Re: Blowfish still good enough?

2005-12-31 Thread Travers Buda
Well I was contemplating the error of my ways on this thread. I realized 
that I was wrong. Blowfish's implementation is secure and efficient... 
from a programmer's point of view.

A few hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the 
Then we knew that the most basic form of stuff (what we now know as 
atoms) resembled chocolate chip cookies.
A hundred years ago, putting a man on the moon was inconcieveable. 

The Nazis thought their Enigma machine was perfect.
The password file on *nix systems back in the day used to be 
DES used to be considered strong crypto. The USA's National Bureau of 
Standards standardized it. The National Institute of Standards and 
Technology, which formerly was the NBS--the guys who decided DES was 
good--also say that AES is safe now, too. 

Imagine what we will know tomorrow. Just think about it, in a few 
hundred years mankind may be able to zip around the universe at will. 
It will never happen, you say. Science says it can't. 
I can't recall how many sciences were later debunked. What makes ours 
any better? 

So what does this have to do with keeping your secrets safe? Well, it 
occured to me that no crypto is perfect, as I hope everyone feels. To 
keep those secrets safe, we don't need stronger crypto--we need more of 

Imagine a large (as in quantity) homogenous crop that a populated 
country depends on to eat. If one virus comes along and kills off that 
crop, then those people will suffer greatly. But, if those people 
diversify their agriculture and have three crops, then that one virus 
will not cause famine. 

This can be applied to cryptography, and for my practical purposes, 
cryptographic disks. Imagine the efficacy of taking at least three 
radically different (from one another) forms of crypto and 
superimposing those cryptographies on one another. 

So, for instance you have the secret which you crypt with A, then crypt 
it with sceme B, and finally C. 

If weaknesses are found in one of those cryptographies (I'm confident of 
this, it's what history teaches us) then scheme A and C are still 
protecting that data. 

Sure, it's slow, inefficient. But if you have need of storing data 
securely, you should be able to sleep at night, knowing that you're as 
protected as humanly possible. It's also really paranoid, a simpler 
implementation which can be found everywhere will generally protect you 
against say, laptop thieves. Yet, if it is worth doing, it is worth 
doing right. 

Doing it right involves obfusgating your data so that any attemts at 
brute-forcing it would result in more meaningful data that could be 
produced by a monkey on a typewriter typing for epoch or so (they say 
that the monkey would eventually write Shakespere.)

Yes, I am _exaggerating_, but it's to prove my point. 

There is no value in the second kick of a mule. Look at history, we need 
to drop our arrogance that our cryptographies are strong. Then we need 
to do the best job as humanly possible (if you wonder what this route 
is, just remember--tinfoil hat paranoia) to keep information secret, 
which I believe involves using different cryptographies for the same 
set of data. 

At the very least, the idea of diversification is good... the details 
can be worked out later. 

I'm not a programmer nor a cryptographer,
I'm a historian and philosopher, among a few other things.
That's why you should listen, since if you only speak to the 
aforementioned types of people, your view of the world will remain 
narrow--a narrow view of things is dangerous. 

Travers K. Buda

Re: Blowfish still good enough?

2005-12-31 Thread Dan Smythe
Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong. Blowfish has
been extensively analyzed since 1993. It is believed
to be secure.

As far as the 64 bit blocks go: most solid encryption
programs generally use a block chaining mode, to group
multiple blocks together. Encrypt one block, XOR it
with the next, etc. Even if collisions were found in
the ciphertext, the most the attacker could deduce is
that they represent the same plaintext block. If the
attacker didn't previously know what that ciphertext
block meant, it wouldn't really do them any good.

I think Blowfish is a great choice for the encryption
algorithm. Besides, factor this into the mix: Blowfish
uses a key up to 448 bits. Twofish goes up to 256
bits, as does AES. AES may or may not have been broken
based on the XSL attack. So the key size is an
atvantage over Twofish, and the years of review makes
for an advantage over AES.
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

ifstated.conf documentation problem?

2005-12-31 Thread Karl O. Pinc

man 5 ifstated.conf says:

"The init block is used
to initialise the state and is executed each time the
state is entered."

But this does not seem to be true if you use 'init-state'
to enter the state.  Or maybe there's something else
wrong with my config below, or with ifstated when there's
no body.  Or something.

Odd things happen with the following ifstated.conf.
It just hangs out in the state "starting".
(Starting the daemon by hand after booting.)
Things go back in sync after a state change on
carp0.  (carp0 starts out in MASTER.  Unpugging
the cable sends it into BACKUP.  At that time
ifstated first changes state to 'master', and
then immediately to 'not_master'.)

OTOH, the given config works just fine if
you remove the "init {" and "}" from the "starting"
state, leaving the action as the body of the "starting".
I would expect the opposite, that without "init" the state would
stay in "starting" and have to wait for a state
change before the body was evaluated.

So, it seems that ifstated with "init-state" executes
the body of the inital state on startup, and ignores the
"init" block.

# Reconfigures daemons based on whether we're master or not.

# We want to startup
init-state starting

# net.inet.carp.preempt must be enabled (set to 1)
# for this to work correctly.

carp_up = ""

state starting {
   init {
# Here we boot the box.
if $carp_up
set-state master
if ! $carp_up
set-state not_master

state not_master {
init {
run "rm /tmp/am_master"
if $carp_up
set-state master

state master {
init {
run "touch /tmp/am_master"
if ! $carp_up
set-state not_master

Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
 -- Robert A. Heinlein

Dead switch, a quick carp failover question

2005-12-31 Thread Karl O. Pinc


Sorry, but I just can't seem to get (all of)
net.inet.carp.preempt from the man pages.
I could set this up and test it, but I know that
somebody's done it already and a quick search of
the list archives fails me.

Suppose I have 2 firewalls, one failing over to the
other with carp. (net.inet.carp.preempt=1 on
both firewalls.)  Each has 3 interfaces, internet,
lan, and dmz.  The dmz has, say, a webserver.
Now to connect the 2 firewalls to the webserver
an additional switch/hub is required in the physical

Suppose the switch dies.  (I'm thinking the link
goes down on both firewalls' dmz interface, but
I suppose there are other more spectacular
ways the switch could fail.)  What is the state of
all the carp interfaces on the firewalls?
If the dmz interfaces go down, then does this
not shut off all the carp interfaces on both
firewalls as a group, turning off the parts
of both firewalls that are still functioning?
Is the solution to this to use ifstated to
check the opposite firewall and see if it's
master, and if not then shut down the dmz
carp interface?  (If this is the answer it'd
be nice to have ifstated be able to examine
interfaces on other hosts, not just on the local


Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
 -- Robert A. Heinlein

Re: Reason for -p option in useradd

2005-12-31 Thread J.C. Roberts
On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 12:19:38 -0500, Nick Holland

>Virtually every feature has risk associated with it of SOME kind.

Congratulations Nick! -In the final hours you have succeeded in having
the best/worst punn of 2005. ;-)


Re: Reason for -p option in useradd

2005-12-31 Thread Nick Holland
Adam Gleave wrote:
> I've searched the archives and (re)read the man page of useradd, but I
> can't understand why the -p option exists. To me, I can see no way of
> using it safely (securely) as it can display on the process listing.
> Admittedly, there might be some use for it that I haven't thought of -
> but in it's current form it seems far to easy to reveal a passwd hash;
> the only application I can think of is when no one other than trusted
> users have access to the process listing.

you maybe no one other than a system administrator is logged
into the machine?

Not every system has non-administrative users getting shell access.
Not every system has someone seeing a process listing for a fraction of
the right second as the biggest security risk.

> Despite that, I think it would be better - although less clean - to have
> the pasword passwed on stdin.
> So, my question is: why is it like it currently is?
> Thanks

Case where I used this option: initial setup of user accounts on a
school's mail server.  No one but one teacher and I had shell access on
the mail server.  To minimize the headaches, all students initially had
the same password anyway.  Even if someone was watching and saw the
hashed password, they learned something difficult to use they could have
learned in a much easier way through other means.  Yes, giving everyone
the same initial PW is "wrong", but I can assure you, AS IT WAS, it took
the teacher an ENTIRE CLASS PERIOD to get the students logged in the
first time and changing their PWs.  This wasn't the most computer savvy
group in the world.  I can't imagine how long it would have taken if she
had to help EACH student, one-by-one, change unique PWs.

And you know, if one or two of them figured out that they could get into
someone else's e-mail account this way, I'd call that a GOOD thing --
they were thinking, and maybe they understand what the teacher said
about "don't trust e-mail, you don't really know who sent something to
you".  If I helped people distrust a non-authenticated form of
communications, great.

OpenBSD isn't about disabling things that could possibly be improperly
used.  Virtually every feature has risk associated with it of SOME kind.


Re: Debugging pxeboot on WRAP

2005-12-31 Thread J.C. Roberts
On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 13:29:17 +0100, Rolf Sommerhalder

>Good news - my WRAPs now pxeboot OpenBSD as expected!  The culprit was
>not pxeboot, but the etherboot PXE code 5.3.12 in BIOS 1.08 and 1.10,
>as supplied by PCengines.

Seems you were lucky but if you had to dig into the code yourself and
debug things, the list of required knowledge posted by Tom Cosgrove is

Though I haven't tested the code presented, the article linked below
covers part of the required knowledge that Tom mentioned, namely, the
Protected Mode to Real Mode switching.

kind regards,

Re: problem fsckin' a usb disk on boot

2005-12-31 Thread b h
--- Tom Cosgrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >>> b h 31-Dec-05 04:05 >>>
> :
> > then, when I press RETURN and attempt to 
> >
> > # fsck_ffs /dev/rsd0a
> > ** /dev/rsd0a
> > cannot alloc 36537985 bytes for typemap
> > #
> >
> > while dmesg also says I have:
> >
> > real mem  = 1072472064 (1047336K)
> > avail mem = 972025756 (949244K)
> This message comes from setup() in
> /usr/src/sbin/fsck_ffs/setup.c,
> after it has performed a lot of other allocations.
> How big is the partition on this disk?  How full is
> it?  You probably
> do need to put more memory in the machine to fsck
> this disk.
> See FAQ 14.7
> (,
> under
> "fsck(8) time and memory requirements".
> Thanks
> Tom

Hi Tom,
thanks for the reply.  I'm sorry I didn't attach
disklabel.  It is one partition.  So it's advertised
as a 300GB usb drive, the partition is roughly that
size.  But I have 1GB of memory in the machine (and it
looks like it's all being detected as described
earlier in dmesg).  And I had read the time and memory
requirements, and the rule of thumb is 1MB (of
available) RAM for 1GB of disk, which I believe I have
covered a few times over.  I made sure of this when I
created the obscenely large partition a year ago. I do
believe it is fairly full.  sd0a is the only partition
that is not coming up clean as also described before. 
I don't mind waiting for really long fsck times,
therefore I thought I could get away with the large
partitions.  Any other ideas/analysis?  thanks

I'll type in a copy of my fstab
/dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1
/dev/wd0h /home ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0d /tmp ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0g /usr ffs rw,nodev 1 2
/dev/wd0e /var ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0i /data ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd1a /mnt/data1 ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd2a /mnt/data2 ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd3a /mnt/data3 ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/sd0a /mnt/data4 ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2

and the disklabel on sd0a says (pardon any typo
mistakes pls)

type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: OneTouch II
byles/sector: 512
sectors/track: 32
tracks/cylinder: 64
sectors/cylinder: 2048
cylinders: 286188
total sectors: 586114704
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0  # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0 # microseconds
drivedata: 0

#size offset   fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a:  586112992 32   4.2BSD2048 16384 323 # Cyl 
c:  586114704  0   unused   0 0 # Cyl 
 0 -286188*
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Reason for -p option in useradd

2005-12-31 Thread Joachim Schipper
On Sat, Dec 31, 2005 at 01:51:53PM +, Adam Gleave wrote:
> I've searched the archives and (re)read the man page of useradd, but I
> can't understand why the -p option exists. To me, I can see no way of
> using it safely (securely) as it can display on the process listing.
> Admittedly, there might be some use for it that I haven't thought of -
> but in it's current form it seems far to easy to reveal a passwd hash;
> the only application I can think of is when no one other than trusted
> users have access to the process listing.
> Despite that, I think it would be better - although less clean - to have
> the pasword passwed on stdin.
> So, my question is: why is it like it currently is?

I wouldn't be all that surprised if this was in the POSIX specs.


Reason for -p option in useradd

2005-12-31 Thread Adam Gleave
I've searched the archives and (re)read the man page of useradd, but I
can't understand why the -p option exists. To me, I can see no way of
using it safely (securely) as it can display on the process listing.

Admittedly, there might be some use for it that I haven't thought of -
but in it's current form it seems far to easy to reveal a passwd hash;
the only application I can think of is when no one other than trusted
users have access to the process listing.

Despite that, I think it would be better - although less clean - to have
the pasword passwed on stdin.

So, my question is: why is it like it currently is?


Re: Two internet connections, one intranet server.

2005-12-31 Thread ed
On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 01:29:16 +0100

> I have 2 internet connections.
> Each one is handled by an Openbsd system.
> Each one has an intERnet address.
> Each one is doing NAT for the intRAnet hosts.
> I have a smtp server (not openbsd) inside the intRAnet,
> its ip address is for example
> I want the smtp server be contacted by both
> public adresses on the internet.
> What can I do ?

You should consider getting more public IP addresses as you need three
public addresses on each external connection, ideally.
> I want c1 be able to connect "directly" to the smtp1 host 
> via ob1 or via ob2 depending on the ip used (ob1 or ob2).
>   ++  ++
>   | c1 |__|Internet|
>   ++  ++
>|  | 
>|  | 
| carp if  |
>|  | 
>   +-++-+
>   | ob1 || ob2 |
>   +-++-+
   |  |
| carp if  |
>  |__|   
> +---+
> | smtp1 |
> +---+  

You could look at the pf I posted a couple of days ago, there is one
slight problem with it and sending existing states, but everything else
appears ok.

You will also need to publish the address of the SMTP server on two
different DNS server IPS, one reachable on the first connection, and one
reachable on the second.

This will ensure that when one connection fails you are still reachable.

Regards, Ed - 
:%s/Open Source/Free Software/g

Re: UDF - where are we ?

2005-12-31 Thread Pedro Martelletto
On Fri, Dec 30, 2005 at 08:37:30PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> file larger than 2 GB will show with wrong content and a negative size.

This was fixed in 8/11, and made the stable tree on 1/12.


piixpm0: timeout, status 0x1 AND iic0: addr 0x48 00=17 01=00 ... ...

2005-12-31 Thread Alexander Farber

just FYI: I'm running -current on a dual-CPU HP Kayak-XAs 750 MT
with a ral PCI card and regularly get these 2 messages:

Dec 31 00:32:17 gate /bsd: Data modified on freelist: word 4 of
object 0xd151560
0 size 0x100 previous type devbuf (0xdeadbeee != 0xdeadbeef)
(is that coming from the ral card because I only have pci rev. 2.1 ?)

and (the Kayak's pcn is used for pppoe):

Dec 29 10:30:01 gate /bsd: pcn0: framing error
Dec 29 10:30:01 gate /bsd: pcn0: CRC error

But today (after a kernel update) I've also got
a lot of messages about "piixpm0: timeout":

Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: OpenBSD 3.8-current (GENERIC.MP) #7: Mon Dec 26
:42 CET 2005
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/sys/arch/i386/compile/GEN
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: cpu0: Intel Pentium III ("GenuineIntel" 686-class,
2KB L2 cache) 499 MHz
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: cpu0:
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: real mem  = 402227200 (392800K)
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: avail mem = 359739392 (351308K)
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: using 4278 buffers containing 20213760 bytes
 of memory
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: mainbus0 (root)
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+(0f) BIOS, date 04/03/00,
IOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xfd7ac
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: apm0 at bios0: Power Management spec V1.2
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: apm0: AC on, battery charge unknown
Dec 26 20:49:28 gate /bsd: apm0: flags 30102 dobusy 0 doidle 1
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: pcibios0 at bios0: rev 2.1 @ 0xfd720/0x8e0
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: pcibios0: PCI IRQ Routing Table rev 1.0 @
 (9 entries)
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: pcibios0: PCI Interrupt Router at 000:07:0 ("Intel
371FB ISA" rev 0x00)
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: pcibios0: PCI bus #2 is the last bus
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0x8000 0xc8000/0x3800
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: ipmi at mainbus0 not configured
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: mainbus0: Intel MP Specification (Version 1.4) (HP
XU/XW   )
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 1 (boot processor)
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: cpu0: apic clock running at 99 MHz
Dec 26 20:49:29 gate /bsd: cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 0 (application processor)
Dec 31 10:49:39 gate /bsd: pcib0 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 "Intel 82371AB PIIX4
SA" rev 0x02
Dec 31 10:49:39 gate /bsd: pciide0 at pci0 dev 7 function 1 "Intel 82371AB
rev 0x01: DMA, channel 0 wired to compatibility, channel 1 wired to
Dec 31 10:49:39 gate /bsd: pciide0: channel 0 disabled (no drives)
Dec 31 10:49:39 gate /bsd: atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 1 drive 0
Dec 31 10:49:39 gate /bsd: scsibus0 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
Dec 31 10:49:39 gate /bsd: cd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0:  SCSI0 5/cdrom removable
Dec 31 10:49:39 gate /bsd: cd0(pciide0:1:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2
Dec 31 10:49:40 gate /bsd: uhci0 at pci0 dev 7 function 2 "Intel 82371AB USB"
v 0x01: apic 2 int 19 (irq 11)
Dec 31 10:49:40 gate /bsd: usb0 at uhci0: USB revision 1.0
Dec 31 10:49:40 gate /bsd: uhub0 at usb0
Dec 31 10:49:40 gate /bsd: uhub0: Intel UHCI root hub, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
Dec 31 10:49:40 gate /bsd: uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
Dec 31 10:49:40 gate /bsd: piixpm0 at pci0 dev 7 function 3 "Intel 82371AB
" rev 0x02: SMI
Dec 31 10:49:40 gate /bsd: iic0 at piixpm0
Dec 31 10:49:40 gate /bsd: iic0: addr 0x48 00=17 01=00 02=2d 03=32 04=32 05=32
6=32 07=32 08=17 09=00 0a=2d 0b=32 0c=32 0d=32 0e=32 0f=32 10=17 11=00 12=2d
32 14=32 15=32 16=17 17=32 18=17 19=00 1a=2d 1b=32 1c=32 1d=32 1e=32 1f=32
 21=00 22=2d 23=32 24=32 25=32 26=32 27=32 28=17 29=00 2a=2d 2b=32 2c=32 2d=32
e=32 2f=32 30=17 31=00 32=2d 33=32 34=32 35=32 36=32 37=32 38=17 39=00 3a=2d
32 3c=32 3d=32 3e=17 3f=32 40=17 41=00 42=2d 43=32 44=32 45=32 46=32 47=32
 49=00 4a=2d 4b=32 4c=32 4d=32 4e=17 4f=17 50=17 51=00 52=2d 53=32 54=32 55=32
6=32 57=32 58=17 59=00 5a=2d 5b=32 5c=32 5d=32 5e=32 5f=32 60=17 61=00 62=2d
32 64=32 65=32 66=32 67=32 68=17 69=00 6a=2d 6b=32 6c=32 6d=32 6e=32 6f=32
 71=00 72=2d 73=32 74=32 75=32 76=32 77=32 78=17 79=00 7a=2d 7b=32 7c=32 7d=32
e=32 7f=32 80=17 81=00 82=2d 83=32 84=32 85=32 86=32 87=32 88=17 89=00 8a=2d
32 8c=32 8d=32 8e=32 8f=32 90=17 91=00 92=2d 93=32 94=32 95=32 96=32 97=32
 99=00 9a=2d 9b=32 9c=32 9d=32 9e=32 9f=32 a0=17 a1=00 a2=2d a3=32 a4=32 a5=32
Dec 31 10:49:40 gate /bsd: 2 a7=32 a8=17 a9=00 aa=2d ab=32 ac=32 ad=32 ae=32
32 b0=17 b1=00 b2=2d b3=32 b4=32 b5=32 b6=32 b7=32 b8=17 b9=00 ba=2d bb=32
 bd=32 be=32 bf=32 c0=17 c1=00 c2=2d c3=32 c4=32 c5=32 c6=32 c7=32 c8=17 c9=00
a=2d cb=32 cc=32 cd=32 ce=32 cf=32 d0=17 d1=00 d2=2d d3=32 d4=32 d5=32 d6=32
32 d8=17 d9=00 da=2d db=32 dc=32 dd=32 de=32 df=32 e0=17 e1=00 e2=2d e3=32
 e5=32 e6=32 e7=32 e8=17 e9=00 ea=2d eb=32 ec=32 ed=32 ee=32 ef=32 f0=17 f1=00
2=2d f3=32 f4

Re: problem fsckin' a usb disk on boot

2005-12-31 Thread Tom Cosgrove
>>> b h 31-Dec-05 04:05 >>>
> then, when I press RETURN and attempt to 
> # fsck_ffs /dev/rsd0a
> ** /dev/rsd0a
> cannot alloc 36537985 bytes for typemap
> #
> while dmesg also says I have:
> real mem  = 1072472064 (1047336K)
> avail mem = 972025756 (949244K)

This message comes from setup() in /usr/src/sbin/fsck_ffs/setup.c,
after it has performed a lot of other allocations.

How big is the partition on this disk?  How full is it?  You probably
do need to put more memory in the machine to fsck this disk.

See FAQ 14.7 (, under
"fsck(8) time and memory requirements".



Re: UDF - where are we ?

2005-12-31 Thread Uwe Dippel
On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 23:23:43 -0800, Jacob Meuser wrote:

> but did it not mount the disc?

njet. zero.

> that's from sys/isofs/udf/udf_vfsops.c, and actually it's udf_mount:...
> that's not a message from a fatal error, it's just "informative".

I *did* understand this. It was added for completeness of this report.
No, my -t udf didn't mount it. The default mounts it properly, except for
large files. It looks exactly like in that cited google post; like jumping
to negative numbers at an integer overflow. I could live with the wrong
size indication, but the content also is screwed. Anything below 2 GB is
Have you tried with a large file ? I have been using it successfully,
only yesterday I wanted to burn some 'dump'-images to DVD when the
mess showed at my control mounts after burning. And I expected growisofs
