bnx and vlan

2007-04-19 Thread Andrea Parazzini
I am playing with my two Dell PowerEdge 1950 and have
found something weird.

The two Dell are connected to a Cisco 2900XL switch
configured like follows:

interface FastEthernet0/24
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport mode trunk

VLAN Name Status
1default  active
50   VLAN0050 active
51   VLAN0051 active
100  VLAN0100 active
1002 fddi-default active
1003 token-ring-default   active
1004 fddinet-default  active
1005 trnet-defaultactive

On the first Dell with a 4.0 release

OpenBSD 4.0 (GENERIC.MP) #936: Sat Sep 16 19:27:28 MDT
bnx0 at pci4 dev 0 function 0 Broadcom BCM5708 rev
0x12: apic 2 int 16 (irq 5), address 00:15:c5:ef:2a:77
brgphy0 at bnx0 phy 1: BCM5708C 10/100/1000baseT PHY,
rev. 6
bnx1 at pci14 dev 0 function 0 Broadcom BCM5708 rev
0x12: apic 2 int 16 (irq 5), address 00:15:c5:ef:2a:75
brgphy1 at bnx1 phy 1: BCM5708C 10/100/1000baseT PHY,
rev. 6

tcpdump shows something like

11:02:12.680092 802.1Q vid 0 pri 0 CARPv2-advertise 36
11:02:12.752324 802.1Q vid 0 pri 0 CARPv2-advertise 36
11:02:12.752390 802.1Q vid 0 pri 0 CARPv2-advertise 36

vlan id is always 0 for every packet.

On the second Dell with a 4.1 snapshot

OpenBSD 4.1 (GENERIC.MP) #1225: Sat Mar 10 19:23:18
MST 2007
bnx0 at pci4 dev 0 function 0 Broadcom BCM5708 rev
0x12: apic 2 int 16 (irq 5)
bnx1 at pci14 dev 0 function 0 Broadcom BCM5708 rev
0x12: apic 2 int 16 (irq 5)
bnx1: address 00:15:c5:ef:30:10
brgphy0 at bnx1 phy 1: BCM5708C 10/100/1000baseT PHY,
rev. 6
bnx0: address 00:15:c5:ef:30:12
brgphy1 at bnx0 phy 1: BCM5708C 10/100/1000baseT PHY,
rev. 6

tcpdump shows something like

10:55:40.124521 802.1Q vid 512 pri 1 cfi arp who-has
10:55:40.124841 802.1Q vid 768 pri 1 cfi arp who-has
10:55:40.133313 802.1Q vid 1024 pri 3 CARPv2-advertise

vlan id don't match the switch vlan id


Andrea Parazzini

Re: Comment economiser sur vos charges ...

2007-04-19 Thread Bertrand CHERRIER

Ya pas quelqu'un pour le blacklister lui ?

Recevez vos devis a icrit :

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Re: Blocking web content

2007-04-19 Thread Thomas Mullins
We have evaluated Dansguardian at work.  It did really well.


-Original Message-
Of Steve Shockley
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:34 PM
Subject: ***SPAM2*** Re: Blocking web content

 I run an openbsd firewall.  I want to block certain sites either by IP
 address or by domain name.  How do I get more information on how to
 this up?

The article is old (I think it was written for 3.1 or 3.2) but I did the

same thing using Squid:

Problems with pf and max-src-conn-rate

2007-04-19 Thread Andrei GUDIU


 since last week I keep getting this weird traffic towards my 
webserver,  traffic wich I can't understand. There are several 
connections per second from only one source IP. I created a rule to 
overload the brutforce table on my www port like this:

pass log inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port www \
flags S/SA keep state \
(max-src-conn 5, max-src-conn-rate 5/3, \
overload bruteforce flush global) \
label R:$nr www

I have a rule that blocks the bruteforcers like this:

block drop log quick on $ext_if from bruteforce to any

Testing this from a remote server with nc -v -w 3 MYIP 80  nc -v -w 3 
MYIP 80  nc -v -w 3 MYIP 80 nc -v -w 3 MYIP 80  ... everthing seems to 
work fine. The tcpdump -nettti pflog0 command shows the first tree 
connection passing.. and the 4'th blocked. It overloads the sourceip 
into the bruteforce table like this:

Apr 19 14:36:14.170442 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:14.186938 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:14.192805 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)

Apr 19 14:36:14.206847 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)

--- from now on the source ip is blocked. ---

Apr 19 14:36:17.215484 rule 3/(match) block in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:17.226593 rule 3/(match) block in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:17.231342 rule 3/(match) block in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:17.238024 rule 3/(match) block in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:17.238032 rule 3/(match) block in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:17.240979 rule 3/(match) block in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:17.240984 rule 3/(match) block in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:17.241965 rule 3/(match) block in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)
Apr 19 14:36:17.242976 rule 3/(match) block in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF)

The problem is that I keep getting this strage connections from unknown 
servers, more then 5, 6 per second which my pf does not overload into 
the brutefoce.

Apr 19 14:36:17.334308 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:17.452987 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:17.570618 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:17.689765 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:17.808512 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:17.928151 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:18.046504 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:18.165392 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:18.284315 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:18.403545 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:18.522695 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]
Apr 19 14:36:18.641853 rule 30/(match) pass in on sis0: [|tcp] (DF) [tos 0x90]

The only difference is that [tos 0x90] ... wich I can't explain. And 
this ip does not get into the brutefoce..

anybody know why ?

Re: Back again with funny network interfaces

2007-04-19 Thread Manuel Ravasio
 If you hard set one side of an Ethernet link it disables the auto 
 negotiation pulse so the other side defaults to 10baseT half duplex. I 
 would suggest using media autoselect or media 10baseT unless you can 
 configure the port on the switch.

The switch is actually a 8-port 10/100 hub/switch, very dumb, without any
configuration option whatsoever. :-)

I tried first to connect the card without any media/mediaopt value and it
started at 10Mb. I tried the card on a Windows box, connected to the same
port of the switch and it negotiated at 100full.

I paid attention to the dongle, which looks in pretty good shape; however the
card has been heavily used, so it's possible some contacts are dirty or

Thank you all,
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Blocking web content

2007-04-19 Thread Allen Theobald
On 4/18/07, Reyk Floeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 05:34:48PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I run an openbsd firewall.  I want to block certain sites either
by IP
  address or by domain name.  How do I get more information on how
to set
  this up?
  Thanks in advance.

I am using Dansguardian with transparent setup (tinyproxy) at home
to successfully block sites.  However, the performance is not
equivalent as without.

How do I figure out/tweak to get it working better?

What have others seen performance-wise using Dansguardian, transparent
proxies in OpenBSD?

Thanks and take care,

Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Gigabyte miniPCI GN-WI01GS - will it work with ral(4) ?

2007-04-19 Thread viq

I wasn't able to find much either way... According to it has RT2501 Turbo chipset, which consists
of RT2527 RF chip and RT2561S BB/MAC chip (whatever that is). I don't
care much for the 108 Mbps, but will it work at all, or is it one of
not quite supported cards? Does anyone have any experience either


Re: Static Ip's: Routing and Fowarding

2007-04-19 Thread Bryan Vyhmeister

On Apr 18, 2007, at 3:11 PM, BradenM - Sonoma Computer wrote:

Do you mean the gateway address supplied by my ISP?



Re: Static Ip's: Routing and Fowarding

2007-04-19 Thread Bryan Vyhmeister

On Apr 18, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Bray Mailloux wrote:

And the default route in my table shows which is also  
the gateway address supplied by my isp.

OK. That sounds correct. Can you post your dhcpd.conf again?


Re: Static Ip's: Routing and Fowarding

2007-04-19 Thread Bryan Vyhmeister

On Apr 18, 2007, at 5:31 PM, Bray Mailloux wrote:

shared-network LOCAL-NET{
   option domain-name;
   option domain-name-servers,
 subnet netmask {
  options routers;


On the third line, you need a semicolon after the second DNS server.  
I would typically do this whole thing in a subnet declaration that is  
at the root of the file. Take out the shared-network statement and  
the last closing brace. See if that makes a difference. After you do  
that, run the following commands:

pkill dhcpd
tail -f /var/log/daemon

Look for any errors with the last command.


Re: ahci intel sata

2007-04-19 Thread David Gwynne
intel provide both pciide and ahci for using sata disks. which one  
gets used depends on a set of registers in the pci config space.

if you're serious about getting this to work find the datasheet at for this chipset, and look at the MAP and PCS  
registers (i think thats them). you'll need to provide a custom  
attach routine for your chipset to be called in ahci_attach which  
tweaks those registers.

i think thats enough to get ahci working on that controller, but i am  
probably wrong.


On 19/04/2007, at 5:20 AM, giovanni wrote:


sorry for the question but I would like to understand a bit more

I've added PCI_PRODUCT_INTEL_82801GBM_SATA (product code 0x27c4)
to the ahci_devices list because I've (wrongly?) read somewhere that
Intel 82801GBM
was ahci compliant. Indeed at boot I've:

ahci0 at pci0 dev 31 function 2 Intel 82801GBM SATA rev 0x02 GHC
0x0; AHCI 1.1: apic...
ahci0: capabilities: 0xdf12ff03S64A, NCQ, SMPS, SSS, SALP, SAL, SCLO,
ports:4 ncmds:32 gen: 1 (1.5Gbps)
ahci0: ports implemented: 0x

have I to deduce that ahci is not available because Port Implemented
register is 0?
if so why is it reported a Number of port of 4? What is the sense of
this discrepancy?



Re: Gigabyte miniPCI GN-WI01GS - will it work with ral(4) ?

2007-04-19 Thread Jonathan Gray
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 03:55:10PM +0200, viq wrote:
 I wasn't able to find much either way... According to it has RT2501 Turbo chipset, which consists
 of RT2527 RF chip and RT2561S BB/MAC chip (whatever that is). I don't
 care much for the 108 Mbps, but will it work at all, or is it one of
 not quite supported cards? Does anyone have any experience either

This should work fine, quoting ral(4):

The RT2501 chipset is the second generation of 802.11a/b/g adapters from
Ralink.  It consists of two integrated chips, an RT2561 MAC/BBP and an
RT2527 radio transceiver.

108 Mbps or SuperG are Atheros marketing taglines, avoid such cards.


Re: Gigabyte miniPCI GN-WI01GS - will it work with ral(4) ?

2007-04-19 Thread viq

On 19/04/07, Jonathan Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 03:55:10PM +0200, viq wrote:
 I wasn't able to find much either way... According to it has RT2501 Turbo chipset, which consists
 of RT2527 RF chip and RT2561S BB/MAC chip (whatever that is). I don't
 care much for the 108 Mbps, but will it work at all, or is it one of
 not quite supported cards? Does anyone have any experience either

This should work fine, quoting ral(4):

The RT2501 chipset is the second generation of 802.11a/b/g adapters from
Ralink.  It consists of two integrated chips, an RT2561 MAC/BBP and an
RT2527 radio transceiver.

Yes, though that S at the end of RT2561S had me worried... But I got
an off-list confirmation from someone knowledgeable that this should

108 Mbps or SuperG are Atheros marketing taglines, avoid such cards.

Yeah, I don't care much about those, as the other end has a normal
ralink card in there, so I wouldn't be getting any benefit from it




Re: Blocking web content

2007-04-19 Thread Bob DeBolt
Thomas Mullins wrote:
 We have evaluated Dansguardian at work.  It did really well.

We've been using DG for years and it has proven stable, highly
configurable and is actively developed.

AV capabilities and so on. You would do well to give it a spin and read
up on all the features, we found things to use we didn't know we needed

In fact we took 5 minutes and upgraded to less than an hour ago.
We upgrade OpenBSD at each new release and have yet to have any DG issues.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

gunzip changes lastmod time?

2007-04-19 Thread Frank Bax
On an older box still running 3.5; gunzip/gzip does not change lastmod 
time; but on 4.0 [release] gunzip changes the lastmod time.  What's the 
reason for this change?

$ dmesg  dmesg.txt
$ touch -t 20070101 dmesg.txt
$ ls -l dmesg.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 fbax  fbax  3797 Jan  1 00:00 dmesg.txt
$ gzip dmesg.txt
$ ls -l dmesg.txt.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 fbax  fbax  1829 Jan  1 00:00 dmesg.txt.gz
$ gunzip dmesg.txt.gz
$ ls -l dmesg.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 fbax  fbax  3797 Apr 19 13:15 dmesg.txt

Re: gunzip changes lastmod time?

2007-04-19 Thread Charles Longeau

2007/4/19, Frank Bax [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On an older box still running 3.5; gunzip/gzip does not change lastmod
 time; but on 4.0 [release] gunzip changes the lastmod time.  What's the
 reason for this change?

This was a bug and it has been fixed. For more info, please see :

Best regards,

Charles Longeau


2007-04-19 Thread Prabhu Gurumurthy

All -

We have two OpenBSD firewalls/VPN gateways working in failover mode using pf, 
pfsync, carp and sasync.

The firewalls on their inside network is connected to a Cisco router which is 
connected back to the main corp network using a P2P serial connections (two 
bonded T1s).

The corp side of the router is also another Cisco device.

We have OSPF running on corp network and the remote network.

Presently the corp network is connected to a 2MB/s DSL, which is also another 
Cisco box and the OpenBSD firewalls are connected to 10MBs ethernet connection, 
so we want to switch the default route to the OpenBSD firewalls.

We want to:

1. connect the Cisco DSL router to the OpenBSD firewalls using L2L IPSec for 
redundant connectivity.
2. monitor the serial interface on the Cisco, which we can use HSRP, VRRP, OSPF 
with metrics,

I would like to connect Cisco DSL router to the OpenBSD firewall using L2L IPsec 
tunnel. This would help if we lose the serial connection then we can route all 
traffic going to the remote network to ride the IPSec tunnel.


1. How do I specify route to the corp network thru the IPSec tunnel to 
distribute into the OSPF cloud in OpenBSD? If I can, then we can use route 
metric to make sure that the IPSec tunnel can fail over in case we lose serial 
connectivity to the remote network.

Hope this makes sense.
Thanks for all your responses!.


Re: Webservers with Terrabytes of Data in - recomended setups

2007-04-19 Thread Joachim Schipper
On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 03:22:07PM +0530, Siju George wrote:
 How Do you handle when you have to Serve terrabytes of Data through
 http/https/ftp etc?
 Put it on Differrent machines and use some knid of
 loadbalancer/intelligent program that directs to the right mahine?
 use some kind of clustering Software?
 Waht hardware do you use to make your System Scalable from a few
 terrabytes of Data to a few hundred of them?
 Does OpenBSD have any clustering Software available?
 Is anyone running such setups?
 Please let me know :-)

I don't really know, but how about some http proxy (hoststated comes to
mind, pound or squid also works) and a lot of hosts each serving a
subset of the total behind that? Yes, that's exactly what you said.

I don't think NFS/AFS is that good an idea; you'll need very beefy
fileservers and a fast network. Maybe rsync'ing from a central
fileserver would work?

However, there are a lot of specialized solutions available (various
SANs come to mind; Google has published several papers on filesystems
and algorithms like MapReduce, although the latter isn't going to help
you for serving HTTP).

All in all, though, I think the most important part are rate of change
and reliability conditions. A big web host might hit an impressive
amount of data, but it doesn't change all that often and a site
occasionally going offline is usually tolerated (just restore a recent
backup). In such cases, something like the above seems to work.


TFMotD: moduli (5) - system moduli file

Re: Binary kernel and base update

2007-04-19 Thread Maurice Janssen
On Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 01:43:56 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all.

I have noticed that the OpenBSD team puts a lot of emphasis on using binary
packets rather than building from ports, which I think IMHO is good, but why
is it that there is no binary kernel updates, rather than patching the kernel
from source?

Some progress was made in the last couple of days.  First results are up

I hope to add amd64, alpha and hppa in the near future.  I don't have
the hardware to build other architectures.
If someone can help building one of the missing architectures, please
let me know.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.


Re: ahci intel sata

2007-04-19 Thread David Gwynne
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 07:15:31PM +0200, Artur Grabowski wrote:
 David Gwynne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  intel provide both pciide and ahci for using sata disks. which one
  gets used depends on a set of registers in the pci config space.
  if you're serious about getting this to work find the datasheet at for this chipset, and look at the MAP and PCS
  registers (i think thats them). you'll need to provide a custom
  attach routine for your chipset to be called in ahci_attach which
  tweaks those registers.
  i think thats enough to get ahci working on that controller, but i am
  probably wrong.
 Erm... Now I'm confused.
 On my laptop:
 ahci0 at pci0 dev 31 function 2 Intel 82801GBM AHCI SATA rev 0x02 GHC 0x0: 
 AHCI 1.1: apic 2 int 16 (irq 11)
 ahci0: capabilities: 0xc710ff03S64A,NCQ,SALP,SAL,SCLO,PMD,SSC,PSC ports: 4 
 ncmds: 32 gen: 1 (1.5Gbps)
 ahci0: ports implemented: 0x0001
 ahci0.0: port reset
 ahci0: detected device on port 0
 scsibus0 at ahci0: 32 targets
 sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: ATA, HTS541080G9SA00, MB4I SCSI2 0/direct 
 sd0: 76319MB, 76319 cyl, 64 head, 32 sec, 512 bytes/sec, 156301488 sec total
 It just works. Is this because I enabled ahci in the bios?

yes.  if the bios doesnt enable it we have to do its job for it.

 I had some strange diff earlier from someone, might even have been
 you, that did some tweak to enable it even though it wasn't enabled in
 the bios (that's when my laptop was crashing on reboot).

that was me, and the panic was something else that was fixed a few
weeks ago.

  On 19/04/2007, at 5:20 AM, giovanni wrote:
   sorry for the question but I would like to understand a bit more
   I've added PCI_PRODUCT_INTEL_82801GBM_SATA (product code 0x27c4)
   to the ahci_devices list because I've (wrongly?) read somewhere that
   Intel 82801GBM
   was ahci compliant. Indeed at boot I've:
   ahci0 at pci0 dev 31 function 2 Intel 82801GBM SATA rev 0x02 GHC
   0x0; AHCI 1.1: apic...
   ahci0: capabilities: 0xdf12ff03S64A, NCQ, SMPS, SSS, SALP, SAL, SCLO,
   ports:4 ncmds:32 gen: 1 (1.5Gbps)
   ahci0: ports implemented: 0x
   have I to deduce that ahci is not available because Port Implemented
   register is 0?
   if so why is it reported a Number of port of 4? What is the sense of
   this discrepancy?

Re: Webservers with Terrabytes of Data in - recomended setups

2007-04-19 Thread Stuart Henderson
 I don't think NFS/AFS is that good an idea; you'll need very beefy
 fileservers and a fast network.

NFS may actually be useful; if you really need the files in one
directory space for management/updates that's a way to do it (i.e.
mount all the various storage servers by NFS on a management
station/ftp server/whatever).

For serving content some HTTP-based scheme to get the requests to hit
the right server is probably in order. Proxies are useful if you have
special requirements (for example SSL, where it doesn't make sense to
have the CPU and the disk in the same place), but it normally makes
more sense to distribute the requests to the correct server/s in the
first place (either by front-ends that know the location of content
sending a Location: header if you want to give out URLs with a single
server name) or by the html pointing clients to the files on the
right servers.

 various SANs come to mind

TFMotD: fsck(8) (-: Relying on black-box vendors for fixes is an
additional bonus. Works for some people, though. Allegedly.

Re: Webservers with Terrabytes of Data in - recomended setups

2007-04-19 Thread Daniel Ouellet

Stuart Henderson wrote:

I don't think NFS/AFS is that good an idea; you'll need very beefy
fileservers and a fast network.

NFS may actually be useful; if you really need the files in one
directory space for management/updates that's a way to do it (i.e.
mount all the various storage servers by NFS on a management
station/ftp server/whatever).

Good idea yes, but if I recall properly, unless major changes have been 
done, isn't it the use of NFS become a huge bottle neck compare to local 
drive? I think the archive is full of complain about the thought put of 
NFS not being so good.

Am I wrong here? I would love to use NFS as well for multiple servers 
accessing one source, but so far, it always being not so good to do that.

If that's wrong please correct me as I would love to know if that still 
the case or not.



Re: Webservers with Terrabytes of Data in - recomended setups

2007-04-19 Thread Joachim Schipper
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 10:51:56PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
  I don't think NFS/AFS is that good an idea; you'll need very beefy
  fileservers and a fast network.
 NFS may actually be useful; if you really need the files in one
 directory space for management/updates that's a way to do it (i.e.
 mount all the various storage servers by NFS on a management
 station/ftp server/whatever).

Something like that might be a very good idea, yes. Just don't try to
serve everything directly off NFS.

(An even better idea might be setting up a repository for your favourite
version control system and making partial checkouts. Gets you most of
the benefit of a unified filesystem, at the cost of complex - and thus
fragile - checkin hooks. On the other hand, version control is likely to
be a big plus.)

 For serving content some HTTP-based scheme to get the requests to hit
 the right server is probably in order. Proxies are useful if you have
 special requirements (for example SSL, where it doesn't make sense to
 have the CPU and the disk in the same place), but it normally makes
 more sense to distribute the requests to the correct server/s in the
 first place (either by front-ends that know the location of content
 sending a Location: header if you want to give out URLs with a single
 server name) or by the html pointing clients to the files on the
 right servers.

I think doing that in HTML will quickly become an administration

  various SANs come to mind
 TFMotD: fsck(8) (-: Relying on black-box vendors for fixes is an
 additional bonus. Works for some people, though. Allegedly.

Yeah, they seem to work. It wouldn't be my first choice, either, but
I've never tried to run OpenBSD in this kind of environment. At least a
good, expen$$$ive SAN is good for covering your backside.


TFMotD: perl561delta (1) - what's new for perl v5.6.x

Re: Webservers with Terrabytes of Data in - recomended setups

2007-04-19 Thread Steven Harms
This isn't an OpenBSD specific solution, but you should be able to use an
EMC san to accomplish this (we use a fiber channel setup)

On 4/19/07, Stuart Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2007/04/19 18:08, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
  Stuart Henderson wrote:
  I don't think NFS/AFS is that good an idea; you'll need very beefy
  fileservers and a fast network.
  NFS may actually be useful; if you really need the files in one
  directory space for management/updates that's a way to do it (i.e.
  mount all the various storage servers by NFS on a management
  station/ftp server/whatever).
  Good idea yes, but if I recall properly, unless major changes have been
  done, isn't it the use of NFS become a huge bottle neck compare to local
  drive? I think the archive is full of complain about the thought put of
  NFS not being so good.

 I meant using it the other way round: have the *webservers* export
 their filesystem, and ftp/management servers mount them to provide a
 single space for carrying out updates and backups, locating files,

 Having a bunch of webservers serve data from a large NFS store seems
 less attractive for most of the cases I can think of.

 The main one I see where it may be attractive is where heavy CGI
 processing or similar is done (that's usually a different situation
 to having many TB of data, though). In the CGI case, there are some
 benefits to distributing files by another way (notably avoiding the
 NFS server as a point of failure), rsync as Joachim mentioned is
 one way to shift the files around, CVS is also suitable, it
 encourages keeping tighter control over changes too, and isn't
 difficult to learn.

Re: 4.0-stable lockup SOLVED (temporarily)

2007-04-19 Thread Adam Hawes
 The solution I came to is very simple. Currently I only need one of em
 (dual card), so I disabled the second one. When I boot the router, my
 network usage rises up to 96%. I simlpy mark that unusable interface
 (em1) as up and few seconds later I mark the same interface down. My
 network usage drops significantly, currently I am looking it
 shows 75%.
 The router is running without locking for 25 hours now. I am also
 planning an upgrade to 4.1 if there are changes to em driver.

Out of curiosity, they're not connected to the same ethernet segment
are they?


[Fwd: Shipped Order:2007/3/12-13:27:10-21493:]

2007-04-19 Thread Allie D.
YES ! It's on it's way !!
~Allie D.

 Original Message 
Subject: Shipped Order:2007/3/12-13:27:10-21493:
Date:Thu, April 19, 2007 15:30

USPS tracking number 030508313176xx assigned to a shipment as


Computer Shop/OpenBSD
Box 28
Sweet Grass, MT

USA 98072

Software on CDROM  Canada50
T-shirts   Canada25
  US $ TOTAL -- 75

This is the tracking number advice script, letting you know that a package
has been or is just about to be mailed to you with a green USPS barcoded
tracking label and that progress of the package may be watched by viewing
the USPS website:

and entering in your tracking number.  (They may be a delay of a day or two
before it first shows up).

Packages shipped by this method are not insured by USPS, however we
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Typical transit times are 4 to 10 days.

Guarantee claims may be initiated after 30 days, should loss in the mail be
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the urgency of your requirements, do not hesitate to contact us.  We have
solutions for most any circumstance.

This message concerns only one package, and there may, or may not, be other
packages sent out for your order.

OpenBSD Shipping

Re: 4.0-stable lockup SOLVED (temporarily)

2007-04-19 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2007/04/20 01:21, Mitja wrote:
 The solution I came to is very simple. Currently I only need one of em
 (dual card), so I disabled the second one. When I boot the router, my
 network usage rises up to 96%. I simlpy mark that unusable interface
 (em1) as up and few seconds later I mark the same interface down. My
 network usage drops significantly, currently I am looking it shows 75%.

Do you mean interrupt%? will probably drop that *way* down.
You may need to also disable USB (may have been one of the things fixed
by moving to either acpi or a newer bios, I don't recall).

Most of mine are on original bios, -current from around the time 4.1 was
tagged, with acpi on, USB off. They don't crash any more, but I have
recently noticed some odd problem with packet loss with the onboard
bge(4) though; if I ping *from* the h8ssl to another box there's no
trouble, if I ping from elsewhere to the h8ssl I get periods of a few
(1-10) minutes at a time with usually an hour or two between them
where there's 0.5 to 1% loss, a couple of RTM_LOSING, and sometimes
bad enough to cause bgp hold timers to expire on the ibgp sessions
to other h8ssl boxes.

The one of them with a quad em(4) is only affected by that to the
extent that all the ibgp peers are h8ssl with bge(4)...

 The router is running without locking for 25 hours now. I am also
 planning an upgrade to 4.1 if there are changes to em driver.

the diff to if_em.c is 1000 lines. Some of it's PCIE support, but
there's plenty else.

here's dmesg from the one I have here (not a router, still sees packet
loss on bge though - this has the newer bios - as an aside, supermicro say
this has the erratum 89 fix in, I've yet to see an amd64 box which doesn't
trigger the warning though ...). Kernel is just generic with acpi enabled
and usb disabled.

OpenBSD 4.1-current (ACPI.MP) #2: Fri Mar 30 22:31:13 BST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/ACPI.MP
cpu0: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 146 (AuthenticAMD 686-class, 1024KB L2 cache) 
2 GHz
cpu0: AMD erratum 89 present, BIOS upgrade may be required
real mem  = 1073246208 (1048092K)
avail mem = 971849728 (949072K)
using 4278 buffers containing 53784576 bytes (52524K) of memory
mainbus0 (root)
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 07/15/06, BIOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xf0010, SMBIOS 
rev. 2.4 @ 0xf8e00 (50 entries)
bios0: Supermicro H8SSL
pcibios0 at bios0: rev 2.1 @ 0xf/0x1
pcibios0: PCI IRQ Routing Table rev 1.0 @ 0xf4f50/160 (8 entries)
pcibios0: no compatible PCI ICU found: ICU vendor 0x1166 product 0x0205
pcibios0: PCI bus #3 is the last bus
bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0x8000 0xc8000/0x2200 0xca800/0x1600 0xcc000/0x1600 
acpi0 at mainbus0: rev 0
acpi0: tables DSDT FACP APIC OEMB 
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 32 bits
acpi device at acpi0 from table DSDT not configured
acpi device at acpi0 from table FACP not configured
acpimadt0 at acpi0 table APIC addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: AMD erratum 89 present, BIOS upgrade may be required
cpu0: apic clock running at 199 MHz
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 1 pa 0xfec0, version 11, 16 pins
ioapic1 at mainbus0: apid 2 pa 0xfec01000, version 11, 16 pins
ioapic2 at mainbus0: apid 3 pa 0xfec02000, version 11, 16 pins
acpi device at acpi0 from table OEMB not configured
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 1 (P0P1)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 2 (P1P2)
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
acpibtn1 at acpi0: SLPB
acpicpu0 at acpi0: CPU1: CTRL GASIO is CPU manufacturer overridden
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (no bios)
ppb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 ServerWorks HT-1000 PCI rev 0x00
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
ppb1 at pci1 dev 13 function 0 ServerWorks HT-1000 PCIX rev 0xb2
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
ppb2 at pci2 dev 1 function 0 Intel IOP331 PCIX-PCIX rev 0x07
pci3 at ppb2 bus 3
ami0 at pci3 dev 14 function 0 Symbios Logic MegaRAID SATA 4x/8x rev 0x07: 
apic 2 int 4 (irq 11)
ami0: LSI 3008, 32b, FW 814B, BIOS vH431, 128MB RAM
ami0: 1 channels, 0 FC loops, 1 logical drives
scsibus0 at ami0: 40 targets
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: AMI, Host drive #00,  SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd0: 1424784MB, 1424784 cyl, 64 head, 32 sec, 512 bytes/sec, 2917957632 sec 
scsibus1 at ami0: 16 targets
bge0 at pci2 dev 3 function 0 Broadcom BCM5704C rev 0x10, BCM5704 B0 
(0x2100): apic 2 int 8 (irq 5), address 00:30:48:58:86:40
brgphy0 at bge0 phy 1: BCM5704 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 0
bge1 at pci2 dev 3 function 1 Broadcom BCM5704C rev 0x10, BCM5704 B0 
(0x2100): apic 2 int 9 (irq 7), address 00:30:48:58:86:41
brgphy1 at bge1 phy 1: BCM5704 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 0
piixpm0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 ServerWorks HT-1000 rev 0x00: polling
iic0 at piixpm0
admcts0 at iic0 addr 0x2c
pciide0 at pci0 dev 2 function 1 ServerWorks HT-1000 IDE rev 0x00: DMA
atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0
scsibus2 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at 

Re: Static Ip's: Routing and Fowarding

2007-04-19 Thread RW
On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 17:40:49 -0700, Bryan Vyhmeister wrote:

On Apr 18, 2007, at 5:31 PM, Bray Mailloux wrote:

 shared-network LOCAL-NET{
option domain-name;
option domain-name-servers,
  subnet netmask {
   options routers;


On the third line, you need a semicolon after the second DNS server.  
I would typically do this whole thing in a subnet declaration that is  
at the root of the file. Take out the shared-network statement and  
the last closing brace. See if that makes a difference. After you do  
that, run the following commands:

pkill dhcpd
tail -f /var/log/daemon

Look for any errors with the last command.

You have pulled one of my tricks - writing a quick helpful reply and
forgetting something you never would when doing it at the console of
your own machine.

dhcpd needs to be told what interface(s) to listen on.

From the land down under: Australia.
Do we look umop apisdn from up over?

Re: Webservers with Terrabytes of Data in - recomended setups

2007-04-19 Thread Nick Holland
Siju George wrote:
 How Do you handle when you have to Serve terrabytes of Data through
 http/https/ftp etc?
 Put it on Differrent machines and use some knid of
 loadbalancer/intelligent program that directs to the right mahine?
 use some kind of clustering Software?
 Waht hardware do you use to make your System Scalable from a few
 terrabytes of Data to a few hundred of them?
 Does OpenBSD have any clustering Software available?
 Is anyone running such setups?
 Please let me know :-)
 Thankyou so much
 Kind Regards

Too open-ended a question...
Are you talking about many TB on one site?  Lots of sites?
Is there some reason it has to be on one server or one site?
Is this huge storage, huge demand?  Huge storage, low demand?
Is this storage all needed on day 1, or will it grow with time?
  (hint: if it grows with time, build for NOW, with ability to
add later, don't buy storage in advance!)

Let the answers to those questions guide your engineering work,
don't rely on knee-jerk reactions.  And don't be afraid to
change the question to meet available answers. :)  Common
error is to take the given proposed solution (posed as a problem,
but often someone has digested the REAL problem into what they
think is the only possible model, and sent you down a bad alley)
as gospel, and never question the basic assumptions.

I've got a web server with over 3.5TB of storage on it that cost
about $6000US a year or so ago.  It's a huge-storage, low-demand
app, probably gets on average a query a day, if that.  If the
box breaks, time can be spent repairing it, but we don't want to
lose the data (it's carefully backed up, but the backup media
is so compressed, it takes longer to uncompress the files than
it does to scp them back into the box!).  So, the thing has
redundancy where it counts (disk) and simplicity where it
doesn't matter, and it can be upgraded, enhanced and changed
as needed.  And, we have a small enough amount invested in the
thing that we can completely change our mind about the approach
to the problem any time in the future and throw it all away with
a very clear conscience.  (My current boss-of-the-week thinks he
wants to replace this with an unknown proprietary app feeding a
$30,000 per-processor database server attached to a $60,000 disk
array, so you can see how insignificant the price tag on this
system is.  You can also see something about my boss.  And why
I'm looking for a better job).

Let's say you have one website that you are trying to serve
massive amounts of static files from.  I presume you aren't just
dropping people at the root of a massive directory tree and
letting them dig for their desired probably have
some kind of app directing them to the file they need.  Well,
you should have no problem also directing them to the SERVER
they need, as a little magic on the front-end machine,
you could also implement massive amounts of very cheap
redundancy for very low cost.  For example, if you have two
machines, A and B, skip RAID, just put both data sets on both
machines.  If you lose A, serve A's files from B, it's a little
slower, but still working.  Repair A, resync (if needed) and
you are back up and running at 100%.  Now you can use the
absolutely cheapest and least redundant machines around to
accomplish your task.  (in this case, your front-end machines
would have to be a little more sophisticated...but still
should have multiple-machine redundancy).

SANs are the cool way to do this, of course.  Also a very
expensive way...and something I'd try to avoid unless it was
really needed.  Design it simple, design it to be fixable
WHEN it breaks, and you will save your hair...

Use all the tricks you can for YOUR solution, including:
  * lots of small partitions
  * RO any partitions you can (no need to fsck after an oops)
  * Assume you will need more storage later, and figure out how
to add it without removing data from your existing storage
  * Assume your existing 500G disk is going to look pathetic in
a few years when 10TB microdrives are in your palmtop computer,
and make sure you have a plan to migrate the data off those first
disks you installed.
  * Guess how much processor you need, and figure out how to
deal with it when you are wrong.
  * Keep in mind if you don't expect lots of demand this year,
next year's systems will be a lot faster, bigger and cheaper.
  * Last year's computers loaded with modern disks are still
pretty darned fast for many applications.


Re: [Fwd: Shipped Order:2007/3/12-13:27:10-21493:]

2007-04-19 Thread Darrin Chandler
On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 04:47:21PM -0700, Allie D. wrote:
 YES ! It's on it's way !!
 ~Allie D.
  Original Message 
 Subject: Shipped Order:2007/3/12-13:27:10-21493:
 From:OpenBSD Shipping [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date:Thu, April 19, 2007 15:30
 USPS tracking number 030508313176xx assigned to a shipment as

You can't obscure a USPS tracking number like that. The numbers at the
end are some kind of a hash of the shipper ID, and are the same for all
shipments from Computer Shop...

(Ok, I'm kidding)

What I meant to say, was ME TOO!!!

Darrin Chandler|  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  |  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

acx/ath card information

2007-04-19 Thread Tom Van Looy
This (acx) is a wireless minipci card I got out of a broken D-Link DI-624+

acx0 at pci0 dev 16 function 0 TI ACX111 rev 0x00: irq 10
acx0: ACX111, radio Radia (0x16), EEPROM ver 5, address 00:0f:3d:0e:28:75

Also I use the ath driver for a D-Link DWL-G650 rev C.
(but it seems unstable, after eg. an hour of usage it's really slow)

Actually the manpages said DWL-G650 should be supported by acx, well it
appears as an ath on my machine.

More details on request (eg. dmesg).
(this is all 4.0 with security patches)