Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread noah pugsley
You know, I guess it's just personal convention from habit. I think I started 
doing that way back before I could remember how the redirects work ‎without 
looking them up.  Too lazy to change now. 

So yeah, if you're trying to divine something clever from that‎, I wouldn't. 

Sent from mobile.
  Original Message  
From: ropers
Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2019 21:07
To: noah pugsley
Cc: Edgar Pettijohn; Steve Litt;
Subject: Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

> From: ropers
> Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?
> Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
> graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:
> $ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?

On 08/05/2019, noah pugsley  wrote:
> Maybe I'm a weirdo, but no matter what I use for a window manager, I start
> all programs from the cli. All.
> For Firefox or Chrome something like this:
> $ firefox & bw ; exit
> bw is a shortcut to an xterm with a bunch of options. Kill the one with the
> console crap and poop out a fresh one.

You probably know this, but just for the record/archives, the
> $ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
line that I quoted earlier should normally take care of "the console crap":
It redirects firefox's stdout to /dev/null, then redirects firefox's
stderr to stdout and thus to /dev/null, and then sets firefox to run
in the background.

(So if, I don't know, bw is perhaps just a script you wrote to avoid
"the console crap", then maybe it's not even necessary? I imagine it
might even be easier to keep your history if you're not constantly
spawning new xterms.
If you're way ahead of me here and if I'm just totally missing the
point, the plot and something obvious, feel free to engage in random
acts of clue-battery. ;)

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread ropers
> From: ropers
> Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?
> Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
> graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:
> $ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?

On 08/05/2019, noah pugsley  wrote:
> Maybe I'm a weirdo, but no matter what I use for a window manager, I start
> all programs from the cli.  All.
> For Firefox or Chrome something like this:
> $ firefox & bw ; exit
> bw is a shortcut to an xterm with a bunch of options. Kill the one with the
> console crap and poop out a fresh one.

You probably know this, but just for the record/archives, the
> $ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
line that I quoted earlier should normally take care of "the console crap":
It redirects firefox's stdout to /dev/null, then redirects firefox's
stderr to stdout and thus to /dev/null, and then sets firefox to run
in the background.

(So if, I don't know, bw is perhaps just a script you wrote to avoid
"the console crap", then maybe it's not even necessary? I imagine it
might even be easier to keep your history if you're not constantly
spawning new xterms.
If you're way ahead of me here and if I'm just totally missing the
point, the plot and something obvious, feel free to engage in random
acts of clue-battery. ;)

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Tom Smyth
I was just thinking  fvwm users were all into custom fvwm configs
and I was missing out  :)  Im glad im not the only one who uses xterm as an
application launcher in fvwm

when using fvwm and using xterm to launch apps I found the responsiveness
of the GUI insanely fast...
It feels strange starting everything from xterm (when used to clicking
on an icons
on other systems..

On Tue, 7 May 2019 at 23:52, Ingo Schwarze  wrote:
> Hi,
> ropers wrote on Wed, May 08, 2019 at 12:23:09AM +0200:
> > Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?
> Yes, i don't use any other window manager.
> > Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
> > graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:
> >
> > $ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> More or less.  Sometimes, i simply do
>   $ firefox
> and leave the terminal open in case i want to look at the error messages.
> Sometimes, i type
>   $ firefox & exit
> which is shorter.
> > or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?
> No.  The only program is start by clicking the mouse is xterm(1).
> Yours,
>   Ingo

Kindest regards,
Tom Smyth.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread noah pugsley
Maybe I'm a weirdo, but no matter what I use for a window manager, I start all 
programs from the cli.  All.

For Firefox or Chrome something like this:

$ firefox & bw ; exit

bw is a shortcut to an xterm with a bunch of options. Kill the one with the 
console crap and poop out a fresh one.

  Original Message  
From: ropers
Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2019 15:35
To: Edgar Pettijohn
Cc: Steve Litt;
Subject: Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?

Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:

$ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &

or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?

(Again, this is about how people use stock default fvwm. If your
answer begins with "install $this_other_launcher", it's probably not
what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.)

May 7 snap broken, ld: can't load library ''

2019-05-07 Thread Greg Steuck
This is presumably already fixed by "Sync after libc++ bump", but in case
somebody else hits it...

The amd64 snapshot with this signature:

... produces these errors upon reboot into the newly installed system:
reordering ld: can't load library ''
Abort trap
install: No such file or directory


P.S.How useful would it be to automatically install amd64/i386 snapshots in
a vmm before declaring them worthy of publishing?

How I use dmenu

2019-05-07 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

I use dmenu on Void Linux but from what I understand, it works the same
on OpenBSD.

Suckless Tools' dmenu is what I use to launch graphical applications.
Here's how I run dmenu for this purpose:

dmenu_run  -i -l 32  -fn "7x14" -nf yellow -nb black -sf black -sb white

The -i means case insensitive. The -l means show results vertically
instead of horizontally, and use 32 lines. Your number of lines will
depend on your fonts, resolution, screen size, etc. Even as little as
15 or 20 is useful. The -fn is the font. -nf, -nb, -sf, and -sb are
normal-foreground, normal-background, selected-foreground, and

I put that command as the one and only command (other than the /bin/sh
shebang) in a shellscript called, and assign hotkey
Ctrl+Shift+semicolon to that shellscript. Obviously you'll choose a
hotkey that makes sense to you.

So to run firefox, I do Ctrl+Shift+semicolon, then type fir and hit
Enter. To run Gnumeric, I do Ctrl+Shift+semicolon, then type gnum and
hit Enter. Dmenu is very quick to load and fast to process, so compared
to typing speed there's no latency at all. In most cases you type less
characters than you would to run it in a terminal. For a touch typist
it's much faster than using a mouse.

Dmenu works with any WMDE (Window Manager/Desktop Environment) that
allows the user to set up a hotkey to run a program. This includes
Openbox, LXDE, LxQt, ctwm, fvwm, IceWM, Xfce, dwm, and probably many
more. For the person who types over 25 wpm and prioritizes productivity
significantly more than pretty, adding dmenu is a game-changer.

Dmenu interfaces directly to X with few or no other dependencies, so
it's trivial to make it and install it. Compilation takes much less
than a minute. You can download it at , and the downloaded tarball is only
15.6 KILObytes, so this gives you an idea about how simple this
software is.

Back before discovering dmenu, I spent a lot of time and effort and
tooth-gnashing figuring out the best WMDE to use. Now, I add dmenu to
whatever WMDE I happen to be using, and I'm good to go. Try it: You
just might like it.


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread ropers
On 08/05/2019, Steve Litt  wrote:
> On Wed, 8 May 2019 00:23:09 +0200
> ropers  wrote:
>> Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?
>> Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
>> graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:
>> $ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
>> or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?
>> (Again, this is about how people use stock default fvwm. If your
>> answer begins with "install $this_other_launcher", it's probably not
>> what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.)
> Fvwm has menus, so if you set up your menus with your favorite
> applications, you can run them with just a few keystrokes or mouse
> clicks.
> I know a much better way, but it involves installing a lightweight
> $this_other_launcher with almost zero dependencies, so I won't talk
> about it.
> SteveT

Okay, so now I *AM* curious and *would* be thankful if you could elaborate.
You win. Sorry for being such an overly restrictive ass earlier.

Re: Upgrade procedure (6.4 -> 6.5)

2019-05-07 Thread Nick Holland
On 5/7/19 8:32 AM, Dumitru Moldovan wrote:
> On Sun, May 05, 2019 at 05:05:11PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>>Consus wrote on Fri, May 03, 2019 at 02:24:10PM +0300:
>>> Maybe it's a good idea to note this on the upgrade page? Something like
>>> "the upgrade procedure may leave some files behing; you can manually
>>> clean them up using sysclean package"?
> [...]
>>For example, it is definitely useful to remove stale Perl libraries.
>>It is also useful for stale header files if you compile software
>>from source.  It is useful (but not terribly important) for stale
>>manual pages.  It is usually detrimental for old versions of shared
>>libraries, unless you are *really* short on disk space (which is getting
>>less common nowadays) *and* you are very careful.
>>For most use cases, we do not recommend using sysclean.
> I think there's a less common scenario not covered in this thread.
> Suppose you have locally-compiled binaries, linked to previous versions
> of libraries, belonging to an older version of the OS.  Those libs will
> never get patched after you upgrade, so any vulnerabilities they expose
> will remain exploitable in the binaries linked to them.

Ok, I admire your confidence that the problem in your local binaries
are the OpenBSD libraries. :D

This swings both ways.  When doing an upgrade, if the upgrade deleted
all those libraries BEFORE you had a chance to upgrade that binary, it
would quit working.  While I'm all for "Fail Closed", it might be
premature to call it a failure.  Or not.

It is very hard to please all, and even harder to cover all possible


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Evan Silberman
Clark Block  wrote:
> What is OpenBSD developers's opinion about the private messages that I
> quoted above?

I'm not an OpenBSD developer and I can't speak to their opinions but the
dynamic in this thread resembles the one discussed in this excellent talk [1]
by Evan Czaplicki, the creator of Elm. To be brief, it's far from uncommon for
users to ask for features in a project where there's lots of history and
context that they aren't aware of, and that the developers and leaders of the
project may have discussed many times. Sometimes this comes with the assertion
that their request is easy, or even that the developers are foolish for not
prioritizing their request.

In the case of OpenBSD, lots of people have probably popped up over the years
asking why the project doesn't prioritize (what they see as) a "great desktop
experience". I think the developers might be forgiven for not giving such
queries much attention the nth time. A graphical installer accessible to a
non-specialist user that installs a full-fledged desktop environment, a
browser, and an office suite is certainly a thing some operating system
projects provide. In a world where nothing has a cost, it might be abstractly
_good_ for OpenBSD to have such a thing. But things do have costs. OpenBSD has
different priorities than Windows, macOS, or Ubuntu, and orders of magnitude
less in financial and developer resources. And even if code that did what you
wanted appeared in the tree by magic, it would create a maintenance and support
cost that the project would also have to sustain. I'll leave further inferences
about this situation as an exercise for the reader.

Evan S.


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Ingo Schwarze

Everybody, please just stop feeding the "Clark Block" troll.

Clark Block wrote on Tue, May 07, 2019 at 08:19:56PM -0300:

[more junk deleted]

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Jeff Ross

On 5/7/19 4:23 PM, ropers wrote:

Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?

Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:

$ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &

or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?

(Again, this is about how people use stock default fvwm. If your
answer begins with "install $this_other_launcher", it's probably not
what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.)

I just do

$ firefox

in an xterm and let it start in that window.  I have 9 windows available 
in the little floating window selector doohickey so one for firefox, one 
for Thunderbird, and mostly the rest for xterms.


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Clark Block
I received the following private messages about  a user-friendly and
easy-to-use variant of OpenBSD:


great e-mail!

As you have noticed, the OpenBSD devs and even advocates tend to be quite
hostile towards ideas and viewpoints that don't fit their world.

I have had similar thoughts and related plans for a long, long time.

Would you be interested in co-operation? I think we need to fork...

Yours sincerely,



I've been trying talking sense to the devs and the advocates on the list so
many times, I really don't feel it's worth the effort. The only effect it's
ever had is that it just creates more bashing. =D

OpenBSD is superb in so many ways, and I've been sick and tired of the fact
that the attitude of the devs is killing 99% of the potential the OS has.
The guys on the list (and I assume most of all Theo himself) just don't
want to care about things like user experience.

It's a crazy situation and I've been thinking about forking *so* many times
-- but then again, that would mean having to support a whole new fork,
following upstream development and maintaining compatibility.

To be honest, I really don't know what to do about it. If I was a
millionaire... ;)



What is OpenBSD developers's opinion about the private messages that I
quoted above?

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Vijay Sankar

On 5/7/19 5:23 PM, ropers wrote:

Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?

Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:

$ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &

or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?

(Again, this is about how people use stock default fvwm. If your
answer begins with "install $this_other_launcher", it's probably not
what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.)


I used to be a fvwm user and then a KDE user but my lack of ability to 
change the time to show anything other than UTC in KDE4 made me change 
back to fvwm.

Except for a few systems (for ex. system from which I sending this 
email), I usually use .fvwmrc with

AddToMenu CommandMenu "Command Menu"  Title
+   "Xterm" exec xterm &
+   "Firefox"   exec firefox &
+   "Calculator"    exec xcalc &
+   "Restart fvwm"  Restart fvwm
+   "Start cwm" Restart cwm
+   "Lock Screen"   exec xlock &
+   "Logout"    FvwmForm QuitVerify

It seems to work the best for me.


Vijay Sankar
ForeTell Technologies Limited

Re: Booting octeon in single user mode

2019-05-07 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2019-05-07, Jordan Geoghegan  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have an old Edgerouter Lite I set up last year that I've forgotten the 
> passwords for.
> I know you can boot single user mode on amd64 by typing "boot -s" at the 
> bootloader prompt, but that does not seem to exist on octeon.
> Any help you guys can provide getting my octeon into single user mode 
> would be much appreciated.
> Jordan

Untested on Octeon, but usually you can Ctrl-\ before it goes multiuser.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Ingo Schwarze

ropers wrote on Wed, May 08, 2019 at 12:23:09AM +0200:

> Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?

Yes, i don't use any other window manager.

> Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
> graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:
> $ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &

More or less.  Sometimes, i simply do

  $ firefox

and leave the terminal open in case i want to look at the error messages.
Sometimes, i type

  $ firefox & exit

which is shorter.

> or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?

No.  The only program is start by clicking the mouse is xterm(1).


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Christopher Turkel
You can copy the system.fvwm2rc to /home/.fvwm and edit the root menu to
launch your apps.

But barring that, I just use firefox & in a terminal

On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 6:34 PM ropers  wrote:

> Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?
> Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
> graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:
> $ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?
> (Again, this is about how people use stock default fvwm. If your
> answer begins with "install $this_other_launcher", it's probably not
> what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.)

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 8 May 2019 00:23:09 +0200
ropers  wrote:

> Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?
> Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
> graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:
> $ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?
> (Again, this is about how people use stock default fvwm. If your
> answer begins with "install $this_other_launcher", it's probably not
> what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.)

Fvwm has menus, so if you set up your menus with your favorite
applications, you can run them with just a few keystrokes or mouse

I know a much better way, but it involves installing a lightweight
$this_other_launcher with almost zero dependencies, so I won't talk
about it.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread ropers
Tangentially related: Does anyone here routinely use the default fvwm?

Now for a really noobish question: Those that do, do you also launch
graphical apps by typing something like this in xterm:

$ firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &

or do you normally do something else that I've totally overlooked?

(Again, this is about how people use stock default fvwm. If your
answer begins with "install $this_other_launcher", it's probably not
what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.)

Re: dmenu: was When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Edgar Pettijohn

On May 7, 2019 3:39 PM, Steve Litt  wrote:
> On Tue, 07 May 2019 14:47:15 -0500
> Edgar Pettijohn  wrote:
> > I use dwm on everything so my desktop experience is the same
> > everywhere.
> Just the man I want to talk to.
> Do you have dmenu running on OpenBSD? Did you need to make adjustments
> for ksh instead of sh or any other property of OpenBSD?
> Thanks,
> SteveT

I haven't used it in a while, but I don't think I had to make any adjustments. 
The only app I start frequently is Firefox. So I just do a:

$ firefox &

Then switch to a different window for it to open in.

I vaguely recall using the Arch wiki for setting up dmenu.

Good luck.

Re: dmenu: was When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Mohamed Fouad
works like a sharm

On Tue, 7 May 2019, 6:14 pm Sean Howard  I compiled dwm and dmenu directly and then just wrote an xinitrc, no
> adjustments necessary to be functional
> On Tue, May 7, 2019, 16:42 Steve Litt  wrote:
> > On Tue, 07 May 2019 14:47:15 -0500
> > Edgar Pettijohn  wrote:
> >
> >
> > > I use dwm on everything so my desktop experience is the same
> > > everywhere.
> >
> > Just the man I want to talk to.
> >
> > Do you have dmenu running on OpenBSD? Did you need to make adjustments
> > for ksh instead of sh or any other property of OpenBSD?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > SteveT
> >
> >

Re: dmenu: was When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Sean Howard
I compiled dwm and dmenu directly and then just wrote an xinitrc, no
adjustments necessary to be functional

On Tue, May 7, 2019, 16:42 Steve Litt  wrote:

> On Tue, 07 May 2019 14:47:15 -0500
> Edgar Pettijohn  wrote:
> > I use dwm on everything so my desktop experience is the same
> > everywhere.
> Just the man I want to talk to.
> Do you have dmenu running on OpenBSD? Did you need to make adjustments
> for ksh instead of sh or any other property of OpenBSD?
> Thanks,
> SteveT

dmenu: was When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 07 May 2019 14:47:15 -0500
Edgar Pettijohn  wrote:

> I use dwm on everything so my desktop experience is the same
> everywhere.

Just the man I want to talk to.

Do you have dmenu running on OpenBSD? Did you need to make adjustments
for ksh instead of sh or any other property of OpenBSD?



Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Edgar Pettijohn

On May 7, 2019 2:29 PM, Steve Litt  wrote:
> On Tue, 7 May 2019 14:45:34 -0300
> Clark Block  wrote:
> > Was developed the Isotop:
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > The Isotop is really  a user-friendly and easy-to-use
> > variant of OpenBSD or is foolish?
> What's your objective in asking this question? As a first step to
> giving you possibly useful information, I asked about your typing
> capabilities, and you didn't respond. Several people have asked you
> questions, of which you only answered one, with the very broad phrase
> "user-friendly and easy-to-use variant of OpenBSD!"
> Then you ask us to evaluate a desktop maybe-described on two all French
> web pages with no screenshots.
> Do you want an answer, or did you ask us a rhetorical question, and if
> rhetorical, what point are you trying to get across?
> SteveT

I use dwm on everything so my desktop experience is the same everywhere.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 7 May 2019 14:45:34 -0300
Clark Block  wrote:

> Was developed the Isotop:
> The Isotop is really  a user-friendly and easy-to-use
> variant of OpenBSD or is foolish?

What's your objective in asking this question? As a first step to
giving you possibly useful information, I asked about your typing
capabilities, and you didn't respond. Several people have asked you
questions, of which you only answered one, with the very broad phrase
"user-friendly and easy-to-use variant of OpenBSD!"

Then you ask us to evaluate a desktop maybe-described on two all French
web pages with no screenshots.

Do you want an answer, or did you ask us a rhetorical question, and if
rhetorical, what point are you trying to get across?


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread John Long
On Tue, 7 May 2019 19:02:57 +
Kent Watsen  wrote:

> Probably not what the OP is looking for, but `tmux` is my current
> "window manager" of choice  ;)

Along those lines I find i3 is the perfect wm companion to tmux :)


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Kent Watsen
Probably not what the OP is looking for, but `tmux` is my current "window 
manager" of choice  ;)


> On May 7, 2019, at 2:01 PM, Otto Moerbeek  wrote:
> On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 02:01:34AM -0300, Clark Block wrote:
>> In 2019 still there is not a great desktop experience for NetBSD. However,
>> the new "OS108" is seeking to improve this with a NetBSD operating system
>> paired with the MATE desktop environment.
>> So, OS108, a derivative of NetBSD, has just been released:
>> When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?
> Sigh,
> We make what we think is good. If you think otherwise, you're free to
> create whatever from what we produce. We even include all kind of
> tools and packaged software to build something with OpenBSD as a base.
> Go do it instead of trying to tell us what to do.
>   -Otto

Re: `man 2 sysctl` issue

2019-05-07 Thread Ted Unangst
Kent Watsen wrote:
> But when using sysctl(8) or /etc/sysctl.conf, a couple variables need an 
> extra 'm':
> semni --> semmni
> semnu --> semmnu
> Is this intentional?

The extra letters are intentional. I've fixed the man page. Thanks.

`man 2 sysctl` issue

2019-05-07 Thread Kent Watsen

`man 2 sysctl` shows:

KERN_SEMINFO_SEMMNI (kern.seminfo.semni)
The maximum number of semaphore identifiers allowed.

KERN_SEMINFO_SEMMNU (kern.seminfo.semnu)
The maximum number of semaphore undo structures allowed
in the system.

But when using sysctl(8) or /etc/sysctl.conf, a couple variables need an extra 
semni --> semmni
semnu --> semmnu

Is this intentional?


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Otto Moerbeek
On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 02:01:34AM -0300, Clark Block wrote:

> In 2019 still there is not a great desktop experience for NetBSD. However,
> the new "OS108" is seeking to improve this with a NetBSD operating system
> paired with the MATE desktop environment.
> So, OS108, a derivative of NetBSD, has just been released:
> When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?


We make what we think is good. If you think otherwise, you're free to
create whatever from what we produce. We even include all kind of
tools and packaged software to build something with OpenBSD as a base.

Go do it instead of trying to tell us what to do.


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Frank Haun
On Tue, 7 May 2019 10:14:33 +, John Long wrote:

> On Tue, 7 May 2019 08:47:18 +0200
> Denis Fondras  wrote:
>> > user-friendly and easy-to-use
>> >  
>> Sounds like the exact description of current OpenBSD...
> +100
> This is exactly why I like and use it.


OpenBSD 6.5 ORION#1 amd64
 2:50PM  up 12 days,  1:30, 5 users, load averages: 0.17, 0.17, 0.12
[Experimental Blog:]

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Clark Block
Was developed the Isotop:

The Isotop is really  a user-friendly and easy-to-use
variant of OpenBSD or is foolish?

Re: Booting octeon in single user mode

2019-05-07 Thread Visa Hankala
On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 09:19:05AM -0700, Jordan Geoghegan wrote:
> I have an old Edgerouter Lite I set up last year that I've forgotten the
> passwords for.

You can reset the passwords by using bsd.rd. Run the upgrader until
it has mounted the filesystems and asks "Location of sets?"
Type ! and press Return to enter shell, and run "chroot /mnt". After
that, you can use passwd(1) as usual.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Flipchan
Awesome wm no more words needed

On May 7, 2019 7:01:34 AM GMT+02:00, Clark Block  wrote:
>In 2019 still there is not a great desktop experience for NetBSD.
>the new "OS108" is seeking to improve this with a NetBSD operating
>paired with the MATE desktop environment.
>So, OS108, a derivative of NetBSD, has just been released:
>When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Henry Bonath
I'll respond directly here as I recognize you from another mailing
list we both are on :-)

This is *my* desktop of choice on OpenBSD:

Why mess with something less tried or true?

On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 8:19 AM Christopher Turkel
> This is a webpage I used to install Xfce.
> On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 6:22 AM John Long  wrote:
> > On Tue, 7 May 2019 08:47:18 +0200
> > Denis Fondras  wrote:
> >
> > > > user-friendly and easy-to-use
> > > >
> > >
> > > Sounds like the exact description of current OpenBSD...
> >
> > +100
> >
> > This is exactly why I like and use it.
> >
> >

armv7 : iic on BBB

2019-05-07 Thread Olivier

On BeagleBone Black. I can play with digital gpios without issue.

On an I2C bus, i connected 1 DS1621, 1 DS1631, 1 arduino and 1 BBB with 2
pull up resistors (2x 4.7 Kohms)

>From the arduino, via an I2C scanner, OK, we can see 2 different addresses:

DS1621 = 0x48
DS1631 = 0x49

>From the BBB, we do not see anything !

On BBB :
I2C1_SCL(P9 pin 17 / gpio0_5)
I2C1_SDA(P9 pin 18 / gpio0_4)

Logs :

droopy# dmesg | grep iic
tiiic0 at simplebus0 rev 0.11
iic0 at tiiic0
"ti,tps65217" at iic0 addr 0x24 not configured
"atmel,24c256" at iic0 addr 0x50 not configured
nxphdmi0 at iic0 addr 0x70: rev 0x0301
tiiic1 at simplebus0 rev 0.11
iic1 at tiiic1
"atmel,24c256" at iic1 addr 0x54 not configured
"atmel,24c256" at iic1 addr 0x55 not configured
"atmel,24c256" at iic1 addr 0x56 not configured
"atmel,24c256" at iic1 addr 0x57 not configured

What is wrong ?


Booting octeon in single user mode

2019-05-07 Thread Jordan Geoghegan

Hi folks,

I have an old Edgerouter Lite I set up last year that I've forgotten the 
passwords for.

I know you can boot single user mode on amd64 by typing "boot -s" at the 
bootloader prompt, but that does not seem to exist on octeon.

Any help you guys can provide getting my octeon into single user mode 
would be much appreciated.


Re: signify(1) signatures with a YubiHSM

2019-05-07 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 4:00 PM Ted Unangst  wrote:
> oh nice. I'm glad this is at least possible with some effort.

I should note that one limitation of the device is that it will only
sign ~2k of data for ed25519, due to the collision-proof hashing
scheme that requires buffering. Something like ed25519ph might fix
that, but YubiHSM doesn't support it yet.

For my purposes it doesn't really matter, since I'm signing a ~100
byte text file (the output of `b2sum -l 256 *.msi`).

Re: xbox 360 wireless controller on amd64 working?

2019-05-07 Thread Mike Coddington
On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 03:34:03PM +, plainball wrote:
> Seems to work rather good, on Linux - configs might need an adjustment or 2:
> any chances currently for bluetooth  coming back to openbsd?

Last I knew, Bluetooth drivers lacked a maintainer, i.e. someone willing
to put up with the byzantine specifications of Bluetooth. Developers
preferred to work on other things.

Put your Nose to the Grindstone!
-- Amalgamated Plastic Surgeons and Toolmakers, Ltd.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Mike Coddington
On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 10:06:19AM -0400, Christopher Turkel wrote:
> When I use
> any other OS I am always amazed how complicated they are.

This statement encapsulates why I like OpenBSD the best. I'm 40 and I've
got a five-year-old at home. When I need to use the computer, I'm
looking to get stuff done fast and be done with it. OpenBSD doesn't
demand too much of my time and it doesn't surprise me. That's the sort
of thing I look for these days. (I use my old Mac Mini if I ever have to
do things with proprietary junk. That doesn't happen very often.) 

Put your Nose to the Grindstone!
-- Amalgamated Plastic Surgeons and Toolmakers, Ltd.

Re: xbox 360 wireless controller on amd64 working?

2019-05-07 Thread plainball
Seems to work rather good, on Linux - configs might need an adjustment or 2:
any chances currently for bluetooth  coming back to openbsd?

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Tuesday, May 7, 2019 1:52 PM, Wolfgang Pfeiffer  wrote:

> On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 12:55:24AM +, wrote:
> > On May 6, 2019 8:55:41 PM UTC, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
> >
> > > Hi all
> > > Has anyone actually tried to use that controller on a fresh or older
> > > OpenBSD? If yes: successful?
> [ .. ]
> > Sorry, wireless won't work without a Bluetooth implementation.

.. any chances currently for bluetooth coming back to openbsd?
The approach below seems to be helpful.
> Ahh, now that I read it, I think I remember something like that. Bad
> luck, I'd say ..
> Here on linux I use that wireless controller as some sort of remote
> control: I navigate with it mpv, the movie player, to watch movies,
> youtube etc.: basically selected keys of one's choice are mapped to
> this controller - the buttons, bumpers, sticks etc. on it thus
> becoming technically something like keys on a keyboard, with, AFAICS,
> effectively the same functionality to the corresponding keys on a
> keyboard.
> That is, with controller buttons mapped like this, one can
> e.g. switch on/off subtitles for a video, turn the view upside down,
> or on one of its sides. Switch, choose available languages. Fast or
> slow backward the movie etc. etc.. and all this from a comfortable
> place on a sofa, chair: I think once someone felt the convenience of
> using that device like this, they'll never again go back navigating a
> movie with their keyboard ... :)
> Hoping I was able to wet someone's mouth with this short description
> .. :)
> I didn't write the driver: I simply took some configs and adapted
> them to my needs.
> More on it here:
> Thanks, at any rate!
> Regards,
> Wolfgang

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Peter N. M. Hansteen
On 5/7/19 11:11 AM, Jan Stary wrote:

>> That said, one of the things that NetBSD and OpenBSD have in common is
>> that they support quite a number of platforms, some of which were not
>> back in the day designed for graphics-heavy desktop use.
> And even there, everything works just fine:

yes, it definitely works. I do think it's somewhat at a remove from what
the original poster had in mind though :)

- P


Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

Re: Upgrade procedure (6.4 -> 6.5)

2019-05-07 Thread Ingo Schwarze
Hi Dumitru,

Dumitru Moldovan wrote on Tue, May 07, 2019 at 05:33:20PM +0300:
> On Sun, May 05, 2019 at 05:05:11PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>> Consus wrote on Fri, May 03, 2019 at 02:24:10PM +0300:

>>> Maybe it's a good idea to note this on the upgrade page? Something like
>>> "the upgrade procedure may leave some files behing; you can manually
>>> clean them up using sysclean package"?

>> For example, it is definitely useful to remove stale Perl libraries.
>> It is also useful for stale header files if you compile software
>> from source.  It is useful (but not terribly important) for stale
>> manual pages.  It is usually detrimental for old versions of shared
>> libraries, unless you are *really* short on disk space (which is getting
>> less common nowadays) *and* you are very careful.
>> For most use cases, we do not recommend using sysclean.

> I think there's a less common scenario not covered in this thread.
> Suppose you have locally-compiled binaries, linked to previous versions
> of libraries, belonging to an older version of the OS.  Those libs will
> never get patched after you upgrade, so any vulnerabilities they expose
> will remain exploitable in the binaries linked to them.

That is indeed true, and an important observation.

When you compile programs locally (as opposed to using packages),
special care is needed to keep them up to date.  The operating
system cannot do that for you, neither with nor without sysclean.


Re: Upgrade procedure (6.4 -> 6.5)

2019-05-07 Thread Dumitru Moldovan

On Sun, May 05, 2019 at 05:05:11PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:


Consus wrote on Fri, May 03, 2019 at 02:24:10PM +0300:

Maybe it's a good idea to note this on the upgrade page? Something like
"the upgrade procedure may leave some files behing; you can manually
clean them up using sysclean package"?


For example, it is definitely useful to remove stale Perl libraries.
It is also useful for stale header files if you compile software
from source.  It is useful (but not terribly important) for stale
manual pages.  It is usually detrimental for old versions of shared
libraries, unless you are *really* short on disk space (which is getting
less common nowadays) *and* you are very careful.

For most use cases, we do not recommend using sysclean.

I think there's a less common scenario not covered in this thread.
Suppose you have locally-compiled binaries, linked to previous versions
of libraries, belonging to an older version of the OS.  Those libs will
never get patched after you upgrade, so any vulnerabilities they expose
will remain exploitable in the binaries linked to them.

Re: PF Outbound traffic Load Balancing over multiple tun/openvpn interfaces/tunnels

2019-05-07 Thread mike42
Trying to replicate same setup with pairs and different rdomains for each tun
and also external interface, after a packet goes through pair interfaces
it's just disapears. 

Any ideas?

routing in rdomain  is set like:

route -T add default tun
route -T add  

Sent from:

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Christopher Turkel
I use OpenBSD as my daily driver as my desktop OS. It really is the easiest
OS I've ever used because of the wealth of documentation, everything is in
the man pages, with examples, plus so many resources on the web. When I use
any other OS I am always amazed how complicated they are.

On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 10:03 AM Karel Gardas  wrote:

> On 5/7/19 8:41 AM, Clark Block wrote:
> > Great desktop experience for OpenBSD is a user-friendly and easy-to-use
> > variant of OpenBSD!
> Oh, and I've had a hope that you will be talking about OpenBSD
> scheduler, POSIX threading implementation and what to do with it to make
> it "great desktop experience" which I probably just translates to "great
> web browser experience" subconsciously ...
> My bad.
> Anyway, from what I've seen in several Linux distros, FreeBSD and NetBSD
> I've needed to install recently, OpenBSD wins clearly in user-friendly
> and easy-to-use terms -- at least for me.

Re: signify(1) signatures with a YubiHSM

2019-05-07 Thread Ted Unangst
Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:
> I'm using signify(1) for update signatures in the upcoming WireGuard for
> Windows (there'll be OpenBSD news soon in that department, I hope!). Not
> wanting to store keys on my laptop or something, I managed to get a YubiHSM
> to produce valid signify(1) signatures. I thought I should document that
> somewhere, so here goes. Excuse the bashisms, coreutilsisms, and assume
> we're working inside a tmpfs.

oh nice. I'm glad this is at least possible with some effort.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Karel Gardas

On 5/7/19 8:41 AM, Clark Block wrote:

Great desktop experience for OpenBSD is a user-friendly and easy-to-use
variant of OpenBSD!

Oh, and I've had a hope that you will be talking about OpenBSD 
scheduler, POSIX threading implementation and what to do with it to make 
it "great desktop experience" which I probably just translates to "great 
web browser experience" subconsciously ...

My bad.

Anyway, from what I've seen in several Linux distros, FreeBSD and NetBSD 
I've needed to install recently, OpenBSD wins clearly in user-friendly 
and easy-to-use terms -- at least for me.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Jan Stary
On May 07 09:03:06, wrote:
> On 5/7/19 7:01 AM, Clark Block wrote:
> > In 2019 still there is not a great desktop experience for NetBSD. However,
> As others have noted, what constitutes "a great desktop experience" is a
> highly subjective matter. One person's great desktop experience could
> very well be another's living hell of blinkenlights and clickythings.
> That said, one of the things that NetBSD and OpenBSD have in common is
> that they support quite a number of platforms, some of which were not
> back in the day designed for graphics-heavy desktop use.

And even there, everything works just fine:

signify(1) signatures with a YubiHSM

2019-05-07 Thread Jason A. Donenfeld
Hey folks,

I'm using signify(1) for update signatures in the upcoming WireGuard for
Windows (there'll be OpenBSD news soon in that department, I hope!). Not
wanting to store keys on my laptop or something, I managed to get a YubiHSM
to produce valid signify(1) signatures. I thought I should document that
somewhere, so here goes. Excuse the bashisms, coreutilsisms, and assume
we're working inside a tmpfs.

First we create the signify(1) key:

signify -G -c "something neat" -n -p -s some-new-key.sec

Now extract the private key and PEM encode it:

base64 -d << some-new-key.sec.pem

Upload it to the HSM:

yubihsm-shell --connector yhusb:// -a put-asymmetric-key -i 1 -l some-new-key 
-d 1 -c sign-eddsa --informat=PEM --in=some-new-key.sec.pem

Delete the tmpfs private key:

rm some-new-key.sec.pem some-new-key.sec

Create a message:

echo hello world > msg

Extract the header from the public key:

tail -n 1 | base64 -d | head -c 10 > msg.sig.header.tmp

Create a signature with the HSM:

yubihsm-shell --connector yhusb:// -a sign-eddsa -i 1 -A ed25519 
--informat=binary --in=msg --outformat=binary --out=msg.sig.footer.tmp

Assemble the signature and clean up:

echo "untrusted comment: verify with" > msg.sig
cat msg.sig.header.tmp msg.sig.footer.tmp | base64 | tr -d '\n' >> msg.sig
echo >> msg.sig
cat msg >> msg.sig
rm msg.sig.header.tmp msg.sig.footer.tmp msg

Verify that the signature is valid:

signify -V -e -p -m msg

Hope this helps somebody.


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Christopher Turkel
This is a webpage I used to install Xfce.

On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 6:22 AM John Long  wrote:

> On Tue, 7 May 2019 08:47:18 +0200
> Denis Fondras  wrote:
> > > user-friendly and easy-to-use
> > >
> >
> > Sounds like the exact description of current OpenBSD...
> +100
> This is exactly why I like and use it.

Re: xbox 360 wireless controller on amd64 working?

2019-05-07 Thread Wolfgang Pfeiffer

On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 12:55:24AM +, wrote:

On May 6, 2019 8:55:41 PM UTC, Wolfgang Pfeiffer  wrote:

Hi all

 Has anyone actually tried to use that controller on a fresh or older
OpenBSD? If yes: successful?

[ .. ]

Sorry, wireless won't work without a Bluetooth implementation.

Ahh, now that I read it, I think I remember something like that. Bad
luck, I'd say ..

 Here on linux I use that wireless controller as some sort of remote
control: I navigate with it mpv, the movie player, to watch movies,
youtube etc.: basically selected keys of one's choice are mapped to
this controller - the buttons, bumpers, sticks etc. on it thus
becoming technically something like keys on a keyboard, with, AFAICS,
effectively the same functionality to the corresponding keys on a

 That is, with controller buttons mapped like this, one can
e.g. switch on/off subtitles for a video, turn the view upside down,
or on one of its sides. Switch, choose available languages. Fast or
slow backward the movie etc. etc.. and all this from a comfortable
place on a sofa, chair: I think once someone felt the convenience of
using that device like this, they'll never again go back navigating a
movie with their keyboard ... :)

 Hoping I was able to wet someone's mouth with this short description
.. :)

 I didn't write the driver: I simply took some configs and adapted
them to my needs.

More on it here:

Thanks, at any rate!


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread John Long
On Tue, 7 May 2019 08:47:18 +0200
Denis Fondras  wrote:

> > user-friendly and easy-to-use
> >  
> Sounds like the exact description of current OpenBSD...


This is exactly why I like and use it.

Re: X hangs again while on integrated

2019-05-07 Thread Gregory Edigarov

I've got some more info on this.

tried to run X with tiling wms: spectrwm (my main wm), dwm, i3 - all 
hang absolutely the same way. (see my last mail with X backtraced)

then I've tried fvwm - works

cwm - works

kde & gnome - both work flawlessly.

i.e. there is some trouble in the newest versions of Xenocara, making it 
impossible to run with tiling window manager at least on i915.

On 23.04.19 11:43, Gregory Edigarov wrote:

Hello misc@

it happens with no traces in logs.

most of the time while in chromium, but in firefox too. (with firefox 
it just needs more time)

thought it is memory, but memtest reveal nothing. the same is the 
video memory tests. it happens only on

intel i915. no hangs on radeon(non integrated).

when this happen i am always able to login via ssh too the box and 
kill X.

killing chrome or firefox doesn't help.

also noticed that with recent build as of Apr 21, kernel is loosing 
the changes made by config, but still works when i make changes during 
the boot in UKC.


OpenBSD 6.5-current (GENERIC.MP) #0: Sun Apr 21 14:26:55 EEST 2018
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 3.0 @ 0xb320 (90 entries)
bios0: vendor American Megatrends Inc. version "3805" date 05/10/2018
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices PEGP(S4) PEG0(S4) PEGP(S4) PEG1(S4) PEGP(S4)
PEG2(S4) SIO1(S3) UAR1(S4) UAR2(S4) PXSX(S4) RP09(S4) PXSX(S4) RP10(S4)
PXSX(S4) RP11(S4) PXSX(S4) [...]
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz, 2694.73 MHz, 06-5e-03

    cpu0: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 10 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 24MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz, 2693.78 MHz, 06-5e-03

    cpu1: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu1: smt 0, core 1, package 0
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 4 (application processor)
cpu2: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz, 2693.78 MHz, 06-5e-03

    cpu2: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu2: smt 0, core 2, package 0
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 6 (application processor)
cpu3: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz, 2693.78 MHz, 06-5e-03

    cpu3: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu3: smt 0, core 3, package 0
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 2 pa 0xfec0, version 20, 120 pins
acpimcfg0 at acpi0
acpimcfg0: addr 0xf800, bus 0-63
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 2399 Hz
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: 

Re: Checking hardware compatibility

2019-05-07 Thread mailinglists

I have a Supermicro A1SRM-LN7F/LN5F, which has a lot of the same hardware as 
the board you are interested in.

For IPMI I did a:
config -e -o /bsd
enable ipmi

I run vmd (virtual machines) without problems.
Doing 6 port (+1 port for admin) routing+pf+nat, mail server, sip server, 
httpd, nsd, unbound, ikev2

Other than that no problems.
I have done all the firmware-updates OpenBSD does after install.

See dmesg:

OpenBSD 6.5 (GENERIC.MP) #3: Sat Apr 13 14:48:43 MDT 2019
real mem = 8545869824 (8149MB)
avail mem = 8277237760 (7893MB)
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.8 @ 0x7f4cd000 (51 entries)
bios0: vendor American Megatrends Inc. version "1.0b" date 01/15/2015
bios0: Supermicro A1SRM-LN7F/LN5F
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices PEX1(S0) PEX2(S0) PEX3(S0) PEX4(S0) EHC1(S0)
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimcfg0 at acpi0
acpimcfg0: addr 0xe000, bus 0-255
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 1205.45 MHz, 06-4d-08
cpu0: 1MB 64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 8 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 100MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2281.70 MHz, 06-4d-08
cpu1: 1MB 64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu1: smt 0, core 1, package 0
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 4 (application processor)
cpu2: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2281.64 MHz, 06-4d-08
cpu2: 1MB 64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu2: smt 0, core 2, package 0
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 6 (application processor)
cpu3: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2281.72 MHz, 06-4d-08
cpu3: 1MB 64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu3: smt 0, core 3, package 0
cpu4 at mainbus0: apid 8 (application processor)
cpu4: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2281.63 MHz, 06-4d-08
cpu4: 1MB 64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu4: smt 0, core 4, package 0
cpu5 at mainbus0: apid 10 (application processor)
cpu5: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2281.72 MHz, 06-4d-08
cpu5: 1MB 64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu5: smt 0, core 5, package 0
cpu6 at mainbus0: apid 12 (application processor)
cpu6: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2281.63 MHz, 06-4d-08
cpu6: 1MB 64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu6: smt 0, core 6, package 0
cpu7 at mainbus0: apid 14 (application processor)
cpu7: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2758 @ 2.40GHz, 2281.72 MHz, 06-4d-08

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Peter N. M. Hansteen
On 5/7/19 7:01 AM, Clark Block wrote:

> In 2019 still there is not a great desktop experience for NetBSD. However,

As others have noted, what constitutes "a great desktop experience" is a
highly subjective matter. One person's great desktop experience could
very well be another's living hell of blinkenlights and clickythings.

That said, one of the things that NetBSD and OpenBSD have in common is
that they support quite a number of platforms, some of which were not
back in the day designed for graphics-heavy desktop use.

The OpenBSD installer works the same on all platforms, and is most loved
for such things as presenting sane defaults, offering up the data needed
for an automated install the next time around, and the recently
introduced automatic upgrade (sysupgrade, available in snapshots now).

Once the install is completed with the default values, a very basic X
desktop is available and may even start automatically if you told the
installer you wanted that. Getting other desktop environments such as
Gnome, Xfce or others up and running is mainly a matter of pkg_add and
perhaps doing what the package readmes or/and the messages at the end of
pkg_add runs tell you to.

If your version of "a great desktop experience" is something like what
you point to, building and maintaining such a beast would incur extra
effort on the part of developers for code that is useful to perhaps a
largish number of users but in fact very few of the platforms the
project wants to support as fully as possible.

> When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

All the bits you need are there already. It's mainly a matter of a few
pkg_add commands.

- Peter

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 7 May 2019 02:01:34 -0300
Clark Block  wrote:

> In 2019 still there is not a great desktop experience for NetBSD.
> However, the new "OS108" is seeking to improve this with a NetBSD
> operating system paired with the MATE desktop environment.
> So, OS108, a derivative of NetBSD, has just been released:
> When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

Are you a touch typist, and do you type more than 25 words per minute.
Typing skills are a big determinate of what a great desktop experience
is or isn't.


Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Denis Fondras
> user-friendly and easy-to-use

Sounds like the exact description of current OpenBSD...

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Clark Block
Great desktop experience for OpenBSD is a user-friendly and easy-to-use
variant of OpenBSD!

Re: When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

2019-05-07 Thread Solene Rapenne
On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 02:01:34AM -0300, Clark Block wrote:
> In 2019 still there is not a great desktop experience for NetBSD. However,
> the new "OS108" is seeking to improve this with a NetBSD operating system
> paired with the MATE desktop environment.
> So, OS108, a derivative of NetBSD, has just been released:
> When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?

"Great desktop experience" is subjective, and the current state is
enough for me for example.

I don't really see how adding a window manager this can improve the
"desktop experience" though.