I am running a small mail server on PIII 500, 256MB RAM.
Not much traffic nor users.

I have come across a following problem:
Feb 26 15:57:08 computer sendmail[1464]: i1QDv2sh001464: from=<someone>,
size=1839746, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, bodytype=8BITMIME,
proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=[ip]
Feb 26 15:58:08 computer sendmail[1464]: i1QDv2sh001464: Milter
(mimedefang): timeout before data read
Feb 26 15:58:08 computer sendmail[1464]: i1QDv2sh001464: Milter
(mimedefang): to error state
Feb 26 15:58:08 computer sendmail[1464]: i1QDv2sh001464: Milter: data,
reject=451 4.7.1 Please try again later
Feb 26 15:58:08 computer sendmail[1464]: i1QDv2sh001464: to=<somebody>,
delay=00:01:06, pri=30996, stat=Please try again later
Feb 26 15:58:11 computer mimedefang[31647]: i1QDv2sh001464: smfi_addheader
returned MI_FAILURE

I am using sendmail-8.12.8-9.90, MIMEDefang 2.39, Cyrus IMAP 2.1.16.
I have three virus scanners, Kaspersky Antivirus, F-Secure Antivirus,

Now, the mail aint that big, but i guess the content requires kaspersky
scannet more time, as it takse
like 59 seconds to do the job. ([26/02/04 15:58:11 I] Scan summary: Files=3
Folders=0 Archives=75 Packed=0 Infected=0 Warnings=0 Suspicios=0 Cured=0
CureFailed=0 Corrupted=0 Protected=0 Error=0 ScanTime=00:00:59
ScanSpeed=22.611 Kb/s)
Meanwhile mimedefang stoppes waiting.

Any suggestoins what can i do to fix this situation?

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