[Mimedefang] Federated Mysql and Bayes

2005-04-02 Thread Stephen Loeckle
Has anyone ever setup a federated mysql database? If you have, have you
extended the bayes mysql database to be federated?

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Re: [Mimedefang] filter snippet to reject sender addresses with bad MXentries?

2005-04-02 Thread Kevin A. McGrail
While I am fairly certain the action below is justified by a strict 
interpretation of the RFC, I think you will find that in practice it will 
have too high of a false positive except perhaps on the test.

However, one more caveat, I believe some customer support companies use the trick when they send out things like 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Again a false positive concern.

I can't comment on the local network as I have no idea about that 
network space having never used it, at least knowlingly.

Finally, I've seen (and setup) many a gateway that uses DNS to route mail 
using MX records that included privatized ranges.  This is, in fact, one of 
the default recommendations for Symantec AV for SMTP and it's predecessors 
which are in fairly wide use.

Therefore, I would recommend using this type of test to add a header that 
you make a rule in SpamAssassin for and then track the impact it would have 
on the mail.

- Original Message - 
From: "Albert Croft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Recently, I set up a sendmail/MIME-Defang/SpamAssassin/Razor installation 
to act as a spam gateway/filter for several domains. From time to time I 
have noticed emails using sender addresses whose MX point to addresses in 
the localhost ( ) or localnetwork ( ) ranges, 
RFC-1918 private network space, or other address space that should not be 
appearing. I would like to reject these as early as possible, and have 
been looking for code to do so since my earlier posting to the list 

I had hoped there would be a good example of code to do this already, and 
if so, I would appreciate it if someone could point me in that direction. 
In the mean time, I hacked together the following variation of the code 
segment from the CheckforMX entry on the Wiki, and would appreciate any 
feedback regarding the code segment (as I have NOT had the opportunity to 
test it completely, or to put it into operation yet). 
Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.canit.ca
MIMEDefang mailing list

[Mimedefang] filter snippet to reject sender addresses with bad MX entries?

2005-04-02 Thread Albert Croft
Recently, I set up a sendmail/MIME-Defang/SpamAssassin/Razor 
installation to act as a spam gateway/filter for several domains. From 
time to time I have noticed emails using sender addresses whose MX point 
to addresses in the localhost ( ) or localnetwork ( 
) ranges, RFC-1918 private network space, or other address space that 
should not be appearing. I would like to reject these as early as 
possible, and have been looking for code to do so since my earlier 
posting to the list (18-March-2005).

I had hoped there would be a good example of code to do this already, 
and if so, I would appreciate it if someone could point me in that 
direction. In the mean time, I hacked together the following variation 
of the code segment from the CheckforMX entry on the Wiki, and would 
appreciate any feedback regarding the code segment (as I have NOT had 
the opportunity to test it completely, or to put it into operation yet).

use Net::DNS;
use NetAddr::IP;
# GetHostAddress and GetDomainMXAddresses routines
#   taken from http://www.mimedefang.org/kwiki/index.cgi?CheckForMX
sub GetHostAddresses {
   my ($hostname) = @_;
   my @addresses;
   if ( $hostname =~ m/^\s*(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\s*$/ ) {
   push( @addresses, $hostname );# Host was an IP address, not 
a hostname
   else {
   my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
   my $received = $resolver->search($hostname);
   foreach my $rr ( $received->answer ) {
   next unless $rr->type eq "A";
   push( @addresses, $rr->address );
   return @addresses;

# GetDomainMXAddresses(resolver,domain)
#   returns array of IP addresses for domain's MX list
#   if no MX records, returns array of IP addresses for this hostname
sub GetDomainMXAddresses {
   my ($domain) = @_;
   my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
   my @mxlist = mx( $resolver, $domain );
   my @mxaddresses;
   if (@mxlist) {
   push( @mxaddresses, map { GetHostAddresses( $_->exchange ); } 
@mxlist );
   else {# check for an A record for the domain...
   push( @mxaddresses, GetHostAddresses( $domain ) );
   return @mxaddresses;

sub filter_sender {
   my ( $sender, $ipaddr, $hostname, $helo ) = @_;
   my ( undef, $sender_domain ) = split( /\@/, $sender );
   # Block information taken from RFC 3330. Remove any in use locally.
   my %specialized_blocks = (
   ""  => { comment => qq{local network 
block},   rfc => 1700 },
   "" => { comment => qq{class A private network 
block}, rfc => 1918 },
   ""=> { comment => qq{loopback address 
block},rfc => 1700 },
   "" => { comment => qq{"LINK LOCAL" 
block},rfc => 3330 },
   ""  => { comment => qq{class B private network 
block}, rfc => 1918 },
   ""   => { comment => qq{"TEST-NET" 
block},  rfc => 3330 },
   "" => { comment => qq{class C private network 
block}, rfc => 1918 },
   ""=> { comment => qq{IPv4 multicast 
range},  rfc => 3171 },

   foreach my $address ( GetDomainMXAddresses($sender_domain) ) {
   my $ip = new NetAddr::IP $address;
   foreach my $range ( keys %specialized_blocks ) {
   if ( $ip->within( new NetAddr::IP($range) ) ) {
   return ( "REJECT",
   "Addresses from domains with MX entries whose 
addresses fall within a "
 . $specialized_blocks{$range}{comment}
 . " not accepted (see also RFC "
 . $specialized_blocks{$range}{rfc}
 . ")." );

   # Other sender checks here.
   return ( "CONTINUE", "ok" );
The modification to the GetHostAddress routine, to check for an IP 
address in place of a hostname from MX records, was in response to two 
recently-seen domains in (probably forged) email addresses 
('jsctech.com' and 'romymichele.com'). These two domains appeared as 
follows when examined with dig(1):

$ dig +nostats +nocomments any jsctech.com
; <<>> DiG 9.2.3 <<>> +nostats +nocomments any jsctech.com
;; global options:  printcmd
;jsctech.com.   IN  ANY
jsctech.com.83749   IN  NS  ns1.nameresolve.com.
jsctech.com.83749   IN  NS  ns2.nameresolve.com.
jsctech.com.83749   IN  NS  ns3.nameresolve.com.
jsctech.com.83749   IN  NS  ns4.nameresolve.com.
jsctech.com.83749   IN  MX  0
jsctech.com.86238   IN  TXT "v=spf1 mx -all"
jsctech.com.1644IN  A
jsctech.com.1644IN  A
jsctech.com.1644IN  A
jsctech.com.1644IN  A
jsctech.com.1644IN  A

Re: [Mimedefang] Problem with create mask on ./Work directory

2005-04-02 Thread Chris Myers
for a complete description of the problem and a patch to SpamAssassin to fix 

Upgrading to 3.0.x is an even better solution.
Chris Myers
Networks By Design
- Original Message - 
From: "Nels Lindquist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 1:58 PM
Subject: [Mimedefang] Problem with create mask on ./Work directory

I'm running into a bizarre problem on one particular MIMEDefang
installation which is giving me grief with ClamAV.
I'm making use of the AllowSupplementaryGroups directive in
clamd.conf in order to allow clamd to scan files owned by the defang
group.  [...]
SpamAssassin 2.64 (with the SpamCopURI plugin)
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