Re: [Mirrors] Extra footer tagline

2011-01-31 Thread Jeff Squyres
Ok, I'll put this on the to-do list.  Maybe later this week / next week...?  
It'll happen eventually; probably just not immediately.  :-)

On Jan 31, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Sascha Pareigat wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> this a good idea. Just tell us how we can edit the tagline / file when your 
> finished with adding that "something" :)
> Cheers Sascha
> Am 31.01.2011 14:13, schrieb Jeff Squyres:
>> I've noticed that a few of you have added extra footer taglines at the 
>> bottom of each page on your mirror.
>> I have no problem with this at all; you guys are doing us a favor, after 
>> all, so getting a little more mention/credit than a flag and a single 
>> tagline is perfectly acceptable.
>> My question is: do you want me to add something to the upstream PHP to make 
>> adding these taglines a little easier?  E.g., if some file is present, 
>> include() it below the OMPI footer?  This might make it a little easier by 
>> removing the need to patch the upstream PHP, and/or prevent potential future 
>> conflicts with your patches.
> -- 
> Sascha Pareigat
> Leiter Online Marketing
> ___
> - Einfach. Vergleichen.
> ein Dienst der comparado GmbH
> Auf der Hude 87
> 21339 Lüneburg
> Tel.: +49 30 221 94 33 74
> Fax:  +49 4131 999 32 81
> Email:
> vertreten durch die Geschäftsführer
> Philipp Schrader
> Tobias Ossig
> Amtsgericht Lüneburg
> HRB 2598
> USt-Id: DE813999880
> ___
> mirrors mailing list

Jeff Squyres
For corporate legal information go to:

Re: [Mirrors] Extra footer tagline

2011-01-31 Thread Sascha Pareigat

Hi Jeff,

this a good idea. Just tell us how we can edit the tagline / file when 
your finished with adding that "something" :)

Cheers Sascha

Am 31.01.2011 14:13, schrieb Jeff Squyres:

I've noticed that a few of you have added extra footer taglines at the bottom 
of each page on your mirror.

I have no problem with this at all; you guys are doing us a favor, after all, 
so getting a little more mention/credit than a flag and a single tagline is 
perfectly acceptable.

My question is: do you want me to add something to the upstream PHP to make 
adding these taglines a little easier?  E.g., if some file is present, 
include() it below the OMPI footer?  This might make it a little easier by 
removing the need to patch the upstream PHP, and/or prevent potential future 
conflicts with your patches.

Sascha Pareigat
Leiter Online Marketing
___ - Einfach. Vergleichen.
ein Dienst der comparado GmbH

Auf der Hude 87
21339 Lüneburg
Tel.: +49 30 221 94 33 74
Fax:  +49 4131 999 32 81
vertreten durch die Geschäftsführer
Philipp Schrader
Tobias Ossig

Amtsgericht Lüneburg
HRB 2598
USt-Id: DE813999880

[Mirrors] Extra footer tagline

2011-01-31 Thread Jeff Squyres
I've noticed that a few of you have added extra footer taglines at the bottom 
of each page on your mirror.

I have no problem with this at all; you guys are doing us a favor, after all, 
so getting a little more mention/credit than a flag and a single tagline is 
perfectly acceptable.

My question is: do you want me to add something to the upstream PHP to make 
adding these taglines a little easier?  E.g., if some file is present, 
include() it below the OMPI footer?  This might make it a little easier by 
removing the need to patch the upstream PHP, and/or prevent potential future 
conflicts with your patches.

Jeff Squyres
For corporate legal information go to:

Re: [Mirrors] Request activation of a new mirror

2011-01-31 Thread Jeff Squyres
On Jan 28, 2011, at 5:07 PM,  

> I would like to add my contribute to Open MPI project, which I found 
> interesting as I am an open source developer by myself: I would like to 
> become a new UK mirror for Open MPI.

Many thanks for mirroring us!  

Per protocol, I've added your site to the "inactive" list -- I'll check again 
tomorrow and if it did an update properly, then jolly roger flag should go away 
and be replaced by the union jack.  If that happens nicely, I'll move it to the 
active list.

> The only problem I have found is the following:
> symlink has no referent: "community/lists/orcm-bugs" (in ompi_web)
> symlink has no referent: "community/lists/orcm-svn" (in ompi_web)
> rsync: opendir "software/otpo" (in ompi_web) failed: Permission denied (13)
> rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) 
> (code 23) at main.c(1520) [generator=3.0.7]

Doh.  I'll have to look into those -- thanks for the heads up...

Jeff Squyres
For corporate legal information go to: