Технологии убеждения и завоевания доверия к компании.

2009-11-26 Thread Ilya Vadimovich
Oncrpoemhe chcrel{ }ttejrhbmoco pejpsrhmc` b dhqrpha|~rnpqjoi jolo`mhh
hkh j`j mairh, nrnapar| h ncr`bhr| Kswxhu.

9 dejaap.

c. Jheb, ask|b. Xebwemjn, 4, nrek| +C`mjr-Oerepaspc;

Rfe|k.: 0m4z4 2x3k7-9s0-0w5 / 2a3|3-4d6-6o9

Jspc naswemh adpecnb`m - dhpejrop`l pechomak|m{x opedqrabhrek|qrb,
khdep`l cpsoo, lemedfep`l-jomqsk|r`mr`l jolo`mhh, qhcrelmo gamhl`~yhuq
pejpsrhmcnl h lorhb`vhei oepqnm`ka b dhqrpha|~ropqjoi jolo`mhh

Opedkac`el{i jspc - pagp`anram ma nqmnbe 15-kermecn oo{ra p`anr{ b ctepe
ahgmeq-jomq`krhmca, pejpsrhmc`, sopabkemh h psjobodqrb` coaqrbemmoi 
Opajrhwecjhe map`anrjh `brnpa pecskpmo opedcrabk~rc m` 
repie`m|hlmhca`kx, jpsck{u qrok`u, jomtepemvhu opobedemm{u b Sjp`hme,
Pocchh, Lnkd`bhh, Ceplamhh, Hpkamdhh.

Ovpfnycpialslc` jdskp}coa nnags~wjexm`hu

Wacr| 1. Jajob _  khdep h pejpsrep?

+Mek|g cogdar| khdepnb, nmh cogda~r qea c`lh;
O. Qemce

Qogd`i jnlamds rboei lewr{. @ R{ gmaex|, jsd` ok{r|? Opnejrhbma lerndhja
+M`phcsi qbni jop`ak|;.
Pok| khdepa b pejpsrhmce h oncrpnemhh jnlamd{.
Nqmnbm{e jaweqrba khdepa-pejpsrepa
Jajnb B`x oepqomak|m{i qrhk| sop`bkemh h lnrhbavhei jnlamdni?
Hcpa +Lemedfep h ecn jnlamd`;.
Hcp` +Qdekja;. Reqr +Wrn B{ g` orhv`?;
@makhg h joppejvh qhk|m{x h ck`a{u cropom psjnbndhrek b sopabkemhh h
lorhbavhh qoaqrbemmni jolamdni.
Hcpa +Npcamhgavh opovecc`;.
Hcpa +Slemhe cksx`r|;. Jnllemraphh rip~eimvexpx`.
Nqmnb{ ok`mhpnbamh, sopabkemh h dekechpnbamh dk }ttejrhbmocrh
G`jnm Iepjqa-Dodqnm` b sop`bkemhh jnlamdoi khdepnb.
Hcp` +Qala oo qeae;. Jollemraphh r`paeymyerpha.
Gajom sa{b`~yei joloeremvhh. B{ ophxkh b ahgmec sopabkr| hkh p`anr`r| b
mel? +Cemhi h r{cwh ooloymhjnb;.
Hcpa-}jqoephlemr +Jajob nm Bax  jnmqsk|r`mr, mnbhwoj?; Jnllemr`phh 

W`qr| 2. Onqrpnemhe chqrel{ pejrsrhmca b jolo`mhh

Jocda l{ mawhm`kh }rn hqckednbamhe, ro ofhd`kh,
wrn odmhl hg oepb{u xacob psjobndhrekei ma osrh or xnpoxeco
j bekhjols qramer b{anp maopabkemh pagbhrh,
b{paaorja bhdemh asdsyeco jolo`mhh, crparechh,
h rok|jo g`rel ondaop j`dpob,
cooqnam{x ncsyeqrbhr| }rs qrp`rech~.
Ndm`jo, l{ oam`psfhkh mewrn oploopnrhboonkofmoe
(Df. Jnkkhmg +Nr xopnxeco j bekhjnls;)

]r`o 1. Pok| h gm`wemhe pejrsrhmc` dk scoexmoqrh h qraahk|moqrh
coacrbemmocn ahgmeq`.
Pejpsrhmc. Wro }ro lme d`er? Lngcoboi xrspl. (Paaora qo crhjep`lh).
Jbadp`mr demefmnco oornj` P. Jhnq`jh.
Hcrowmhjh dounda jnlo`mhh h bnglofmoqrh oncrpoemh cnacrbemmncn ahgmeq`.
Bhd{ pejpsrhmc` h ophbkewemh k~dei b jnlo`mh~. Hu }ttejrhbmoqr|.
Pegsk|rarhbmoqr| hkh opndsjrhbmocr|? B{cnd{ pejpsrhmca dk oncrpoemh
coaqrbemmnco ahgmeca.
CDE hcj`r| rak`mrkhb{u qorpsdmhjnb h JRN lnfer cr`r| sqoexm{l opnd`bvnl
joloamhh? Lngcoboi xrspl h oalem no{rol.
Ck`bm{e ophmvho{ onqrpoemh pejpsrhmcobni cerh.
Bmsrpemmhe h bmexmhe hcrowmhjh ophbkewemh oepqomaka. Nqnaemmoqrh
dhcr`mvhnmmnco oodaopa oepqomak` b joloamh~.

]rao 2. Lerodhja h x`ch pejpsrhmca.
Opabhk|mn cocr`bkemmoe oazbkemhe  oepb{i xac j sd`wmols onhcjs
jamdhdarnb. Opobedemhe rqpmeimehamscz`.
@m`khg peg~le  m` wro oapay`r| bmhl`mhe?
Oepb{i reketnmm{i jomrajr jamdhdara. Jaj b{bhr| ophcndmoqr| hkh
meophcndmncr| oo reketommols p`gcnbops q jamdhdarnl?
Rexmhj` opnbedemh hmrepb|~. Bhd{ h crpsjrspa hmrepb|~ oph ophele ma
Pokeba hcpa +Opobedemhe hmrepb|~ oph ophele m` paanrs;
Bhd{ bnopoqnb, ophlemel{u b hmrepb|~, h hu pnk| b dh`cmoqrhje spobm,
ophcodmoqrh h lnrhb`vhh jamdhd`ra.
Recr{ h opoejrhbm{e lerodhjh dhacmncrhjh opntophcndmocrh jamdhdara dk
paaor{ b dhqrpha|~rnpcjoi joloamhh.

]r`o 3. Metnplak|m{i pejpsrhmc.
Lerod pagcnbnpa oph ajrhbm{x jomrajrax c operemdemrol h bnbkewemhe eco b
Lernd +_-hqrnph;. Opobedemhe rfptepmwh~mncna.
Lerod +Paqqjafhre hqrnph~;. Opobedemhe rhpeqmahxmacz`.
Rexmnkochh saefdemh h gaboeb`mh dnbeph j jnloamhh.
Ochxokochwecjhe nqmnb{ onqrpnemh aeced{ h opegemr`vhh b{cnd paanr{ b
Lerod Aemdf`lhma Tp`mjkhm` h bap`q{b`mhe ochxokochwecjhx +jnpei;.
MKO-reumokochh b saefdemhh operemdemra. Opobedemhe repyeamdhumtcq`.
P`aora q bngp`femhlh. Opobedemhe rcpkeem}h`mwcl`.

Waqr| 3. Lnrhb`vh h opoteqqhnmak|m{i pncr cnrpsdmhjob b dhqrpha|~rnpcjoi

+Mairh xopoxhx hcpojob kecjo.
Rpsdmn gacrabhr| hu hcpar| blecre;.
Jeich Qremcek, lemedfep New York Yankness

Rho{ qnrpsdmhjnb, hu crhk| h lerod{ opod`fh.
Qhqrel` lorhbavhh h ok`m lepoophrhi, ophlemel{i j j`fdnls rhos
Lnrhbavh h ohp`lhda oorpeamoqrei @. Lackos.
L`reph`k|m{e h mel`reph`k|m{e bhd{ lnrhb`vhh cnrpsdmhjob dhcrpha|~rnpcjoi
No{r g`psaefm{u jnlo`mhi b qhcrele lnrhbavhh h opotecqhom`k|mncn pnqra
Tajrop{, bkh~yhe m` c`lnlorhbavh~ lemedfep`. J`j b{p`qrhr| khdepa?
Delorhbhps~yhe tajrnp{. Cslamhr`pma dhcvhokhm` J. Csal`pr`.
Nxhajh psjnbndhrek, bkh~yhe m` delorhbavh~ corpsdmhj`.
Pnk| oayemh h bgahloormoxemhi psjnbodhrek q corpsdmhjnl. Bhd{ h tnpl{
lorhbavhommncn oayemh. Opobedemhe r~pqekm|htmaca`.
MKO-rexmnkochh b toplhpnbamhh h oocrpnemhh scoexmoi khw

CuraNatura - A Natureza Cura

2009-11-26 Thread CuraNatura
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Re: OpenBSD on Xserve G5 dual core, 2 GHz

2009-11-26 Thread Dale Rahn
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 02:59:39PM -0800, Robert D. Skeels wrote:
> We're considering replacing our PII based OpenBSD DNS servers with
> some surplus Xserve G5 dual core, 2 GHz. While the OpenBSD PPC page
> lists this model as being know to work, it states "SATA does not work
> on PowerMac G5 and Xserve G5 systems." Is that still current?
> Are there any work around measures?

At the current time, no. The dual core G5s are different from the 2x single
core systems such they do not function at all, there is a problem with the
interrupt controller driver such that it is unable to function.

On the 2x single core systems, the SATA subsystem does not function,
however with pci SCSI/SATA/ATA card, the system can operate.

Dale Rahn   dr...@dalerahn.com

Re: OT: Have you hugged your local OpenBSD dev lately?

2009-11-26 Thread Brad Tilley
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 2:10 PM, rhubbell  wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 08:22:45 -0500
> Brad Tilley wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 10:06 PM, rhubbell  wrote:
>> > It's naive to point elsewhere and say "see, they're not secure".
>> Other similar systems are not as secure and that has been objectively
>> demonstrated. Here's one example. See the chart at the top of page
> Ok, since you say it's objective it must be.

It's as objective as you'll find. OpenSolaris is based on Solaris
which is Sun's OS (Sun sponsored the research) and they treated
OpenSolaris just like the others. One concern was the amount of change
compared to the amount of bugs. From the paper,  "... The Linux kernel
has been checked with the Coverity Prevent tool in multiple years. It
was surprising to us to find that many bugs in code we thought to be
clean, however, the churn rate in the Linux community is higher than
that in the other two communities."

Rate of change is crucial. I just saw this quote from Greg
Kroah-Hartman in an interview at http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com: "Well,
just to touch back on that rate of change that I mentioned before, I
just looked it up, and we add 11,000 lines, remove 5500 lines, and
modify 2200 lines every single day [to the Linux kernel]."

Systems with that amount of change are more prone to failure. I would
not want to fly on an airplane that got a new, different engine bolted
on every week. I think that's the point of the comparisons. Nothing
against other systems, they are fine for certain things and thank
goodness for companies such as RedHat that tame that change into
something manageable.


Re: Make utility documentation

2009-11-26 Thread David Hoskin
> Could you kindly point me to the documentation about OpenBSD make
> utility and makefile.

A pretty good tutorial can be found here:


(I don't know where to find it on the internet, short of of untar-ing

Re: Make utility documentation

2009-11-26 Thread Paul M

I found it to be a great book when I wanted an in depth understanding.

It deals mainly with gnu make, but the principles are the same.


On 27/11/2009, at 10:29 AM, Predrag Punosevac wrote:

Dear All,

Could you kindly point me to the documentation about OpenBSD make
utility and makefile.
I read man pages but I am thirst for more. I am interested in general
use of make utility
rather than the specific use for porting software to OpenBSD.

What do people think of "Managing projects with make" written by
Andrew Oram and Steve
Talbot published by O'Reilly?


Re: bgplg failed only from web not from CLI

2009-11-26 Thread Andre Keller

Seems that you cannot connect to bgpd

Are you sure

bgpd_flags="-r /var/www/logs/bgpd.rsock"

is present in your rc.conf.local?

is the socket working?

(bgpctl -s /var/www/logs/bgpd.rsock show rib )

hth andre

Am 26.11.2009 21:06, schrieb ~Lst:
> Hi,
> I've already setup bgplg on my test machine, but only show version,
> ping and traceroute that is work (suggested from
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=122670411001369&w=2).
> Everything else is not work, such as show ip bgp memory, etc...
> I followed man pages and checked everything but still its only failed,
> the strange is everytime I tested from CLI it works fine but not if I
> tested from the web.
> Is there anything that I don't know ?
> -bash-4.0# /var/www/bin/bgpctl show ip bgp memory
> RDE memory statistics
> 299625 IPv4 network entries using 6.9M of memory
> 599250 rib entries using 18.3M of memory
> 599250 prefix entries using 18.3M of memory
> 106974 BGP path attribute entries using 7.8M of memory
>  46163 BGP AS-PATH attribute entries using 2.1M of memory,
>and holding 106974 references
>   8164 BGP attributes entries using 191K of memory
>and holding 126530 references
>   8163 BGP attributes using 149K of memory
> RIB using 53.6M of memory
> Rgds,
> --
> ~Lst

Make utility documentation

2009-11-26 Thread Predrag Punosevac
Dear All,

Could you kindly point me to the documentation about OpenBSD make
utility and makefile.
I read man pages but I am thirst for more. I am interested in general
use of make utility
rather than the specific use for porting software to OpenBSD.

What do people think of "Managing projects with make" written by
Andrew Oram and Steve
Talbot published by O'Reilly?


Re: bgplg failed only from web not from CLI

2009-11-26 Thread Rod Whitworth
On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 03:06:59 +0700, ~Lst wrote:

>I've already setup bgplg on my test machine, but only show version,
>ping and traceroute that is work (suggested from
>Everything else is not work, such as show ip bgp memory, etc...
>I followed man pages and checked everything but still its only failed,
>the strange is everytime I tested from CLI it works fine but not if I
>tested from the web.
>Is there anything that I don't know ?
>-bash-4.0# /var/www/bin/bgpctl show ip bgp memory
>RDE memory statistics
>299625 IPv4 network entries using 6.9M of memory
>599250 rib entries using 18.3M of memory
>599250 prefix entries using 18.3M of memory
>106974 BGP path attribute entries using 7.8M of memory
> 46163 BGP AS-PATH attribute entries using 2.1M of memory,
>   and holding 106974 references
>  8164 BGP attributes entries using 191K of memory
>   and holding 126530 references
>  8163 BGP attributes using 149K of memory
>RIB using 53.6M of memory

Here is the output from the web access on a router I administer:
RDE memory statistics
  7793 IPv4 network entries using 244K of memory
  2279 IPv6 network entries using 97.9K of memory
 21902 prefix entries using 684K of memory
  7050 BGP path attribute entries using 551K of memory
  3963 BGP AS-PATH attribute entries using 140K of memory,
   and holding 7050 references
   564 BGP attributes entries using 13.2K of memory
   and holding 7160 references
   563 BGP attributes using 8.3K of memory
RIB using 1.7M of memory


Looks OK to me. I don't know what misconfiguration may be possible but
I thought you'd at least like to know that bgplg is capable of doing
That gives you a pointer to look elsewhere than bgplg itself.

*** NOTE *** Please DO NOT CC me. I  subscribed to the list.
Mail to the sender address that does not originate at the list server is 
tarpitted. The reply-to: address is provided for those who feel compelled to 
reply off list. Thankyou.

This life is not the real thing.
It is not even in Beta.
If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.

FW: Por favor ajudem a encontrar minha filhinha desaparecida.

2009-11-26 Thread Camila Santana.
[IMAGE] 1 anexo(s)
Fotos-VivianeSantana.JPG (143KB),


Ajude a passar essas imagens para o maior numero de pessoas possiveis.
Esta garotinha foi sequestrada na Praia do Engenho,litoral norte de SP,
ao lado de Barra do Una.
Passe essas fotos adiante, o custo e zero e pode ajudar muito.Deus com
certeza ha de recompensar-te por isso.
Hoje estas ajudando alguem... Amanha tu poderas ser o ajudado.
Que DEUS abengoe a todos que ajudarem!

bgplg failed only from web not from CLI

2009-11-26 Thread ~Lst

I've already setup bgplg on my test machine, but only show version,
ping and traceroute that is work (suggested from
Everything else is not work, such as show ip bgp memory, etc...
I followed man pages and checked everything but still its only failed,
the strange is everytime I tested from CLI it works fine but not if I
tested from the web.
Is there anything that I don't know ?

-bash-4.0# /var/www/bin/bgpctl show ip bgp memory
RDE memory statistics
299625 IPv4 network entries using 6.9M of memory
599250 rib entries using 18.3M of memory
599250 prefix entries using 18.3M of memory
106974 BGP path attribute entries using 7.8M of memory
 46163 BGP AS-PATH attribute entries using 2.1M of memory,
   and holding 106974 references
  8164 BGP attributes entries using 191K of memory
   and holding 126530 references
  8163 BGP attributes using 149K of memory
RIB using 53.6M of memory


Re: OT: Have you hugged your local OpenBSD dev lately?

2009-11-26 Thread rhubbell
On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 00:00:08 +1100
SJP Lists wrote:

> 2009/11/20 rhubbell :
> > Definitely not missing the point. Maybe you missed mine. Not "worrying"
> > because you trust everything about OpenBSD and everyone that's worked
> > on it and every package you've installed and every piece of hardware
> > you've installed, etc., etc.  It's naive to point elsewhere and say
> > "see, they're not secure". For example should I trust you and the
> > other "tooters" just because you insist OpenBSD's secure?
> It's not about absolute trust, or faith, it's about playing the odds.
> You can choose a OS built with security as the primary focus at one
> extreme, or one that's insecure by default at the other.
> No OS will be absolutely secure, but at least one tries to be.
I know.

Re: OT: Have you hugged your local OpenBSD dev lately?

2009-11-26 Thread rhubbell
On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 18:22:08 +0100
soko.tica wrote:

> On 11/20/09, rhubbell  wrote:
> > Definitely not missing the point. Maybe you missed mine. Not "worrying"
> > because you trust everything about OpenBSD and everyone that's worked
> > on it and every package you've installed and every piece of hardware
> > you've installed, etc., etc.  It's naive to point elsewhere and say
> > "see, they're not secure". For example should I trust you and the
> > other "tooters" just because you insist OpenBSD's secure?
> OpenBSD's security isn't affected at all if we, as users, insist on it.

I insist on things all the time.

Re: OT: Have you hugged your local OpenBSD dev lately?

2009-11-26 Thread rhubbell
On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 08:22:45 -0500
Brad Tilley wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 10:06 PM, rhubbell  wrote:
> > It's naive to point elsewhere and say "see, they're not secure".
> Other similar systems are not as secure and that has been objectively
> demonstrated. Here's one example. See the chart at the top of page

Ok, since you say it's objective it must be.

Re: OT: Have you hugged your local OpenBSD dev lately?

2009-11-26 Thread rhubbell
On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 15:31:47 +1100
Rod Whitworth wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 19:06:53 -0800, rhubbell wrote:
> 8>< snipped for brevity.
> >> You miss the point - the reason we toot that particular horn is that
> >> you don't have to worry about those sorts of things (well, apart from
> >
> >Definitely not missing the point. Maybe you missed mine. Not "worrying"
> >because you trust everything about OpenBSD and everyone that's worked on
> >it and every package you've installed and every piece of hardware you've
> >installed, etc., etc.  It's naive to point elsewhere and say "see,
> >they're not secure". For example should I trust you and the other
> >"tooters" just because you insist OpenBSD's secure?
> No. That isn't the point really. It's very rare for OpenBSD to have
> exploits against it but I don't hear any of the developers saying that

How would you know though? Your argument has been compromised because it's
presuming the exploit's detectable.

> it is impregnable, just that it's as good as they can make it for their
> own peace of mind. They are continually re-reading the source and using
> various tools to do audits to help make the code correct. Correct code
> is a foundation of security. 
> As you are new here, you may not yet know that OpenBSD doesn't give a
> stuff about  "market share" and is developed by the devs for their own
> use and if someone else likes it, it's a case of "Here's the ftp server
> or you can buy a CD and if it suits your purpose, that's fine. If it
> doesn't then we won't cry when you leave."

I'm finding it amusing that when folks on the list ask a question
answered in the docs it's always RTFM. But when not asking for documented
info it comes flwoing out. (^:

> That has suited me for about 8 years and it has guarded quite a few
> "crown jewels" for my clients in that time.

Guarded by which definition? Meaning as far as you know it was never

> Oh, and I'm a retired IBM Linux instructor so I have a pretty good
> insight into the relative merits of this community vs that one.

Too vague for me.
> The point of most chuckling about others (distros,versions, dev teams)
> silly actions is that the OpenBSD community doesn't suffer the
> stupidity du jour. Recent sightings elsewhere are binary blobs,
> proprietary drivers and the really stupid Debian key messup.
> Just a bit of Schaudenfreude really when you consider that their woe
> is
> self-inflicted.

Right so my point is that I still find it interesting that
these threads about "look at them" are just some hand-waving.

"Look over there, look how they are, hahaha." That to me is a red flag to
be more vigilant and to not look over there, but they seem to be trying to
distract from vigilance.

Re: Odd CARP issue with 4.6

2009-11-26 Thread Derek Buttineau
On 2009-11-26, at 10:40 AM, Marco Pfatschbacher wrote:

> It might help to set
> sysctl net.inet.carp.log=6
> carp does logging about who demoted it:
>CARP_LOG(LOG_INFO, nil, ("%s demoted group %s to %d",
>ifgl->ifgl_group->ifg_group, *dm));

Thanks, have set that.  Will check next time it happens and see if I can tell
what's demoting it.


Derek Buttineau
Internet Systems Developer
Compu-SOLVE Internet Services
Compu-SOLVE Technologies, Inc

Phone:  705-725-1212 x255
E-Mail:  de...@csolve.net

Re: OT: Have you hugged your local OpenBSD dev lately?

2009-11-26 Thread rhubbell
On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 14:37:36 +1100
Aaron Mason wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 2:06 PM, rhubbell  wrote:
> > On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 12:02:51 +1100
> >
> > Definitely not missing the point. Maybe you missed mine. Not "worrying"
> > because you trust everything about OpenBSD and everyone that's worked
> > on it and every package you've installed and every piece of hardware
> > you've installed, etc., etc.  It's naive to point elsewhere and say
> > "see, they're not secure". For example should I trust you and the
> > other "tooters" just because you insist OpenBSD's secure?
> >
> That's a good point.  However a story told on the testimonials page is
> a good reason not to take our word for it, because it's been
> demonstrated.  A redhat server rooted but OpenBSD servers left after

Maybe an OpenBSD tooter was the rooter?

> being probed is quite a feat.  A P133 w/ 64mb of RAM being floodpinged
> by 900 hosts that only got a little slower from it is also a
> considerable achievement.


> >
> > How would you know if you've been compromised? If it's the crown
> > jewels it may be worth it to remain undetected, right? Saying it's not
> > possible to avoid detection is naive.
> >
> Usually when a machine is compromised, it is then used to attack other

How much is an exploit worth? If you're going to reveal the fact you've
compromised a system, it's not worth that much.

> sites - that would be detected.  A large sudden data transfer from a
> machine with the company's crown jewels on it would be a pretty good
> indicator as well.  If the log files are sent offsite - a very wise
> move I believe - they could contain traces of the attack as well.  I'm
> not naive though - you would actually have to be watching these, and
> if you're not, today's a good day to start.
> Hope this helps.
> --
> Aaron Mason - Programmer, open source addict
> I've taken my software vows - for beta or for worse

Re: Security via the NSA?

2009-11-26 Thread rhubbell
On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 14:45:32 + (UTC)
Christian Weisgerber wrote:

> Marco Peereboom  wrote:
> > Never mind no one verifying any of the keys or anything else that SSL
> > spits out.  I am talking to you firefox!
> That's pretty strange coming from the guy who complained the loudest
> about recent Firefox releases that actually try to enforce the chain
> of trust for certificates.

The chain of trust, as-in ball and chain? Maybe it should be called the
chicane of trust.

KALKINMA OFİSİ Bayram Mesajıdır

2009-11-26 Thread KALKINMA OFİSİ









Organizasyonumuzdan Hizmet alabilecepiniz M|~avirlik B|rolar}












Re: Manual RAID0 rebuild with bioctl(8) for Softraid

2009-11-26 Thread Marco Peereboom
It should bring itself up after a shutdown.  Show us a dmesg with
softraid complaining.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 04:18:34PM +0200, Lars Nooden wrote:
> I've got a small RAID0 array set up using softraid.  I've rebuilt it a
> few times after unexpected shutdowns.  This time the manual rebuild is
> giving an error.
>   # bioctl -C forcec -c 0 -l /dev/sd0a,/dev/sd1a, \
>   /dev/sd2a,/dev/sd3a -R sd4 softraid0
> softraid0: disk c074c7f7-b3e2-42eb-ad97-3123886499f2 is
> currently in use; can't force create bioctl:
> BIOCCREATERAID: Invalid argument
>  # bioctl -q sd4
>  sd4: , serial OPENBSD SR RAID 0 003
> I am at a loss as to the next steps.
> /Lars
> The individual components seem OK, here's one:
>  # fdisk sd0
>  Disk: sd0   geometry: 498/255/63 [8011774 Sectors]
>  Offset: 0   Signature: 0xAA55
> Starting Ending LBA Info:
>  #: id   C  H  S -C   H  S [start:  size ]
>  ---
>  0: 00   0  0  0 -0   0  0 [0: 0 ] unused
>  1: 00   0  0  0 -0   0  0 [0: 0 ] unused
>  2: 00   0  0  0 -0   0  0 [0: 0 ] unused
> *3: A6   0  1  1 -  497 254 63 [   63:   8000307 ] OpenBSD
>   # disklabel sd0
>   # /dev/rsd0c:
>   type: SCSI
>   disk: SCSI disk
>   label: TS4GJFT3
>   flags:
>   bytes/sector: 512
>   sectors/track: 63
>   tracks/cylinder: 255
>   sectors/cylinder: 16065
>   cylinders: 498
>   total sectors: 8011774
>   rpm: 3600
>   interleave: 1
>   boundstart: 63
>   boundend: 8000370
>   drivedata: 0
>   16 partitions:
>   #size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
> a:  8000307   63RAID
> c:  80117740  unused

Re: ACPI question

2009-11-26 Thread Denis Doroshenko
On 11/26/09, Paul Irofti  wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:12:10PM -0500, STeve Andre' wrote:
>  >Is it reasonable to start playing with suspend/resume yet,
>  > or are things developing enough that comments will only be
>  > annoying?
>  Wait until we send a mail for you to start testing, things are crazy at
>  the moment and changes are happening really really fast.

To wait does seem to be most appropriate now. I myself was reckles
enough and tried the freshly built kernel (fresh enough so it contains
1.151 revision of /sys/dev/acpi/acpi.c) on my Compaq nc6000. Compaqs
and HPs were troublesome in the past WRT ACPI, so I was curious :-)

Well, zzz puts it to sleep all right, so it spews the following lines
and goes to sleep:

activate: mainbus0 2
device bios0 act 2
activate: bios0 2
device acpi0 act 2
activate: acpi0 2
device pci0 act 2
activate: pci0 2
device pchb0 act 2
activate: pchb0 2
device ppb0 act 2
activate: ppb0 2
device pci1 act 2
activate: pci1 2
device uhci0 act 2
activate: uhci0 2
device uhci1 a\M-ct 2
activate: uhci1 2
device uhci2 act 2
activate: uhci2 2
device ehci0 act 2
activate: ehci0 2
device ppb1 act 2
activate: ppb1 2
device pci2 act 2
activate: pci2 2

Upon wake up it spews all kinds of messages, like usb controller reset
failures, ata lost interrupts, bge watchdogs and it never recovers of

uhci0: host system error
uhci0: host controller process error
uhci0: host controller halted
uhci1: host system errov
uhci1:(host controller process error
uhci1: host controller halted
uhci2: host system error
uhci2: host controller process error
uhci2: host controll: port 1 reset failed
uhub2: port 1 reset failed
uhub3: port 1 reset failed
uhub1: port 2 reset failed
uhub2: port 2 reset failed
uhub3: port 2 reset failed
uhub1: port 1 reset failed
uhub2: port 1 reset failed
uhub3: port 1 reset failed
uhub1: port 2 rese5
uhci_freex: xfer=0xd13a9100 not busy, 0x4f4e5155
eset failed
ug timeout -- resetting

The above is the part that gets into dmesg... It's a pity that serial
console's port gets fscked up upon wake up, so I can only watch it on
the vga console. I tried different serial settings on the other end,
but no luck.

>> OpenBSD/i386 BOOT 3.02
boot> boot
booting hd0a:/bsd: 6798748+1054568 [52+353856+336919]=0x826104
entry point at 0x200120

[ using 691200 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2009 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.  http://www.OpenBSD.org

OpenBSD 4.6-current (GENERIC) #0: Thu Nov 26 12:45:03 EET 2009
cpu0: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz ("GenuineIntel"
686-class) 1.60 GHz
real mem  = 536244224 (511MB)
avail mem = 510959616 (487MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 08/30/06, BIOS32 rev. 0 @
0xf, SMBIOS rev. 2.3 @ 0xfa1ee (31 entries)
bios0: vendor Hewlett-Packard version "68BDD Ver. F.15" date 08/30/2006
bios0: Hewlett-Packard HP Compaq nc6000 (DJ256A#ABB)
apm at bios0 function 0x15 not configured
acpi0 at bios0: rev 0
acpi0: tables DSDT FACP SSDT
acpi0: wakeup devices C056(S5)
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 1 (C045)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 2 (C056)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 0 (C044)
acpiec0 at acpi0
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C3, C2, C1, PSS
acpipwrres0 at acpi0: C16D
acpipwrres1 at acpi0: C13D
acpipwrres2 at acpi0: C184
acpipwrres3 at acpi0: C18B
acpipwrres4 at acpi0: C195
acpipwrres5 at acpi0: C0E6
acpipwrres6 at acpi0: C20B
acpipwrres7 at acpi0: C20C
acpipwrres8 at acpi0: C20D
acpipwrres9 at acpi0: C20E
acpitz0 at acpi0: critical temperature 103 degC
acpitz1 at acpi0: critical temperature 115 degC
acpitz2 at acpi0: critical temperature 103 degC
acpibat0 at acpi0: C137 model "Primary" serial 07280 2004/04/16 type
LIon oem "Hewlett-Packard"
acpibat1 at acpi0: C136 not present
acpiac0 at acpi0: AC unit online
acpibtn0 at acpi0: C139
acpibtn1 at acpi0: C138
acpivideo at acpi0 not configured
bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0x1
cpu0 at mainbus0: (uniprocessor)
cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep 1595 MHz: speeds: 1600, 1400, 1200, 1000, 800, 600 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (bios)
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 82855PM Host" rev 0x03
intelagp0 at pchb0
agp0 at intelagp0: aperture at 0xb000, size 0x1000
ppb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 "Intel 82855PM AGP" rev 0x03
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "ATI Radeon Mobility M10" rev 0x00
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
radeondrm0 at vga1: irq 10
drm0 at radeondrm0
uhci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 "Intel 82801DB USB" rev 0x03: irq 10
uhci1 at pci0 dev 29 function 1 "Intel 82801DB USB" rev 0x03: irq 10
uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 82801DB USB" rev 0x03: 

Re: Connect to wireless Access Point according to MAC address

2009-11-26 Thread Daniel Gracia Garallar
'man ifconfig' states you can use bssid parameter to specify your 
desired bssid -automatic is the default mode-.

So you may try 'ifconfig iwn0 nwid Open bssid 00:0b:0e:33:ed:00'.



Milin escribiC3:

Hi all,

I'd like to connect to the wireless AP according to its MAC address.
For example there are two wireless AP

nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:29:06:40 189dB 54M short_preamble,short_slottime
nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:33:ed:00 172dB 54M short_preamble,short_slottime

and I'd like to connect to the second one (00:0b:0e:33:ed:00). With
ifconfig iwn0 nwid Open up it connects to the first one.

I have googled, but haven't found anything useful.
I'm using OpenBSD 4.6 and wireless NIC is iwn0.

Thanks a lot,


Re: Song files missing

2009-11-26 Thread Antti Harri

On Thu, 26 Nov 2009, Antti Harri wrote:


I noticed that http://www.openbsd.org/items.html#audio links to:

Oops, I meant: http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html#audio_extra


but they don't exist on the http server.

Antti Harri

Song files missing

2009-11-26 Thread Antti Harri


I noticed that http://www.openbsd.org/items.html#audio links to:


but they don't exist on the http server.

Antti Harri

Novembro 2009

2009-11-26 Thread Clínica Dentária Dra. Vanda Gandum
ClC-nica  DentC!ria  e  MC)dica
Dra. Vanda Gandum

SaC:de Oral, EstC)tica, Implantologia, Ortodontia

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Abertura aos SC!bados de manhC#

Indo ao encontro das suas necessidades, alargC!mos o horC!rio da
ClC-nica, que passarC! a estar aberta aos SC!bados de manhC#, entre as
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Venha conhecer o nosso plano de tratamentos.

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PrC3teses DentC!rias RemovC-veis

Campanha Conforto e Bem-estar

Pensado em si, aderimos ao Programa Nacional de PromoC'C#o da SaC:de
Oral para GrC!vidas e Pessoas Idosas.

AtC) final do ano estamos a oferecer condiC'C5es especiais na
colocaC'C#o de prC3teses dentC!rias removC-veis.

- PrC3teses acrC-licas 30% de desconto
- PrC3teses esquelC)ticas 20% desconto

NC#o perca esta oportunidade atC) final do ano. Visite-nos...
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Re: Odd CARP issue with 4.6

2009-11-26 Thread Marco Pfatschbacher
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 03:56:37PM +0100, Henning Brauer wrote:
> * Derek Buttineau  [2009-11-26 15:07]:
> > On 2009-11-25, at 6:23 PM, Henning Brauer wrote:
> > 
> > > check ifconfig -g carp on both
> > 
> > 
> > Right now both are at:
> > 
> > carp: carp demote count 0
> > 
> > However, I did check that before I rebooted the backup unit and the master 
> > was
> > set to
> > 
> > carp: carp demote count 1
> > 
> > At first I thought that maybe pfsync was keeping the master from reverting
> > while it synced state, but even after 24 hours the master hadn't taken back
> > over from the slave.
> the one with the higher demote count always loses, regardless of
> advskew. now finding out which subsytem set the demote count might be
> nintrivial. pfsync is in the game, so is rc, and, depending on
> configuration, various daemons like bgpd and ospfd.

It might help to set
sysctl net.inet.carp.log=6

carp does logging about who demoted it:

CARP_LOG(LOG_INFO, nil, ("%s demoted group %s to %d", 
ifgl->ifgl_group->ifg_group, *dm));

Re: Odd CARP issue with 4.6

2009-11-26 Thread Henning Brauer
* Derek Buttineau  [2009-11-26 15:07]:
> On 2009-11-25, at 6:23 PM, Henning Brauer wrote:
> > check ifconfig -g carp on both
> Right now both are at:
> carp: carp demote count 0
> However, I did check that before I rebooted the backup unit and the master was
> set to
> carp: carp demote count 1
> At first I thought that maybe pfsync was keeping the master from reverting
> while it synced state, but even after 24 hours the master hadn't taken back
> over from the slave.

the one with the higher demote count always loses, regardless of
advskew. now finding out which subsytem set the demote count might be
nintrivial. pfsync is in the game, so is rc, and, depending on
configuration, various daemons like bgpd and ospfd.

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services
Dedicated Servers, Rootservers, Application Hosting

Re: Security via the NSA?

2009-11-26 Thread Christian Weisgerber
Marco Peereboom  wrote:

> Never mind no one verifying any of the keys or anything else that SSL
> spits out.  I am talking to you firefox!

That's pretty strange coming from the guy who complained the loudest
about recent Firefox releases that actually try to enforce the chain
of trust for certificates.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber  na...@mips.inka.de

Manual RAID0 rebuild with bioctl(8) for Softraid

2009-11-26 Thread Lars Nooden
I've got a small RAID0 array set up using softraid.  I've rebuilt it a
few times after unexpected shutdowns.  This time the manual rebuild is
giving an error.

# bioctl -C forcec -c 0 -l /dev/sd0a,/dev/sd1a, \
/dev/sd2a,/dev/sd3a -R sd4 softraid0
softraid0: disk c074c7f7-b3e2-42eb-ad97-3123886499f2 is
currently in use; can't force create bioctl:
BIOCCREATERAID: Invalid argument

 # bioctl -q sd4
 sd4: , serial OPENBSD SR RAID 0 003

I am at a loss as to the next steps.


The individual components seem OK, here's one:

 # fdisk sd0
 Disk: sd0   geometry: 498/255/63 [8011774 Sectors]
 Offset: 0   Signature: 0xAA55
Starting Ending LBA Info:
 #: id   C  H  S -C   H  S [start:  size ]
 0: 00   0  0  0 -0   0  0 [0: 0 ] unused
 1: 00   0  0  0 -0   0  0 [0: 0 ] unused
 2: 00   0  0  0 -0   0  0 [0: 0 ] unused
*3: A6   0  1  1 -  497 254 63 [   63:   8000307 ] OpenBSD

# disklabel sd0
# /dev/rsd0c:
type: SCSI
disk: SCSI disk
label: TS4GJFT3
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 255
sectors/cylinder: 16065
cylinders: 498
total sectors: 8011774
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
boundstart: 63
boundend: 8000370
drivedata: 0

16 partitions:
#size   offset  fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
  a:  8000307   63RAID
  c:  80117740  unused

Re: Odd CARP issue with 4.6

2009-11-26 Thread Derek Buttineau
On 2009-11-25, at 6:23 PM, Henning Brauer wrote:

> check ifconfig -g carp on both

Right now both are at:

carp: carp demote count 0

However, I did check that before I rebooted the backup unit and the master was
set to

carp: carp demote count 1

At first I thought that maybe pfsync was keeping the master from reverting
while it synced state, but even after 24 hours the master hadn't taken back
over from the slave.


Derek Buttineau
Internet Systems Developer
Compu-SOLVE Internet Services
Compu-SOLVE Technologies, Inc

Phone:  705-725-1212 x255
E-Mail:  de...@csolve.net

Re: Odd CARP issue with 4.6

2009-11-26 Thread Derek Buttineau
On 2009-11-25, at 6:08 PM, Bryan Irvine wrote:

> did you by chance upgrade your sysctl.conf?  Make sure preempt is
> still turned on.
> -B

I did upgrade sysctl.conf, but preempt is still turned on.  Odd.


Derek Buttineau
Internet Systems Developer
Compu-SOLVE Internet Services
Compu-SOLVE Technologies, Inc

Phone:  705-725-1212 x255
E-Mail:  de...@csolve.net

Re: ACPI question

2009-11-26 Thread Paul Irofti
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:12:10PM -0500, STeve Andre' wrote:
>Is it reasonable to start playing with suspend/resume yet,
> or are things developing enough that comments will only be
> annoying?

Wait until we send a mail for you to start testing, things are crazy at
the moment and changes are happening really really fast.

Re: Connect to wireless Access Point according to MAC address

2009-11-26 Thread Milin
Thanks all very much,

the problem is then solved.


2009/11/26 TomC!E! BodE>C!r :
> I know. Just my fault. It was obvious from his question for what he is
> looking for so I used "shortcut" :-)
> 2009/11/26 Nick Guenther :
>> 2009/11/26 TomC!E! BodE>C!r :
>> Also, the BSSID is not the MAC. It looks like a MAC but it's a
>> wifi-specific thing (you can have multiple APs on the same BSSID;
>> that's how you make a wifi cloud).

Re: Connect to wireless Access Point according to MAC address

2009-11-26 Thread Nick Guenther
2009/11/26 TomC!E! BodE>C!r :
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Milin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'd like to connect to the wireless AP according to its MAC address.
>> For example there are two wireless AP
>> nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:29:06:40 189dB 54M
>> nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:33:ed:00 172dB 54M
>> and I'd like to connect to the second one (00:0b:0e:33:ed:00). With
>> ifconfig iwn0 nwid Open up it connects to the first one.
>> I have googled, but haven't found anything useful.
>> I'm using OpenBSD 4.6 and wireless NIC is iwn0.
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Milan
> --
> http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html

> Why you Google for something which you can find in man page?
> from this man page :
>  bssid bssid
> Set the desired BSSID for IEEE 802.11-based wireless network
> terfaces.
> -bssid  Unset the desired BSSID for IEEE 802.11-based wireless network
> interfaces.  The interface will automatically select a BSSID in
> this mode, which is the default.

Also, the BSSID is not the MAC. It looks like a MAC but it's a
wifi-specific thing (you can have multiple APs on the same BSSID;
that's how you make a wifi cloud).

Re: Connect to wireless Access Point according to MAC address

2009-11-26 Thread Tomáš Bodžár
I know. Just my fault. It was obvious from his question for what he is
looking for so I used "shortcut" :-)

2009/11/26 Nick Guenther :
> 2009/11/26 TomC!E! BodE>C!r :

> Also, the BSSID is not the MAC. It looks like a MAC but it's a
> wifi-specific thing (you can have multiple APs on the same BSSID;
> that's how you make a wifi cloud).

Re: Connect to wireless Access Point according to MAC address

2009-11-26 Thread Chris Bennett

Milin wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to connect to the wireless AP according to its MAC address.
For example there are two wireless AP

nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:29:06:40 189dB 54M short_preamble,short_slottime
nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:33:ed:00 172dB 54M short_preamble,short_slottime

and I'd like to connect to the second one (00:0b:0e:33:ed:00). With
ifconfig iwn0 nwid Open up it connects to the first one.

I have googled, but haven't found anything useful.
I'm using OpenBSD 4.6 and wireless NIC is iwn0.

Thanks a lot,



try man ifconfig.

set the bssid manually, normally this is done automatically

Chris Bennett

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance
accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders,
give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight
efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
  -- Robert Heinlein

Re: Odd CARP issue with 4.6

2009-11-26 Thread Daniele Pilenga
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Michiel van Baak 
> On 17:21, Wed 25 Nov 09, Derek Buttineau wrote:
>> I'm having a really odd issue, and not sure quite how best to explain it.
>> As far as I know my setup was working fine with 4.5, and the failover
>> still works without a hitch, it just  doesn't seem to want to fail back
>> anymore.

May that have anything to do with this?

   # ifconfig -g carp
   carp: carp demote count 0


Re: Connect to wireless Access Point according to MAC address

2009-11-26 Thread Tomáš Bodžár
Why you Google for something which you can find in man page?


from this man page :

 bssid bssid
 Set the desired BSSID for IEEE 802.11-based wireless network in-

 -bssid  Unset the desired BSSID for IEEE 802.11-based wireless network
 interfaces.  The interface will automatically select a BSSID in
 this mode, which is the default.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Milin  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to connect to the wireless AP according to its MAC address.
> For example there are two wireless AP
> nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:29:06:40 189dB 54M 
> short_preamble,short_slottime
> nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:33:ed:00 172dB 54M 
> short_preamble,short_slottime
> and I'd like to connect to the second one (00:0b:0e:33:ed:00). With
> ifconfig iwn0 nwid Open up it connects to the first one.
> I have googled, but haven't found anything useful.
> I'm using OpenBSD 4.6 and wireless NIC is iwn0.
> Thanks a lot,
> Milan


Connect to wireless Access Point according to MAC address

2009-11-26 Thread Milin
Hi all,

I'd like to connect to the wireless AP according to its MAC address.
For example there are two wireless AP

nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:29:06:40 189dB 54M short_preamble,short_slottime
nwid Open chan 6 bssid 00:0b:0e:33:ed:00 172dB 54M short_preamble,short_slottime

and I'd like to connect to the second one (00:0b:0e:33:ed:00). With
ifconfig iwn0 nwid Open up it connects to the first one.

I have googled, but haven't found anything useful.
I'm using OpenBSD 4.6 and wireless NIC is iwn0.

Thanks a lot,


Kasım ayı e-Bülteni

2009-11-26 Thread Vege İnşaat

Bu e-posta size BultenYonetim.com'dan onaylı olarak gvnderilmiştir.
B|ltenYonetim'den e-posta almak istemiyorsanız des...@bultenyonetim.com
'a boş bir mail gvnderebilirsiniz.
Rahatsizlik verdigimiz igin vz|r dileriz.


Say}n Yetkili

Bilindipi |zere “VEGE ]N^AAT SANAY] VE T]CARET LTD. ^T].” olarak Assan
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T|rkiye’ deki en b|y|k “Sandvig Panel” |reticisi olan Assan Panel A.^.
1998 y}l}nda kurulan ]stanbul – Tuzla ve 2004 y}l}nda faaliyete gegen
]skenderun tesislerinden sonra, son olarak Bal}kesir tesislerini de
faaliyete gegirmi~ bulunmaktad}r. Assan Panel b|nyesine ]stanbul
(4.500.000 m2/y}l) ve ]skenderun (2.500.000 m2/y}l) tesislerinden sonra
Bal}kesir (6.000.000 m2/y}l) tesislerinide ekleyerek, mevcut |retim
kapasitesini 13.000.000 m2/y}l’a g}karm}~ bulunmaktad}r.

Assan Panel T|rkiye’de ki Sandvig Panel pazar}ndaki pay}n}, b|nyesine
Bal}kesir tesislerini de katarak, %50 den %70’e y|kseltmeyi
hedeflemektedir. Bvylece T|rkiye’de ki Sandvig Panel sektvr|nde ki
liderlik vzellipini daha da peki~tirecektir.

Assan Panel’in Bal}kesir tesislerinde poli|retan dolgulu sandvig panel
|retimi yan} s}ra poliizosiyanurat dolgulu sandvig panel ve ta~y|n|
dolgulu sandvig panel |retimi de gergekle~tirilecektir. Esas olarak Assan
Panel’in Bal}kesir tesislerini kurmaktaki en b|y|k amac}, |lkemizde
|retimi s}n}rl} ve kullan}m oran} g|ngegtikge artmakta olan ta~y|n|
dolgulu sandvig panel |retimini gergekle~tirerek, yat}r}mc}ya malzemeyi
Assan kalitesinde temin edebilmektir. Bu sayede Assan Panel ta~y|n|
dolgulu sandvig panel pazar}nda da h}zla b|y|meyi hedeflemektedir.
Bal}kesir tesislerinde ilk etap da ta~y|n| dolgulu 5 hadveli (1000 R5T)
sandvig panel |retimi gergekle~tirilecektir. Panel |retiminde kullan}lan
ta~y|n| 100(110) kg/m3 yopunlukta olup A yanmazl}k s}n}f}nda y|ksek
yang}n dayan}m} ve y|ksek akustik performans saplamaktad}r. Assan ta~y|n|
dolgulu sandvig paneller, yang}n riskinin y|ksek oldupu ve azami yang}n
dayan}m} istenen binalarda yat}r}mc}n}n ilk tercihi olacakt}r.

Assan Panel Bal}kesir tesislerinde, ta~y|n| dolgulu sandvig panel
d}~}nda, poli|retan dolgulu 4 ve 5 hadveli (1000 R4 – 1000 R5) sandvig
gat} panelleri ve bunlar}n yan}s}ra 1000 W formunda cephe panellerinin
|retimlerini hem ta~y|n| dolgulu hem de poli|retan dolgulu olarak

Avrupa Birlipi teknik mevzuat}na uygunluk gal}~malar} baplam}nda
Poli|retan dolgulu sandvig panellerin vzelliklerini d|zenleyen TS EN
14509 standart} |lkemizde y|r|rl|pe girmi~tir. T|rkiye’de |zerinde
fazlaca durulmayan bu mevzuat Avrupa Birlipi taraf}ndan oldukga
vnemsenmektedir. Assan Panel, TSE taraf}ndan yap}lan denetlemeler ve
testler sonucu t|m gereklilikleri yerine getirip, 2009 y}l}n}n Mart
ay}nda TS EN 14509 belgesini alm}~ bulunmaktad}r. \reticiler ve
tasar}mc}lar taraf}ndan rehber nitelipindeki bu d|zenlemeler t|m sorulara
cevap verebilecek kadar kapsaml} igeripe sahiptir. Kompozit malzeme olan
sandvig panellerin ayr} ayr} t|m hammaddelerini d|zenleyen ve fiziksel
davran}~lar}n} yang}n dayan}m}na var}ncaya kadar inceleyen bu standart}n
al}nmas} Assan Panel’ in kalite anlay}~}na ilave deperler katm}~t}r.