Re: [Mimedefang] Problem using ClamAV

2011-11-13 Thread Aniruddha Barua
Hi Philip,

If SELINUX is enabled in your system, try after disabling it, also the little 
annoyance might go away.

--Aniruddha Barua.

From: Philip Prindeville
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 1:45 AM
Subject: [Mimedefang] Problem using ClamAV

I'm running mimedefang 2.72 on Fedora 15.  I've installed the packaged clamav:

[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]# rpm -qa clamav\*
[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]#

And configured it, having copied over the sample config file:

[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]# egrep '^(User|LocalSocket|PidFile|LogFile) ' 
LogFile /var/log/clamd.default
PidFile /var/run/clamd.default/
LocalSocket /var/run/clamd.default/clamd.sock
User defang
[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]#

And tweaked mimedefang:

[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]# grep '^\$ClamdSock' /usr/bin/
$ClamdSock  = '/var/run/clamd.default/clamd.sock';
[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]#

Started clamd and mimedefang:

[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]# ls -lRd /var/run/clamd.default 
drwxr-xr-x. 2 defang defang 80 Nov 11 18:49 /var/run/clamd.default
-rw-rw-r--. 1 defang defang  5 Nov 11 18:49 /var/run/clamd.default/
srw-rw-rw-. 1 defang defang  0 Nov 11 18:49 /var/run/clamd.default/clamd.sock
[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]#

But here's what I see:

Nov 11 20:50:15 localhost[24747]: pAC3o9T3024771: Could not 
connect to clamd daemon at /var/run/clamd.default/clamd.sock (Permission 
Nov 11 20:50:15 localhost[24747]: pAC3o9T3024771: Problem 
running virus scanner: code=999, category=cannot-execute, action=tempfail
Nov 11 20:50:15 localhost[24747]: pAC3o9T3024771: filter: 
pAC3o9T3024771:  tempfail=1
Nov 11 20:50:15 localhost mimedefang[24764]: pAC3o9T3024771: Tempfailing 
because filter instructed us to
Nov 11 20:50:15 localhost sendmail[24771]: pAC3o9T3024771: Milter: data, 
reject=451 4.3.0 Problem running virus-scanner

Seems to be here:

    # PING/PONG test to make sure clamd is alive
    $sock = IO::Socket::UNIX-new(Peer = $clamd_sock);

    if (!defined($sock)) {
        # md_syslog('err', Could not connect to clamd daemon at $clamd_sock);
        md_syslog('err', Could not connect to clamd daemon at $clamd_sock 
        return (wantarray ? (999, 'cannot-execute', 'tempfail') : 999);

that the failure is happening.

Also, a minor annoyance, seeing:

ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/freshclam.log).
ERROR: Can't open /var/log/freshclam.log in append mode (check permissions!).

from cron.

[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]# ls -l /var/log/freshclam.log
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root clamupdate 746 Nov 11 11:17 /var/log/freshclam.log
[root@mail clamav-server-0.97.3]#

so the file is being written to... not sure why I'm seeing this message either.

Any pointers appreciated.  I already read:

but it's either out-of-date or I'm missing something Fedora specific.

I also noticed that there's no clamav id created on my system by default.

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Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang letting some spams through...why?

2010-02-03 Thread Aniruddha Barua
 I see your point but I'm struggling to understand why every message is being 
 scanned more than once and what can I do to correct it... 

Many of us told you to check your MDA configuration which we all believe to be 
procmail. MTAs like sendmail normally do not save messages directly to user 
mailboxes. They hand over the delivery work to MDAs like procmail. For 
procmail, there may be system wide configuration in /etc/procmailrc file or 
per user configuration in user home directories (e.g. /home/tony/.procmailrc). 
Contents of procmailrc file might look like this:


#Forward mail to spamassassin
| /usr/bin/spamc

#Move mail marked as spam to a Spam mailbox
* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

If there is such a file, then that is scanning your messages the second time. 
SA can be called many times at many stages. For example, 1st time sendmail 
(MTA) calls SA through mimedefang, 2nd time procmail (MDA) calls SA as shown in 
the configuration above, 3rd time may be by openwebmail (web based MUA, if it is installed, automatically when the user 
logs in or manually if the user wants.Please search your filesystem for 
procmailrc files as we suggested. You will get your answer.

Now, you might ask why procmail is detecting these messages as SPAM when 
mimedefang is letting them through. I believe you know how Spamassassin detects 
SPAMs. So, some of many reasons are:

1. mimedefang's spamassassin database may not yet know about such SPAM patterns 
- it is yet to learn.
2. mimedefang is not configured to do network tests like razor, pyzor etc. 
which are also very effective in detecting well known SPAMs. mimedefang can do 
these tests if configured, read the docs.

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Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang letting some spams through...why?

2010-02-02 Thread Aniruddha Barua
- Original Message 

 From: Tony
 Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 5:50:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang letting some spams through...why?
 - Original Message - From: - 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 12:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang letting some spams through...why?
  Your problem is that SA is being called more than once.
 ok thanks, do you mean every email is being scanned twice? how do you know 

You can make that from the message headers in your post. Normally, Return-Path: 
header is followed by Received: headers which tells how the email arrived at 
your mailbox. In your cases, the Return-Path: header is followed by X-Spam-* 
headers, then followed by Received: headers. So, it is very very likely that 
the messages were scanned by the MDA which I presume to be procmail since 
your MTA is sendmail 8.13.1. Look into system wide procmailrc or per user 
.procmailrc (note the dot before procmailrc) in respective home directories.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang and Anti-virus

2010-01-19 Thread Aniruddha Barua
Best is to download the source code, compile and then install it. yum won't 
update the rpm packages if updates are discontinued for Fedora 11.

If you have already downloaded and installed clamd successfully, then you have 
to set these parameters  in the /etc/clamd.conf file

User defang
LocalSocket /var/spool/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock

and some others too.

Note that this is socket path I told you to check in 
/usr/local/bin/ file. If mimedefang detects clamd, it will 
communicate with it through this socket.

--A. Barua.

- Original Message 
 From: Cliff Hayes
 Sent: Wed, January 20, 2010 3:22:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang and Anti-virus
 Here are the results of the closest guess I can make to what you have.
 However, if I do this I won't end up with a clam daemon, which is what
 appears to be what you have.
 [r...@sadev ~]# yum install clamav.i586
 Setting up Install Process
 Resolving Dependencies
 Dependencies Resolved
 PackageArch  Version  Repository Size
 clamav i586  0.95.2-3.fc11updates814 k
 Updating for dependencies:
 clamav-datanoarch0.95.2-3.fc11updates21 M
 clamav-filesystem  noarch0.95.2-3.fc11updates10 k
 clamav-lib i586  0.95.2-3.fc11updates380 k
 clamav-server  i586  0.95.2-3.fc11updates79 k
 Transaction Summary
 Install  0 Package(s)
 Update   5 Package(s)
 Remove   0 Package(s)
 If I want the daemon, I have to specify this:
 clamav-scanner.noarch : Clamav scanner daemon
 clamav-scanner-sysvinit.noarch : SysV initscripts for clamav scanner daemon
 clamav-scanner-upstart.noarch : Upstart initscripts for clamav scanner
 And I'm not sure what to do with the server:
 clamav-server.i586 : Clam Antivirus scanner server
 -Original Message-
- cut 

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Re: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang and Anti-virus

2010-01-18 Thread Aniruddha Barua
Have you installed any anti-virus program?

If you have installed
the anti-virus program after installing mimedefang, then you need to
manually edit the /usr/local/bin/ (check your mimedefang
installation path). For example, for ClamAV, you need to edit these
lines (around line no. 127  128) to look like this

$Features{'Virus:CLAMAV'}   = ('/usr/local/bin/clamscan' ne '/bin/false' ? 
'/usr/local/bin/clamscan' : 0);
$Features{'Virus:CLAMD'}= ('/usr/local/sbin/clamd' ne '/bin/false' ? 
'/usr/local/sbin/clamd' : 0);

and around line 192 to look like this

$ClamdSock  = /var/spool/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock;

Better, recompile and reinstall mimedefang.

--A. Barua.

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Re: [Mimedefang] MimeDefang: Perl core dump

2009-12-11 Thread Aniruddha Barua
- Original Message 

 ... I read it. It seems very strange, because in FreeBSD I start it by
 /etc/rc.d/mimedefang start|stop etc. In this file I can set the
 options for example Logging (means the parameter -l) or embedded
 (means the parameter -E). So far all is clear but if I check ps
 -ax|grep mimedefang I get
 74688  ??  I  0:00,00 /usr/local/bin/mimedefang -P
 /var/spool/MIMEDefang/ -R -1 -m
 /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang-multiplexor.sock -z
 /var/spool/MIMEDefang -U mailnull -p /var/spool/MIME ...
 So whatever I set in /etc/rc.d/mimedefang the parameters never change.
 Also not if I set it manually in this file (yes at right position).
 If I'm assume I set the config options right in the file mimedefang
 runs also not. I get some stuff like:
 Dec  8 06:42:45 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: MIMEDefang alive.
 slavesReservedForLoopback=-1 AllowNewConnectionsToQueue=0
 doRelayCheck=0 doHeloCheck=0 doSenderCheck=0 doRecipientCheck=0
 Dec  8 06:42:45 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: MXCommand: connect:
 Connection refused: Is multiplexor running?
 Dec  8 06:42:48 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: MXCommand: connect:
 Connection refused: Is multiplexor running?
 Dec  8 06:45:09 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: Multiplexor unresponsive
 - entering main loop anyway
 Dec  8 06:46:09 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74509]: MIMEDefang-2.67: mi_stop=1
 Dec  8 06:49:10 acsvfbsd06 kernel: pid 74672 (mimedefang-multiple),
 uid 26: exited on signal 10
 Dec  8 06:49:10 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74688]: MIMEDefang alive.
 slavesReservedForLoopback=-1 AllowNewConnectionsToQueue=0
 doRelayCheck=0 doHeloCheck=0 doSenderCheck=0 doRecipientCheck=0
 Dec  8 06:49:10 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74688]: MXCommand: connect:
 Connection refused: Is multiplexor running?
 Dec  8 06:50:02 acsvfbsd06 mimedefang[74688]: MXCommand: connect:
 Connection refused: Is multiplexor running?

Here the logs and your ps -ax | grep mimedefangsay that only mimedefang is 
running and not the mimedefang-multiplexor.
In your very first message, your logs and ps -ax said mimedefang-multiplexor 
was running and not mimedefang (slaves).
On typical systems, you should get these lines from ps fax | grep mimedefang

1479 ?S  0:06 /usr/local/bin/mimedefang-multiplexor -p
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/ -m 2 -x 10 -U
defanguser -b 600 -l -s
13464 ?S  0:28  \_ /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/ 
14090 ?S  0:01  \_ /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/ 
1495 ?Sl0:17 /usr/local/bin/mimedefang -P
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/ -m
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang-multiplexor.sock -R -1 -U defanguser
-s -t -q -p /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock

accepts messages from MTA (sendmail/postfix) and then communicates with
mimedefang-multiplexor which in turn runs and maintains the perl 

So, I guess there is something wrong with your start up
script or your compilation for which you don't see the changes. For
example, you said that you had tried setting the -l or -E option
but you did not see those changes. That's because
mimedefang-multiplexor did not start up. How did you set these options in the 
startup script?

One more thing, do you get warnings when you run ./configure, make and 
make install commands?

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Re: [Mimedefang] MimeDefang: Perl core dump

2009-12-03 Thread Aniruddha Barua
- Original Message 

 From: Kevin A. McGrail
 Sent: Fri, December 4, 2009 12:24:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] MimeDefang: Perl core dump
  So it seems the problem is around Perl_newSTATEOP (). Since I'm not a
  programmer I have no idea where the problem is. Any hints are welcome.
  In your features output, it said:
  Unix::Syslog : no
  Unix::Syslog : Version 1.1
  My features output says:
  Unix::Syslog : yes
  Unix::Syslog : Version 0.100

In CPAN, I found this, Unix::Syslog : Version 1.1 is latest. Version 0.100 is 
the first one.

To Martin,
In your first email, you said that your goal was to add a small boiler plate to 
every outgoing email.
Before you tried with boiler plate configuration, was mimedefang running 
perfectly on your system?

Also, please see the EMBEDDING PERL section in the mimedefang-multiplexor 
man page. What were
your options in ./configure command? You may try rebuilding mimedefang. 
There was a similar issue with
mimedefang on FreeBSD systems.

 Sorry, I don't know.  For me, I'd likely focus on why the product doesn't 
 believe you have Unix::Syslog.
 Perhaps try the same version I'm using:
 Does the program NOT core dump if you remove -l?
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Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang fails to start upon reboot

2009-12-01 Thread Aniruddha Barua
- Original Message 

 From: jef moskot
 Sent: Tue, December 1, 2009 3:21:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang fails to start upon reboot
 On Fri, 20 Nov 2009, Aniruddha Barua wrote:
  Try this, before rebooting the machine, manually stop mimedefang and wait 5 
 secs or so and then reboot the machine.
 I recently rebuilt the world on the system and now mysteriously the problem 
 vanished.  Sort of aggravating that I never figured out exactly what the 
 was, but it's nice that the problem has gone away.
 Sorry to bother you all with this, but the experimentation did lead to the 
 rebuild so you were ultimately quite helpful.

You are very welcome. Very pleased to hear that your problem has been solved.

 Jeffrey Moskot
 System Administrator
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--A. Barua.

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Re: [Mimedefang] defang running as postfix user

2009-12-01 Thread Aniruddha Barua
- Original Message 

 From: ADNET Ghislain
 Sent: Tue, December 1, 2009 8:17:15 PM
 Subject: [Mimedefang] defang running as postfix user
 I have some little security question regarding mimedefang configuration as i 
 have issue running clamav and postfix with it because of socket owner's right.
 Do you know if  there is  any security risk to run defang as the postfix user 
 Same question if i run mimedefang as the clamav user ?

Normally, mimedefang is run as user defang, postfix is run as postfix 
and clamav is
run as user defang because it is mimedefang that calls clamav. There may 
be other ways too.
Depends on your requirements and situation.


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Re: [Mimedefang] spamd?

2009-11-24 Thread Aniruddha Barua
- Original Message 

 From: Cliff Hayes
 Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 8:40:54 AM
 Subject: [Mimedefang] spamd?
 Am I supposed to be running spamd with mimedefang?

Not necessary. Mimedefang itself calls spamassassin using its own configuration 
file /etc/mail/

 I have Fedora 11 loaded and I just noticed that the spamd service is off.
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang fails to start upon reboot

2009-11-20 Thread Aniruddha Barua
- Original Message 

 From: jef moskot
 Sent: Fri, November 20, 2009 6:30:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang fails to start upon reboot
 On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Aniruddha Barua wrote:
  When mimedefang is working fine after this manual stop, 5 sec wait and 
 what happens when you restart it again? Does it still show the error messages 
 other problematic signs?
 The restart fails again.
 I get a lot of this:
 sm-mta[36460]: nAKBJxPa036460: Milter (mimedefang): local socket name 
 /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock unsafe
 sm-mta[36460]: nAKBJxPa036460: Milter (mimedefang): to error state
 sm-mta[36460]: nAKBJxPa036460: Milter: initialization failed, temp failing 
 sm-mta[36464]: nAKBK19G036464: Milter (mimedefang): local socket name 
 /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock unsafe
 sm-mta[36464]: nAKBK19G036464: Milter (mimedefang): to error state
 sm-mta[36464]: nAKBK19G036464: Milter: initialization failed, temp failing 

These messages come from sendmail as it can't find the socket which has just 
been removed by
stop command. I never ran Free BSD systems but I am getting this impression 
that stop and start
have problems. May be stop is taking time to clean things up. When you are 
rebooting the machine,
stop may not have finished things up and while starting up, start shows 
those error messages.
Try this, before rebooting the machine, manually stop mimedefang and wait 5 
secs or so and then reboot
the machine. See what happens while start up. Also, please see below.

 A stop with a short delay, then another start seems to do the trick.
  What are the other related services like clamav or other anti virus running 
 your host? Any other memory intensive application running?
 Nothing serious is running.  Not even clam as a daemon.
  When you compiled mimedefang, did it show any error/warning message(s)?
 Not much to see, although, from the config, this could be interesting:
 checking if it is safe to destroy and recreate a Perl interpreter... Bus 
 (core dumped)
 During compile time, I found this:
 ./embperl.c: In function 'make_embedded_interpreter':
 ./embperl.c:72: warning: passing argument 2 of 'Perl_sys_init3' from 
 incompatible pointer type

Regarding the core dumped and the above two warn. messages during config and
compile time, please see the EMBEDDING PERL section in the 
man page. What were your options in ./configure command?

 Jeffrey Moskot
 System Administrator
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-- Aniruddha Barua.

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Re: [Mimedefang] recording mimedefang actions

2009-11-19 Thread Aniruddha Barua
- Original Message 

 From: Cliff Hayes
 Sent: Thu, November 19, 2009 12:13:34 PM
 Subject: [Mimedefang] recording mimedefang actions
 I am writing to a database from filter_end in mimedefang-filter.  I just
 realized that I am missing actions taken by other subroutines.  For example,
 if mimedefang drops a message due to a bad extension, my database is unaware
 and thinks the mail got through, when in fact it was dropped with warning.
 Is there a global variable which stores drop/reject actions taken by other

It's better, you write your own subroutine(s) for recording actions to the 
database according
to your needs and call from the other subroutines.

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Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang fails to start upon reboot

2009-11-18 Thread Aniruddha Barua
- Original Message 

 From: jef moskot
 Sent: Wed, November 18, 2009 4:24:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang fails to start upon reboot
 On Tue, 17 Nov 2009, Paul Murphy wrote:
  ulimit -a  /tmp/mimedefang.$$
  Reboot the system, let MIMEdefang fail, then restart it manually, and 
 the outputs from the two processes - there will be two files in /tmp, one 
 the initial startup, and one from the manual startup.
 The files are identical.  I will email you the specifics.
  Just to clarify, when you restart the process manually, I presume you are 
 using something like /etc/init.d/mimedefang restart rather than killing the 
 processes and then running mimdefang-multiplexor from the command line?
 Right.  Although the issue I mentioned previously is still there (I was wrong 
 when I thought that it had gone away), in that restart does not work.  I have 
 do a stop, wait around 5 seconds, then do another start. Then it works fine.

When mimedefang is working fine after this manual stop, 5 sec wait and start, 
what happens
when you restart it again? Does it still show the error messages or other 
problematic signs?

 I believe that's always been the case, and seems to be an issue at least not 
 directly related to whatever is causing the script to fail upon reboot.

What are the other related services like clamav or other anti virus running in 
your host? Any
other memory intensive application running?

  I suspect [perl.core] will report the same memory allocation errors, and 
  not a 
 lot more.
 OK, thanks.

When you compiled mimedefang, did it show any error/warning message(s)?

 Jeffrey Moskot
 System Administrator
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Re: [Mimedefang] Email in Korean language becomes clutterd and unreadable when received.

2009-11-11 Thread Aniruddha Barua
Sorry, the headers are unavailable. The Korean buyer left a few days ago. 
Before leaving, he had switched to
his domain's SMTP server for further correspondences. His Operating System (Win 
XP) was entirely set in
Korean language.
However, I have some lines from Spamassasin report:

 3.2 CHARSET_FARAWAY_HEADER A foreign language charset used in headers
 1.0 BAYES_60   BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 60 to 80%
[score: 0.7083]
 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE   BODY: HTML included in message
 1.8 MIME_BASE64_TEXT   RAW: Message text disguised using base64 encoding
 2.5 MIME_CHARSET_FARAWAY   MIME character set indicates foreign language
Someday other Korean or Chinese or Japanese people will visit our customers and 
send mails using our SMTP.
So, need to be prepared. Where/how do I set charset in mimedefang configuration?

- Original Message 
From: Andrzej Adam Filip
Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 12:38:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] Email in Korean language becomes clutterd and 
unreadable when received.

Aniruddha Barua wrote:
 One Korean buyer was visiting a Garments factory in Chittagong,
 BANGLADESH. He sent an email in Korean Language to his office in Seoul
 using our SMTP server running MIMEDefang 2.67 + sendmail + clamav. The
 email successfully
 reaches the destination mailbox but when the recipient opens the
 message, he/she finds the entire message to be cluttered and
 unreadable. When the sender sends Korean messages using the same server
 running without the MIMEDefang, the message is readable.

 Need help to configure MIMEDefang for Korean and foreign language
 support or to solve the problem otherwise.

Could you post headers of both messages?

Suspect number one:
Lack of declaration of charset used by sending client. The recipients
most likely can guess right *missing* declaration but if any smtp sender
between fills missing charset the guessing fails.

[plen: Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip :
The only problem with seeing too much is that it makes you insane.
  -- Phaedrus
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Re: [Mimedefang] new install

2009-11-10 Thread Aniruddha Barua
You also need to copy the file redhat/mimedefang-sysconfig from mimedefang 
source directory to /etc/sysconfig/mimedefang file. Then restart mimedefang 

--Aniruddha Barua.

- Original Message 
Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 12:07:09 AM
Subject: [Mimedefang] new install

Ive installed mimedefang sucessfully.  Its installed on a redhat dist.  I 
copied the redhat init script to /etc/init.d and tried to get it to start.  I 
get an error message that says:
Starting mimedefang-multiplexor: ERROR: You must not run mimedefang-multiplexor 
as root.
Use the -U option to set a non-root user.
Starting mimedefang: ERROR: You must not run mimedefang as root.
Use the -U option to set a non-root user.

Can someone help me with the syntax of the init file so it will start 
mimedefang as a user named defang?  Ive been reading throught the readme and 
man pages, but dont seem to be able to wrap my brain around the syntax.



--Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of moral
crisis, preserved their neutrality.
-- Dante

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