Re: Bug in kill-region? (not actually killing region)

2019-01-10 Thread Thorsten Glaser
Hi John,

> It seems I might have come across an actual bug this time :-)

perhaps ;) But thanks for writing anyway, it’s always nice to
see what users run into.

> From the man page:
> kill-region: ^W
> Deletes the input between the cursor and the mark.

But also from the manpage:

 delete-word-backward: [n] Pfx1+ERASE (^[^H), WERASE (^W), ^[^?, ^[^H, ^[h

I fear that, when WERASE is defined by stty(1), it overwrites the
prior definition of kill-region.

If you want to rebind it to kill-region independent on stty(1),
add “bind ^W=kill-region” to your ~/.mkshrc file.

If your WERASE is set to something else, it’d likewise overwrite
that. HP/UX is famous for having # bound to VINTR (IIRC), meaning
every time you write # there it acts as if you had pressed ^C.

> Is this a bug?

This is how I was taught Unix terminals behave. Note that those
settings documented in the manual page are only the default; run
“bind” to find out the currently active ones. We even define some
default bindings for OS/2…

I guess this is “a missing FAQ entry”. (Feel free to write in
with suggestions for that as well.)

> Other commands, like evaluate-region, work fine.

There’s a bug in evaluate-region that it seems to work only once,
sometimes, which I have yet to find, unfortunately.

 den AGP stecker anfeilen, damit er in den slot aufm 440BX board passt…
oder netzteile, an die man auch den monitor angeschlossen hat und die dann für
ein elektrisch aufgeladenes gehäuse gesorgt haben […] für lacher gut auf jeder
LAN party │  damals, als der pizzateig noch auf dem monior "gegangen" ist

Bug in kill-region? (not actually killing region)

2019-01-10 Thread John

Hello again!

It seems I might have come across an actual bug this time :-)

From the man page:

 kill-region: ^W
 Deletes the input between the cursor and the mark.

But for me, it doesn't do that.  For example, let | represent the cursor:

$ one |two three four   # set mark with ^[
$ one two three| four   # move forward
$ one two  four # invoke kill-region with ^W

As you can see, only "three" is killed, whereas it should have killed 
"two three" in its entirety.

Is this a bug?  Other commands, like evaluate-region, work fine.

Best regards,