
Thanks for the reply

My problem about read receipts is just this. I have a group id whenever an
external user sends mail to this group id; all the users of this group
knowingly or unknowingly send read receipts to the sender. So wanted to
block read receipts request for that particular group id.

I wanted to block these headers


Thanks in advance


> Prashanth,
>> Can any one help me in how to remove read receipts for a particular
>> email id?
> Automaticaly generated emails such as return receipts, delivery notices,
> read receipts and out of office replies provide a wealth of information
> to a potential attacker, for example,
>     * operating systems and versions
>     * email server software and versions
>     * email client software and versions
>     * email architecture
> Here are some headers to drop on incoming emails to prevent requests for
> a receipts.  Please let me know if you are aware of other headers.
>     Disposition-Notification-To:
>     Receipt-Requested-To:
>     Confirm-Reading-To:
>     MDRcpt-To:
>     MDSend-Notifications-To:
>     Smtp-Rcpt-To:
>     Return-Receipt-To:
> Also consider dropping outbound NDN notices, that is, email where
>     * From address is the null address
>     * Small, say under 5000-10000 bytes
>     * The subject contains one of the following (again, suggections?)
>       Undeliverable:
>       Undeliverable message
>       Delivery Status Notification
>       Returned mail:
> Limiting actions to users or domains has been covered in many times on
> this list - search the list (look at email headers for the URIs).
> Yours sincerely,
> Mark Suter                        Miju Systems http://www.miju.com.au/
> Phone: +61 411 262 316            PO Box 176, Corinda Q 4075, Australia
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     ABN 48 065 548 496
>                                   Fax: +61 7 3278 2343
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