I have a question I think I know the answer too, I just thought I would throw it
out to the list for ideas.

I am looking to allow users to maintain their own Bayesian scores through either
SpamAssassin or DSPAM.

I currently have the following configuration:

Sendmail 8.13.7
SpamAssassin 3.1.7 (using the spamass-milter; I had this configured before I
installed MimeDefang)
ClamAV (using the clamav-milter)
MimeDefang 2.57
Currently I'm only using MimeDefang to check with the Cyrus Imap storage to
verify if a mailbox exists or not before accepting messages.

Cyrus-Imapd for final storage via LMTP.

My main question, if I switch from using the spamass-milter to mimedefang, does
mimedefang take advantage of individual user settings (either via a home
directory or sql database) so that each user has their own Bayesian scores?

I'm assuming that when MimeDefang scans the message it is as the MimeDefang
user, not the final delivery user, thus causing me problems with the individual
Bayesian scores, correct?

On a previous mail server I have used DSPAM to achieve this, I just wanted to
exhaust out my possibilities with SpamAssassin before I add another layer of
complexity to my mail server.

Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated.


NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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