sent to all departmental account owners.


Dear Departmental Account Owners:

The conversion from departmental accounts to Special Purpose Accounts (SPAs) is set to take place on November 12, 2014. After that time, all existing departmental e-mail accounts must be accessed via the familiar CalNet authentication, and can no longer be accessed via alternate login access (i.e. using a Google key).



   The initial roll-out of SPAs is only for existing departmental accounts.


   SPAs will provide a new method of direct access, ifyou want to
   access it directly; if you don't want to access it directly, no
   change is necessary.


   The conversion will notaffect users' existing delegations to a
   departmental account. Anyone who has been delegated to a bConnected
   account will still see it in the drop down list within their own
   account when using bMail.


   There is a freeze on creating new departmental accounts or making
   ownership changes until after the November 12th conversion. Continue
   to send any departmental requests to accou...@berkeley.edu.



   Read these instructions on using your CalNet authentication to
   access your bConnected Departmental accounts:


   Share this information with all of your account delegates so they
   will be ready for the switch.


   Change bookmarked login pages after November 12, 2014.


With SPA CalNet accounts:


   Users who directly log into a bConnected departmental account can
   view all the account settings (users using delegation only see a
   partial list of account settings).


   When users who are directly logged in reply to a message, the
   Fromline will no longer have the phrase  <By way of {name}>.


   SPAs offer enhanced security.


   You can create a departmental Box account. Items placed by any user
   inside a folder created by a departmental Box account will be owned
   by the departmental account and will be counted against the
   department account's quota, not the individual users' quota. This
   also allows easier management and retention of files as people join
   and leave a group.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact bconnec...@berkeley.edu <mailto:bconnec...@berkeley.edu>.


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