Re: image view and manipulation

2016-07-04 Thread Tethys
On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Ryan Freeman  wrote:

> You might be interested in the ImageMagick (or GraphicsMagick) packages.
> The latter is a fork of the former, but they both supply the same
> commands.  display, convert, mogrify are some of the commands available,
> and can be useful to do things on the fly in a scripted fasion if you'd
> like.

ImageMagick's monolithic design is inflexible. It either does what you
want or you're out of luck. netpbm is a better option for pretty much
everything that you could do with ImageMagick. And if it doesn't do
what you want, you can write your own filter and insert it into the
pipeline at an appropriate place.


I saw cout being shifted "Hello world" times to the left and stopped
right there. — Steve Gonedes

Re: Why regexp works different in stock vi vs. vim

2016-02-05 Thread Tethys
On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 6:13 PM, Артур Истомин

> When I search tabs in stock vi with '/\t'. It finds all words 'tried'. In
> vim it finds tabs. Why?

Because \t is a literal t in a standard regular expression. vim uses a
different regular expression library that interprets it as a tab. If
you want to search for a tab, you can just use a literal tab in the
search string. In the past, I've needed to prefix it with ^v, but that
doesn't seem to be necessary on any of the systems I have in front of
me right now.


I saw cout being shifted "Hello world" times to the left and stopped
right there. — Steve Gonedes

Re: {r,s}mkx entries in terminfo db missing

2014-03-21 Thread Tethys
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:41 AM, Nils R  wrote:

>The original contains entries for {r,s}mkx, but when i query the 
>system terminfo database
>with 'infocmp -1 st', no entries for {r,s}mkx are found:
> % egrep '[rs]mkx'
> rmkx=\E[?1l\E>,
> smkx=\E[?1h\E=,
> % infocmp -1 st-256color | egrep '[rs]mkx' | wc -l
> How can this be?  Is this a bug or am i missing something?  Any help much 
> appreciated.

It would appear your compiled terminfo database wasn't built from the
same source file that you're looking at. OpenBSD is a bit
different to other Unixes here, but I think you should be able to
convert it to a termcap file using infotocap(1), insert it into
/usr/share/misc/termcap and then use cap_mkdb(1) to recompile the
terminfo database.


"Java is a DSL for taking large XML files and converting them to stack
traces" -- Bulat Shakirzyanov

Re: Bizarre pf/sendmail interaction

2013-12-18 Thread Tethys
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 7:54 AM, Jan Stary  wrote:

> So $riva is a member of $lokisafe, right?

Bingo! I knew it would be something trivial that I'd overlooked. All
working now.



"Java is a DSL for taking large XML files and converting them to stack
traces" -- Bulat Shakirzyanov

Re: Bizarre pf/sendmail interaction

2013-12-17 Thread Tethys
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Jan Stary  wrote:

>> block in log
>> block out log on $ext
> How could anyone help you knowing just these two lines?
> Show your pf.conf

I was trying to show that I only had two block lines and that they
both should log when blocking packets. My rules are actually very

match out on $ext from $int_ip to any nat-to $loki_ext

block in log
block out log on $ext

pass in quick on $int flags any

pass out on $ext from $lokisafe

pass in on $ext inet proto tcp to port 4334 rdr-to port ssh
pass in on $ext inet proto tcp from $mx to $loki_ext port smtp
rdr-to $riva port smtp flags any

pass out on $int inet proto tcp from $mx port smtp flags any

$int and $ext are interfaces on the firewall (loki). $loki_ext is the
external IP, $int_ip is the internal /24. $lokisafe is a selection of
/24s that I've sometimes used, including the internal network. $riva
is my home mail server. $mx is the IP addresses of my hosted MX

With tcpdump, I can see the response to the EHLO greeting leaving
riva, arriving on $int, but never making it to $ext. Using HELO
instead doesn't prompt the same behaviour.


"Java is a DSL for taking large XML files and converting them to stack
traces" -- Bulat Shakirzyanov

Re: Bizarre pf/sendmail interaction

2013-12-17 Thread Tethys
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Aaron  wrote:

> Did you enable forwarding?
> net.inet.ip.forwarding

Yes. Packets are being forwarded without problems, and it's working as
a firewall exactly as you'd expect for outbound traffic. I can browse
the web etc. But something strange is going on. Not only do I get
problems with EHLO vs HELO, but also I can't ssh from the firewall
into my internal mail server and if I ping it, it only works once:

# ping riva
PING riva.astradyne.corp ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.180 ms
ping: sendto: No route to host
ping: wrote riva.astradyne.corp 64 chars, ret=-1
ping: sendto: No route to host
ping: wrote riva.astradyne.corp 64 chars, ret=-1
ping: sendto: No route to host
ping: wrote riva.astradyne.corp 64 chars, ret=-1

It's as if something is allowing through a handful of packets and then
blocking subsequent ones. I wouldn't mind so much if I had a log
telling me what was being blocked and why. At least then I'd have a
clue what was going on and could adjust my pf.conf to fix it. But no,
the packets just seem to disappear into the ether.


"Java is a DSL for taking large XML files and converting them to stack
traces" -- Bulat Shakirzyanov

Bizarre pf/sendmail interaction

2013-12-17 Thread Tethys
My firewall died recently, so I replaced it with a new machine. Since
I needed to reinstall the OS, I naturally went for 5.4, rather than
whatever obsolete version I'd been using on the old machine. But now I
can't get incoming email. My setup is something like:

public mx ---> firewall ---> internal mail server

My mx server is hosted in a datacentre. It receives mail and forwards
it on to my home mail server. However, it's not working. From my mx
server, I can connect to port 25 on my internal mail server. If I
issue a HELO greeting, everything is fine. If I issue EHLO instead,
the reply never makes it back to the MX server (the reply is being
sent, as I've verified with tcpdump). So clearly something's dropping
it. But nothing's being logged to indicate that. I have two block
rules, both of which should be logging:

block in log
block out log on $ext

I can issue EHLO without problems from other machines on my internal
network, and from the firewall itself. But anything originating
outside of the firewall fails. Any ideas? I'm somewhat stumped. My
previous machine was sufficiently obsolete that the pf syntax has
changed since then, so I wasn't able to just reuse my old pf rules.


"Java is a DSL for taking large XML files and converting them to stack
traces" -- Bulat Shakirzyanov

Re: Can't reach

2010-11-02 Thread - Tethys
2010/11/2 Ari Constancio :

> Let me rephrase: I want to get man pages, and the link is
> .

man(1) is your friend...


bIt seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might be
wrong.b -- Chris Torek

Re: Linux or OpenBSD

2010-09-27 Thread - Tethys
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 11:10 PM, Brad Tilley  wrote:

> I don't mean this as bashing Linux, just pointing out facts. I think
> history shows that OpenBSD has a better track record here (if that means
> anything to anyone).

Does it though? The only empirical evidence I've seen is with OpenBSD
running in its default configuration, which I'm not aware of anyone
actually using in the real world. I'd be interested to see how an
OpenBSD web server or firewall fared against the Linux distributions
and commercial unices.


bIt seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might be
wrong.b -- Chris Torek

Re: OpenBSD culture?

2010-04-15 Thread - Tethys
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Matthias Kilian 

> What detail in the original reply Theo sent to the OP (and quoted
> it later on this list) was rude?

The lack of an answer. He could have said "Yes. Check your nearest
search engine for details". Which would have conveyed more information
in fewer characters. But instead he chose to just get annoyed at the
question. Like it or not, OpenBSD developers have a horrible culture
of being rude to those genuinely asking for information. Simply
pointing the poster in the direction of the documentation without
being so abrupt would achieve much more.

But hey, what would I know? I've been using BSD since the '80s, and
yet I've been told that I'm the sort of person OpenBSD doesn't need,
and to go away. That should probably tell you something...

FWIW, I still use OpenBSD, but now only on a firewall, and I've given
up on interacting with the community. I have a Linux desktop, although
I don't run the bloated horrors that are GNOME and KDE -- I haven't
sunk that far yet :-)


bIt seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might be
wrong.b -- Chris Torek

Re: Defending OpenBSD Performance

2009-09-16 Thread - Tethys
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Henning Brauer 

>> Sounds like building from source is necessary to me.
> boo hoo. run one machine somewhere and make release. done.

And that attitude is why OpenBSD will never be more than a hobby OS. Sigh.


bIt seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might be
wrong.b -- Chris Torek

Re: Defending OpenBSD Performance

2009-09-16 Thread - Tethys
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Henning Brauer 

>> Building from source is light years more difficult than
>> 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, or 'yum upgrade' or
>> the like.
> so don't fucking do it, use releases and packages.

So how does one remedy CVE-2009-0696 like that? From the web site:

007: RELIABILITY FIX: July 29, 2009   All architectures

A vulnerability has been found in BIND's named server
(CVE-2009-0696). An attacker could crash a server with a specially
crafted dynamic update message to a zone for which the server is

A source code patch exists which remedies this problem.

Sounds like building from source is necessary to me. As does:

If there genuinely is something as easy as "yum update bind", then
great. But if so, it doesn't seem to be documented, and this is the
reason I haven't rolled out more OpenBSD boxen in the real world. I
run OpenBSD on my own machines. But I'm with Cian here. Keeping up
to date really is its Achilles heel compared to other OSes, and is
holding it back for corporate use.


bIt seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might be
wrong.b -- Chris Torek

Re: OpenSSH exploit... or not?

2009-07-20 Thread - Tethys
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 6:53 PM, Kevin Wilcox wrote:

> I'll believe there is something to release when something gets
> released or the OpenSSH devs say "oh, wait, there's a problem..."
> Until then I'm treating anything from that poster (anti-sec) as FUD and SPAM.


The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to
understand the exponential function -- Albert Bartlett

Re: Where is "Secure by default" ?

2009-03-09 Thread - Tethys
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Marco Peereboom  wrote:
> because it is.

And therein lies some of the problem with the OpenBSD community. Don't
get me wrong, I like OpenBSD, I use it, and have donated to the
project. But here we have a user that has security concerns, and
rather than either admit there's a problem or point out why there's no
security hole, the answer given is just that it's secure "because it
is". That wouldn't fill me with confidence if I was looking to deploy
an OpenBSD system. I'm worried that some are getting complacent about
OpenBSD's security here...

Maybe it's a troll. Maybe not. Can we afford to be turning away
potential users on the off chance?


The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to
understand the exponential function -- Albert Bartlett

Re: rfc1918

2009-01-22 Thread - Tethys
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Steve Laurie  wrote:

> I was wondering if someone could tell me why there's a need to write
> a rule to block addresses that come under the private address space if
> these addresses aren't routable over the Internet?

An RFC that says they shouldn't be routeable over the Internet doesn't
mean that they aren't. I've seen plenty of cases where a misconfigured
router has sent RFC1918 packets out onto the net. Blocking them at
your border is cheap, so it makes sense to do so.


Perl is like vise grips. You can do anything with it but it is the
wrong tool for every job. -- Bruce Eckel

Re: Failure to NAT

2008-12-02 Thread - Tethys
On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 9:47 PM, Stijn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you post the output of "pfctl -s all".

I could do, but the problem was the lack of pf=YES in rc.conf

It all works fine now.


Perl is like vise grips. You can do anything with it but it is the
wrong tool for every job. -- Bruce Eckel

Failure to NAT

2008-12-02 Thread - Tethys

The hard drive on my firewall machine died overnight, so I rebuilt
it with a new hard drive this morning. I grabbed the most recent
OpenBSD CD I had to hand (which was 3.8 -- yes, I know, and the
order for 4.4 followed as soon as I got to work and had net access

The problem is that while I have net access from the firewall itself,
I don't from any of the machines on my internal network. After playing
with tcpdump, it seems that packets are coming in fine on the internal
interface, and are leaving on the external interface, but are not being
NATed on the way through. Nothing is being logged on pflog0.

My internal interface is, and the external interface is My minimal pf.conf[1] looks like:

int = "fxp0"
ext = "rl0"

nat on rl0 from to any ->

block in log
pass in log quick on $int
pass out log on $ext keep state is the test machine I'm using on the internal network.
Yet packets from that machine are leaving rl0 with a source IP of, not as the NAT rule implies they should be.

Obviously I'll reinstall with 4.4 when it arrives, but in the mean
time, I'm stuck without net access for most of the machines in the
house, and urgently need to sort this out.

Any ideas on where I might be going wrong, and what I can do to fix it?



[1] Obviously the real one will be somewhat more complex, but I need
to get something working first, and then I'll build a pf.conf
that does what I need.

Perl is like vise grips. You can do anything with it but it is the
wrong tool for every job. -- Bruce Eckel