[Mimedefang] Mimedefang dropping mail discard with no reason in log file - mail relay from hostname.roaringpenguin.com

2015-03-05 Thread Jon Rowlan
I have a curious problem that email from a domain to a domain hosted by
us is being discarded with no reason given.

Their email when relayed via a separate relay server, which it looks
like protected by CanIt, comes through ok, its only the one relay server
that seems to be met with discard.

The gist of the messages in my log are:

Mar  5 16:36:15 ant sm-mta[3694]: t25GaFwa003694: Milter (mimedefang):
init success to negotiate
Mar  5 16:36:15 ant sm-mta[3694]: t25GaFwa003694: Milter: connect to
Mar  5 16:36:15 ant sm-mta[3694]: t25GaFwa003694: milter=mimedefang,
action=connect, continue
Mar  5 16:36:16 ant sm-mta[3694]: t25GaFwa003694: milter=mimedefang,
action=helo, continue
Mar  5 16:36:16 ant sm-mta[3694]: t25GaFwa003694: milter=mimedefang,
action=mail, continue
Mar  5 16:36:16 ant sm-mta[3694]: t25GaFwa003694: ruleset=check_rcpt,
 relay=hostname.roaringpenguin.com [x.x.x.x], discard
Mar  5 16:36:17 ant sm-mta[3694]: t25GaFwa003694: Milter (mimedefang):
abort filter
Mar  5 16:36:17 ant sm-mta[3694]: t25GaFwa003694: Milter accept: message
Mar  5 16:36:17 ant sm-mta[3694]: t25GaFwa003694: discarded

I think I should get a little more detail than this should I not?

Does anyone have any thoughts? 

Does MD not like receiving from other MD servers  have they had a
falling out or just not talking to each other :-)


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[Mimedefang] md_check_against_smtp_server

2014-12-30 Thread Jon Rowlan
I'd like to thank everyone who replied to my recent query regarding

The end result is now working beautfifully and inspired by the replies I
am looking into caching the lookup results.

I'd like to wish everyone here seasons felicitations.

All the best for 2015 !



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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang Notification

2014-12-15 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi Matt ..

 Did you restart mimedefang after you added the defang user to your
special group?
The user was already in the group

 Does your special group have rx access to all the dirs above your
mailertable files?
Just r, not rx

 Do you have selinux enabled?  That can interfere with file access,
even if the permissions look right.
No, I had heard about that before .. but not in this case

If I execute

chmod ugo+r mailerlookuptable.db

then it all works


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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang Notification

2014-12-14 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Log what is in all the variables without if conditions, e.g.

 md_syslog('warning', mailerlookuptable result was

 md_syslog('warning', JWR00115 I am host $host checking recipient
$rcpt_addr against server $1 for domain $domain with arg=$1);

 That should be diagnostic.

Good call Joseph,

It was a permissions issue on the mailerlookuptable that I created. I
created it the same way as I do with mailertable and the permissions are
the same. I am opening the file read only.

As far as I can see the 5th position permission is set to r so the
members of the group owning the file is correct and mimedefang is run as
a user in that group but it wasn't until I chmod'd to 777 that my code
all sprung to life (only temporary 777 you understand!).

I had assumed that the reason I wasn't previously getting anything back
(I had tried the suggested output previously) is because the expression
didn't return a value ...

So now I am confused as to why the permissions are not sufficient ...
indeed I can't open mailertable either from MD.

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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang Notification

2014-12-13 Thread Jon Rowlan
 I'm not fully sure of your overall goal, but if your question is about
a regex to parse your sample 
 line above, then how about something generally like this:

 my $line = Domain.com  esmtp:[]:[];
 my ( $domain, $proto, $relays ) = ( $line =~
m/^(\S+)\s+(e?smtp)(:.+)$/i ); my @relays = ( $relays =~ 
 m/:\[([^]]+)\]/g );

Hi Matt, 

This has been driving me nuts all day

I first tried to replace Larry's Regex with yours directly thus:

if( $mailerlookuptable{$domain} =~ m/^(\S+)\s+(e?smtp)(:.+)$/i ) {

And it simply failed to work although using your code directly in an
external PL script worked fine.

I then reverted to Larry's exact regex which I am positive worked last
week but now fails completely.

At first I thought that maybe there was a problem with not using Untie
but a reboot of the sever makes no difference.

In my filter initialize I have:

require DB_File;
use Fcntl;
tie %mailerlookuptable, DB_File,
/etc/mail/mailerlookuptable.db, O_RDONLY;
md_syslog('warning', JWR00115 open return);

In filter_recipient I have my own personal domain for testing purposes
like this:

if (index(lc $rcpt_addr,'rowlan.co.uk') != -1) {

($user,$domain) = split /\@/, $rcpt_addr;
md_syslog('warning', JWR00115 checking user $user
against domain $domain);

# m = match operator
# to be matched between //
# trailing i = case insensitive
# ^ beginning of line symbol
# () grouping together
# \S = match non whitespace character
# + = one or more times
# \s = match whitespace character
# ? = match 1 or 0 times
# $ = end of line ... i.e. the text has to end at the
end of line, we are looking for EOL

# temporarily remmed 
# if( $mailerlookuptable{$domain} =~
m/^(\S+)\s+(e?smtp)(:.+)$/i ) {

$host = hostname;

if( $mailerlookuptable{$domain} =~ /^smtp:\[(.+)\]/ ){
md_syslog('warning', JWR00115 I am host $host
checking recipient $rcpt_addr against server $1 for domain $domain with
   # don't do anything for real yet
# return md_check_against_smtp_server($sender,
$rcpt_addr, $host, $1);
return (CONTINUE, OK);
} else {
md_syslog('warning', JWR00115 not matched);
return (CONTINUE, OK);


And I always get the not matched message.

Am I either going mad or doing something silly? I am sure that I am
suffering from code blindness !



p.s. Regex ... ouch ! Hard work indeed !!! :-)

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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang Notification

2014-12-11 Thread Jon Rowlan
Thanks Anne, it looks I have some reading to do this weekend!

Much obliged.



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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang Notification

2014-12-11 Thread Jon Rowlan
Thanks Matt, I will try this out at the weekend when things are



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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang Notification

2014-12-09 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi all,

In a post back in 2011 Larry Starr referred to using 


to verify email addresses ahead.


in this he has this line:

if( $relaydomains{$domain} =~ /^smtp:\[(.+)\]/){

This reads a the value of a hash, it essentially takes the square
bracketed mailertable entry to interpret the server to contact to check
for a valid user.

This works fine for 1 destination server but in some environments there
may be a number of servers available to authenticate against, an MS
Exchange network for example may have multiple Hub Transport servers.

I wanted to extend this to include multiple MX which are defined thus:

Domain.com  esmtp:[]:[]

And I thought that I had correctly figured the regex required would be:


By taking out the escaped close square bracket then the match should be
for a string that begins


With an undetermined number of any characters on the end.

Then the plan was to split based upon the colon character.

I have been unable to get this to work and trying to use DB_File in the
way I would normally treat hash tables and disk files keeps telling me
that my code is not blessed  which I wold have thought is something
that I would hear about in church!

Has anyone managed to extend this excellent logic, which works perfectly
for single MX, to allow for multiple MX ?

Many thanks all,

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Re: [Mimedefang] Process SPF checking for certain recipient domains

2014-07-25 Thread Jon Rowlan
Thanks Ged.

That is helpful although for some odd reason I feel very much told off

I should have added that I checked the sender domains and they all had
SPF in place which is why I was tempted to try using the SPF mechanism.

I have tried using hosts.deny but that doesn't seem to work for me,
iptables may well be something to look at as you say.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Process SPF checking for certain recipient domains

2014-07-24 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi Steffen, thanks for replying ..

 In filter_begin() you know sender and all recipients, there you can
deploy the different checks.

 However, what will do if one recipient checks and another one does not
and the message is to reject? You either need to silentliy discard the
message for some recipients or generate bounce messages.

There will not be any cross contamination between domains. So a message
will be for someone at one customer domain and a number of their users
but not for other domains that I host. In reality I only need to check
the first recipient.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Process SPF checking for certain recipient domains

2014-07-24 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi Ged, I am not sure that I was that imprecise.

 If you say so.  But if you actually explain the problem rather than
your own suggested solution (which  just creates more problems), then
there's a good chance we might be able to help you better.

The problem is that some domains that I host on my mail server I want a
harsher protection than others. In this particular case, a certain set
of recipients have received bombardments of email from a set of IP's and
they complain about two or three hundred emails in a day coming into
their mail box. They would suffer the consequences of an SPF protected
mail server (innocent senders are blocked because they don't use SPF and
mail bounces) because they would see less spam, whereas other clients
want to see all email and will not tolerate too many bounces from their

I want to selectively use SPF for some domains and not others for the
purposes of the functionality that SPF offers. I want to tune this
depending on the client domain.

 Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on this please?

 Stop digging.

Digging for what? Answers, I thought that was the point of asking?


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[Mimedefang] Process SPF checking for certain recipient domains

2014-07-23 Thread Jon Rowlan
I have been looking though k/b articles but can find no real help on
whether its possible to SPF check certain recipient domains?

I would like certain domains that we accept mail for to use SPF but not
on others.

Is the only option to install an SPF sendmail/MD server and a separate
non SPF one?

Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on this please?

Thanks all

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Re: [Mimedefang] Get the name of the AV scanning engine used

2014-05-05 Thread Jon Rowlan
 I have been trawling through mimedefang.pl and I can see where it
enumerates the AV engines list.
 But I would like to be able to identify the actual engine used that
detected the virus.
 I can't see that its in the $Scanner object that is used to actually
run the scan.
 Can anyone guide me please is this even possible or does MD discard
the name of the engine?

I have just discovered that I do not actually have clamscan on my
server, I have only got clamdscan and that would appear to mean that
clamd is being used. Features also tells me it is:

Archive::Zip  : yes
HTML::Parser  : yes
Net::DNS  : yes
Path:CONFDIR  : yes (/etc)
Path:QUARANTINEDIR: yes (/var/spool/MIMEDefang)
Path:SENDMAIL : yes (/usr/sbin/sendmail)
Path:SPOOLDIR : yes (/var/spool/MIMEDefang)
Virus:CLAMD   : yes (/usr/sbin/clamd)

But I would really like to know the name of the scan engine from MD so
that I can stamp my email with the engine used todetect a virus.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me with this posting to

Thanks all,


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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-05-05 Thread Jon Rowlan

On Mon, 28 Apr 2014, Jon Rowlan wrote:

Clamdscan works fine at the command line, its just that I am struggling

to get the clam scan of any kind working via the socket.

Did you configure MIMEdefang somehow to use that socket?

This is my /etc/mail/mimedefang.pl.conf on a debian server:

- 8 ---
# Mimedefang configuration file
# This file is a perl file which gets 'require'd from mimedefang # You
can set the virus-scanner paths etc.
# See mimedefang.pl

$Features{'Path:QUARANTINEDIR'} = '/var/spool/MD-Quarantine';
$Features{'Virus:CLAMAV'} = '/usr/bin/clamscan';
$Features{'Virus:CLAMD'} = 1; $ClamdSock = '/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl';

# DO NOT delete the next line, or Perl will complain.
- 8 ---

Debian modified /usr/bin/mimedefang.pl to 'require' this file.

I have just discovered that I do not have clamscan on my server but
clamdscan appears to work from the command line.

So I think that means that I have a correctly configured daemonised clam
install and clamdscan will using the socket I presume?

Thanks Kees,


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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-05-04 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Did you configure MIMEdefang somehow to use that socket?

 This is my /etc/mail/mimedefang.pl.conf on a debian server:

Thanks Kees, I have that file, I will try this out.

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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-28 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Well, if you'll be scanning any significant amount of email, you'll
definitely want to get clamd up  running.  
 Although MIMEdefang is able to find and use the stand-alone
command-line scanner (clamscan), that 
 would be much less desirable than having clamd up, allowing MD to talk
directly to 
 the clamd socket.  This would save a lot of overhead for each scan.

Clamdscan works fine at the command line, its just that I am struggling
to get the clam scan of any kind working via the socket.

 Nels wrote in another reply that your version of MD does not have the
-G option, so the advice I gave 
 Friday might not work.  You might have to make clamd run as the defang
user.  To do this, 
 you'd have to edit your clamd.conf and your freshclam.conf, as well as
checking the 
 permissions of your clamav database directory.

What does the -G do, I wonder whether I should upgrade to get the latest
and greatest. But initially I want to get a distro version working ...

Thanks Matt,


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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-26 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Yes.  All you have to do is add the clamav user to the defang group,
and make sure your MIMEdefang spool dir has permissions equivalent to
 drwxr-x--- 9 defang defang 260 2014-04-25 15:36 /var/spool/MIMEDefang/

I did that and cannot get the daemonised clam working as there still
seems to be a permissions issue but I see that the command line clamav
is running fine and picking up EiCar. That's good, I presume that is

 I also use the -G option for MIMEdefang, but I can't remember if it's
I can't find any reference to -G in man of mimedefang,
mimedefang-multiplexor or mimedefang-filter.

 If you have selinux enabled, you may have other issues.  But I always
disable it.
apparently (as far as I can see from articles I have found) selinux is
installed in Debian Wheezy but disabled.

Thanks Matt!


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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-25 Thread Jon Rowlan
You are a star Steffen, thank you.

I was getting very close to this with my hacking, its interesting to see
how to use Perl outside of MD.

This script creates entries in mail.log fine.

Apr 25 11:03:47  mimedefang.pl[23318]: Unix::Syslog TEST warning
Apr 25 11:03:47  mimedefang.pl[23318]: Sys::Syslog TEST info
Apr 25 11:03:47  mimedefang.pl[23318]: Sys::Syslog TEST warning

But MD does not, is there a logging level setting somewhere that I am

Thanks again for the code ... much appreciated.


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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-25 Thread Jon Rowlan
It seems that my interpretation of the symptoms is incorrect.

It wasn't that md_syslog was not working ... more that my filter was in
the wrong place and never called!

Can someone please confirm, is it possible to remove the block of text
added by MD which has the link to the MD web site
http://www.roaringpenguin.com/mimedefang/enduser.php3 ?

I prefer the previous version generic message.

Thanks for the help all,

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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-25 Thread Jon Rowlan
Please ignore me. Silly question, I was not looking in the right place.


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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-25 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Previous?  You're running MD 2.71 which is quite previous, itself.

Yes, sadly I am using a Debian Distro, it's a little disappointing to
think that I bite the bullet and go for the very latest Wheezy which
in the last few months went from unstable to stable (i.e. very latest)
and MD that is part of it is 4 years old!

Its difficult to assess just how much has happened in 4 years ...

Should I go for a compile my own do you think Matt?

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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-25 Thread Jon Rowlan
I am very tempted to try a source compile once I have a stable platform
on my live server.

One thing that seems to still hamper me is the permissions issues I get.

I like to use MD / SA / Clam.

I still suffer on my old servers with Freshclam and the fact that some
of the clam Daemons are run as user Defang.

What I would like to do is standardise the combination.

Is it possible to add defang and clamav users to a group and apply group
permissions so these can all talk happily together rather than me have
to change .conf file username settings ..

So that I can update each package independantly and quickly integrate? I
could write a single script to set folder perms for the group permission

Does anyone have any up and running faster tips for this scenario?


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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-24 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Maybe you mimmick / test syslog with the code of mimedefang.pl and
see where the logs are going. Maybe you need to enabled the tag or
everything  is in same generic log file.

I am struggling to get this working, whilst I am happy with my basic
knowledge of Perl fiddling with the filter, I am not knowledgable enough
about Perl to test the use of SysLogD. Everything I have tried just
doesn't work.

Can anyone give me a snippet or two that will test the two types of
syslog that I may have in place, it would really help me out as I am
very keen to get MD working so I can get my relat in place.

Thanks all.

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[Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-23 Thread Jon Rowlan
I am rather embarrassed to say that after years of using MD, I have
recently decided to bite the bullet and install a new Debian version and
update all the associated tools that I use and for the life of me I
cannot get md_syslog to work.

I am not sure whether there are any tools to debug perl that I can
usefully use in a text based SSH putty window so I use md_syslog for
trace output in my other servers.

I have this set in sendmail.mc

define(`confMILTER_LOG_LEVEL', 14)dnl
define(`confLOG_LEVEL', 14)

I have the library



Somewhere there is a setting eluding me I am sure but I am damned if I
can find it !

Can anyone please advise?

Many thanks


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Re: [Mimedefang] md_syslog not working Mimedefang 2.71

2014-04-23 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Might be a stupid question, but anyway: are you sure that you have a
syslog daemon installed.

Not really a stupid question Kees, I hadn't checked that :-)

I am using Wheezy and this is a clean new install and not an upgrade. 
Syslogd is a virtual package as far as I can tell from Aptitude. It's
the only thing listed when I search for sysklogd.

ps reports that I have rsyslogd running ..

2004 1  0 Apr23 ?00:00:00 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -c5

I get basic mail.log logging ok, just not the md_syslog extra detail
which is why I raised logging level for Milters and sendmail.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Best place to collect Sender, Recipient and Server IP on a single log line

2014-03-16 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi Paul,

I thought that filter_recipient would be the best place but my
filter_recipient doesn't seem to get called. I think I wrote the
function some years ago but never set the trigger up.

Back to the man I think :-)

Many thanks for the feedback, that's a very useful explanation I will
keep for reference.


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[Mimedefang] Best place to collect Sender, Recipient and Server IP on a single log line

2014-03-15 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi all,

I want to collect the sender, recipient and IP of the sending server in
a single line in my log file.

I don't seem to have the recipient in the arguments to filter_sender and
I don't really want to turn on filter_recipient

And for servers listed to allow relay in access MD does not seem to run

I want to be able to quickly grep a list of sender, recipient and IP so
that I can filter by IP and quickly see a flood without having to hunt
through mail.log for the separate from and to events.

Can someone please suggest the best position for this code?


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Re: [Mimedefang] Can I get MimeDefang to email alert me when a customer server is on an RBL

2014-02-26 Thread Jon Rowlan
 If the spam is being relayed out through your filter, your IP address
is likely to be the one that will get blacklisted.  It will 
 be seen as the source of the spam.  You might want to look into rate
limiting your customers as well as scanning the messages.

To a certain extent that is already being done but these are small
emails and they typically go out on a Saturday and even rate limiting
still sees a hell of a lot of mail going out.

It just makes sense for me to RBL check the sending servers because that
is where the problem is and indeed we are finding these sending servers
listed on RBL servers - ours does not seem to get blacklisted.

One of our ISP's is able to notify us when there is an issue from one of
our client ISP's and we jump on and clean up the infection. I'd just
like to do the same at my server.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Can I get MimeDefang to email alert me when a customer server is on an RBL

2014-02-25 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Leading question: Do you test outbound email for spam?

I use sendmail/md/sa/clam to test for inbound, I actually don't know
whether any checks are performed on the outgoing by this combination of
systems, I would have thought that some check are made on mail going out
as well as in.

The systems relaying are a disparate bunch of customer servers. Windows

Occasionally we find a compromise and have to clean up but I am looking
for ways to clean up far sooner and if possible to fix and block an
impending flood before or as it happens.

What I realised is that an entry in my Access table that allows relay
though my servers does not check RBL.


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[Mimedefang] Can I get MimeDefang to email alert me when a customer server is on an RBL

2014-02-22 Thread Jon Rowlan
I'd like to get MD to email an alert to postmaster when one of my
customer relay servers is featured on an RBL list. I use

Currently if I allow a relay from a customer server, no RBL check is
done and it can be some time later that I discover I have been spammed

Is this possible, I can't see any k/b articles to suggest how I might go
about this.

There are scripts that I can run to test a bunch of IP's but I would
rather this be alerted at the point when a client server wants to relay
through mine.

Thanks all,


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Re: [Mimedefang] Requeue failed messages

2012-10-18 Thread Jon Rowlan

 By dumping them directly into Outlook express (drag/drop) I get a 
 pretty good rendering but there are some anomalies with the text.

 Just don't go there.  Outlook will completely mangle your mail beyond

 You need the original RFC-822 format message and the original envelope
senders.  Those are only available  if you use

Yes, Outlook express and Outlook do. However, I was curious as I have
used the method to place the mails into the IMAP server for Squirrelmail
to collect and no users have complained of corruption. Yesterday I
placed the mails into the IMAP folders and they were all displaying
perfectly with all attachments intact. I simply forwarded them to my
email account and onto the users concerned. Just in case anyone needs to
do this in future that seems to work a treat.

 how would I then re-queue the email?

 You would use UNIX tools like sed, awk and grep to extract the sender
and recipient list and then use 
 something like:


Got it, thanks Dave, much obliged one and all.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Requeue failed messages

2012-10-18 Thread Jon Rowlan
 them to my email account and onto the users concerned. Just in case 
 anyone needs to do this in future that seems to work a treat.

 It's not a question of corruption.  It's a question of identifying

 Sorry to beat a dead horse but I want to make sure others know that
they really have to use the action to 
 quarantine the entire message.  And I hope you've changed your filters
to using it!

Understood Kevin, I certainly will do just that, it will be cleaner. But
I am wondering whether using the quarantine function will effectively
block the delivery for normal mail or whether that will only happen if I
follow that with a REJECT or whatever.

If its simply an alternative to INPUTMSG it will be easy to replace.



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[Mimedefang] Requeue failed messages

2012-10-16 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi all,

I have had a bit of a disaster befall me.

Recently a customers primary and secondary MX went offline and mail

For some time I have provided a fallback for when MX's are offline by
using MD to copy the INPUTMSG to a mailstore for hosted mail and then I
can use Squirrelmail to make this mail available for my customers to

What I need to do here is to inject a number of emails back into the
sendmail queue to allow them to be delivered.

In the past I have tried to find ways to process these files but cannot
remember whether I:

a) saved them as MSG files
b) saved them as EML file (my customers use M$ outlook/express)
c) put them into the pickup on a Windows SMTP server
d) drag them into a PST from the disk as either EML or MSG

or I seem to have a scripts that runs:

cat $1 | sendmail -v -t

but nothing seems to work, not even this script which I am sure must
have worked once ...

Can anyone guide me on a definitive way to get the files created by MD

I know its slightly off topic but the guys on this list have always
seemed friendly and helpful and it is sort of on topic as the files are
created with MD.

Can anyone help?

Many thanks all,


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Re: [Mimedefang] Requeue failed messages

2012-10-16 Thread Jon Rowlan
By dumping them directly into Outlook express (drag/drop) I get a pretty
good rendering but there are some anomalies with the text.

For example:

...? I visited =ite twice

isn't quite right but is just about understandable.

But for the most part the email is readable.

Squirrel Mail translates these perfectly, they just work.

I detect the domain when storing mail.

I can use grep to identify the recipients.

If I were to use something along the lines


how would I then re-queue the email?

I understand that with Sendmail I am missing the queue control file ..


-Original Message-
From: mimedefang-boun...@lists.roaringpenguin.com
[mailto:mimedefang-boun...@lists.roaringpenguin.com] On Behalf Of Kevin
A. McGrail
Sent: 16 October 2012 21:40
To: mimedefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com
Cc: Joseph Brennan
Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] Requeue failed messages

On 10/16/2012 4:13 PM, Joseph Brennan wrote:

 The first thing that I wonder about is how you will determine the 
 recipient to deliver to.  Sendmail -t will parse the To and Cc headers

 but they need not correspond to the recipient.  I think the recipient 
 can be parsed from the COMMANDS file if you save that.

 But the same question arises for the Squirrelmail access too, so maybe

 you have sorted the mail by recipient as it comes in.  In that case if

 you know the recipient, something like

 sendmail u...@host.tld  messagefile

 might be what you want.  That won't set the sender address unless you 
 do some more work to extract it from Return-Path and feed that on 
 command line too.

 I've never attempted this type of mail manipulation so I can only 
 offer first thoughts. I wonder whether ANYONE else has tried your

I think you needed to have used the function
action_quarantine_entire_message() to correctly perform this.  I believe

INPUTMSG is incomplete as Joseph points out.   It won't necessarily give

you the recipients.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Mail Admin Question

2012-08-17 Thread Jon Rowlan
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 13:05:36 -0400
wbr...@e1b.org wrote:

 Lately, my attitude runs towards Just because you can install 
 Exchange doesn't mean you know what you're doing.

Proficiency at installing Exchange is *inversely* correlated with

Wow ... where did all this come from?

As I run exchange and sendmail/MD systems I thought I would see why the
exchange bods were being bashed again ...

Someone has obviously had a pretty bad time with an Exchange dodo ... 

This seems to have come from nowhere (at least as far as I can see in
this thread)

Did I miss something?


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Re: [Mimedefang] Mail Admin Question

2012-08-17 Thread Jon Rowlan
Well some of us are not quite so stupid as we choose
Linux/Sendmail/MimeDefang/SpamAssassin as well as Exchange.

It's a case of horses for courses ..

For usability, I have never seen anything that competes with Outlook
integrated with Exchange for workgroup collaboration.

For relaying email I prefer SM/MD/SA for speed, protection and

But you have to consider that not everyone wants to spend their whole
life tweaking various settings in various config files.

Most small businesses simply want to use what they can that will allow
their users to integrate with their chosen word processor or spreadsheet
on their chosen desktop system best.

I manage a whole load of mail accounts so I have the time and
inclination to tweak but most of my customers don't.

We give them Exchange because it integrates with their desktop apps and
I relay mail for them because its fast and can be tweaked easily.

I can see the benefits of both sides, my question was simply, why is
there an assumption that the problem is caused by a badly managed
Exchange system?

I didn't mean to stir up a hornets nest.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Mail Admin Question

2012-08-17 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Curiosity question for Todd and Jon,

 At this point in the game with people moving to very web based mail
operation, are there any compelling reasons are there to stick with 
  Exchange in the future? (other than legacy setup and a new learning

  And have your companies considered moving to cloud services like


Ok, well closed thread now but I would say ...

When my clients drop the use of Office applications, Windows 7 OS then
yes, I would consider suggesting a move to Gmail (I have my own google
apps account)

Fact of the matter is Micro$oft is master of this arena which is why
Google is not (yet) winning that battle.


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Re: [Mimedefang] MD and ClamAV

2010-07-22 Thread Jon Rowlan
 What would be the preferred and recommended way to use ClamAV with

 None, I guess, because it all depends on your situation.

 They both need to use or have access to a .sock

 Not only that, they need to have access to the same files to scan,
namely the spool directory of Mimedefang, where the Work dirs are 

 So should I run Clam as defang or change perms so that both Clam and

 If you use ClamAV for Mimedefang only, I would recommend the defang 
 method. It also does not hurt to relocate the ClamAV socket into the
Mimedefang dir.

 I would really like to know others ideas of how to make these two

 I guess chmod 777 is not a good idea :-)

 It won't help scanning files.

 IMHO, you can also think about running ClamAV as root, esp. if it is a
dedicated server.

Great thanks Stephen, I am not a million miles away with my standard

Good to know someone else agrees with me though :-)



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[Mimedefang] MimeDefang 2.69

2010-07-21 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi all,

I am trying to get MD up and running on the testing version of Debian,
this includes 2,69 of MD.

I am seeing two problems ..

First off a line in the startup script includes ..


This is resolving as

echo -y 0

and I get an error:

/etc/init.d/mimedefang: 425: echo -y 0: not found

I think this is a new item as I can't find any articles that refer to
this variable.

Also, if I have a script that runs this:

/etc/init.d/mimedefang force-reload
/etc/init.d/sendmail reload

I get an error that suggests that the MD multiplexor is not yet ready

Reloading Mail Transport Agent (MTA): sendmailWARNING: Xmimedefang:
local socket name /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock missing

Whereas if I wait a few seconds this last error does not occur.

Is it ok to sleep just after md reload and sendmail reload and is the
echo -y 0 error anything to worry about.

Everything seems to be running fine.

Thanks all,


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[Mimedefang] MD and ClamAV

2010-07-21 Thread Jon Rowlan
What would be the preferred and recommended way to use ClamAV with MD?

They both need to use or have access to a .sock

So should I run Clam as defang or change perms so that both Clam and MD
can talk to the same directory or indeed move the location of the Clam
AV .sock?

I would really like to know others ideas of how to make these two hang

I guess chmod 777 is not a good idea :-)

Thanks all,


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Re: [Mimedefang] Problem with Microsoft Calendar Items

2010-07-12 Thread Jon Rowlan

 Or you can apply this patch to mimedefang.pl.  (I pulled it out of
git; it may or may not apply cleanly  to your version.)  The patch is
actually against mimdefang.pl.in, but just change all occurences of that
 to mimedefang.pl to get it to apply.

I'll give it a try, much obliged David.



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Re: [Mimedefang] Problem with Microsoft Calendar Items

2010-07-12 Thread Jon Rowlan
 Or you can apply this patch to mimedefang.pl.  (I pulled it out of
git; it may or may not apply cleanly  to your version.)  The patch is
actually against mimdefang.pl.in, but just change all occurences of that
 to mimedefang.pl to get it to apply.

I think I have it applied David, although I am a bit concerned that the
patch file seems to be describing more that the changes that seem to
have been applied.

If I now diff the files (old and new) I get

diff mimedefang.pl mimedefang.pl.orig
 my($disposition) = $in-head-mime_attr(Content-Disposition);
   $in-head-mime_attr(Content-Disposition = $disposition);

However, the problem still occurs.

I believe that this is in the rebuild_entity function, is it possible
that you could forward me just that piece of code so I can do a manual

If at all possible ... unless the fix is more widespread than that.

Many thanks,



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Re: [Mimedefang] Problem with Microsoft Calendar Items

2010-07-11 Thread Jon Rowlan

Jon Rowlan wrote:

 We are finding that the calendar meeting invitations are coming 
 through as attachments and text rather that the functional item with 
 accept/decline buttons.

 Did you not see my response on comp.mail.sendmail?

Sorry David, I don't seem to have received my email from the sendmail
group, I will check it out.

 This is very likely a pre-2.68 MIMEDefang bug.  Using the latest
version of MIMEDefang should fix 
 the problem.

I don't know what version I am currently using but I will take a look.

Many thanks,


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Re: [Mimedefang] Problem with Microsoft Calendar Items

2010-07-11 Thread Jon Rowlan
 This is very likely a pre-2.68 MIMEDefang bug.  Using the latest
version of MIMEDefang should fix 
 the problem.

It looks like I have an older version David,

My distro doesn't yet support that version of MD. Is there a workaround
that I can use? Can I add a condition to my filter whilst I wait for the
stable version in Debian?

Many thanks again for your help,

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[Mimedefang] Problem with Microsoft Calendar Items

2010-07-10 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi all,

I posted on the sendmail site but I have read a number of articles that
state quite simply that sendmail is simply an MTA so I am not sure that
the problem could be related to sendmail.

We use sendmail and MD to relay mail for a number of customers that have
M$ exchange servers.

We are finding that the calendar meeting invitations are coming through
as attachments and text rather that the functional item with
accept/decline buttons.

Does anyone know whether this is caused by MD changing headers or at
least how I stop this from happening?

Many thanks all,


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Re: [Mimedefang] MD Quarantine Management

2009-11-24 Thread Jon Rowlan
Some interesting scripts there Jonas, however, cpan no longer lists
html::sanitizer, are you using an old copy or have you switched to
something like html::scrubber ?

If you haven't switched, do you know where I might find the sanitizer? 



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Re: [Mimedefang] MD Quarantine Management

2009-11-23 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi Paul,

I changed the perms on the quarantine directory a while back using the
command published in the original post and sendmail died as it reported
(I think this was the error) that the directory was world writeable.

It was a while back now.

So I decided that as I didn't need immediate access to quarantined items
on a minute to minute basis, I would copy the quarantine dirs to
somewhere else.

Running quarantine.pl as root and with the directories all owned by root
I still get directory permissions errors.

One thing I did notice was that my quarantine dirs are at
\var\spool\MIMEDefang and not the script default. Changing the two
scripts at the top of the config area to this still reported problems
and I discovered that the MD quarantine folder is hard coded further
down so I changed those too although the script says not to :-)

I was wondering whether I had the very latest versions of the scripts.

Can you point me in the direction of the latest versions please Paul?


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[Mimedefang] MD Quarantine Management

2009-11-21 Thread Jon Rowlan
Is anyone using Paul Murphy's MIMEDefang Quarantine Management scripts?

I see there is a BETA, did it ever get further than that, perhaps to

I am struggling to get past the point where the scripts tell me that
they are unable to access the quarantine directory.

I have moved a copy of the quarantine folders to a working dir, changed
perms, changed the script to point to this dir and it still refuses to
access the directory.

I wondered whether there might be some version a little more towards a
full release that may address these problems.

Many thanks all,


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Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang-filter did not return a true value at/usr/local/bin/mimedefang.pl line 5256

2009-05-20 Thread Jon Rowlan
 I added this to the bottom of /etc/mail/mimedefang-filter:

 if ($hits = $req) {
  action_add_header(X-Spam-Warning, Message may be spam);
  action_add_header(X-Spam-Status, Yes, hits=$hits required=$req);
  action_add_header(X-Spam-Report, $report);
 } else {
  action_add_header(X-Spam-Status, No);

I am not sure where exactly you have added this Cliff ..

But according to 

man mimedefang-filter

this can only be added to procedure filter_begin or filter_end


Jon Rowlan
Sytems Analysis Design  Support Limited


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[Mimedefang] Xmimedefang: local socket name problem

2009-05-14 Thread Jon Rowlan
I am just building up a new Debian server with the usual 
(MD/SA/Milter-ahead/Clam) and I have found a strange problem.

I have a reload script that ends with the following :

/etc/init.d/mimedefang force-reload
/etc/init.d/sendmail reload

If I run this then I get ..

Reloading Mail Transport Agent (MTA): sendmailWARNING: Xmimedefang: local 
socket name /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock missing

But if I REM out the last and run the script then run the sendmail reload line 
from the prompt it is fine.

A number of articles mention this problem and usually the answer is to check to 
see if sendmail and MD are running in which case its nothing to worry about. 

But I like my scripts to tell me the truth :-)

And I have also noticed that mimedefang has suddenly become Xmimedefang ... did 
I miss something there?

Any ideas anyone?



Jon Rowlan 
Sytems Analysis Design  Support Limited


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Re: [Mimedefang] Xmimedefang: local socket name problem

2009-05-14 Thread Jon Rowlan
 If I run this then I get ..
 Reloading Mail Transport Agent (MTA): sendmailWARNING: Xmimedefang: 
 local socket name /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock missing
 But if I REM out the last and run the script then run the sendmail reload 
 line from the prompt it is fine.

 You could try changing the reload script to; /etc/init.d/mimedefang 
 force-reload  /etc/init.d/sendmail reload
 That way sendmail won't start until the load of mimedefang is finished, 
 otherwise your script is trying to start sendmail before mimedefang has 
 completed its init.

I thought that might work Scott, but no joy I am afraid ...

Same problem .. :-(

Perhaps there is a Unix sleep that I can use? As I say, if I wait a bit and 
run the last line its fine??


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Re: [Mimedefang] which mimedefang.pl us used

2009-04-22 Thread Jon Rowlan
 EXCH1.central.ad.ucc.ie #5.7.1 smtp;554 5.7.1 domain of 
 jon.row...@sads.com does not designate as permitted

 This error looks like you sent from an address that isn't in your SPF record.

 Checking to see if there is a valid SPF record.

 Found v=spf1 record for sads.com
 v=spf1 mx ip4: ip4: ip4:
 ip4: -all

This must be an internal routing error at the roaringpenguin end surely?

My email was sent from and as you have seen my spf is set up ok.


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Re: [Mimedefang] which mimedefang.pl us used

2009-04-21 Thread Jon Rowlan

 A quick look at the man pages shows that you want the -f option of

I have checked that Rob,

The -f option seems to apply to which filter to use, not which
mimedefang.pl is used. One server calls mimedefang.pl from /etc/mail and
the other from /usr/bin

The mimedefang init.d script checks for $FILTER but nowhere do I set
this in the mimedefang.conf or init.d script

This is what has me stumped ..

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MIMEDefang mailing list MIMEDefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com

[Mimedefang] which mimedefang.pl us used

2009-04-20 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi all,

I have a bespoke mimedefang.pl script and because I want to keep all my
bespoke stuff in the one place I have this in /etc/mail (Debian)

In that way I can get a cpio dump of the /etc/mail directory emailed to
me each day as a backup using mutt.

I recently installed a new server and used standard practices to match
packages and copied my /etc/mail directory contents into place where

I couldn't work out why my mimedefang.pl did not seem to be working
until I realised that the one that was running was in /usr/bin.

I have checked the /etc/init.d/mimedefang startup script and the
mimedefang.conf script but cannot work out why one server uses
/etc/mail/mimedefang.pl and the other uses /usr/bin/mimedefang.pl

Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?

Jon Rowlan

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Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.roaringpenguin.com
MIMEDefang mailing list MIMEDefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com

Re: [Mimedefang] Unique identifier

2009-02-23 Thread Jon Rowlan
Many thanks all, I will get coding..


-Original Message-
From: mimedefang-boun...@lists.roaringpenguin.com
[mailto:mimedefang-boun...@lists.roaringpenguin.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: 20 February 2009 19:55
To: mimedefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com
Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] Unique identifier

Kevin wrote on 02/20/2009 01:13:21 PM:

 I've always used $QueueID as unique BUT I'm sure it has some
 not being random especially if you use more than one server.

QueueID plus hostname will take care of uniqueness as suggested by RFC

Which suggests an interesting idea to validate messages:

A DNS style verification of messages sent.  For example, the Message-ID
the message I am replying to shows:

Message-ID: c71c5f34d3fd4a82861fd18eef700...@peregrinehw.com

So, if I substitute a period for the @ do a DNS query for
C71C5F34D3FD4A82861FD18EEF700959.peregrinehw.com, their nameserver could
return a coded response that message did indeed originate from that
The Message-ID values would need to be kept for some minimum time period
before being flushed, perhaps seven to ten days.

Potential problems I can see:

1.  Load on DNS servers, which would need to delegate the query to the
actual mail server named in the message-id.

2.  Message-id would need to be immediately available from MTA to DNS
server for verification.  This could be mitigated if the mail server
the all or some of LHS of message-id on time, and queried message-ID
in the past few seconds, before actual used IDs are updated to DNS

3.  Obviously not effective until widely deployed.

On the positive side:

1. Unlike Domain Keys and other crypto-signature systems, requires no
central authority.

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message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.roaringpenguin.com
MIMEDefang mailing list MIMEDefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com

[Mimedefang] Unique identifier

2009-02-20 Thread Jon Rowlan
In the filter, can anyone advise which var is most likely to give me a unique 
ID that I can then use to track quarantine and bounced mails?

I use action_quarantine in the filter but would like the warning to include a 
unique ID that the end user can quote to allow me to identify the message and 

Is it $messageID, $msgID, $QueueID 

Thanks all,

Jon Rowlan - Managing Director

Helena House 
11 Romney Place
Kent. ME15 6LE
SUPPORT - supp...@sads.com
Tel: 01622 67 
Fax: 01622 761046 
Email: jon.row...@sads.com
Sytems Analysis Design  Support Limited


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message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.roaringpenguin.com
MIMEDefang mailing list MIMEDefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com

Re: [Mimedefang] Access recipient lists during filter

2009-02-09 Thread Jon Rowlan
Yes, I see Jeff ... thanks for the tip.

That seems just what I need.


-Original Message-
From: mimedefang-boun...@lists.roaringpenguin.com
[mailto:mimedefang-boun...@lists.roaringpenguin.com] On Behalf Of Jeff
Sent: 08 February 2009 15:42
To: mimedefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com
Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] Access recipient lists during filter

On 8 Feb 2009 at 10:58, Jon Rowlan wrote:

 Hi All, can anyone tell me whether it's possible to access the
 recipient lists from sub filter. 

Use the built-in global array @Recipients.

Search the manpage for mimedefang-filter for more details.

Jeff Rife | He's an investment banker from Amsterdam. 
  |  Apparently he handles a lot of Bill Gates' 
  |  money, so, don't say anything derogatory 
  |  about the Netherlands or Microsoft. 
  | Oh, damn...there goes my opening joke about 
  |  the Dutchman trying to install Windows 95. 
  | -- Niles and Frasier 

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Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.roaringpenguin.com
MIMEDefang mailing list MIMEDefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com

[Mimedefang] Access recipient lists during filter

2009-02-08 Thread Jon Rowlan
Hi All, can anyone tell me whether it's possible to access the recipient lists 
from sub filter.

Currently I capture this detail in filter_begin and if the mail is for certain 
domains I copy to the users Maildir on the local server.

However, I would like to deliver only mail that has been cleansed, not any spam 
or clutter.

The parameter list for sub filter does not include recipient lists.

Do I need to set a global var in filter_begin and pick that up in filter?

Thanks all,


Jon Rowlan - Managing Director

Helena House 
11 Romney Place
Kent. ME15 6LE
SUPPORT - supp...@sads.com
Tel: 01622 67 
Fax: 01622 761046 
Email: jon.row...@sads.com

Sytems Analysis Design  Support Limited


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MIMEDefang mailing list MIMEDefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com