OT: Re: [Mimedefang] Extremism or just leveling the playing field..

2004-04-12 Thread David F. Skoll
On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Ben Kamen wrote:

 I called Ameritech when someone was trying to hack sendmail on my server and
 they did absolutely -0-. Nothing. Nada. Zippo.. the Big Zed.

 They don't care.
 They don't know enough to care.

I don't think that's necessarily true.  I think it's more like they can't
afford to care.  If ISPs had to deal with every single instance of spam,
malware or attempted hacking, they'd go out of business.  The support
costs would be way too high.

I used to try to track down port-scanners, attempted-relayers, etc. but
it quickly got boring and tiresome.  I now see most of that as simply
the background noise of the Internet, and only react to large or persistent


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Re: OT: Re: [Mimedefang] Extremism or just leveling the playing field..

2004-04-12 Thread Ben Kamen
I reached the same.

Make sure my systems are buttoned down...

Let the ISP's care when other ISP's start firewalling then because they care so 
much about hackers on their own network.

And actually, Dave, I don't mean to argue, but the people I talked to probably 
couldn't spell TCP/IP... I'm not kidding. I eventually (after hours and days of 
bitching) got to 1 guy who had a brain in his skull. A real brain I tell you. :)
He tried the same excuse. We just don't have the manpower to do anything about 
it... Well geez, bob... I'm GIVING you the IP address... turn on your spiffy 
packet sniffer and watch the attacks... YEESH! There whole system is 
ubercontrolled for the dynamic users... the users CAN'T get on without Auth'ing 
into the system. sigh In the case of SBC/Ameritech who's mech's into the 
system are so tight (and seeing how much spam I get from them) I would think it 
would only be good PR for them to mount some sort of battle.. instead, they do 
just the opposite. They don't care.

The ISP my server sits on was prepping a policy to block attackers... especially 
at a customer's request...

But now I have my handy blackhole script.. :) Heheh...

Ok, enough of my bitching. Thanks for taking the time to read it. (and give me a 
venting outlet!)


p.s. I just converted a friend in Phoenix from Exchange to RH9.0 w/sendmail and 
MIMEdefang, etc...etc...

David F. Skoll wrote:
I don't think that's necessarily true.  I think it's more like they can't
afford to care.  If ISPs had to deal with every single instance of spam,
malware or attempted hacking, they'd go out of business.  The support
costs would be way too high.
I used to try to track down port-scanners, attempted-relayers, etc. but
it quickly got boring and tiresome.  I now see most of that as simply
the background noise of the Internet, and only react to large or persistent

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Ben Kamen - O.D.T, S.P.
Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.benjammin.net
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* NOTE: Opinions and Views discussed via email are my own and not that  *
* of the State of Illinois, University of Illinois or the Illinois Dept *
* of Natural Resources. *
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