Re: xwindows screen resolution

2005-05-27 Thread Alari Kask
Chel kenal pC$eval, N, 2005-05-26 kell 21:19, kirjutas Gregory L.
> Hello all,
> I am wondering how to set the screen resolution for x-windows. How does 
> one cycle through the different resolutions? Change resolutions? I have 
> loaded kde and cannot change out of "640x480" mode. My xorg.conf file 
> contains muliple modes including:
> Depth 24
> Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "1600x1400"
> Greg Magnusson

You have to set DefaultDepth 24 in your configfile, and the correct
frequencys for your monitod (HorizSync, Vertrefresh) you can probably
find them by searching google.On the modes line, the mode you would like
to use as the default should come first.
A reccomendation:Use X -configure to create a new configfile, on some
hardware it detects the right syncs on your monitor and so on, you can
alter it later to fit your needs (resolution, depth, etc.)

Re: Installing KDE

2005-05-27 Thread Alari Kask
\hel kenal pdeval, R, 2005-05-27 kell 13:06, kirjutas Johan M:son
> On Friday 27 May 2005 10.47, Ami Emanuel Bizamcher wrote:
> > hey all,
> >
> > how do i start kde from xdm ?
> > (i want my users to start KDE and not fwvm by default)
> >
> > thank is what installed:
> > openbsd 3.7 (GENERIC)
> > kdebase-3.3.2p3.tgz
> >
> > p.s.
> >
> > i tried to set the .xinitrc file to:
> > exec /usr/local/bin/startkde
> >
> > thanks,
> > ami.
> >From xdm(1)
> "
>  The xlogin widget, which xdm presents, offers the familiar
>login and password prompts.
>After the user logs in, xdm runs the  Xstartup  script  as
>Then  xdm runs the Xsession script as the user.  This sys-
>tem session file may do some additional startup and  typi-
>cally  runs the .xsession script in the user's home direc-
>tory.  When the Xsession  script  exits,  the  session  is
> "
> Yup, that's right, you could've found that out by reading the manual.
> Regards
> Johan M:son

ln -s .xinitrc .xsession

Network Boot

2005-05-30 Thread Alari Kask
I have a vision of something like this :

My OpenBSD machine acts as a pxe boot server, clients on the lan boot
pxe and get a choice of booting the operating system on the clients hard
drive, or boot openbsd kernel for installation or diagnostics and for
example boot memtest86 or some other diagnostic program ?

Can this be done with OpenBSD ?

I only saw instructions on booting OpenBSD kernel from PXE, but i would
like to have some more options, as described before.

Any suggestions/comments are welcome.

OpenBSD with Linksys WRT54G

2005-07-03 Thread Alari Kask
my home network consists of 6 machines, one of them runs openbsd, which
i used for dhcp, nat, pf, php, mysql, etc.
Now i bought a Linksys WRT54g wifi router, at the moment i use the
router's configuration utility, which is accessible over the web,
i'm not familiar with it and it doesn't feel comfortable for me, i'd
still like to use openbsd for serving my home network and use the router
for 100Mb LAN and for WiFi,
my question is - is it possible to just use the router as an access
point and set the firewall rules, dhcpd on my openbsd box, so the router
would just show up as an interface under ifconfig ?

OpenBox in OpenBSD

2005-08-30 Thread Alari Kask
I put together some tips, to get openbox up and running quickly in  
openbsd, maybe someone find it helpful :-)

LiveCD thread

2005-09-26 Thread Alari Kask
A few months ago, i put together some intsructions for making a livecd,
but didn't have the time to complete it, i'll post them here, and if  
anybody wants,
we can work on it together and complete it and post it to the  
mailinglist and perhaps ?
So here we go :

# cd /usr
# export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs
# cvs -d$CVSROOT checkout -P src
# mkdir -p /livecd/backups/{var,etc,dev}
# cp -pR /var /livecd/backups/var
# cp -pR /etc /livecd/backups/etc
# cp -pR /dev/MAKEDEV /livecd/backups/dev


# tar -zcvf livecd.tgz /
# tar -zxvf livecd.tgz -C /livecd/
# rm -r /livecd/usr/src/*


# wget
# wget
# tar -zxvf base37.tgz -C /livecd/
# tar -zxvf etc37.tgz -C /livecd/

# cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf

- config bsd swap generic
+configbsd root on cd0a

# cd /usr
# vi


--- src/distrib/i386/common/ Mar  3 09:16:02  
+++ src/distrib/i386/common/Makefile.incThu Mar  3 09:16:32 2005
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
  newfs -m 0 -o space -i 524288 -c 80 ${VND_RDEV}
  mount ${VND_DEV} ${MOUNT_POINT}
  cp ${BOOT} ${.OBJDIR}/boot
-strip ${.OBJDIR}/boot
-strip -R .comment ${.OBJDIR}/boot
+strip -s -R .comment -K cngetc ${.OBJDIR}/boot
  dd if=${.OBJDIR}/boot of=${MOUNT_POINT}/boot bs=512
  dd if=bsd.gz of=${MOUNT_POINT}/bsd bs=512
  /usr/mdec/installboot -v ${MOUNT_POINT}/boot \
@@ -54,8 +53,7 @@
bsd.gz: bsd.rd
  cp bsd.rd bsd.strip
-strip bsd.strip
-strip -R .comment bsd.strip
+strip -s -R .comment -K cngetc bsd.strip
  gzip -c9 bsd.strip > bsd.gz
bsd.rd:${IMAGE} bsd rdsetroot

# patch -p0 <
# cd /usr/src/distrib/crunch && make && make install
# cd /usr/src/distrib/i386/ramdisk_cd && make
# cd /usr/src/distrib/i386/ramdisk_cd
# cp bsd cdrom37.fs /livecd/
# vi /livecd/etc/rc
# vi /livecd/etc/fstab
# vi /livecd/backups/etc/rc
# vi /livecd/backups/etc/fstab
# cd /livecd && mkisofs -b cdrom37.fs -c boot.catalog -R -v -o /tmp/ 
livecd.iso /livecd
# cdrecord -v speed=24 dev=/dev/rcd0c -data /tmp/livecd.iso

The fstab and and rc files are available from the livecd article at  
If anybody feels like creating a howto for creating a livecd, feel  
free to contact me.

Instructions for tracking -CURRENT

2005-11-09 Thread Alari Kask

Hello everybody, i put together some instructions for tracking -CURRENT,
it's just for getting things done faster, than reading the cvs  
instructions on the homepage of openbsd.

Any feedback is welcome.

Re: Instructions for tracking -CURRENT

2005-11-10 Thread Alari Kask

On Nov 9, 2005, at 10:30 PM, Han Boetes wrote:

Alari Kask wrote:

Hello everybody, i put together some instructions for tracking
-CURRENT, it's just for getting things done faster, than reading
the cvs instructions on the homepage of openbsd.

I bet you can't make it faster than this. ;-)

# Han

Re: Instructions for tracking -CURRENT

2005-11-13 Thread Alari Kask
> From: Alari Kask <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: November 11, 2005 1:51:12 PM GMT+02:00
> To: Nick Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Instructions for tracking -CURRENT
> On Nov 11, 2005, at 4:57 AM, Nick Holland wrote:
>> Alari Kask wrote:
>> ... [I *refuse* to post that link again]
>> I was right, more damage than good.
>> I *really* wish people would quit accomplishing one little thing,
>> writing it up in "HOWTO" form, and patting themselves on the back and
>> thinking they were doing the world some kind of favor by  
>> publishing it.
>> I pity the fool who thinks that seeing something in print makes it
>> somehow true.  There are a lot of such fools, unfortunately.  "Oh,  
>> look,
>> I found it on a web page, it must be true!"
>> In the free world, you have the right to speak and write as you wish,
>> regardless of the accuracy, but I will warn people: THINK,  
>> DAMMIT.  Just
>> because someone put it on a web page with an OpenBSD graphic DOES NOT
>> MAKE IT USEFUL or even close to accurate.
>> With this document, you try to lead people on a long path that  
>> will only
>> sometimes get them where they want to go, and yet, the direct route
>> (snapshots) is simpler, safer and faster.  The long route has  
>> twists and
>> turns you do not warn people about.
>> Nick.
> Actually, these instructions were for myself, but i thought i'd  
> share it with the community of openbsd,
> guess it wasnt't such a good idea.
> Yes, installing from a snapshot is easier, but if i want to build a  
> specific part of the system, i dont feel like installing the whole  
> system just to get that specific part, i'll just build it from source.

TEW-423PI WiFi Card in OpenBSD

2006-02-21 Thread Alari Kask

i have a Trendnet TEW-423PI 802.11g WiFi card,
it seems to use a Texas Instrument chip, i only found information  
regarding TI not releasing open-source drivers and linux reverse- 

This is the part of the dmesg output conserning this card :

vendor "Marvell", unknown product 0x1faa (class network subclass  
ethernet, rev 0x03) at pci0 dev 13 function 0 not configured

I'm running 3.8-stable i386, any help would be appreciated.
