>On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 10:34:25 +1000, "Matt Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>"Nathan Martinez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> would give URIDNSBL a try, but I can't seem to get its rules to run.

>>> I have $SALocalTestsOnly = 0 in my mimedefang-filter.
>>make sure that your 
>>$SALocalTestsOnly variable is set before the SpamAssassin init routine

>>below) in your mimedefang-filter.
>>$SALocalTestsOnly = 0;
>>if ($Features{"SpamAssassin"}) {
>>    spam_assassin_init()->compile_now(1) if 
>>Also, make sure that in your sa-mimedefang.cf file, you don't have the

>>line skip_rbl_checks 0 as that will undo the above.
>I'll also add my recent experience.  Test it, using a piece of email
you >_think_ should be blocked:
>su -c "spamassassin --test -D" defang <email.test

I actually ended up running 'spamassassin -D --lint' and found that
Net::DNS was not new enough.  Once I upgraded this package, everything
worked fine.  Thanks for your tips.


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