Dell Rack Rails

2011-05-24 Thread Ben Adams

I have a few Dell Servers that are 1U and 2U.  Problem is that Colocation's 
rails are 30.  The rails that came with the servers where only about 28 or 27. 
 Anyone know of a good company to get universals that will go the full 30?


OpenBSD with PHP and MySQL

2011-01-06 Thread Ben Adams
I know OpenBSD is built for security.
Using OpenBSD with bigmem on Mysql and PHP (No need for apache) machine.
How much of a preformance difference is there from FreeBSD??
Looking for % or TBS or QBS.

Machines will be mini 1U.
one Quad core and 8GB of ram.

Thanks and yes OpenBSD is built for security. Just looking for performance 

Ben Adams
SpryMed --

Sierra Wireless Sierra Wireless MC5720 Modem

2010-10-26 Thread Ben Adams
I have an IBM T60, running 4.8 just got in mail :)

I'm trying to setup a modem connection (First time ever)

Oct 26 17:42:33 laptop /bsd: ubt0 at uhub4 port 1 Broadcom Corp BCM2045B rev 
2.00/1.00 addr 2
Oct 26 17:42:33 laptop /bsd: umsm0 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 
Sierra Wireless Sierra Wireless MC5720 Modem rev 1.10/0.01 addr 2
Oct 26 17:42:33 laptop /bsd: ucom0 at umsm0

I have seen someone trying with ppp.conf and one with /etc/remote
When I search /dev I don't find umsm0 or uhub

# ls /dev/ | grep uhub  

# ls /dev/ | grep umsm0

I'm not sure what device I'm to use. I can try and figure out ppp.conf by the 
and man ppp

just don't know what device.  Thanks for any help.
