Información Importante sobre la Reforma Laboral. 655165

2012-10-25 Thread Ing. Maria Alderete


Seminario sobre las Reformas Laborales 2012
5 de Noviembre, Cd. de México y 26 de Noviembre, Guadalajara.
La nueva Reforma laboral y la serie de modificaciones a la Ley Federal
del trabajo, obliga a los encargados de
recursos humanos, personal de Reclutamiento y Empresarios a tener pleno
conocimiento de los
riesgos e implicaciones que estas puedan generar para su personal y su

Con este seminario usted aprenderá:
-Los cambios estructurales y el tipo de impacto por cambio en materia de
la Ley Federal del Trabajo.
-Los efectos colaterales en la Ley del IMSS e INFONAVIT.
-Tenga pleno conocimiento de las Regulaciones de Subcontratación,

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Tip del día: Planea, Evita los problemas de “vivir al momento” y crear
estrategias de último momento. Planea tus objetivos, elige un rumbo y
mantente. Anticipa posibles causales de emergencia y diseña planes de
contingencia previos que permitan conocer rutas a seguir. Esto ayudará a
crear metas en su compañía, compartirlas con su equipo y anticipar

Frase del día: “Todos piensan en cambiar el mundo, pero nadie piensa en
cambiarse a sí mismo”. León Tolstoi

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Excelente Taller "Inteligencia Emocional en su Organización" Ultima presentación de 2012

2012-10-25 Thread Cinthia J. C. Gallegos
¡Muy Importante!  Si no puede visualizar correctamente este correo, le pedimos
que lo arrastre a su Bandeja de Entrada

Apreciable Ejecutivo:

Pone a su disposición este Excelente taller denominado:
"Inteligencia Emocional en su Organización"

Está Programado para el día:
06 de Noviembre de 2012 en la Ciudad de México

¡Última Presentación de 2012!

Inscríbase 5 días antes de la fecha del Curso y obtenga un descuento del 15%
con Inversión Inmediata
O bien, por cada dos participantes inscritos en tarifa de Inversión normal, el
tercero es completamente gratis

La Inteligencia Emocional se refiere a la capacidad humana de sentir,
entender, controlar y modificar estados emocionales en uno mismo y en los

La Inteligencia Emocional, no es ahogar las Emociones, si no dirigirlas y

Las personas con habilidades emocionales bien desarrolladas, tienen más
posibilidades de sentirse satisfechas y ser eficaces en su vida, y de dominar
los hábitos mentales que favorezcan su propia productividad; las personas que
no pueden poner cierto orden en su vida emocional libran batallas interiores
que sabotean su capacidad de concentrarse en el trabajo y pensar con

Empleados felices hacen clientes felices, la emocionalidad es parte importante
en las decisiones de éxito de una organización.

Sensibilizar al participante en la importancia que tiene la inteligencia
emocional en las conductas y comportamientos de su persona en interacción con
los colaboradores de una organización.

Duración: 05 horas

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Re: Why anyone in their right mind would like to use NAT64

2012-10-25 Thread Mark Felder
On Wed, 24 Oct 2012 15:33:55 -0400
Simon Perreault  wrote:

> I'm going to wait a long time for a firmware update that makes my 
> IPv4-only printer speak IPv6.

My brother wifi printer from... 5 years ago?? supports ipv6. Sometimes I enable 
it and publish it in IRC and see how many wonderful printouts I get...

El Sector Automotriz y la Reforma Laboral (ID:12333)

2012-10-25 Thread Industra Nacional de Autopartes NZZ


Me Interesa Asistir.. dé click aquí

Evento Obligado para Directivos del Sector Automotor

Reunión de Evaluación del Sector Automotriz

El mejor evento para estar en contacto con los líderes de la Industria
Automotríz. No se lo pierda. Con la participación de destacados expertos.

Cupo estrictamente limitado.

En esta ocasión Resa hará referencia a la Reforma Laboral, tema de
particular importancia para la Industria Automotríz. La temática
incluirá, entre otros puntos:

  * Las nuevas normas de contratación

  * Outsourcing

  * Salarios caídos

  * Pago por horas

  * Notificacionesde de despido

Perspectivas de la Industria Automotriz, Impacto de la Reforma Laboral

Dirigido a:

  * Directores Generales de empresas de Autopartes, tanto fabricantes
como comercializadoras

  * Directores de Ventas empresas de autopartes

  * Directores / Gerentes de Compras fabricantes de vehículos y

Cuándo y Dónde

Fecha: 9 de Noviembre del 2012
Horario: 08:00 a 13:30
Hotel Presidente InterContinental México
Av. Campos Elíseos 218
Col. Polanco Chapultepec.
11560 México, D.F.

Me Interesa Asistir... dé click aquí

Eliminarmede su lista de distribución

Industria Nacional de Autopartes, A.C. Av. Colonia delValle 607 Colonia
del Valle México D.F., C.P. 03100 - Teléfono:(5255)5682 5862

Re: phpMyAdmin

2012-10-25 Thread Tony Berth
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:40 PM, Richard Toohey <> wrote:

> On 10/26/12 09:35, Tony Berth wrote:
>> Dear group,
>> I'm trying to run phpMyAdmin on a 5.1 box (i386) with MySQL 5.1.60
>> installed from the OpenBSD packages.
>> When I try to login I get:
>> #2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server
>> Please note that the same mysql user is able to login remotely via the
>> MySQL GUI workbench!
>> Now, I came across the following posting:
>> and did apply the suggested solution but didn't work!
>> I also have to mention that my sock file is located in:
>> /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
>> could that be a problem with the chrooted apache?
>> Thanks
>> T
>>  chrooted Apache might not be able to resolve localhost, so you can try
> fixing that, or use instead of localhost.  You *may* also have to
> grant privileges to the user@, but first just try changing the
> phpMyAdmin to point to
> Not replying to the list because I haven't got my asbestos pants on today.

correct! That indeed was the problem. Replacing localhost with
did work.

Thanks a lot



2012-10-25 Thread Tony Berth
Dear group,

I'm trying to run phpMyAdmin on a 5.1 box (i386) with MySQL 5.1.60
installed from the OpenBSD packages.

When I try to login I get:

#2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server

Please note that the same mysql user is able to login remotely via the
MySQL GUI workbench!

Now, I came across the following posting:

and did apply the suggested solution but didn't work!

I also have to mention that my sock file is located in:


could that be a problem with the chrooted apache?



unbound performance

2012-10-25 Thread Michel Blais

I'm trying to make unbound have less timeout query (I see around1 to 2%
of query timeout using DNS performance test from Silverwolf Software
and was looking at "Unbound : Howto optimise"
and wanted to try the so-rcvbuf option but enabling it cause a error on
service start.

On BSD change |kern.ipc.maxsockbuf| in |/etc/sysctl.conf|. On OpenBSD change
header and recompile kernel.
Source :

Also :
Actually, I've solved the problem. In "src/sys/sys/socketvar.h", change

/*#define SB_MAX (256*1024)*/ /* default for max chars in sockbuf */

#define SB_MAX (2096*1024) /* default for max chars in sockbuf */

Then recompile the kernel and I can set the buffer size up to 2MBs.
Source :

Is this a good idea to change this value ? Any reason why it limited 
like this ?
Is there any other way to change max chars in buffer size than recompile
the kernel.

OpenBSD 5.1 amd64

-- Unbound.conf ---

 verbosity: 1
 logfile: /var/unbound/var/log/unbound.log

 port: 53
 do-ip4: yes
 do-ip6: no
 do-udp: yes
 do-tcp: yes

 access-control: allow_snoop
 hide-version: yes
 harden-glue: yes

 cache-min-ttl: 3600
 cache-max-ttl: 86400

 prefetch: yes

 num-threads: 4
 outgoing-range: 8192
 num-queries-per-thread: 2048
 msg-cache-slabs: 8
 rrset-cache-slabs: 8
 infra-cache-slabs: 8
 key-cache-slabs: 8

 rrset-cache-size: 256m
 msg-cache-size: 128m

   # so-rcvbuf: 8m <-value I want to activate

 unwanted-reply-threshold: 1
 do-not-query-localhost: no
 val-clean-additional: yes

  name: "."
  forward-addr:  # Google Public DNS
  forward-addr:  # Google Public DNS

 name: ""

 name: ""

 name: ""

-- end of config file ---



Sucessor for cds and dvds

2012-10-25 Thread Tomasz Marszal
Hi Group.

I wonder is there any sucessor for cd/dvd/blue-ray media that lats you
record big amount of data and the recorded data are permanent ( not
rewritable ) I know that there are pendrives but you can easily remove data
from them or record data on data and i want something permanent like old
good cds and dvds with big size like 256 GB pen. it would be also good for
data to be safe ( something like old floppy made from plastic protection).
Do you think there is solution on the market like i want for affordable

Best Regards 

Tomek Marszał

sparc Ultra 10 workstation available for donation in Munich

2012-10-25 Thread IMAP List Administration
Hello Folks,

I'm about to chuck out an old SparcStation, but I wanted to ask here first in
case someone could put it to use.

512MB Memory
20GB disk
UltraSPARC IIi 333MHz
CDROM (IDE, I guess)
Floopy Drive
Keyboard and Mouse are part of the package.

If interested, please send me a mail at urban [at] spielwiese [dot] de.


Robert Urban


2012-10-25 Thread novedades


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Re: Problem with server upgrade, upgrade or hardware failure?

2012-10-25 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2012-10-24, Stuart Henderson  wrote:
> Note that this method is likely to have problems going from 5.1 to 5.2
> on i386 due to changes, I would strongly recommend people have
> console access and remote reboot for this particular upgrade. (just i386;
> amd64 is not affected by that particular change).

A workaround for this is to comment-out pkg_scripts in rc.conf.local
and any code in rc.shutdown invoking dynamically-linked programs before
starting the upgrade, however it's safer to do a bsd.rd upgrade from
the console (or yaifo).

Re: Why anyone in their right mind would like to use NAT64

2012-10-25 Thread Otto Moerbeek
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 02:23:06PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:

> On 2012-10-25, Simon Perreault  wrote:
> > Le 2012-10-25 00:20, Constantine A. Murenin a ??crit :
> >> No dual-stacking is
> >> provided; in their slides from [0], T-Mobile USA claims that IPv6-only
> >> with NAT64/DNS64 is cheaper than dual-stack with NAT44.
> >
> > Yes. I forgot to mention another reason why the 3GPP folks like NAT64: 
> > most 3GPP equipment vendors charge ISPs by the number of "PDP contexts". 
> AIUI the second context also affects battery use on mobile devices.
> > Currently deployed equipment can not do dual-stack PDP contexts.
> The dual-stack contexts were added in 3gpp rel-8 and improved in
> rel-9 (from 2008/2009), so I guess it might take another few years
> before equipment supporting this gets widely deployed and they get
> the time between crashes down to an acceptable amount ;)

down? I hope you mean up ;-)

Re: Why anyone in their right mind would like to use NAT64

2012-10-25 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2012-10-25, Simon Perreault  wrote:
> Le 2012-10-25 00:20, Constantine A. Murenin a écrit :
>> No dual-stacking is
>> provided; in their slides from [0], T-Mobile USA claims that IPv6-only
>> with NAT64/DNS64 is cheaper than dual-stack with NAT44.
> Yes. I forgot to mention another reason why the 3GPP folks like NAT64: 
> most 3GPP equipment vendors charge ISPs by the number of "PDP contexts". 

AIUI the second context also affects battery use on mobile devices.

> Currently deployed equipment can not do dual-stack PDP contexts.

The dual-stack contexts were added in 3gpp rel-8 and improved in
rel-9 (from 2008/2009), so I guess it might take another few years
before equipment supporting this gets widely deployed and they get
the time between crashes down to an acceptable amount ;)

Re: Why anyone in their right mind would like to use NAT64

2012-10-25 Thread Simon Perreault

Le 2012-10-25 00:20, Constantine A. Murenin a écrit :

No dual-stacking is
provided; in their slides from [0], T-Mobile USA claims that IPv6-only
with NAT64/DNS64 is cheaper than dual-stack with NAT44.

Yes. I forgot to mention another reason why the 3GPP folks like NAT64: 
most 3GPP equipment vendors charge ISPs by the number of "PDP contexts". 
Currently deployed equipment can not do dual-stack PDP contexts. So if 
you want to provide dual-stack to your customers, you need to provide 
them each with two single-stack PDP contexts, which doubles the amount 
you end up paying in license fees to equipment vendors.

That's going to change in the medium term when new equipment capable of 
dual-stack PDP contexts gets deployed. But in the short term, NAT64 
looks very attractive.


Re: Why anyone in their right mind would like to use NAT64

2012-10-25 Thread Simon Perreault

Le 2012-10-25 07:45, a écrit :

I have two very old IP print servers that work just fine.
You just have to flip those 4 tiny little switches to get access
to program them over IP. Can I get another tiny switch to add IPv6?

You could just map an IPv6 address to them using pf's af-to keyword:

pass in inet6 to 2001:db8::1 af-to inet from to


Re: Why anyone in their right mind would like to use NAT64

2012-10-25 Thread chrisbennett
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Why anyone in their right mind would like to use NAT64
From: Simon Perreault 
Date: Wed, October 24, 2012 12:33 pm

Le 2012-10-24 15:29, Barbier, Jason a écrit :
> Well expanding on the address space and numbering issue, that would be a
> valid use for NAT but I honestly think it would be better to actually try
> and fix that before trying to put a hack over the top of it.

I'm going to wait a long time for a firmware update that makes my 
IPv4-only printer speak IPv6.


I have two very old IP print servers that work just fine.
You just have to flip those 4 tiny little switches to get access
to program them over IP. Can I get another tiny switch to add IPv6?


Re: Spectrwm & Terminus

2012-10-25 Thread chrisbennett
 Original Message 
Subject: Spectrwm & Terminus
From: "Gonzalo L. R." 
Date: Wed, October 24, 2012 7:45 am
To: Ports Mailing List 


Anyone used spectrwm without Terminus-font?

Ok? Comments?

Sending from my VCR...

I use Terminus-font. I like it.

However, my dad has poor vision for small text.

Has anyone found a larger font that can be used in the bar and xterm
that doesn't look like crap? Larger Terminus is horrible.
I couldn't figure anything out.
